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The Left Gone Wild

I'm using my free speech as permitted by the rules here, just like you are using your free speech.

Yesterday, I wanted to tell my husband to check out the guy's shirt but didn't want him to over hear me in case he was a nut job with a gun. The way the climate is now, I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable wearing a t-shirt with a liberal political message. Restaurants here are usually tuned into Faux News. I don't trust some of the Trump nuts. Most are probably harmless, but a creepy man with a gun, wearing a shirt with Trump's ugly face, implying that he never committed a crime, and he should be president is a bit off putting to me.

If you start getting an episode of the vapors just because you see a shirt you don't like, I think the problem lies with you.

In any event, we see plenty of instances of lefties getting physical at the sight of a MAGA hat or a pro-life information desk or having a hissy fit if a speaker they don't like is appearing at an event or if someone utters the heresy of there being two genders.
Spare me your bullshit. I just find it depressing to see someone so excited about the criminal who was once elected president, that they proudly display it on a shirt. I also find it sad and sometimes concerning that so many men feel the need to openly carry guns everywhere they go, and I'm married to a once gun toting liberal who used to carry concealed until he finally realized how crazy that was.

Talk about getting the vapors. Why would a huge man like the one wearing the Trump t-shirt feel so insecure that he needs to openly carry a gun in the middle of the day in a pizza restaurant where no crimes or violence have ever taken place?

What are these little chickens so afraid of, a small, older woman who votes for Democrats? Like the majority of Republicans, he probably believes that Trump won the last election. That's delusional. I have compassion for the mentally ill but some of them are a bit scary. Trump has infected the brains of a lot of Americans, and that's a tragedy.

I don't have hissy fits, whatever that's supposed to mean. The nice neighbor across the street from me still believes that Obama was born in Kenya. I think that's sad too. I assume he's been brainwashed by one of the Murdoch fake news companies, but he's a wonderful, caring, neighbor, even though you can't reason with people like that when it comes to politics. I view him as a victim of fake news. At least he's not so insecure that he needs to carry a gun in public. I don't know if he even owns a gun.
And by the way, since "we are a nation of immigrants", aren't all small independent businesses owned by immigrants. Or is there some hard generational line that stops the company being an immigrant owned company?
Yes, it's the hard line between the owner immigrated or the owner didn't immigrate. "Immigrant" is not hereditary.
Fair point but wouldn't that negate the USA being a "nation of immigrants" trope? The USA is a "nation of a lot of immigrants" for sure.
I'm using my free speech as permitted by the rules here, just like you are using your free speech.

Yesterday, I wanted to tell my husband to check out the guy's shirt but didn't want him to over hear me in case he was a nut job with a gun. The way the climate is now, I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable wearing a t-shirt with a liberal political message. Restaurants here are usually tuned into Faux News. I don't trust some of the Trump nuts. Most are probably harmless, but a creepy man with a gun, wearing a shirt with Trump's ugly face, implying that he never committed a crime, and he should be president is a bit off putting to me.

If you start getting an episode of the vapors just because you see a shirt you don't like, I think the problem lies with you.

In any event, we see plenty of instances of lefties getting physical at the sight of a MAGA hat or a pro-life information desk or having a hissy fit if a speaker they don't like is appearing at an event or if someone utters the heresy of there being two genders.
{snip} I just find it depressing to see someone so excited about the criminal who was once elected president, that they proudly display it on a shirt.
Still sounds like a you problem.

I also find it sad and sometimes concerning that so many men feel the need to openly carry guns everywhere they go, and I'm married to a once gun toting liberal who used to carry concealed until he finally realized how crazy that was.

Why does it bother you so much when people exercise their rights?

Talk about getting the vapors. Why would a huge man like the one wearing the Trump t-shirt feel so insecure that he needs to openly carry a gun in the middle of the day in a pizza restaurant where no crimes or violence have ever taken place?

He probably does it to "own the libs" and seems like mission accomplished.

