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The beautiful women thread [NSFW]

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Is that a perfect ass? I rate it a 9. ������

Sent from my HP 10 Plus using Tapatalk

A perfect ass would have a needless signature at the end of every post.

Sent from my Babbage Difference Engine using Slothmail.

I know what you mean. The thing has a Sent from my HP 10 Plus using Tapatalk default that I don't know how to remove. I can do so on posts I'm quoting by un ticking a box. Otherwise when using tapatalk it sends that annoying signature.
A perfect ass would have a needless signature at the end of every post.

Sent from my Babbage Difference Engine using Slothmail.

I know what you mean. The thing has a Sent from my HP 10 Plus using Tapatalk default that I don't know how to remove. I can do so on posts I'm quoting by un ticking a box. Otherwise when using tapatalk it sends that annoying signature.
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