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Terror attack in Nice

Jimmy, the pictures are spot-on. You and your ilk sound exactly this absurd.
I'm just glad to know I have an ilk.

So we have hundreds of millions of Muslims not waging war, and because there are thousands, tens of thousands of Muslims waging war, Islam must be evil.

Well Jimmy , you and your ilk are refusing to buy into the wild fear-mongering, so that's a big problem right there. I mean, how dare you not be terrorized by terrorists? Don't you know that when an attack like this happens (even if you're nowhere near it and not in any danger) you're supposed to have a knee-jerk reaction, spout paranoid propaganda, ramp up the phobia at all levels and over-react?

I mean sure, that's exactly what the terrorists hope you'll do, but if you don't do it, then you'll be part of an "ilk."

You don't want to be part of an ilk, do you?

But I think that a large part of the problem especially in France is that the French haven't done enough to integrate immigrants into French society.
Well, I think the biggest part of the problem is that the Muslims in France are a random sample or at least a more random sample than Muslims going to e.g. the USA, who must come to terms with the fact that they go there for a better life alone, because otherwise they could go to a much less controversial place for a Muslim, like France. And average Muslims don't want to assimilate, since theirs is one of the cultures that see assimilation as bad. Think of all the wudhu' rules, food taboos, no marrying outside Islam, that sort of self-isolating culture that permeates even the non-religious among them.

Or rather imagine how would you look at a population whose cuisine included roadkill ripened in noon heat, whose bathing culture did not extend beyond wiping their hands on their hair, who have been described by your valued literature as eating like animals on account of having seven intestines, that sort of thing. Well, people from cultures with 'purity laws', specifically Muslims, Jews, Hindus et. al. regard us regular folks in some shade of that manner, not primarily because they themselves keep away from such abominations - often they don't even know all the rules, or don't care about them - but because they are the products of a culture which included the indirect hints about the subhuman status of outsiders for centuries. You can work with them, 'befriend' them and they won't even bring it up; would you bring up lack of hygiene or disapproval of one's food preferences with someone? Sometimes they can't even voice the issue themselves, so obvious and I-didnt-think-it-needs-mention level of trivial it seems to them that they are the vanguard of an elite civilization.
I think that this is at least one of the reasons why France is where the majority of these attacks have occurred.
France is a well-established figurehead of 'Western intervention' in the Levant. America as the Great Satan is relatively new; to them, France and not the USA was sort of the Great Satan since the late 1800's.
Compare Muslim majority countries to the rest, on rights, freedom, prosperity, crime, etc.
Yeah. That is one of the reasons living in the Western World is nicer than in the Middle East. And gay sex was just decriminalized too. Of course, wasn't it the Christian Western Worlds that were supporting the dictators in countries in the Middle East? Why don't you step away from Christianity... oh wait... wrong forum.
Would you want to live in a Muslim majority country? With this mass migration, you just may get to. Just look how enriched the Egyptian Copts became after the Muslims grew to outnumbered them.
Yeah, immigrants are going to outnumber all of us!

Good job deflecting, Jimmy!

But I think that a large part of the problem especially in France is that the French haven't done enough to integrate immigrants into French society.

Maybe the more central cause is permitting way more to immigrate than reason and experience would counsel. Coming in large numbers, they clustered together creating parallel societies. If immigration had been limited to a trickle, rather than a flood, these attacks by those who give allegiance to religion, and not to the country that welcomed them, probably would have been avoided.
Jimmy, the pictures are spot-on. You and your ilk sound exactly this absurd.
I'm just glad to know I have an ilk.

So we have hundreds of millions of Muslims not waging war, and because there are thousands, tens of thousands of Muslims waging war, Islam must be evil.
Islam gives rise to all of them. Whatever can give rise to evil is evil.

And yes, you have an ilk. The ones who maintain that culture does not matter, that religion is not part of one's culture, who don't want discussion, only arrogant assertions of dogma.

Look, the way it is done it is that you try to find out why the other side thinks what he thinks. But you and your ilk make that impossible in either direction; you have your mind made up about what am I going to say about Islam and why, and you react with abuse if we ask about your reasons. Of course, your hatred for us is a righteous hatred, nothing to do with the hatred of others and not making you a bigot. Right?
Still waiting for these crypto-fascists to point some actual evidence that this killer was inspired by Islam or Islamic terrorists.
I'm just glad to know I have an ilk.

