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The New Intelligent Design <id> and Its Powerful Correct Scientific Explanations

When Galileo claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, people like you said "STUPID!"
No. People like us said "SCIENCE." And old religionists like yourself said "BURN HIM ALIVE!" This is what you did to Giordano Bruno so all of you are going to hell for murder. It's no wonder Galileo took the step of placating the superstitious murderers in their fancy robes and funny hats.

I suppose this is an example of how people use this thing you call a god to do terrible things and is why you never answered my query about how this happens. I didn't expect an answer as it would have amounted to another round of nonsensical religious psychobabble.
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Are those peer-reviewers in science journals qualified to peer review the topic of intelligence, if they themselves were wrong on that topic?

Well, yeah. Peer review isn't about agreeing with you before they read your work. That's just vanity press (see also creationist organizations who promise not to publish anything that contradicts a literal reading of The Bible).
It's about smacking themselves on the foreveshead and saying, 'Damn! I wish i had thought of that!'

Of course, if you don't actually DO science in your paper, the reviewers need not bruise their noggins in jealousy, just dismiss you as a poser.
I will review them, but they? Maybe they were not educated well...
You are going to have to give them actual science to force them to change their minds, MrID. Predict, formulate experiments to test that, perform them, evaluate the results, and provide enough information that others can make the same observations you did.

Or, you're not in the arena, you're jerking off in the parking lot.
People change their minds either by doing them by themselves or by losing their jobs or losing funds in science.
How in the hell does this react to anything in my post?
What most people see is the successful scientific theories. There are many that came and went failing scrutiny.

Einstein became known for Th Photoelectric Effect. Relativity was a hard sell when he published the theories, there was no way to test it. As technology improved it was eventualy demonstrated.

A modern example is cold fsion. In the 890s a claim was made of achieving cold fusion. If true it was potentially cheap clean energy. Within a few days it was discredited because no one could repeat the experiment.

ID is not science, it is religious creationist. There is no way to test the hypothesis, science can not address religious or philosophical clams.

If you want to publish ID theories, try the Discovery Institute. They gave been dong it since at least the early 90s. Plenty of books, papers, and videos.
Stupid. The answer is clearly and certainly 'stupid'.

Hope that clears up any confusion for you.

Laughing at your imaginary future victories isn't an indication that they will come to pass. It could however be a symptom of psychiatric problems; Have you consulted a mental health professional?
Lol!!! When Galileo claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, people like you said "STUPID!"... lol!!!
Not people like me. It was the religious leaders of the church who believed that god (or in your words, "intelligence") placed the Earth at the center of the universe that called him STUPID and a heretic. In other words, it was religious people like you that called Galileo stupid because his model didn't include god as the cause. There were many in the scientific community at the time that also realized that Copernicus was right but couldn't publicly admit it for fear of the "holy inquisition". Galileo stands out because he dared to challenge the church.
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Stupid. The answer is clearly and certainly 'stupid'.

Hope that clears up any confusion for you.

Laughing at your imaginary future victories isn't an indication that they will come to pass. It could however be a symptom of psychiatric problems; Have you consulted a mental health professional?
Lol!!! When Galileo claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, people like you said "STUPID!"... lol!!!
But he did not JUST say that. He said the Earth revolves around the sun, and this is how i know.
People like us said, 'Wait, what? Let me see those notes.'
People in the Church, 'Yeah, probably, but we've been quoting scripture for, like, years, it'll have to wait until we can figure a way to say, 'the Earth has always orbited the sun, we've never said different!'

I don't know what people like you said. History largely only records those that are correct or those in power.
I don't know what people like you said. History largely only records those that are correct or those in power.
The christian church at the time functioned much like IS did in its caliphate. If you were a threat to their power you were targeted. In earlier centuries the church would hunt down your corpse, dig it up, burn it and scatter the ashes. Nice people. These were the people who believed in creation, aka intelligent design. Very nice people.

That people see you as ridiculous is not evidence that you are correct.
I do not even care! Who are they?
Pretty much everyone who has had the misfortune to be exposed to your "ideas".
Are they intellectually better than me?
Well, given that they can see how bad you are at the whole epistemology thing, and that you clearly cannot, I am going to go with a 'yes' on that one.
Did they discover something in science?
Many of them probably did. Which is more than we can say about you.
If not, then, they are trashes to me.
So what? Who are you? Some internet clown who doesn't even have the smarts to grasp how misplaced his abject lack of humility is. It would be humorous, if it wasn't so commonplace as to be becoming tedious.

