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The dishonesty of the right

Loren Pechtel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
Basic Beliefs
Somehow I've gotten on an e-mail list from Newsmax. I haven't bothered to block it because I like to see what they are squawking about. Today's e-mail was talking about pro-life news being blocked by Google.

Reality that's in their own article: The site got three strikes and thus a takedown for covid crap.
Over policy suggestion differences for dealing with covid or lying about it?
Somehow I've gotten on an e-mail list from Newsmax. I haven't bothered to block it because I like to see what they are squawking about. Today's e-mail was talking about pro-life news being blocked by Google.

Reality that's in their own article: The site got three strikes and thus a takedown for covid crap.

This isn't anything new. Conservative religion is a conspiracy of dishonesty to achieve power. Conservative politicians get their money and support and give tax breaks and share followers. Politicians and organizations make talking points to all message the same thing. When it's conservatives the level of dishonesty is more.

Newsmax in the 90's was making up conspiracy stuff about Clintons, swiftboating john kerry later, engaged in obama smearing afterward, now closely allied to trump.
Somehow I've gotten on an e-mail list from Newsmax. I haven't bothered to block it because I like to see what they are squawking about. Today's e-mail was talking about pro-life news being blocked by Google.

Reality that's in their own article: The site got three strikes and thus a takedown for covid crap.

Dishonesty on both sides Loren. Here: https://ei.marketwatch.com/Multimedia/2018/02/28/Photos/NS/MW-GE557_MediaB_20180228115701_NS.jpg

is a chart to help you out. You will observe that Newsmax is the very bottom category of "general nonsense damaging to public discourse"

An outlet that is rated even worse than CNN is very bad indeed. On a par with the "National Enquirer" talking about baby aliens.
I guess he’s lucky then that the current President isn’t an asshole like the President he was supporting or he’d have to pay proper fealty before receiving assistance.

In fact he's counting on it.
Somehow I've gotten on an e-mail list from Newsmax. I haven't bothered to block it because I like to see what they are squawking about. Today's e-mail was talking about pro-life news being blocked by Google.

Reality that's in their own article: The site got three strikes and thus a takedown for covid crap.

Dishonesty on both sides Loren. Here: https://ei.marketwatch.com/Multimedia/2018/02/28/Photos/NS/MW-GE557_MediaB_20180228115701_NS.jpg

is a chart to help you out. You will observe that Newsmax is the very bottom category of "general nonsense damaging to public discourse"

An outlet that is rated even worse than CNN is very bad indeed. On a par with the "National Enquirer" talking about baby aliens.

The 'dishonesty on both sides' claim though is itself dishonest - it implies that there's roughly similar devotion amongst the more hardcore left wing devotees of fake news bullshit as there is amongst right wing devotees of the same.

But that's simply untrue. Fox News has a mass audience and massive market penetration amongst pretty 'mainstream' Republican voters; While the penetration and market share of idiots like David "Avocado" Wolfe amongst mainstream Democrats is tiny. Fans of both are, inevitably, nutters. But only one has fans that are members of congress. And only one has a fanbase in the millions. And only one has fans who are not ridiculed as a matter of course by the vast majority of people on their own wing of politics.

Nutty lefties exist. But are utterly marginal and marginalised. Equally nutty righties are invited onto mainstream TV shows as though their biews and opinions mattered - not least because, as elected officials also hold those nutty positions, their crazy opinions DO matter.

Both sides are not the same. Only one side lets the lunatics run the asylum.

That graphic reminds me of maps of Australia that I looked at before I came here. The maps show places distributed very similarly to maps of the UK, and a naive UK resident might easily assume that towns are similarly far apart in the two countries. But the reality is that cartographers hate blank space, so they find something to put on the map. On my UK map, the smallest dots with names are towns of 1,000-5,000 people. On my Australian map, the smallest dots are single farms or stations, with populations of maybe fewer than a dozen.

Similarly, the presence of left wing garbage news outlets on that graphic is a reflection of the need to avoid blank space; Not an indication that such sites are similarly prevalent or impactful on the left as they are on the right.
Dishonesty on both sides Loren. Here: https://ei.marketwatch.com/Multimedia/2018/02/28/Photos/NS/MW-GE557_MediaB_20180228115701_NS.jpg

is a chart to help you out. You will observe that Newsmax is the very bottom category of "general nonsense damaging to public discourse"

An outlet that is rated even worse than CNN is very bad indeed. On a par with the "National Enquirer" talking about baby aliens.

Assuming I recall correctly that you adhere to "the Right side of the aisle," I don't know why you posted that Jpeg. It doesn't demonstrate what you seem to hope it does. Fox News, Newsmax, Blaze and (barely) NY Post are all down in the bottom "Propaganda" section. The five "Propaganda" sources on the Liberal side are all fringe sites I've never heard of.

I'm pleased to note that Reuters and Bloomberg top the chart — neutral and original fact reporting. These have been my "go-to" news sites lately.
On a par with the "National Enquirer" talking about baby aliens.

Like - there's something wrong with that?
HOW DARE YOU disparage the Trumpuscker Bible!
The National Enquirer was responsible for getting Trump millions, if not tens of millions of votes in 2016. It was his most credible source of support.
On a par with the "National Enquirer" talking about baby aliens.