So we have hundreds of millions of Muslims not waging war, and because there are thousands, tens of thousands of Muslims waging war, Islam must be evil.
Islam gives rise to all of them. Whatever can give rise to evil is evil.
Seeing that 'evil' is a made up construct, your statement is meaningless. If we want to go with 'whatever can give rise to bad shit is bad shit... capitalism will need to step forward.

And yes, you have an ilk.
And I bath it weekly and take good care of it.
The ones who maintain that culture does not matter, that religion is not part of one's culture, who don't want discussion, only arrogant assertions of dogma.
Oh... you are talking about an imaginary ilk.

Look, the way it is done it is that you try to find out why the other side thinks what he thinks.
Do I need to do this in some sort of bubble that neglects history? That helps right?
But you and your ilk make that impossible in either direction; you have your mind made up about what am I going to say about Islam and why, and you react with abuse if we ask about your reasons.
Of course, your hatred for us is a righteous hatred, nothing to do with the hatred of others and not making you a bigot. Right?
"Us"? Who is "us"? Wait... are you a Lebron James hater? Because yeah, can't stand you type of people. But what does that have to do with this thread?
Still waiting for these crypto-fascists to point some actual evidence that this killer was inspired by Islam or Islamic terrorists.

There is no evidence at this point, so it would of course be rash to assume this was organised by or inspired by terrorist groups. I would have thought that the roads would be blocked, unless he simply drove through any barriers.
Another lone psycho. Orlando and Nice.

There were issues in the ME before the US terrorist attack of Iraq. It was not perfection. But the biggest problem was Palestine and the Israeli brutal oppression.

It was nothing like it is now after the US terrorist attack and terrorist occupation and the aftermath.

These are the aftershocks of that insane invasion which was the catalyst of ISIS growing to more than a small band of nobodies in Syria.

And we've seen the rise of an insane anti-Muslim climate in the West.

Muslims feel threatened. They feel under attack. Even Muslims that have never harmed anybody feel under attack.

And the most fragile are snapping.

This will be looked at one day as the age of anti-Muslim hysteria. It is a shame we have to live through it before people regain their senses.
Still waiting for these crypto-fascists to point some actual evidence that this killer was inspired by Islam or Islamic terrorists.

There is no evidence at this point, so it would of course be rash to assume this was organised by or inspired by terrorist groups. I would have thought that the roads would be blocked, unless he simply drove through any barriers.
I seem to recall reading that he got through the blockade by saying that he was delivering ice cream. Who could say no to that?
It's a standard way of recruiting one-shot attackers.

You find someone whose life is bad for some reason, explain to him that the real cause of his problems is <x> and encourage him to attack <x>.
Loren has done a great job here of showing how religion has nothing to do with these attacks.

Showing that the initial problem wasn't religion doesn't mean religion wasn't behind it.
It's a standard way of recruiting one-shot attackers.

You find someone whose life is bad for some reason, explain to him that the real cause of his problems is <x> and encourage him to attack <x>.
Loren has done a great job here of showing how religion has nothing to do with these attacks.

And that he is an expert in absolutely everything!

Your video doesn't even suggest any connection to religion, so at this point you're just pandering to racist fears about immigrants; if the best you can come up with is that a group of young men were harassing people, and that a handful might have gone overseas to join terrorist groups, then your case is pretty fucking weak.

BTW, Trausti, despite all your fearmongering in this and other threads about how the Islamic takeover is nigh and we're all gonna die, I notice you haven't even looked at my thread about Gingrich's blatantly fascistic call to deport Muslims who think in a way he doesn't want them to. What gives? Surely, someone so keen on defending Western values would have something to say about his egregious proposal, wouldn't they?
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His video was merely to refute the notion that somalian neighborhood is a safest spot in town.

That's not what Nice Squirrel said. He merely said he didn't see any bombs or pirates - but of course, anything positive being said about a Muslim community is unacceptable to Trausti and so he had to go dig up some fucking nonsense.
His video was merely to refute the notion that somalian neighborhood is a safest spot in town.

That's not what Nice Squirrel said. He merely said he didn't see any bombs or pirates - but of course, anything positive being said about a Muslim community is unacceptable to Trausti and so he had to go dig up some fucking nonsense.
Then Nice Squirrel forgot to mention that he was raped and beaten, (but not blown up)
Then Nice Squirrel forgot to mention that he was raped and beaten, (but not blown up)

I guess if someone is so bold as to mention that they managed to walk through a black neighborhood unscathed, we have to go dig up stories about black thugs harassing people to keep things balanced :rolleyes:
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