I don't know what people like you said. History largely only records those that are correct or those in power.
The christian church at the time functioned much like IS did in its caliphate. If you were a threat to their power you were targeted. In earlier centuries the church would hunt down your corpse, dig it up, burn it and scatter the ashes. Nice people. These were the people who believed in creation, aka intelligent design. Very nice people.
That is why, before any person will say that a person is wrong, try to make experiment, if not, they will become religious FREAKS. That is why, if you THINK that I am wrong, all you have to do is stop posting here, stop the stupidity, define intelligence universally and scientifically, submit that to NATURE Journal, after rejected, to Zenodo, give me the link, and fight me model vs model.. START TODAY.. from today, I hope that all of you who think that I am wrong can give me that link...or SHUT UP! GIVE me the link or stop posting here... START TODAY.. and see who is the best. By leaving it means that Evolution had made you stupid and you will die stupid...before you left, say sorry to me for your insult.

That people see you as ridiculous is not evidence that you are correct.
I do not even care! Who are they?
Pretty much everyone who has had the misfortune to be exposed to your "ideas".
Are they intellectually better than me?
Well, given that they can see how bad you are at the whole epistemology thing, and that you clearly cannot, I am going to go with a 'yes' on that one.
Did they discover something in science?
Many of them probably did. Which is more than we can say about you.
If not, then, they are trashes to me.
So what? Who are you? Some internet clown who doesn't even have the smarts to grasp how misplaced his abject lack of humility is. It would be humorous, if it wasn't so commonplace as to be becoming tedious.
YES, all who say that I am wrong and yet has no model to fight me are all trashes in science, in society and me.. FIGHT me intellectually...and win...By leaving it means that Evolution had made you stupid and you will die stupid...before you left, say sorry to me for your insult.

That people see you as ridiculous is not evidence that you are correct.
I do not even care! Who are they?
Pretty much everyone who has had the misfortune to be exposed to your "ideas".
Are they intellectually better than me?
Well, given that they can see how bad you are at the whole epistemology thing, and that you clearly cannot, I am going to go with a 'yes' on that one.
Did they discover something in science?
Many of them probably did. Which is more than we can say about you.
If not, then, they are trashes to me.
So what? Who are you? Some internet clown who doesn't even have the smarts to grasp how misplaced his abject lack of humility is. It would be humorous, if it wasn't so commonplace as to be becoming tedious.
YES, all who say that I am wrong and yet has no model to fight me are all trashes in science, in society and me.. FIGHT me intellectually...and win...
Why would anyone care to fight further against someone who is the only person who cannot understand that he has already lost?

Literally everyone except you knows that the fight is over.

When you work it out (if you ever do), feel free to come back and apologise for your infantile outbursts.

That people see you as ridiculous is not evidence that you are correct.
I do not even care! Who are they?
Pretty much everyone who has had the misfortune to be exposed to your "ideas".
Are they intellectually better than me?
Well, given that they can see how bad you are at the whole epistemology thing, and that you clearly cannot, I am going to go with a 'yes' on that one.
Did they discover something in science?
Many of them probably did. Which is more than we can say about you.
If not, then, they are trashes to me.
So what? Who are you? Some internet clown who doesn't even have the smarts to grasp how misplaced his abject lack of humility is. It would be humorous, if it wasn't so commonplace as to be becoming tedious.
YES, all who say that I am wrong and yet has no model to fight me are all trashes in science, in society and me.. FIGHT me intellectually...and win...By leaving it means that Evolution had made you stupid and you will die stupid...before you left, say sorry to me for your insult.
It isn't so much that you are wrong (though you obviously are). The problem is that you are incoherent (yet smug) and purposefully ignorant of what the model of the theory of evolution actually is.

I seriously doubt you have ever read anything about evolution other than the BS on the Discover Institute website or the Answers in Genesis website.
If MrIntelligent Design was really interested in science it might occur to him to ask why two people, ostensibly making the same observations, can come up with different conclusions based on those observations. He obviously never asks such question but says the other people are just stupid. That fact alone says a lot about how he comes to make conclusions and also about how poor an observer he really is. He doesn't develop informed questions, he seems unable to do so.

I have my opinions about what causes this behavior but that's another thread. I think he would score very interestingly on the Dunning Kruger scale.

