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Terror attack in Nice

I work with a Muslim. He hasn't blown anything up in the nearly two decades I've worked with him. He thinks these acts are absurd and fly in the face of Islam.
Have you tried to give him your opinion of Prophet Mohamed? :)
Not the PC crap, just tell him what you really think, and please use french cartoons.

I have a muslim related anecdote too. I have known muslim from Pakistan. He drank beer and complained his wife was not happy about that. He was a muslim too. Certainly part of wide 1billion of muslims statistics.
That opinion is very likely wrong. If a small group of Jews went around killing Jews on the Jewish high holidays, I doubt we'd be giving their claims to theological purity much credibility.

Religion is not like mathematics, where we can isolate the essence to specific axioms, which if not followed means you're doing it wrong.

Yeah, it's not like Islam has some book which contains specific religious tenets for reference.

Yeah, because we all know that all religious people follow everything in their holy books. I haven't seen that true of most Christians and Jews, why should it be different for any other religion. We give extremists legitimacy by insisting that piety is commensurate to how literally one takes a holy book.
I work with a Muslim. He hasn't blown anything up in the nearly two decades I've worked with him. He thinks these acts are absurd and fly in the face of Islam.
Have you tried to give him your opinion of Prophet Mohamed? :)
Not the PC crap, just tell him what you really think, and please use french cartoons.
I've told him that there is too much fasting. Eating is better. Told him Islam should be more like Christianity where people just stop caring about everything in the religion.

I have a muslim related anecdote too. I have known muslim from Pakistan. He drank beer and complained his wife was not happy about that. He was a muslim too. Certainly part of wide 1billion of muslims statistics.
Well we have doubled the number of Muslims not blowing shit up.
Everyday I bicycle through the Somali neighborhood on my way home from work. Not one bomb. No pirates (except on Halloween.. Somali kids love to dress as pirates). Not even a Libertarian.
American right wing politicians seem to have a hard-on for Europe's immigration and terrorist issues. While in reality, American muslims are fairly liberal and harmless folks, and the American immigration policy is incredibly pragmatic, people like Gingrich or Trump that are drooling over massacres in Europe and role playing like they are their problems.
Have you tried to give him your opinion of Prophet Mohamed? :)
Not the PC crap, just tell him what you really think, and please use french cartoons.
I've told him that there is too much fasting. Eating is better. Told him Islam should be more like Christianity where people just stop caring about everything in the religion.
But this is not what you really think.
I have a muslim related anecdote too. I have known muslim from Pakistan. He drank beer and complained his wife was not happy about that. He was a muslim too. Certainly part of wide 1billion of muslims statistics.
Well we have doubled the number of Muslims not blowing shit up.
But was he a really a muslim or he simply wanted to keep his wife happy so he can have sex?
How many of these were committed by non-Muslims?


Oh, and the Amish are just as bad.
I've told him that there is too much fasting. Eating is better. Told him Islam should be more like Christianity where people just stop caring about everything in the religion.
But this is not what you really think.
I think being an atheist makes it easy to discern my thoughts of deism. He still hasn't blown anything up.
I have a muslim related anecdote too. I have known muslim from Pakistan. He drank beer and complained his wife was not happy about that. He was a muslim too. Certainly part of wide 1billion of muslims statistics.
Well we have doubled the number of Muslims not blowing shit up.
But was he a really a muslim or he simply wanted to keep his wife happy so he can have sex?
So this is a case of "wife leaves the guy, the guy gets depressed and go church mosque and "good" people there explain meaning of life to him"
ISIS really perfected their "lets recruit some weirdo" scheme.
If I was in french counter-terrorism I would have started massive recruitments of weirdos myself for sting operations.

It's a standard way of recruiting one-shot attackers.

You find someone whose life is bad for some reason, explain to him that the real cause of his problems is <x> and encourage him to attack <x>.
So this is a case of "wife leaves the guy, the guy gets depressed and go church mosque and "good" people there explain meaning of life to him"
ISIS really perfected their "lets recruit some weirdo" scheme.
If I was in french counter-terrorism I would have started massive recruitments of weirdos myself for sting operations.

It's a standard way of recruiting one-shot attackers.

You find someone whose life is bad for some reason, explain to him that the real cause of his problems is <x> and encourage him to attack <x>.
Loren has done a great job here of showing how religion has nothing to do with these attacks.
It's a standard way of recruiting one-shot attackers.

