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The CIA coup that is now underway to overthrow the POTUS elect


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx

There is an "elite" coup attempt underway against the U.S. President-elect Trump.
The coup is orchestrated by the camp of Hillary Clinton in association with the CIA and neoconservative powers in Congress.
The plan is to use the CIA's "Russia made Trump the winner" nonsense to swing the electoral college against him. The case would then be bumped up to Congress. Major neocon and warmonger parts of the Republicans could then move the presidency to Clinton or, if that fails, put Trump's vice president-elect Mike Pence onto the throne. The regular bipartisan war business, which a Trump presidency threatens to interrupt, could continue.
Should the coup succeed violent insurrections in the United States are likely to ensue with unpredictable consequences.

This is NOT a conspiracy theory and these guys are going to be playing some serious hard ball. IMO the US government and the media would not dare to so obviously and openly participate in a coup against democracy and an elected president unless they expect the coup to succeed.

Furthermore, now that I have seen all that has occured since this election, I am also in agreement (as usual) with what Paul Roberts has to say on this matter:

Those who romanticize Bernie Sanders are out to lunch. A person as weak as Sanders proved to be, completely collapsing in the face of his stolen presidential nomination by Hillary, could not possibly have prevailed over the powerful oligarchic groups that rule America. When we finally get a president-elect strong enough to bring change from the top down, the leftwing-liberal-progressive elements join the CIA in denouncing him!

Anyway, I didn't think Trump could win the election and for a moment I thought I was wrong. But in the final analysis, it is looking like I may have been correct after all.
Ya, I disagree that Trump is either strong or is going to bring change. He's going to give a blank check to the elites to rob the American people blind and they're not going to try and derail the gravy train before it even gets started.
Ya, I disagree that Trump is either strong or is going to bring change. He's going to give a blank check to the elites to rob the American people blind and they're not going to try and derail the gravy train before it even gets started.

If the facts convict Trump and he gets thrown out, then what? Mike Pence would be president. There's no mechanism that could credibly put Clinton in the White House. That's why this sounds more like an attempt at prophylaxis, to avert a threat to Trump's ascendance that they know is coming - because they know he's a fraud, cheat and a liar. It has been a pattern of the Trump regime to quickly accuse others of their own scurrilous intent, before a case can be mounted.
Ya, I disagree that Trump is either strong or is going to bring change. He's going to give a blank check to the elites to rob the American people blind and they're not going to try and derail the gravy train before it even gets started.

If the facts convict Trump and he gets thrown out, then what? Mike Pence would be president. There's no mechanism that could credibly put Clinton in the White House. That's why this sounds more like an attempt at prophylaxis, to avert a threat to Trump's ascendance that they know is coming - because they know he's a fraud, cheat and a liar. It has been a pattern of the Trump regime to quickly accuse others of their own scurrilous intent, before a case can be mounted.

Not necessarily Pence. There are a lot of republican neocons who like Hillary. And yes, if you bother to read the article it outlines exactly how Hillary gets in. But even if Pence is put in, the neocons and the military spending complex will get what they want.
As opposed to getting the way that they want by having members of their complex in major cabinet positions with an absentee president who won't pay any attention to what they're doing?
One way or another, this will be over on Monday, December 19. I can hardly wait.
One way or another, this will be over on Monday, December 19. I can hardly wait.

Why would it be over then? Just because a conspiracy is completely disproven is no reason to abandon a good conspiracy.
This is NOT a conspiracy theory..
It is the definition of a conspiracy theory.

Do you mean this is not some nut job's idea of reality?

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One way or another, this will be over on Monday, December 19. I can hardly wait.

Why would it be over then? Just because a conspiracy is completely disproven is no reason to abandon a good conspiracy.
Spoken like someone who is part of the conspiracy.
Need I point out that if the electoral college decides against Trump, it is not a 'coup,' but the constitution functioning as it was written, and dare I say, intended?

I do not think the electors will change it. But the constitution gives them that power. It is not a coup any more than an impeachment would be.
Ya, I disagree that Trump is either strong or is going to bring change. He's going to give a blank check to the elites to rob the American people blind and they're not going to try and derail the gravy train before it even gets started.