I don't know what people like you said. History largely only records those that are correct or those in power.
The christian church at the time functioned much like IS did in its caliphate. If you were a threat to their power you were targeted. In earlier centuries the church would hunt down your corpse, dig it up, burn it and scatter the ashes. Nice people. These were the people who believed in creation, aka intelligent design. Very nice people.
That is why, before any person will say that a person is wrong, try to make experiment, if not, they will become religious FREAKS. That is why, if you THINK that I am wrong, all you have to do is stop posting here, stop the stupidity, define intelligence universally and scientifically, submit that to NATURE Journal, after rejected, to Zenodo, give me the link, and fight me model vs model.. START TODAY.. from today, I hope that all of you who think that I am wrong can give me that link...or SHUT UP! GIVE me the link or stop posting here... START TODAY.. and see who is the best. By leaving it means that Evolution had made you stupid and you will die stupid...before you left, say sorry to me for your insult.
Well, I think you are wrong, and I don't have to do anything other than what I want. You play word salad philosophy and call it science.

Ok Otto...good thing apes don't read philosophy.

I don't know what people like you said. History largely only records those that are correct or those in power.
The christian church at the time functioned much like IS did in its caliphate. If you were a threat to their power you were targeted. In earlier centuries the church would hunt down your corpse, dig it up, burn it and scatter the ashes. Nice people. These were the people who believed in creation, aka intelligent design. Very nice people.
That is why, before any person will say that a person is wrong, try to make experiment, if not, they will become religious FREAKS.
Nope. All i gotta fo is ask if you did an experiment. What was the prediction, are the results repeatable.
That is why, if you THINK that I am wrong, all you have to do is stop posting here, stop the stupidity, define intelligence universally and scientifically, submit that to NATURE Journal, after rejected, to Zenodo, give me the link, and fight me model vs model..
I think you're wrong.
I think you're wrong that i have to perform experiments to prove you wrong.
I think you're wrong that we're the ones posting stupidity.
I certainly don't need to ne rejected by a journal to say that,

from today, I hope that all of you who think that I am wrong can give me that link...or SHUT UP!
Fuck off.
GIVE me the link or stop posting here...
Demand some more.
START TODAY.. and see who is the best.

Again, it's not about WHO, liebscen, it's about which theory is best supported in science.
By leaving it means that Evolution had made you stupid and you will die stupid...before you left, say sorry to me for your insult.
I think you're wrong that the study of evolution makes anyone stupid. And i certainly won't leave if that will be taken (however insanely) as evidence against evolution.
And my only insult against you is in this post.
Thank you, guys. For probably two weeks or more, I will never be able to answer all of your posts to me. I will be submitting to Nature Journal a science article titled, "Scientific Falsification of the Theory of Evolution (ToE) and Its Replacement". If Nature rejected me, the article will end up in Zenodo, and I will be sharing you again the link... if you want. But in break time, I will be probably reading all your comments. Guys, I am very serious in science for I think I am right.

Tell you what...get back to us when the journals publish the "holy shit we've been wrong about this for 150 years" articles, the Nobel committee hands you the Prize, and all the churches in the world hail your irrefutable proof that God exists and "designed" everything.

Serious question: will you use all the fantastic wealth that comes from this monumental victory over science to follow Bezos and Musk into space? Will you finally be able to get your rocket high enough to prove conclusively that the Earth is in fact flat?

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see how all this will play out.
I seriously doubt you have ever read anything about evolution other than the BS on the Discover Institute website or the Answers in Genesis website.
Actually he allows a video of Bill Nye giving evidence of evolution (tiktaaliks) to show.... He also has the word written on his whiteboard.... (at 8 minutes in)

In the paper mentioned in the OP he has a screen shot of On the Origin of the Species

Screen Shot 2022-02-06 at 10.07.42 am.png
MrID, if you can't get past us here you are not going to pass a formal science review. Within science there are thousands of credible papers written every year, only a small percentage rise to being published in major journals.

An alternative is to pay to be published in journals, but it still has to be credible science.

The last resort is to pay to have a book published or find a religious publisher. There have been TV ads fpr a Chrtian publisher who will take your ideas, create a book, and market it. Probably for an upfront fe.
.....The last resort is to pay to have a book published or find a religious publisher. There have been TV ads fpr a Chrtian publisher who will take your ideas, create a book, and market it. Probably for an upfront fe.
I think mainstream YEC journals wouldn't be happy with him either.... I mean they are quite slick and make a lot of sense

.....The last resort is to pay to have a book published or find a religious publisher. There have been TV ads fpr a Chrtian publisher who will take your ideas, create a book, and market it. Probably for an upfront fe.
I think mainstream YEC journals wouldn't be happy with him either.... I mean they are quite slick and make a lot of sense
"Make a lot of sense" is quite a bit over the line. I think a better description would be that they are internally consistent. Their articles are based on an often unstated assumption that the Bible (at least the parts they like) is inerrant truth.
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