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The Anti Science And Evolution Thread


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
This is the thread to dispute science. Tell us how we are all wrong. Pick a topic. Evolution, origins of the universe, perpetual motion..whatever.

There are a few general possibilities as to life began on Earth.

1. It was created when a god winked the universe into existence. This included the fossil record.

2. An unknown Intelligent Designer did it. One then has to explain where this designer came from, for Christians a back door to creationism.

3. Scientific evolution.

The outline of evolution is life evolving from small organisms to life today through natural selection, mutation, and the environment.

Arguments against


The claim is life is too complex to developed through chance and selection. Complexity is a subjective human view.My view is life and the Universe is too complex to be designed by any being.

Violation Of Laws Of Thermodynamics

Claims are made the rise of self replication structures are prohibited by thermodynamics. All's that is needed is enough energy to overcome chemical entropy for reactions to self start. Simple spontaneous combustion as a loose example. Combine two chemicals and an energetic reaction occurs.

God Did It

I belie in a god, therefore he, she, or it did it. Creation myths are not seclusive to Abrahamics.
I don't doubt the fossil record as much as I doubt the alleged history of the last few 1000 years, or century for that matter.
I think it was in the 19th a Christian tried to reconcile fossils with creationism by saying god placed them there.

There is nothing that suggests humans ever cohabited with dinosaurs. In certain times fishing would be quite hazardous in a boat.
The claim is life is too complex to developed through chance and selection.

It's pretty clear from observing the universe that the behavior of a system can be more complex than the rules that govern it. So, this claim falls on its face pretty quickly, in my opinion. This claim is essentially an argument from incredulity.
I think it was in the 19th a Christian tried to reconcile fossils with creationism by saying god placed them there.

There is nothing that suggests humans ever cohabited with dinosaurs. In certain times fishing would be quite hazardous in a boat.
However, if the history of the last 1000 years is inaccurate, it would be very easy for an advanced civilization of humans to plant dinosaur, historical, and religious fossils.

Why would they want to do that? To pacify the poor that they continually use to build and maintain their yachts/mansions, and religioparaartistic infrastructure.
The claim is life is too complex to developed through chance and selection.

It's pretty clear from observing the universe that the behavior of a system can be more complex than the rules that govern it. So, this claim falls on its face pretty quickly, in my opinion. This claim is essentially an argument from incredulity.
The claim isn't always that simple. From an extremely complex entity (that can be perceived as a superposition of all possible wave states of qualia, movement, interaction), simple natural laws can arise.

The question is then: is there a mathematical framework that points towards one or the other? Does entropy (among other things) indicate deliberate intent (in the design of the universe) to someone with sufficient knowledge (as in, all of the sudden, QM, GR, PS (Pauli-Sci), adult entertainment, and everything clicks into place)?
Aw cummon. We're better at this than what's just passed for disputing well established empirical understanding.

IMHO current science is man putting everything in order about his existence in a very probably random world. From those endeavors com birth of the  anthropic principle and purpose of the universe. We need a few more who, like Horace Barlow, see monkey claw receptors and Barlow detectors in cat brains. Give in. forget TOE and statistics, the game is rigged.
It is interesting to see that a record number of scientists are running for office in 2018. Spurred on by the anti-science stances of many GOP congress critters. There is an organization, 314 Action that is trying to draft and support scientists running for office.


[h=1]The Largest Number Of Scientists In Modern U.S. History Is Running For Office In 2018[/h]
It is interesting to see that a record number of scientists are running for office in 2018. Spurred on by the anti-science stances of many GOP congress critters. There is an organization, 314 Action that is trying to draft and support scientists running for office.


[h=1]The Largest Number Of Scientists In Modern U.S. History Is Running For Office In 2018[/h]

Bad news. They will work for the benefit of established fake theories rather than make a reform in science which is badly needed.

Human fossils.

Evolutionists have based their theory in fossils collected from different places at different levels of underground findings.

From a tooth evolutionists figured out to build the entire body of the "human" who owned it.

Same from a jaw.

Actually, evolutionists have made their millions years chronology of human ancestors based in sporadic fossil parts and three skeletons, which are so huge amount of evidence that they can fit in the trunk of my car besides the cooler with beer.

Tel me about it.
From a tooth evolutionists figured out to build the entire body of the "human" who owned it.
And you have a citation for this? OR is it just something a creationist said and you never questioned?
Same from a jaw.
Same need for a citation. The ENTIRE human body from a jaw?
Actually, evolutionists have made their millions years chronology of human ancestors based in sporadic fossil parts and three skeletons, which are so huge amount of evidence that they can fit in the trunk of my car besides the cooler with beer.

Tel me about it.
No, you tell us. How do you measure 'sporadic' with respect to the fossil record?

Human fossils.

Evolutionists have based their theory in fossils collected from different places at different levels of underground findings.

From a tooth evolutionists figured out to build the entire body of the "human" who owned it.

Same from a jaw.

Actually, evolutionists have made their millions years chronology of human ancestors based in sporadic fossil parts and three skeletons, which are so huge amount of evidence that they can fit in the trunk of my car besides the cooler with beer.

Tel me about it.

