bilby stated it simply and correctly, the BB is an attempt to explain observation.
When I took astronomy in the 70s it was the 'missing mass' of the universe. Depending on a number the universe was expanding, forever, oscillatory, or a one time out and back event.
The BB does not offer ultimate origins, it does not explain what led up to the BB.In a show I watched on cosmology the result of a simulation was shown. It was good enough to get to galaxies, crudely. Simulation starting at the BB particle level takes a lot of time even on fast computers.
It is good science that explains most or all of what we see, but I have some issues. The BB has come to be a modern secular creation myth of sorts. I'd like to see universe qualified as 'observable universe' . It bugs me when I see it presented as fact not theory in science shows. The BB is a theory that extrapolates back in time that can never be experimentally validated.
Well, I knew there was a creationist lurking in humbleman. In the 90s the Vatican allowed for evolution as a part of god's plan, why not the BB? Genesis says god created everything, it does not say how. Perhaps the B run repeatedly is god's Monte Carlo tool.Yes the BB is a fallacy. Based on ancient texts of unknown origin we must believe an ill defined super-being of unknown origin winked the universe into existence...yea that's it. Yo ho ho.
Unfortunately for many believers of the Big Bang theory, reality can't be explained watching videos with manipulated images.
Reality is learned by observing the real physical universe, and using real evidence to corroborate a theory.
A theory simply can't be "partially validated".
Or the theory is true, passing all the tests or, the theory is simply false, falling to pass the test.
The Big Bang theory has not passed any test.
Lets say the first one.
Where, how, when, by whom, a microscopic particle has been observed to expand and form macroscopic particles? Explosives are condensed particles which at the moment of the detonation will surely expand but into smaller particles than the originals.
This is caused by collision of particles.
The so called primeval microscopic particle should have to have an internal collision in order to expand, and regardless of the claims of no gravity and similar, such a microscopic solitary particle shouldn't go farther than three feet away.