What are these little chickens so afraid of, a small, older woman who votes for Democrats? Like the majority of Republicans, he probably believes that Trump won the last election. That's delusional. I have compassion for the mentally ill but some of them are a bit scary. Trump has infected the brains of a lot of Americans, and that's a tragedy.
You have a wild imagination.
I don't have hissy fits, whatever that's supposed to mean. The nice neighbor across the street from me still believes that Obama was born in Kenya. I think that's sad too. I assume he's been brainwashed by one of the Murdoch fake news companies, but he's a wonderful, caring, neighbor, even though you can't reason with people like that when it comes to politics. I view him as a victim of fake news. At least he's not so insecure that he needs to carry a gun in public. I don't know if he even owns a gun.
So what if he believes it? Why are you hectoring your neighbors about this nonsense.
I'm using my free speech as permitted by the rules here, just like you are using your free speech.

Yesterday, I wanted to tell my husband to check out the guy's shirt but didn't want him to over hear me in case he was a nut job with a gun. The way the climate is now, I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable wearing a t-shirt with a liberal political message. Restaurants here are usually tuned into Faux News. I don't trust some of the Trump nuts. Most are probably harmless, but a creepy man with a gun, wearing a shirt with Trump's ugly face, implying that he never committed a crime, and he should be president is a bit off putting to me.

If you start getting an episode of the vapors just because you see a shirt you don't like, I think the problem lies with you.

In any event, we see plenty of instances of lefties getting physical at the sight of a MAGA hat or a pro-life information desk or having a hissy fit if a speaker they don't like is appearing at an event or if someone utters the heresy of there being two genders.
{snip} I just find it depressing to see someone so excited about the criminal who was once elected president, that they proudly display it on a shirt.
Still sounds like a you problem.

I also find it sad and sometimes concerning that so many men feel the need to openly carry guns everywhere they go, and I'm married to a once gun toting liberal who used to carry concealed until he finally realized how crazy that was.

Why does it bother you so much when people exercise their rights?
Talk about getting the vapors. Why would a huge man like the one wearing the Trump t-shirt feel so insecure that he needs to openly carry a gun in the middle of the day in a pizza restaurant where no crimes or violence have ever taken place?
He probably does it to "own the libs" and seems like mission accomplished.
Are you really that confused as to why people open carrying a gun can make others feel a bit nervous about it? Bad guy with gun, dumb ass with gun, soon to be famous guy with gun? Don't worry your pretty little mind about it, he is exercising his rights. So pre-teen carrying around a toy gun and right-wingers are jumping over themselves to say the kid deserved it, but some white guy walks around with a gun... Heh..heh... he's pwning the libs.

You do realize "pwn the libs" means being an asshole, right? Some seem to wear it as a badge of owner, but really, it is just people being assholes.
And by the way, since "we are a nation of immigrants", aren't all small independent businesses owned by immigrants. Or is there some hard generational line that stops the company being an immigrant owned company?
Yes, it's the hard line between the owner immigrated or the owner didn't immigrate. "Immigrant" is not hereditary.
Fair point but wouldn't that negate the USA being a "nation of immigrants" trope? The USA is a "nation of a lot of immigrants" for sure.
Tropes mean whatever people use them to mean. That one sounds like it means Americans are descendants of immigrants. But of course by that standard all countries are nations of immigrants -- even Tanzania is a nation of immigrants since everybody whose ancestors never left the Olduvai Gorge was undoubtedly murdered by newcomers at some point -- and "we are a nation of immigrants" is used as a component of American Exceptionalism. So it's not clear what people mean by it. Maybe they mean most of us are descendants of recent immigrants as defined by some hard generational line. Whatever. I don't have a problem with American Exceptionalism getting negated.
Are you really that confused as to why people open carrying a gun can make others feel a bit nervous about it?
Apparently wearing a Trump t-shirt has a similar effect on some folks. I think after seeing it a few times (the gun and/or Trump t-shirt) you just get kinda used to it and go on your way. But if you can't, well, that's a you problem.

You do realize "pwn the libs" means being an asshole, right?
I don't really care other than it all seems a bit juvenile. But it is still quite amusing to see some people's head spin.

Some seem to wear it as a badge of owner, but really, it is just people being assholes.

Badge of honor? There are lots of assholes and asshole behavior out there. Personally, I don't get worked up about minor stuff like choice of t-shirt and the like.
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Apparently wearing a Trump t-shirt has a similar effect on some folks. I think after seeing it a few times (the gun and/or Trump t-shirt) you just get kinda used to it and go on your way. But if you can't, well, that's a you problem.
Do you realize that what made SoHy nervous was not the Tshirt? Or even the gun, exactly?