Like - there's something wrong with that?
HOW DARE YOU disparage the Trumpuscker Bible!
The National Enquirer was responsible for getting Trump millions, if not tens of millions of votes in 2016. It was his most credible source of support.
This is very true. Bash Slick Donnie all you want but he knows a cash cow when he sees one. It's somewhat refreshing to know that not all his griftees are complete losers. There's this guy who stupidly coughed up 2.5m to get to the truth of all that voter fraud :rolleyes: and now wants his money back because the suits were dropped when they couldn't find any evidence.

Millionaire health firm founder sues election 'fraud' group for $2 million he gave them after November 6 which they claimed would help prove victory was 'stolen' from Donald Trump

Eshelman said of his initial suspicions: 'I thought about the range of possibilities around vote fraud. There was already noise around cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta and Philadelphia. I wanted to determine if this was legit. Can we find a real smoking gun?'

Trump pointed to those cities in his own post-election rhetoric. All are located in states he lost to Joe Biden.

There is a sucker born every minute. The right has crosshairs on all their teets and follows them around with their money pail.
The 'dishonesty on both sides' claim though is itself dishonest - it implies that there's roughly similar devotion amongst the more hardcore left wing devotees of fake news bullshit as there is amongst right wing devotees of the same.

Yup--looking at the bottom left of that chart I see exactly one organization I recognize and I didn't realize they even tried to produce news, all I've ever seen from them are memes. The bottom right, though, there's only one that I don't recognize.
Katie Hill on Twitter: "Biden’s response to the Texas freeze feels a lot different than Trump’s response to the California fires.

It’s nice to have a president that doesn’t consider whether a state voted for him relevant to providing emergency disaster relief." / Twitter

Like this:
Amid Winter Storms, Sens. Cruz, Cornyn Urge Biden to Approve Gov. Abbott's Request for Disaster Declaration | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas
The Governor and local officials have informed us that the severity and magnitude of the storm is beyond the response capabilities of the state and local government. Prolonged sub-freezing temperatures, strained energy capacity, and treacherous roadways are just a few of the current dangers faced by all Texans. In the last three days, there have been 11 crash-related fatalities as road conditions deteriorate. More than 23,000 Texans have lost power, and frozen pipes have impacted water distribution across the state.

We respectfully urge you to approve the Governor's request for Public Assistance Category B and Direct Federal Assistance for all 254 Texas counties.
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Texas Emergency Declaration | The White House
Today, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. declared that an emergency exists in the State of Texas and ordered federal assistance to supplement state and local response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from a severe winter storm beginning on February 11, 2021, and continuing.
ryan cooper on Twitter: "root cause here, it seems, is that Texas has been skimping on maintenance and resilience upgrades (including wind de-icing gear), and its grid is mostly disconnected from the rest of the country (link)" / Twitter
What went wrong with the Texas power grid?

Saikat Chakrabarti on Twitter: "People on the left don't watch conservative media, so entire false narratives in right wing media go unchallenged. The entire right is using the Texas blackouts right now to create a narrative about the failure of green energy. It's 100% false. It needs to be challenged head on." / Twitter
Ana Kasparian on Twitter: "We watch conservative media so you don’t have to. TYT will have an in-depth breakdown of the TX blackouts on tonight’s show." / Twitter

It's possible to make wind turbines capable of operating in cold weather, even if doing so does not seem very necessary in Texas.
Wind Energy in Cold Climates
Based on actual measurements, icing can occur up to 20% of the time between the months of November and April. Wind turbines must therefore be able to sustain at least limited icing without incurring damage that would prevent normal operation.

Wind turbine manufacturers are increasingly recognizing the impacts of cold climate operation and are building turbines better equipped to handle winter conditions. With the installation of “cold weather packages” which provide heating to turbine components such as the gearbox, yaw and pitch motors and battery, some turbines can operate in temperatures down to -30C.

Various types of rotor blade de-icing and anti-icing mechanisms, such as heating and water-resistant coatings are currently being employed, as well as operational strategies to limit ice accumulation.
Ice protection systems for wind turbines in cold climate: characteristics, comparisons and analysis - ScienceDirect
Ted Cruz on the matter: (pic link)" / Twitter[/url]
He tweeted half a year ago:
California is now unable to perform even basic functions of civilization, like having reliable electricity.

Biden/Harris/AOC want to make CA's failed energy policy the standard nationwide.

Only a few weeks into office and apparently Biden has succeeded!
I wonder why no one in Texas planned for snow when they were building their wind farms. That could have made a compelling case for coal at the time
Dishonesty on both sides Loren. Here: https://ei.marketwatch.com/Multimedia/2018/02/28/Photos/NS/MW-GE557_MediaB_20180228115701_NS.jpg

is a chart to help you out. You will observe that Newsmax is the very bottom category of "general nonsense damaging to public discourse"

An outlet that is rated even worse than CNN is very bad indeed. On a par with the "National Enquirer" talking about baby aliens.

I think that influence should be considered with that chart. the amount of influence Fox News has is staggering compared to the influence of those at the bottom of the liberal side
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