You find someone whose life is bad for some reason, explain to him that the real cause of his problems is <x> and encourage him to attack <x>.
Loren has done a great job here of showing how religion has nothing to do with these attacks.

It really supports the theory that an MRA cell encouraged him to attack.
It's a standard way of recruiting one-shot attackers.

You find someone whose life is bad for some reason, explain to him that the real cause of his problems is <x> and encourage him to attack <x>.
Loren has done a great job here of showing how religion has nothing to do with these attacks.

No he hasn't.

I am a third generation atheist. I admit that I don't understand the grip that the belief in religion (or other fantasies) can have on people. But I think that a large part of the problem especially in France is that the French haven't done enough to integrate immigrants into French society. I think that this is at least one of the reasons why France is where the majority of these attacks have occurred. I can't think of a less important thing to French society and a more important thing to Muslims than the wearing of head scarves in school. And yet the French banned them.

But failure to integrate immigrants isn't as large of a problem in other European countries. In Germany refugees and immigrants are told that as a condition of their acceptance into the country they have understand that they will become Germans. That they must learn German, that they will send their children to German schools, that they will only be allowed to live scattered among Germans in German neighborhoods. On the German side that the Germans will provide the immigrants with German born mentors to help the immigrants, with material support through a transition that can last years, with occupational and academic training and if required, job placement.

The Germans learned that this is required from their bad experience with the guest worker programs of the 1960's and 1970's, when the workers were considered to be temporary so that they stayed apart from German society in their own Turkish and Italian ghettos.

It is imperative that France and other countries learn these lessons too. Immigration is the only thing that will stand between these countries, and eventually even other developed countries including the US, and the Japanese kind of lost decides as working populations shrink and the societies aren't able to support an increasing population of retirees.
There is noting mentioned about him going to the mosque. It seems so far to be a lone lunatic with a criminal record of violence, but no links to terrorist organisations. The mechanics of a criminals, mind and a terrorists is similar in that the criminal and terrorist tend to claim their actions had a good cause.
Well, they say he had a load of weapons in his truck. So it's reasonable to assume he had some assistance. So lunatic but not lone.

I have "loads" of weapons in my house, nobody helped me except my Visa card.
You see children, when it is in a JPG, you don't have to worry, it is unimpeachable!
Jimmy, the pictures are spot-on. You and your ilk sound exactly this absurd.
I'm just glad to know I have an ilk.

So we have hundreds of millions of Muslims not waging war, and because there are thousands, tens of thousands of Muslims waging war, Islam must be evil.
Jimmy, the pictures are spot-on. You and your ilk sound exactly this absurd.
I'm just glad to know I have an ilk.

So we have hundreds of millions of Muslims not waging war, and because there are thousands, tens of thousands of Muslims waging war, Islam must be evil.

Compare Muslim majority countries to the rest, on rights, freedom, prosperity, crime, etc. Would you want to live in a Muslim majority country? With this mass migration, you just may get to. Just look how enriched the Egyptian Copts became after the Muslims grew to outnumbered them.
I'm just glad to know I have an ilk.

So we have hundreds of millions of Muslims not waging war, and because there are thousands, tens of thousands of Muslims waging war, Islam must be evil.
Compare Muslim majority countries to the rest, on rights, freedom, prosperity, crime, etc.
Yeah. That is one of the reasons living in the Western World is nicer than in the Middle East. And gay sex was just decriminalized too. Of course, wasn't it the Christian Western Worlds that were supporting the dictators in countries in the Middle East? Why don't you step away from Christianity... oh wait... wrong forum.
Would you want to live in a Muslim majority country? With this mass migration, you just may get to. Just look how enriched the Egyptian Copts became after the Muslims grew to outnumbered them.
Yeah, immigrants are going to outnumber all of us!
Everyday I bicycle through the Somali neighborhood on my way home from work. Not one bomb. No pirates (except on Halloween.. Somali kids love to dress as pirates). Not even a Libertarian.

In Minnesota, ignorance is bliss!

Sept. 7: Federal grand jury targets local terrorist pipeline
Between 20-30 Somalis may have conspired to join terrorists.


Heh. "20-30 Somali Males" euphemistically called "young men."
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