It was the combination. Someone with such poor judgement that they brought a gun to a pizza place. And were wearing that t-shirt.
So what if he believes it? Why are you hectoring your neighbors about this nonsense.
Do you even read what people like SoHy write before giving a response to your gut reactions?

Read? Blech, I only skim headlines, copy and paste the main content and hit send. I conduct in-depth analysis using TikTok or YouTube Shorts. Pfft... read. :rolleyes:
In the '90s and early 2000s, many (now elder immigrants) didn't view earning below the U.S. minimum wage as underpayment. By putting their money together to cover their U.S. living expenses and sending the rest back to El Salvador, their financial situation often improved compared to living in El Salvador. I'm not endorsing underpayment or assuming all immigrants had the same experience. However, I know of cases where, despite my pushing for higher wages, I understood their rationale for not wanting to pursue it. It's also important to mention that being illegally in the US was another reason some had no interest in causing a fuss over wages.
Yup, in many situations a poor life here is better than an average life back home. While there is a lot of misconception about what America is like I have seen some of the bad (but nowhere near the worst) parts of the world.
I'm currently a legal immigrant that took an Office Administrator job from Americans. :p
My wife is a legal immigrant but in the time since she got citizenship I think she's pretty much only taken work from other immigrants. There were a couple of years early on where she was definitely competing with Americans--and generally trouncing them.

Talk about getting the vapors. Why would a huge man like the one wearing the Trump t-shirt feel so insecure that he needs to openly carry a gun in the middle of the day in a pizza restaurant where no crimes or violence have ever taken place?
Yeah, anyone who open carries without being in a situation where concealment isn't reasonable is an asshole.

I do make exceptions for long guns being transported to the range and people who are wearing things incompatible with concealment. I've seen a few hikers open carrying on our local mountain--pretty hard to conceal when you're wearing a backpack and everyone I've seen carrying out there was equipped for overnight. Alone, at night, the mountain lions normally would class adults as fellow predators to be left alone (kids are another matter--kids shouldn't be out there after dark unless they're quite close to an adult!) but it's not something I would choose to do.

Why does it bother you so much when people exercise their rights?
Because open carry without reason is almost always evidence of being an asshole. The sensible people you'll never know are armed.

He probably does it to "own the libs" and seems like mission accomplished.
That's a mission that should never have been started.

You have a wild imagination.
By open carrying they've shown a lot about themselves.
I don't have hissy fits, whatever that's supposed to mean. The nice neighbor across the street from me still believes that Obama was born in Kenya. I think that's sad too. I assume he's been brainwashed by one of the Murdoch fake news companies, but he's a wonderful, caring, neighbor, even though you can't reason with people like that when it comes to politics. I view him as a victim of fake news. At least he's not so insecure that he needs to carry a gun in public. I don't know if he even owns a gun.
So what if he believes it? Why are you hectoring your neighbors about this nonsense.
Too many incidents of people making bad decisions about use of force based on the QOP propaganda.
Apparently wearing a Trump t-shirt has a similar effect on some folks. I think after seeing it a few times (the gun and/or Trump t-shirt) you just get kinda used to it and go on your way. But if you can't, well, that's a you problem.
Do you realize that what made SoHy nervous was not the Tshirt? Or even the gun, exactly?

It was the combination. Someone with such poor judgement that they brought a gun to a pizza place. And were wearing that t-shirt.
Kind of like a guy walking in with a gun and wearing a shirt with Mark Chapman's face on it. Yes, he has that first and second amendment right, but... it sends a certain vibe.
Immigrants also do a bunch of the very legal dirty jobs that pay legal wages as well that domestic people don't want to do.
This is so true. As Kelly Osborne so eloquently put it, we need Latinos to clean our toilets (for minimum wage or below).
Do you even remember the last time you posted a non-sarcastic post?
Sometimes I get the impression that despite their lifted trucks, guns and threats, most MAGAts are really not serious people.
Not that their threats shouldn’t be taken seriously and dealt with, but that in the field of ideas, they are little more than prairie dog holes.
And as far as actions, they are 99%
LARPers, out there making “look at me!”noises.
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