• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

The Democratic Party has attractive positions for moderate republicians/center right voters

The video is.
Okay... YouTube video makes claim. You sell it.
Just for your pleasure lets just say the video is a total fake. How do you explain so many Haitians settling in one particular place magically coming with housing, transportation, and food? I know that my immigrant ancestors did not have anything close to this kind of help.

Who paid for this to happen?
A few come. They are welcomed and get good jobs where their hard work is appreciated. They tell their friends and family about the situation so they come too and tell their own friends and families.

It's no big conspiracy.

But it may be voodou... ;)
How do you explain so many Haitians settling in one particular place magically coming with housing, transportation, and food?
Word of mouth, available employment. Something developed and grew. Things can't be all too bad in Springfield, you didn't know the place existed before the debate! Heck, I had no idea that this was a thing, and I live in Ohio. Sen. Vance hadn't mentioned it before the debate either. And he's from that general area!
It’s pretty much what Frank Zappa said:
Dude, don't try to pawn bs research and information gathering on Zappa!
How do you explain so many Haitians settling in one particular place magically coming with housing, transportation, and food?
Word of mouth, available employment. Something developed and grew. Things can't be all too bad in Springfield, you didn't know the place existed before the debate! Heck, I had no idea that this was a thing, and I live in Ohio. Sen. Vance hadn't mentioned it before the debate either. And he's from that general area!
It’s pretty much what Frank Zappa said:
Dude, don't try to pawn bs research and information gathering on Zappa!
Zappa would see through RVonse's crap in less than a heartbeat.
The video is.
Okay... YouTube video makes claim. You sell it.
Just for your pleasure lets just say the video is a total fake. How do you explain so many Haitians settling in one particular place magically coming with housing, transportation, and food? I know that my immigrant ancestors did not have anything close to this kind of help.

Who paid for this to happen?
A few come. They are welcomed and get good jobs where their hard work is appreciated. They tell their friends and family about the situation so they come too and tell their own friends and families.

It's no big conspiracy.

But it may be voodou... ;)
20,000 friends? That is a LOT of friends. That makes no sense at all. And suspiciously a LOT of success over the existing indigenous people in such a short amount of time. If they were that successful given their expected net worth at entry, I would expect them to have reached Elon Musk status by now.
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So, there you go Rvonse, even the REPUBLICAN governor of Ohio has good things to say about the Haitian immigrants in Springfield. You need to start getting your information from actual reliable sources and stop spreading the lies, the bigotry and the hate that come from the MAGAs.
Again. I've said before and still feel the pet eating is a side show. I could care less if they ate all the pets for their religious experience. It would be crude by our customs but at least I am not paying for it as a tax payer.

The real thing to be looked at is where all the money came to house, transport, and feed 20,000 new incomers. Was it our government or was it private capital? I'm betting it was the government being bribed by private capital but still looking everywhere to learn more. And if our government was involved like it would bet it was, who's decision was that? Bidens? How does Harris stand on this issue or is she just another puppet for the oligarchy??? Now is the time to learn more about Harris since voting in some states has already begun!
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Causing locals to become homeless themselves. I don't know the answer but I suspect it has something to do with wealthy corporations.
Or "The Jews"?
No, the wealthy corporations. The Jewish people have nothing to do with any of this.

In case you have not noticed, the wealthy capitalists have a long US history of fighting with sharing of their profits with labor. That is exactly what this looks like to me.
Perhaps you can point out the Republican policies that favor labor. Was it Wilbur Ross heading up the Commerce Department? How about Betsy Devos trying to make is so only rich private school kids can get educated? How about their drive to destroy the labor department? Or their efforts to destroy the epa so they can dump negative externalities all over the commons and keep the save profits for themselves?

Does anyone think this is a real person?

So, there you go Rvonse, even the REPUBLICAN governor of Ohio has good things to say about the Haitian immigrants in Springfield. You need to start getting your information from actual reliable sources and stop spreading the lies, the bigotry and the hate that come from the MAGAs.
Again. I've said before and still feel the pet eating is a side show. I could care less if they ate all the pets for their religious experience. It would be crude by our customs but at least I am not paying for it as a tax payer.

