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The New Intelligent Design <id> and Its Powerful Correct Scientific Explanations

Hi I was wondering about your tissue and egg experiment in "The New Intelligent Design <id> and Its Powerful Correct Scientific Explanations"
I see image 1 says "8 sheets" and "failed", image 2 says "2 sheets" and image 3 says "9 sheets".
You say:
The first initial derivation of UCP/UBL (that I had written above) has been already conducted with a simple egg and tissue experiment. It is fully explained and detailed in one of my science books titled, “The New Intelligent Design <id> Turning The Scientific World Upside Down”, as published in Amazon, as e-book.
Could you explain it here rather than us having to buy your book? The experiment looks simple enough for a school kid to understand.... or is it like Einstein where the thought experiment is somewhat simple compared to the math?

Later you say:
Matthew 7:24-26, The Living Bible. Jesus Christ had explained that,
“All who listen to my instructions and follow them are wise, like a man who builds his house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents, and the floods rise and the storm winds beat against his house, it won’t collapse, for it is built on rock. “But those who hear my instructions and ignore them are foolish, like a man who builds his house on sand. For when the rains and floods come, and storm winds beat against his house, it will fall with a mighty crash.”

It is surprisingly awesome to see that the Bible had already given humans, and science clue/hint of the UCP/UBL, as discussed by Jesus Christ, the God-Creator, but it is being ignored. I started from both scientific experiments, that is, both egg and tissue experiment and thought experiment, but ending up agreeing with the Bible. To falsify this, I challenge any scientist to make a new UBL/UCP that is better and more realistic than mine. It must be universal and it must have a testable and confirmable experiment. No experiment, no science. It is a deal. Science demands experiment.

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Hi I was wondering about your tissue and egg experiment in "The New Intelligent Design <id> and Its Powerful Correct Scientific Explanations"
I see image 1 says "8 sheets" and "failed", image 2 says "2 sheets" and image 3 says "9 sheets".
You say:
The first initial derivation of UCP/UBL (that I had written above) has been already conducted with a simple egg and tissue experiment. It is fully explained and detailed in one of my science books titled, “The New Intelligent Design <id> Turning The Scientific World Upside Down”, as published in Amazon, as e-book.
Could you explain it here rather than us having to buy your book? The experiment looks simple enough for a school kid to understand.... or is it like Einstein where the thought experiment is somewhat simple compared to the math?

Later you say:
Matthew 7:24-26, The Living Bible. Jesus Christ had explained that,
“All who listen to my instructions and follow them are wise, like a man who builds his house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents, and the floods rise and the storm winds beat against his house, it won’t collapse, for it is built on rock. “But those who hear my instructions and ignore them are foolish, like a man who builds his house on sand. For when the rains and floods come, and storm winds beat against his house, it will fall with a mighty crash.”

It is surprisingly awesome to see that the Bible had already given humans, and science clue/hint of the UCP/UBL, as discussed by Jesus Christ, the God-Creator, but it is being ignored. I started from both scientific experiments, that is, both egg and tissue experiment and thought experiment, but ending up agreeing with the Bible. To falsify this, I challenge any scientist to make a new UBL/UCP that is better and more realistic than mine. It must be universal and it must have a testable and confirmable experiment. No experiment, no science. It is a deal. Science demands experiment.
Yeah, since my discoveries are universal I could give more examples...but I made one experiment and thought experiment.

The question is: how can you test a principle or a method (to be used in the topic of origin of,,,say, universe or cell) between intentional and non, or intelligent A to non-intelligent A? An event is needed to test. It is not the egg or tissue, but an event... That is why I think I am a genius... since I am the only scientist who had done it...
Yeah, since my discoveries are universal I could give more examples...but I made one experiment and thought experiment.

The question is: how can you test a principle or a method (to be used in the topic of origin of,,,say, universe or cell) between intentional and non, or intelligent A to non-intelligent A? An event is needed to test. It is not the egg or tissue, but an event... That is why I think I am a genius... since I am the only scientist who had done it...
Hi I was wondering what the egg and tissue experiment has to do with intelligent design? I guess the layers of tissue involve intelligent design?
Yeah, since my discoveries are universal I could give more examples...but I made one experiment and thought experiment.

The question is: how can you test a principle or a method (to be used in the topic of origin of,,,say, universe or cell) between intentional and non, or intelligent A to non-intelligent A? An event is needed to test. It is not the egg or tissue, but an event... That is why I think I am a genius... since I am the only scientist who had done it...
Hi I was wondering what the egg and tissue experiment has to do with intelligent design? I guess the layers of tissue involve intelligent design?
Yes, which is intelligent or not... based on layers...
the article will end up in Zenodo, and I will be sharing you again the link... if you want. But in break time, I will be probably reading all your comments. Guys, I am very serious in science for I think I am right.
But you are wrong. Very, very wrong. The sooner you acknowledge this fact, the sooner you can turn your life around.
From this video:

