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The feminazis have taken over and ruined Star Wars!

As I recall from the movie, he got his ass handed to him by an untrained girl who picked up a lightsaber about 5 minutes before they fought.
So I'm sure any random stormtrooper could have done the exact same thing...

... Oh, right.

2) Captain Phasma

I suppose she's a slave too?
No, she's an officer. (The name kinda gives it away.)

3) Every storm trooper who HASN'T decided to walk away.

What slave wouldn't?
Sally Hemmings.

The First Order officers and crew who are specifically trained to prevent exactly that sort of thing from happening.

Aren't they all slaves too, according to you?
No, they're officers. Which is why I said "officers and crew."

I'm beginning to think you're not very bright.:thinking:

Slavery would be impossible if all the slaves rebelled at the same time.

Slaveowners were constantly afraid of slave rebellions. History tells you that.

Slaveowners had more slaves than they had people to police them.

I forgot what society had this saying, "You have as many enemies as you have slaves"

Slave owners made it their job to keep resentful slaves isolated (or you get Spartacus), scared of physical punishment or starvation (by brainwashing child slaves or enforcing obedience and punishing retribution with immediate brutal punishment), and by making slavery more beneficial than being a free poor person in a social-services-absent society (ancient almost anywhere).
Yeah... so you pretty much just refuted your last five posts for some reason.:poke_with_stick:

This is why these days, especially in places like the West, people who are imprisoned illegally and forced to be slaves don't want to stay slaves and do almost anything to escape.
Which is exactly what Finn did.
During WW2, the German SS specifically was tasked with executing German soldiers who tried to desert or showed cowardice in face of the enemy. Similarly, Russian soldiers were also ruthlessly executed for desertion.

Order No. 270, dated August 16, 1941, was issued by Joseph Stalin. The order required superiors to shoot deserters on the spot.[11][dead link] Their family members were subjected to arrest.[12] Order No. 227, dated July 28, 1942, directed that each Army must create "blocking detachments" (barrier troops) which would shoot "cowards" and fleeing panicked troops at the rear.[12] During World War II, the Soviets executed 158,000 soldiers for desertion.[13]
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