The real thing to be looked at is where all the money came to house, transport, and feed 20,000 new incomers. Was it our government or was it private capital? I'm betting it was the government being bribed by private capital but still looking everywhere to learn more. And if our government was involved like it would bet it was, who's decision was that? Bidens? How does Harris stand on this issue or is she just another puppet for the oligarchy??? Now is the time to learn more about Harris since voting in some states has already begun!
You appear to think that 20,000 Haitians instantaneously were transported to Springfield Ohio. That is not what happened. According to various news reports (that are easily accessible on the Internet - search "How did Haitians get to Ohio) in 2018 - about 6 years ago Haitians began legally coming to Springfield OH because it relatively inexpensive to live and there were jobs.
Haitians first started arriving around 2018 and chose Springfield because of job opportunities and affordable housing, Lucken Merzius, a Haitian immigrant living in the area, told PBS News.

“I got a decent job when I was in Haiti, and then had to make a difficult decision to leave. It wasn’t easy,” he told the outlet.

Once the first delegation arrived, they told family members and friends back home to join them, and from there, the community steadily grew, he said.

“The first motivation was job and work opportunities,” Rose Joseph, an Amazon warehouse worker who also does seasonal tax preparation work, told Reuters.

Joseph came to Springfield in 2022 after arriving in Florida two years prior to escape violence in Haiti. Like many others, he made his way north on word of good job prospects, the outlet reported.

The immigrants’ arrival brought an economic revival to the city, which was once a manufacturing hub but started to crumble once factories shuttered in the last decades.

The city shrank from a population of 80,000 to 60,000 by 2014. That number has since grown due to the increase in Haitian immigrants, reported The New York Times.
(source: Why Haitian migrants moved to Springfield Ohio

There was no conspiracy. There was no gov't program. These migrants found their way by themselves.

BTW, if you notice they started coming in 2018 when the Magatards savior - Trump - was POTUS. Hmmm.


So, there you go Rvonse, even the REPUBLICAN governor of Ohio has good things to say about the Haitian immigrants in Springfield. You need to start getting your information from actual reliable sources and stop spreading the lies, the bigotry and the hate that come from the MAGAs.
Again. I've said before and still feel the pet eating is a side show. I could care less if they ate all the pets for their religious experience. It would be crude by our customs but at least I am not paying for it as a tax payer.

The real thing to be looked at is where all the money came to house, transport, and feed 20,000 new incomers. Was it our government or was it private capital? I'm betting it was the government being bribed by private capital but still looking everywhere to learn more. And if our government was involved like it would bet it was, who's decision was that? Bidens? How does Harris stand on this issue or is she just another puppet for the oligarchy??? Now is the time to learn more about Harris since voting in some states has already begun!
I don't have time right now to show you any of the articles I've read, but it's very hard for even legal immigrants to get help from the government and for that matter, most of them don't want it. They prefer to work and they don't like being stigmatized by people who think they are taking advantage of government programs. States however can decide to help new immigrants who they prefer. Immigrants who do get help, get it for a very short time and they are all legal immigrants.

You may not realize it, but you sound like a victim of a cult. You believe things that aren't true. You like the things you hear from the cult leader. I just ordered a book about how cults are formed and how they keep their members in the cult. Trump is one of the most obvious, harmful cult leaders in the country. I wish you would learn more about how he is manipulating people, instead of believing the claims that he and the MAGA leaders keep making. What exactly do you think these rich monsters are going to do for people like you, for the average American. Trump only care about the ultra wealthy crazies, like Musk, who gladly supports him for his own gain. Why do you despise or act like you despise hard working immigrants who take jobs that are in need of good workers, like farming, meat packing, healthcare. A good percentage of healthcare workers, especially aides are immigrants from countries like Haiti, and Mexico. I worked with a couple of them and I know the excellent nursing home where my mother spent her final days was mostly staffed by immigrants who provided her with excellent care, based on my knowledge of caring for older adults myself in long term care as an RN.

I'm probably wasting my time saying all of this, but you need to do some serious reading from actual news sites and places that do research regarding the benefits that new immigrants provide to this country. They pay far more in taxes than they ever receive in benefits. The one costly thing they do receive is public schooling for their children. But, that benefits all of us, as it's very important for all children to have at least a basic education so they can work, pay taxes and buy things that keep businesses from failing. it's not that hard, unless you fall for the cultist claims.

