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Terror attack in Nice

Whatever can give rise to evil is evil.

What a moronic thing to write. Freedom and creativity can give rise to evil. Therefore according to you freedom is evil.
If you think it's illogical, why is it that you can't point out the break in logic without resorting to abuse? Perhaps because that's the kick you get out of all this?

Freedom does not give rise to evil. Freedom has no tenets, it's the lack of tenets. This is as asinine as saying that atheism gives rise to stalinist crimes; atheism as freedom from superstition has no dogma, either. The islamists of ISIS and al-Qaeda are Muslims too, infer their right to action from one part of Islamic thought and their motivation from another part. Therefore Islam does give rise to them.
What a moronic thing to write. Freedom and creativity can give rise to evil. Therefore according to you freedom is evil.
If you think it's illogical, why is it that you can't point out the break in logic without resorting to abuse? Perhaps because that's the kick you get out of all this?

Freedom does not give rise to evil. Freedom has no tenets, it's the lack of tenets. This is as asinine as saying that atheism gives rise to stalinist crimes; atheism as freedom from superstition has no dogma, either. The islamists of ISIS and al-Qaeda are Muslims too, infer their right to action from one part of Islamic thought and their motivation from another part. Therefore Islam does give rise to them.
People use creativity to come up with evil acts to do. Freedom allows people to infer their right to action. So, creativity and freedom do give rise to evil

In addition, Islam also gives some people the right to action and their peaceful motivation which suggests Islam is not evil.
Is there a registration fee for joining the ilk?

Yes, it's called the jizya, and our imminent Islamic overlords will be along to collect it any day now. When it happens, we'll all realize how wrong we were to ignore the warnings of the valiant keyboard warriors who tried and failed to save Western civilization.

Your video doesn't even suggest any connection to religion, so at this point you're just pandering to racist fears about immigrants; if the best you can come up with is that a group of young men were harassing people, and that a handful might have gone overseas to join terrorist groups, then your case is pretty fucking weak.

Minnesota is one of those places paralyzed by political correctness. The reporter had to do the story in a certain, progressive-stack approved, way. But he allowed the audience some slivers of truth, if you pause.


BTW, Trausti, despite all your fearmongering in this and other threads about how the Islamic takeover is nigh and we're all gonna die, I notice you haven't even looked at my thread about Gingrich's blatantly fascistic call to deport Muslims who think in a way he doesn't want them to. What gives? Surely, someone so keen on defending Western values would have something to say about his egregious proposal, wouldn't they?

What is it about Islam that you find so endearing? You seem absent whenever other religions are criticized on this forum. And seeing a member of an atheist/agnostic board consistently defend religion is bizarre. Is it that you find the story of seizure-ridden child molester who spoke in tongues and commanded his followers to kill non-believers more credible than, say, a guy who claimed to be the son of a deity who arose after dying on a crucifix, or, say, a guy who said he was directed by an angel to some golden plates with scripture, which he couldn't keep as proof, but luckily was able to write down?
Minnesota is one of those places paralyzed by political correctness.
Please explain what it means to be paralyzed by political correctness so all these Minnesotans can start working to get free.

BTW, still waiting for the evidence that the killer in Nice was inspired by Islam or an Islamic terrorist group. Without that evidence, you and your fellow Islamaphobes look even more wrong than usual.
Minnesota is one of those places paralyzed by political correctness.
Please explain what it means to be paralyzed by political correctness so all these Minnesotans can start working to get free.

Would think the reporter's need to enlist euphemisms and omit facts so as not to disrupt the progressive stack would be telling enough.

BTW, still waiting for the evidence that the killer in Nice was inspired by Islam or an Islamic terrorist group. Without that evidence, you and your fellow Islamaphobes look even more wrong than usual.

Good grief. Another Islamophile on an atheist board.

Islamophobia: The fear that rednecks and hicks were right about Islam.

The investigation is just underway. Lone wolf?

Meanwhile, according to legal sources, five men believed to be linked to the Tunisian man who killed 84 people when he drove a truck into a Bastille Day crowd in Nice were arrested overnight Saturday, a judicial source said.

Two of the men being held were arrested Friday and three others on Saturday morning, the source added. The driver's estranged wife is also still being held by police.

Would think the reporter's need to enlist euphemisms and omit facts so as not to disrupt the progressive stack would be telling enough.
Being paralzyed by political correctness means some jackass doesn't like the way a news story is reported? Sorry, that is moronic.

Good grief. Another Islamophile on an atheist board.

Islamophobia: The fear that rednecks and hicks were right about Islam.

The investigation is just underway. Lone wolf?

Meanwhile, according to legal sources, five men believed to be linked to the Tunisian man who killed 84 people when he drove a truck into a Bastille Day crowd in Nice were arrested overnight Saturday, a judicial source said.

Two of the men being held were arrested Friday and three others on Saturday morning, the source added. The driver's estranged wife is also still being held by police.

I accept your apology that there is no evidence at this point.
Minnesota is one of those places paralyzed by political correctness.
Please explain what it means to be paralyzed by political correctness so all these Minnesotans can start working to get free.

BTW, still waiting for the evidence that the killer in Nice was inspired by Islam or an Islamic terrorist group. Without that evidence, you and your fellow Islamaphobes look even more wrong than usual.
I have to admit, having been to Minnesota a couple of times, you can tell of the PC paralysis looking at the lines of Minnesotans being stopped at the Wisconsin border, desperately seeking to try and start a new life.
In Minnesota, ignorance is bliss!

Sept. 7: Federal grand jury targets local terrorist pipeline
Between 20-30 Somalis may have conspired to join terrorists.


Heh. "20-30 Somali Males" euphemistically called "young men."

Were they young men? Now this makes me curious, since this is the next neighborhood over from mine and it is a very expensive one. And the "town" is central Minneapolis, and the Somali neighborhoods are not crime free.

ETA: Okay got a lock on the location. I routinely bicycle by this house. The houses here are occupied by millionaires and are across from a very busy and popular beach. Not saying anything is wrong with the investigation or reports, but something does smell fishy. I will monitor this one.

From the link:
ISIS' media group, Amaq Agency, said Saturday that an ISIS "soldier" carried out the attack.
In a statement, it said "the person ... carried out the operation in response to calls to target nationals of the coalition which is fighting the Islamic State."
Bouhlel hadn't shown up on any anti-terrorist intelligence radar, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said.
He had no record of making militant statements and was not known to the intelligence services, the minister said.
"It seems he became radicalized very quickly," Cazeneuve said Saturday, without offering specifics.

In other news, Elvis is alive because someone said so.
Your video doesn't even suggest any connection to religion, so at this point you're just pandering to racist fears about immigrants; if the best you can come up with is that a group of young men were harassing people, and that a handful might have gone overseas to join terrorist groups, then your case is pretty fucking weak.

Minnesota is one of those places paralyzed by political correctness. The reporter had to do the story in a certain, progressive-stack approved, way. But he allowed the audience some slivers of truth, if you pause.
Hubbard Broadcasting (channel 5) do the story in a certain, progressive-stack approved, way? Hahahahahahahahahaha! Oh that is rich.
Confirmed: ISIS takes credit for attack with no apparent connection to their group.

There wouldn't be a bunch of arrests if he were a lone wolf.

Kinda missing the point, aren't you? The article you linked proved only that ISIS took credit for the attack, but provided no other information to confirm a connection. We don't know who the others are (two, not a "bunch") and French authorities have not yet determined if the attack was motivated (as your source points out) by "rage or radicalization."
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