Married mouth-breather
Hi I was wondering about your tissue and egg experiment in "The New Intelligent Design <id> and Its Powerful Correct Scientific Explanations"
I see image 1 says "8 sheets" and "failed", image 2 says "2 sheets" and image 3 says "9 sheets".
You say:
Later you say:
I see image 1 says "8 sheets" and "failed", image 2 says "2 sheets" and image 3 says "9 sheets".
You say:
Could you explain it here rather than us having to buy your book? The experiment looks simple enough for a school kid to understand.... or is it like Einstein where the thought experiment is somewhat simple compared to the math?The first initial derivation of UCP/UBL (that I had written above) has been already conducted with a simple egg and tissue experiment. It is fully explained and detailed in one of my science books titled, “The New Intelligent Design <id> Turning The Scientific World Upside Down”, as published in Amazon, as e-book.
Later you say:
Matthew 7:24-26, The Living Bible. Jesus Christ had explained that,
“All who listen to my instructions and follow them are wise, like a man who builds his house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents, and the floods rise and the storm winds beat against his house, it won’t collapse, for it is built on rock. “But those who hear my instructions and ignore them are foolish, like a man who builds his house on sand. For when the rains and floods come, and storm winds beat against his house, it will fall with a mighty crash.”
It is surprisingly awesome to see that the Bible had already given humans, and science clue/hint of the UCP/UBL, as discussed by Jesus Christ, the God-Creator, but it is being ignored. I started from both scientific experiments, that is, both egg and tissue experiment and thought experiment, but ending up agreeing with the Bible. To falsify this, I challenge any scientist to make a new UBL/UCP that is better and more realistic than mine. It must be universal and it must have a testable and confirmable experiment. No experiment, no science. It is a deal. Science demands experiment.