Harris isn't the problem. MAGA, including Project 2025 are the problem. if you haven't read any of it, please read some of the things the Heritage Foundation and MAGAs want to do to our country, starting with White Christian Nationalism., the destruction of programs for older adults, ending environmental programs etc. Is that the type of country you want? I sure don't!

I'm old and I've never seen anything as frightening as MAGA cultists and the possibility of a 2nd Trump term. Harris may not be prefect as nobody is, but she will do the best she can for the average American and try to preserved the programs we have that are so important for all of us, unless of course, you're extraordinary wealthy.
The video is.
Okay... YouTube video makes claim. You sell it.
Just for your pleasure lets just say the video is a total fake. How do you explain so many Haitians settling in one particular place magically coming with housing, transportation, and food? I know that my immigrant ancestors did not have anything close to this kind of help.

Who paid for this to happen?
A few come. They are welcomed and get good jobs where their hard work is appreciated. They tell their friends and family about the situation so they come too and tell their own friends and families.

It's no big conspiracy.

But it may be voodou... ;)
20,000 friends? That is a LOT of friends. That makes no sense at all. And suspiciously a LOT of success over the existing indigenous people in such a short amount of time. If they were that successful given their expected net worth at entry, I would expect them to have reached Elon Musk status by now.
Actually it's 15,000. and where do you get this idea of their "net worth"? From that bullshit video?

So, there you go Rvonse, even the REPUBLICAN governor of Ohio has good things to say about the Haitian immigrants in Springfield. You need to start getting your information from actual reliable sources and stop spreading the lies, the bigotry and the hate that come from the MAGAs.
Again. I've said before and still feel the pet eating is a side show. I could care less if they ate all the pets for their religious experience. It would be crude by our customs but at least I am not paying for it as a tax payer.

The real thing to be looked at is where all the money came to house, transport, and feed 20,000 new incomers. Was it our government or was it private capital? I'm betting it was the government being bribed by private capital but still looking everywhere to learn more. And if our government was involved like it would bet it was, who's decision was that? Bidens? How does Harris stand on this issue or is she just another puppet for the oligarchy??? Now is the time to learn more about Harris since voting in some states has already begun!
There is nothing surprising about it. Legal immigrants have been coming to America and finding places to settle all on their own since the founding of the country. Now, being more connected than ever with social media to friends and family, is it surprising that word of mouth to other people they know could bring 15,000 people there are over a period of 6+ years? There over 1.2 million immigrants from Haiti living in the United States.

That's the power of America, someone can come here with almost nothing and by finding areas that need workers, settling there and then working hard can make a good life for themselves and their children. That's the American dream and ghouls like Trump and Vance want to throw that accomplishment and the idea of the American dream itself in the garbage with lies, hated and fake conspiracies.
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(source: Why Haitian migrants moved to Springfield Ohio

There was no conspiracy. There was no gov't program. These migrants found their way by themselves.

BTW, if you notice they started coming in 2018 when the Magatards savior - Trump - was POTUS. Hmmm.

And it is a testament to the will and tenacity of the Haitian people that they could arrive here on these shores with nothing, go to a strange new city (I was born in Ohio, and can assure you it is nothing like a Caribbean island), and within less than 6 years become successful to the point where they're living alongside longtime residents who have a generation or two of advantages over the newcomers. That's some serious boot-strapping. Their reward (thanks to assholes like Vance and Trump) is to have to deal with bomb threats and not being able to take their kids to school.

We should be celebrating them, not making them pariahs.
Anti-Demonization and spread of lies and hate about people living in the country. The lie about Hatians eating pets as one example.
If you care about reality, here is an actual video of Springfield, Ohio speaking with many people in this small town all expressing frustrations with the number of migrants that have overwhelmed their small midwest city.

It should be noted this producer does many other locations and is rarely if ever political in his stance. Leading me to believe the content is real and trustworthy. It should also be noted that the lie about hatians eating dogs was probably an exaggeration but eating of cats and geese was not. It is part of their culture. And finally, it should be noted that this is only the start of what will probably be more to come in other parts of our country with a Harris presidency.

In the past, the oligarchy outsourced factories to other countries. Now they want to move that same cheap labor into our country.