There is no evidence humans coexisted with dinosaurs. If god created T-REX you'd think there would be some mention in history, a cave drawing or two. If not evolution, how do you explain life?
And you have a citation for this? OR is it just something a creationist said and you never questioned?Same need for a citation. The ENTIRE human body from a jaw?
Actually, evolutionists have made their millions years chronology of human ancestors based in sporadic fossil parts and three skeletons, which are so huge amount of evidence that they can fit in the trunk of my car besides the cooler with beer.

Tel me about it.
No, you tell us. How do you measure 'sporadic' with respect to the fossil record?

When is about man, no problem to make educated guesses, the motto is to create the fantasy that was with hair in all the body and simian characteristics. Assumed 2 million years man.

265065C800000578-2979646-Scientists_used_3D_imaging_techniques_to_reconstruct_the_skull_o-a-53_1.jpg 265065C200000578-2979646-Reconstructions-a-52_1425496382188.jpg

But, when is about a pig, their imagination can't help them because they see themselves and don't want to be recognized.

Image of an assumed pig, 4 million years old


Here no one tries to "reconstruct the image showing how was the assumed animal image.

By the way, these evolutionists believe that this Nyanzachoerous was family of current pigs.

Lets go further.

Greek legends said that humans are descendants of fish. Greeks knew better than current arqueologists.


400 million year old fish fossil reveals jaw structure linked to humans


And to end with the fable about evolution, the family of Mr. Adolph Hitler was actually the first human race, something that makes him be right after all: 9.7 million years human tooth.


Archaeology fossil teeth discovery in Germany could re-write human history


No idea how in the world you believe all that crap... but well, your beliefs are your beliefs... lol
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Human fossils.

Evolutionists have based their theory in fossils collected from different places at different levels of underground findings.

From a tooth evolutionists figured out to build the entire body of the "human" who owned it.

Same from a jaw.

Actually, evolutionists have made their millions years chronology of human ancestors based in sporadic fossil parts and three skeletons, which are so huge amount of evidence that they can fit in the trunk of my car besides the cooler with beer.

Tel me about it.

There is no evidence humans coexisted with dinosaurs. If god created T-REX you'd think there would be some mention in history, a cave drawing or two. If not evolution, how do you explain life?

T-Rex mutated and lost tail and teeth. The bible says birds came before humans and dinosaurs were birds.


Big Bird dinosaur found / Fossil of new species scientists named Gigantoraptor discovered in the Gobi Desert


Dinosaurs are just few thousand years old, those million years is just an absurd assumption.
So, I guess I have to ask it again.

From a tooth evolutionists figured out to build the entire body of the "human" who owned it.
What tooth are you talking about? What scientist 'figured out' the entire body of the human from just one tooth?
And again
Same from a jaw.
What jaw are you talking about?

And again, again:
Actually, evolutionists have made their millions years chronology of human ancestors based in sporadic fossil parts
How do you define 'sporadic?' What do you mean by the term? What's the measurement of 'sporadic' rather than 'sufficient?'
When is about man, no problem to make educated guesses, the motto is to create the fantasy that was with hair in all the body and simian characteristics.
Who tells you this motto? Where is it promulgated? Or are you just talking out your ass...?
Assumed 2 million years man.
Noooooooooooo, not 'assumed.'
If you understand the various dating methods employed by researchers, and can find a hole in the actual science, please provide it.
Lacking that, it just sounds like typical creationist bullshit and ignorance.
But, when is about a pig, their imagination can't help them because they see themselves and don't want to be recognized.
That sounds kind of like you're trying to INSULT the researchers. Odd, considering how you tried to tell me you weren't the sort of person who did that...

But, you know, no one expects honesty or consistency from an online creationist apologist.
Here no one tries to "reconstruct the image showing how was the assumed animal image.
I'm willing to bet that there's an attempt, somewhere, to reconstruct the individual. That's what they do.
No idea how in the world you believe all that crap... but well, your beliefs are your beliefs... lol
Well, since you clearly can't read anything of evolution objectively, I wouldn't expect you to understand why anyone finds it compelling. So most of your time spent trying to mock the science just keeps showing your ignorance.

Dinosaurs are just few thousand years old, those million years is just an absurd assumption.

Some dinosaurs are just a few days, hours, or minutes old. Every day, thousands of dinosaurs emerge from their egg. I'm talking about birds, of course.

If we use the stem group definition for mammals, dinosaurs are indeed younger than mammals by a hundred million years or so. There was even a time when mammals thusly defined ruled the continents, before anyone talked about dinosaurs.

But that doesn't make your "thousands of years" true, unless you mean to say hundreds of thousands of thousands of years.
The best argument against Big Bang Cosmology is the energy density of the universe. All matter creates a gravitational curvature, and since the Higgs field in the Standard Model permeates the entire universe, its energy density should create curvature. If you calculate what that curvature should be, you find the universe should be curled up into about the size of an orange.

To get around this you have to posit a huge negative pressure that just exists everywhere (with no explanation of where it comes from) to balance it out. And it has to balance it to one part in 10^120, which is rather unbelievable. This is known as the "cosmological constant problem".
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