Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
I don't know who's who in creation science but I heard this in passing on a radio show,
Heard this in a Chi stain show. 'Secular' science says there is evidence that there have been multiple ice ages, but they are wrong there has only been one. And it was caused by the biblical flood.
It goes something like this.
1. A delugue occurs.
2. Oceans re warmed.
3. More water and higher temp increases evaporation.
4. Most in the atmosphere reflects sunlight.
5. Erath cools.
6. All the moisture falls as snow and we get an ice age.
A tetament to unbounded human imagination.
Heard this in a Chi stain show. 'Secular' science says there is evidence that there have been multiple ice ages, but they are wrong there has only been one. And it was caused by the biblical flood.
It goes something like this.
1. A delugue occurs.
2. Oceans re warmed.
3. More water and higher temp increases evaporation.
4. Most in the atmosphere reflects sunlight.
5. Erath cools.
6. All the moisture falls as snow and we get an ice age.
Michael Oard
Michael J. Oard is a young Earth creationist who has written about flood geology, ice ages, and the extinction of woolly mammoths. Oard is a member of the board of the Creation Research Society.[1][2] According to Creation Ministries International, Oard "has published about 200 articles in the...
Michael J. Oard is a young Earth creationist who has written about flood geology, ice ages, and the extinction of woolly mammoths. Oard is a member of the board of the Creation Research Society.[1][2] According to Creation Ministries International, Oard "has published about 200 articles in the creationist technical literature" and has been involved in "fourteen published creationist books".[1]
Scientific credentials
B.S. Atmospheric Science, University of Washington. M.S., Atmospheric Science, University of Washington.[3] Retired Meteorologist at US National Weather Service.[2]
An Ice Age Within the Biblical Time Frame
The ice age is one of many physical processes believed by evolutionists to require much more time than the Bible allows. However, there Is evidence that the climatic consequences of Noah's Flood caused a rapid Ice age. All uniformitarian ice age mechanisms, Including the astronomical theory...
The Ice Age and the Genesis Flood
The origin of the ice age has greatly perplexed uniformitarian scientists. Much cooler summers and copious snowfall are required, but they are inversely related, since cooler air is drier. It is unlikely cooler temperatures could induce a change in atmospheric circulation that would provide the...
A tetament to unbounded human imagination.