So done random guy pulls up unannounced telling some people he wants to interview them for his YouTube channel —about ‘what is going on around here.’ I would definitely not be inclined to be on the internet.

It genuinely does become an issue for communities when a large number of immigrants of any color or culture settle into a community, more so if there is a language difference, particularly schools and medical facilities. But people on this video are either grossly ignorant or out and out lying. No one has $30K in EBT benefits. Immigrants are not given thousands of dollars by the US government. Schools have English as a second language programs where students who are not yet proficient in English spend the bulk of their school day.

I highly doubt that 19 year olds are enrolling as freshmen in high school. Almost certainly, young adults would be directed to GED classes with other adults. No one is just paying for immigrants to fix their homes, but it is possible that some church groups do work with families to help them get necessities and to make sure homes are up to code.

My experience with immigrants is that they are willing to live with larger groups of people than most Americans consider, share resources well, and know how to look good for cheap. It takes courage and determination to succeed to be willing to leave your native land and live some place far from anything you know.

Fair enough. But it still looks suspiciously like a group effort managed by someone with deep pockets. Why did they all pick Springfield, Ohio en mass to settle? How did they know they were going to a particular location with prospects for work?

My great (great?) grandparents immigrated from Germany too but they did not come with food cards, housing, and expensive vehicles to settle in one place. Many of their other peers immigrating from Europe were lucky to settle in the same state less being focused in one particular town.

My primary care physician is a Sikh from Dearborn. Why are there so many Sikhs in Dearborn?

So, there you go Rvonse, even the REPUBLICAN governor of Ohio has good things to say about the Haitian immigrants in Springfield. You need to start getting your information from actual reliable sources and stop spreading the lies, the bigotry and the hate that come from the MAGAs.
Again. I've said before and still feel the pet eating is a side show. I could care less if they ate all the pets for their religious experience. It would be crude by our customs but at least I am not paying for it as a tax payer.

The real thing to be looked at is where all the money came to house, transport, and feed 20,000 new incomers. Was it our government or was it private capital? I'm betting it was the government being bribed by private capital but still looking everywhere to learn more. And if our government was involved like it would bet it was, who's decision was that? Bidens? How does Harris stand on this issue or is she just another puppet for the oligarchy??? Now is the time to learn more about Harris since voting in some states has already begun!
There is nothing surprising about it. Legal immigrants have been coming to America and finding places to settle all on their own since the founding of the country. Now, being more connected than ever with social media to friends and family, is it surprising that word of mouth to other people they know could bring 15,000 people there are over a period of 6+ years? There over 1.2 million immigrants from Haiti living in the United States.

That's the power of America, someone can come here with almost nothing and by finding areas that need workers, settling there and then working hard can make a good life for themselves and their children. That's the American dream and ghouls like Trump and Vance want to throw that accomplishment and the idea of the American dream itself in the garbage with lies, hated and fake conspiracies.
Like good ole Nationalism, they want to push all of the ills Americans have on immigrants. If it just weren't for those immigrants, life in America would be so much easier. Housing would be cheaper, health care would be more affordable, we'd have more jobs, etc...

It is an absurd claim with no basis in reality. But tribal locals can really dig the anti-immigration fad, as it has been a past-time in America for centuries. Add in hysterical paranoia and we saw where this can lead in Europe. It shifted that way in American in the 1910s as well. Nazism didn't quite make in America, but it tried. Just like it is trying again.

The truth is:
  • America lost industrial jobs because it was cheaper to have poorer people do it overseas and innovation led to improvements in processes that led to fewer people and resources being needed for the work. Not because of immigrants.
  • Health care is expensive, because it requires highly trained people with expensive machines, and our population is aging. Not because of immigrants.
  • America already has a lot of jobs.
Life isn't easy. It never has been. And these fascists are trying to use anti-immigrant rage to win this election because they know it works. Then they can continue Neocon dismantlement of the Government and bring us back to the hallowed days of the 19th century.