If the facts convict Trump and he gets thrown out, then what? Mike Pence would be president. There's no mechanism that could credibly put Clinton in the White House. That's why this sounds more like an attempt at prophylaxis, to avert a threat to Trump's ascendance that they know is coming - because they know he's a fraud, cheat and a liar. It has been a pattern of the Trump regime to quickly accuse others of their own scurrilous intent, before a case can be mounted.

Question--if Trump has already been sworn in before the hands of justice catch up with him of course Pence gets it. What if it's before he's sworn in, though?

There is an "elite" coup attempt underway against the U.S. President-elect Trump.

Others have the same view

Neocon panic and agony

Right now the Trump rhetoric simply makes no sense: he wants to befriend Russia while antagonizing China and he wants to defeat Daesh while threatening Iran again. This is lunacy. Still, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but somebody sure needs to educate him on the geopolitical realities out there before he also end up making a total disaster of US foreign policy.

And yet, I still have a small hope.

My hope is that the latest antics of the Neocons will sufficiently aggravate and even enrage Trump to a point where he will give up on his futile attempts at appeasing them. Only by engaging in a systematic policy of “de-neoconization” of the US political establishment will Trump have any hopes of “making America great again”. If Trump’s plan is to appease the Neocons long enough from him to be sworn in and have his men approved by Congress – fine. Then he still has a chance of saving the USA from a catastrophic collapse, but only as long as he remains determined to ruthlessly crack down on the Neocons once in power. If his hope is to distract the Neocons by appeasing them on secondary or minor issues, then his efforts are doomed and he will go down the very same road as Obama who, at least superficially, initially appeared to be a non-Neocon candidate and who ended up being a total Neocon puppet (in 2008 the Neocons had placed their bets on McCain and they only infiltrated the Obama Administration once McCain was defeated).
Anyone who thinks Trump is "strong" or going to "bring change" in any non-fascist, intelligent way is fucking clueless. Talk about being out to lunch! The Einsteins who voted for him don't have a fucking clue about their own humanness so I don't suppose we can expect them to discern the words and actions of a person of principles. They don't hold principles, just ever-changing, convenient compartmentalizations. They wouldn't recognize characteristics of strength or honesty in a leader to save their stupid, uneducated, miserable lives.
Ya, I disagree that Trump is either strong or is going to bring change. He's going to give a blank check to the elites to rob the American people blind and they're not going to try and derail the gravy train before it even gets started.

if this is the case he should get on well with the current UK government :)
Ya, I disagree that Trump is either strong or is going to bring change. He's going to give a blank check to the elites to rob the American people blind and they're not going to try and derail the gravy train before it even gets started.

if this is the case he should get on well with the current UK government :)

Bet on it. The oligarchs will band together and bleed off every penny they can get their grubby mitts on.
if this is the case he should get on well with the current UK government :)

Bet on it. The oligarchs will band together and bleed off every penny they can get their grubby mitts on.

Ya, but the getting along isn't going to last. There'll be some minor, misunderstood potential insult which will blow the whole thing up.

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Note to self - when a website says it it from "World News Daily" assume it is indeed a conspiracy theory and stop wasting your time reading.
Don't let that bother you Rhea. This is all out in the open. Being published in several newspapers including the Washington Post and on the internet. Obama even had a news conference to talk about it.

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Bet on it. The oligarchs will band together and bleed off every penny they can get their grubby mitts on.

Ya, but the getting along isn't going to last. There'll be some minor, misunderstood potential insult which will blow the whole thing up.

One thing that is clear to me now is that Trump has cleverly and skillfully picked his cabinet members as well. Because he has in effect created a fight within oligarchic interests. There are the military/security (Hillary) oligarchs who want the immense budgets and power that comes from positioning Russia as a dire threat. Versus the (Trump) Tillerman Secretary of State oil oligarchs who want the business deals that result from normal relations with Russia. Clearly he is playing chess and I would not have been that smart to set things up that well.
Do you think he's picking his own cabinet members? He's surrounded by enablers and loons and he's highly suggestible. All it takes is stroking his ego a bit and making him think it was his idea. He's easily manipulated and he's surrounded by manipulators. I suspect he's past the point of no return, if he's aware at all that he's a tool, and he should be aware by now that he's stuck unless he's actually stupider than I previously thought, which was pretty fucking stupid.
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