As I understand it, transcendental numbers can only be defined as limits of infinite series in the Reals. If the Hyperreals can do away with limits in the case of differential calculus, can they do the same trick for transcendentals? Including perhaps the non-computable ones?
Thanks for the question.
It's not right to say that the transcendentals can only be defined as limits of infinite series. Everyone's two favourite transcendentals, π and e, are defined mosty elegantly as, respectively, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, and the base of the natural logarithm. It turns out that these numbers can be given by infinite series but then, so can every real (every decimal expresses an infinite geometric series).
The transcendentals are defined by what they are not: they are not algebraic. That is, they are not the roots of a polynomial with integral coefficients. An example of such a number is the square root of 2, whose expression is literally saying that it is algebraic: it is the principal root of the equation x
2 = 2.
The irrationals are similarly defined by what they are not: they are not rational. That is, they are not the ratios of two integers.
As I understand (I haven't gone through the details this far), the hyperreals afford a novel way of dealing with infinite series. First, you take the function which inputs a natural number n and gives you the sum of the first n terms. The real analyst wants to take this function and take its limit as n becomes arbitrarily large. The hyperreal analyst instead takes its hypernatural extension, turning it into a function that works on both naturals and infinite hypernaturals. They then feed it an infinite hypernatural, drop off any infinitesimal value from the result, and obtain the same answer as their real analyst colleague. Thus, where the real analyst asks "what is the infinite sum" but really means "what is the limit of finite sums", the hyperreal analyst asks "what is the infinite sum" and means "what is the sum when the number of terms is infinite"! Real analysis banished infinity in favour of limits. Hyperreal analysis restores it.
Now since infinite series are ultimately how you do integration, this is how the hyperreal analyst gets hold of the ratio of the circumference of a circle and its diameter, and how they define the natural logarithm.
For differentiation, the situation is similar. Here, we use Newton's quotient. The real analyst obtains derivatives by figuring out the limit of this quotient's value as the denominator drops to 0. Instead, the hyperreal analyst asks what value the function has
at an infinitesimal, drops any infinitesimal off the result, and obtains the same result as their colleague. The fact that the hyperreals form a field means that, if the function is defined by simple algebraic laws (as instances of Newton's quotient often are), you can always do this, without messing about proving a bunch of lifting theorems for limits.
So the answer to your original question is: yes. The hyperreal analyst can do away with limits, but no, they
don't do away with infinite series. They also don't have anything new to say about non-computable numbers. That's a fundamental distinction in logic that no-one can get round.