You may not realize it, but you sound like a victim of a cult. You believe things that aren't true. You like the things you hear from the cult leader. I just ordered a book about how cults are formed and how they keep their members in the cult. Trump is one of the most obvious, harmful cult leaders in the country. I wish you would learn more about how he is manipulating people, instead of believing the claims that he and the MAGA leaders keep making. What exactly do you think these rich monsters are going to do for people like you, for the average American. Trump only care about the ultra wealthy crazies, like Musk, who gladly supports him for his own gain. Why do you despise or act like you despise hard working immigrants who take jobs that are in need of good workers, like farming, meat packing, healthcare. A good percentage of healthcare workers, especially aides are immigrants from countries like Haiti, and Mexico. I worked with a couple of them and I know the excellent nursing home where my mother spent her final days was mostly staffed by immigrants who provided her with excellent care, based on my knowledge of caring for older adults myself in long term care as an RN.
It doesn't feel like a cult to me. I think I know exactly what Trump and MAGA represent because they are so obvious. Anyone with an IQ above 20 can probably understand most if not all the ego flaws of Trump, but he does not scare me at all. What I fear much worse is what I do not know. And up until Trump/Harris debate I had no idea there was a small town in Ohio that had been taken over with immigrants.

And its not that I don't like other new comers...that's not the point. What I don't like is our government that does things in utter secrecy even if it is for my own good. For all I know, maybe America does need the immigration because our birth rates are too low. But do it up front and don't lie to us all!! Tell us the borders are open on purpose because our leadership thinks it the responsible thing to do. Tell us that we can expect some small cities to be taken over by new comers but don't worry about this, because in the longer run they will keep the economy on track so that the baby boomers can be supported in retirement. Don't act like theives in the night and then tell you did not know the borders were open and you could do nothing to stop this.

It is all this secrecy and stealth that I fear. Because usually it is the thieves in the night that you should be worried about.

The truth is:
  • America lost industrial jobs because it was cheaper to have poorer people do it overseas and innovation led to improvements in processes that led to fewer people and resources being needed for the work. Not because of immigrants.
  • Health care is expensive, because it requires highly trained people with expensive machines, and our population is aging. Not because of immigrants.
  • America already has a lot of jobs.
Wrong on all counts.
1. America lost industrial jobs because our government wanted this. They could have easily kept our high value manufacturing with the proper tax structure. But our government was purchased by the oligarchy to screw out domestic labor that already was in place. Unions are completely ineffective if a corporation can simply move out. Either the democrats or republicans could have prevented this.

2. Health care is expensive because the pharmaceutical oligarchy can make more profits this way. They have purchased our government to make sure this continues.

3. America does not have a lot of jobs and we are trending the wrong direction. China has surpassed the US in GDP. Furthermore, we don't really want just a lot of jobs what we want is a lot of good jobs that can provide good incomes.
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You may not realize it, but you sound like a victim of a cult. You believe things that aren't true. You like the things you hear from the cult leader. I just ordered a book about how cults are formed and how they keep their members in the cult. Trump is one of the most obvious, harmful cult leaders in the country. I wish you would learn more about how he is manipulating people, instead of believing the claims that he and the MAGA leaders keep making. What exactly do you think these rich monsters are going to do for people like you, for the average American. Trump only care about the ultra wealthy crazies, like Musk, who gladly supports him for his own gain. Why do you despise or act like you despise hard working immigrants who take jobs that are in need of good workers, like farming, meat packing, healthcare. A good percentage of healthcare workers, especially aides are immigrants from countries like Haiti, and Mexico. I worked with a couple of them and I know the excellent nursing home where my mother spent her final days was mostly staffed by immigrants who provided her with excellent care, based on my knowledge of caring for older adults myself in long term care as an RN.
It doesn't feel like a cult to me. I think I know exactly what Trump and MAGA represent because they are so obvious. Anyone with an IQ above 20 can probably understand most if not all the ego flaws of Trump, but he does not scare me at all. What I fear much worse is what I do not know. And up until Trump/Harris debate I had no idea there was a small town in Ohio that had been taken over with immigrants.

And its not that I don't like other new comers...that's not the point. What I don't like is our government that does things in utter secrecy even if it is for my own good. For all I know, maybe America does need the immigration because our birth rates are too low. But do it up front and don't lie to us all!! Tell us the borders are open on purpose because our leadership thinks it the responsible thing to do. Tell us that we can expect some small cities to be taken over by new comers but don't worry about this, because in the longer run they will keep the economy on track so that the baby boomers can be supported in retirement. Don't act like theives in the night and then tell you did not know the borders were open and you could do nothing to stop this.

It is all this secrecy and stealth that I fear. Because usually it is the thieves in the night that you should be worried about.
If our borders were "porous", there'd be a lot more people coming into this country.

Compared to our neighbors to the south as well as many overseas, our country is a beacon of safety, prosperity and hope. It is because of our success (i.e. our greatness) that they wish to come here. That is a tribute to our country whether one likes it or not.
Our immigration issue is not the result of deliberate policy but of no policy. Our country has no consensus on the appropriate policy (whatever that may be).
It does not take a conspiracy to cause a lack of consensus. It only takes intransigence.

I struggle with your conspiracy driven view of the world. And I believe you are unduly overconfident about what you think Trump represents because his track record makes it obvious - he represents himself and nothing else. His history is replete with his broken promises. History shows anyone who is awake that nothing he says can be trusted.
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The truth is:
  • America lost industrial jobs because it was cheaper to have poorer people do it overseas and innovation led to improvements in processes that led to fewer people and resources being needed for the work. Not because of immigrants.
  • Health care is expensive, because it requires highly trained people with expensive machines, and our population is aging. Not because of immigrants.
  • America already has a lot of jobs.
Wrong on all counts.
1. America lost industrial jobs because our government wanted this. They could have easily kept our high value manufacturing with the proper tax structure. But our government was purchased by the oligarchy to screw out domestic labor that already was in place. Unions are completely ineffective if a corporation can simply move out. Either the democrats or republicans could have prevented this.

2. Health care is expensive because the pharmaceutical oligarchy can make more profits this way. They have purchased our government to make sure this continues.

3. America does not have a lot of jobs and we are trending the wrong direction. China has surpassed the US in GDP. Furthermore, we don't really want just a lot of jobs what we want is a lot of good jobs that can provide good incomes.
China's nominal GDP is about $19 trillion while the US's is about $25 trillion. The gap in GDP per capita between those countries is even greater.

The truth is:
  • America lost industrial jobs because it was cheaper to have poorer people do it overseas and innovation led to improvements in processes that led to fewer people and resources being needed for the work. Not because of immigrants.
  • Health care is expensive, because it requires highly trained people with expensive machines, and our population is aging. Not because of immigrants.
  • America already has a lot of jobs.
Wrong on all counts.
1. America lost industrial jobs because our government wanted this. They could have easily kept our high value manufacturing with the proper tax structure. But our government was purchased by the oligarchy to screw out domestic labor that already was in place. Unions are completely ineffective if a corporation can simply move out. Either the democrats or republicans could have prevented this.
What are you talking about? Moving production overseas made production cheaper. And we get to buy all this stuff at cheaper prices. We also benefit from the outsourcing of our pollution. Of course, everything has a cost. Moving it overseas meant those jobs were no longer available, and our economy is transitioning to a services based economy with a good deal of manufacturing still. Appalachia loves to blame Democrats for the death of coal, but the coal jobs were getting axed in high numbers when Reagan was President via automation. Computers and automation kill jobs... not immigrants.
2. Health care is expensive because the pharmaceutical oligarchy can make more profits this way. They have purchased our government to make sure this continues.
Even if we had a perfectly run, non-profit system, health care would still cost money. Developing medications is expensive! Training is expensive. The profit driven aspect just makes it MORE expensive.
3. America does not have a lot of jobs and we are trending the wrong direction.
America has a lot of jobs.
China has surpassed the US in GDP. Furthermore, we don't really want just a lot of jobs what we want is a lot of good jobs that can provide good incomes.
What a part of America wants is what America had. A good deal of people voted against the Democrats and Unions in the 80s and 90s, and oddly enough, they are reaping some of that cost.

And again, the word immigrant isn't in any of these explanations. Yet, we find you and others coddling to the anti-Semite who is pushing the anti-Semitic replacement theory.
So if the candidate had a different skin color and a different gender, I doubt you would call them "dopey"

What would I call them?
Now there's some missed comedy gold for back in the 2020 race. Elect Sleepy & Dopey for 2020! And of course, we would have to include Doc (Jill Biden) in there, since she's certainly pulling some of the puppet strings.

Come to think of it, given Kamala's propensity for laughing and avoiding the press she arguably could also fill the roles of Happy and Bashful.
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