"Either I am Stupid or a Genius in Science"
"Either I am wrong and stupid or correct and a genius!"
In the description:
"You can decide if I am a crazy person or scientist who is wasting your time or a genius that appears only once in a hundred years.."
I’ll pick Door Number One of the three options.
YES! Either I am a genius or a stupid in SCIENCE, after showing my real name and face... But, mark my word for this: I will always have the last victory laugh!
I have read the article you linked to. There is nothing scientific about the article - it is a mish-mash of self-promotion, biblical preaching, unsupported assertions, and assorted nonsense that resembles the ramblings of a mentally ill person who has stopped taking their medication. You are not even wrong. And you are deluded enough to think this work would be published by a scientific journal - that just demonstrates how bad your affliction is. I recommend that you seek medical help immediately to cure you of your delusions.
Intelligence is absolute good...
How? Some people use their intelligence to do terrible things.
I do find it interesting that his claim is that "intelligence" (he is using the word "intelligence" as a synonym for god) is what drives evolution by altering the genes to add new beneficial traits. If this "intelligence" is responsible for such mutations then it is also responsible for the gene alterations that are detrimental to the organism. So the 120,000 babies per year born with birth defects in the U.S. alone was planned and done by this sadistic "intelligence".
Hi I was wondering what the egg and tissue experiment has to do with intelligent design? I guess the layers of tissue involve intelligent design?
Yes, which is intelligent or not... based on layers...
Could you please copy and paste your explanation of the egg and tissue experiment from your book? I have no idea what it has to do with millions of years of mutations, etc.
MrID is new here, I guess. He showed up at Secular Cafe several years ago and delivered the same pitch there. You can probably find him in the SC archive. He's seen all the arguments and rebuttals, so I don't think the outcome will be much different here.
MrID is new here, I guess. He showed up at Secular Cafe several years ago and delivered the same pitch there. You can probably find him in the SC archive. He's seen all the arguments and rebuttals, so I don't think the outcome will be much different here.
Thanks I found some posts here:
An interesting quote:
Amazon product ASIN B00HWUX22O
From the Author
NOW, even until today, no one had ever understood my new discoveries. I am looking also for a scientist who could understand my new discoveries and help me share my new discoveries to the world and be understood. Are you my Max Planck?
I checked out the link. It's gibberish, word salad. He published on amazon kindle because scientific journals refused the work. He drops Einstein's name claiming that no one understood Einstein at the time either. :thinking: I think I'll check out youtube.

Could only stand to watch about 8 minutes of his delusional delivery on youtube. Id say the ID people want him to go away too. :)
Are those peer-reviewers in science journals qualified to peer review the topic of intelligence, if they themselves were wrong on that topic? I will review them, but they? Maybe they were not educated well...
Intelligence has nothing particularly to do with evolution. It's one of many consequences of evolution, but evolution was a fact for billions of years before intelligence arose, and will continue long after it no longer exists.

Evolution is completely neutral on the subject of intelligence, in the same way that gravity is. Intelligent animals fall down, and so do trees. Gravity doesn't treat them any differently.
the article will end up in Zenodo, and I will be sharing you again the link... if you want. But in break time, I will be probably reading all your comments. Guys, I am very serious in science for I think I am right.
But you are wrong. Very, very wrong. The sooner you acknowledge this fact, the sooner you can turn your life around.
From this video:

"Either I am Stupid or a Genius in Science"
"Either I am wrong and stupid or correct and a genius!"
In the description:
"You can decide if I am a crazy person or scientist who is wasting your time or a genius that appears only once in a hundred years.."

I’ll pick Door Number One of the three options.

YES! Either I am a genius or a stupid in SCIENCE,
Stupid. The answer is clearly and certainly 'stupid'.

Hope that clears up any confusion for you.
after showing my real name and face...
Science doesn't care about names or faces. It cares about ideas.
But, mark my word for this: I will always have the last victory laugh!
Like a pigeon grandmaster. :rolleyes:

Laughing at your imaginary future victories isn't an indication that they will come to pass. It could however be a symptom of psychiatric problems; Have you consulted a mental health professional?
MrID is new here, I guess. He showed up at Secular Cafe several years ago and delivered the same pitch there. You can probably find him in the SC archive. He's seen all the arguments and rebuttals, so I don't think the outcome will be much different here.
Thanks I found some posts here:

Yep. It was in 2015 that we went through this with him. I'll enjoy looking back at the fun we had then. I wonder when he is going to explain "intelligens" to us. :)
Are those peer-reviewers in science journals qualified to peer review the topic of intelligence, if they themselves were wrong on that topic?

Well, yeah. Peer review isn't about agreeing with you before they read your work. That's just vanity press (see also creationist organizations who promise not to publish anything that contradicts a literal reading of The Bible).
It's about smacking themselves on the foreveshead and saying, 'Damn! I wish i had thought of that!'

Of course, if you don't actually DO science in your paper, the reviewers need not bruise their noggins in jealousy, just dismiss you as a poser.
I will review them, but they? Maybe they were not educated well...
You are going to have to give them actual science to force them to change their minds, MrID. Predict, formulate experiments to test that, perform them, evaluate the results, and provide enough information that others can make the same observations you did.

Or, you're not in the arena, you're jerking off in the parking lot.
Are those peer-reviewers in science journals qualified to peer review the topic of intelligence, if they themselves were wrong on that topic?

Well, yeah. Peer review isn't about agreeing with you before they read your work. That's just vanity press (see also creationist organizations who promise not to publish anything that contradicts a literal reading of The Bible).
It's about smacking themselves on the foreveshead and saying, 'Damn! I wish i had thought of that!'

Of course, if you don't actually DO science in your paper, the reviewers need not bruise their noggins in jealousy, just dismiss you as a poser.
I will review them, but they? Maybe they were not educated well...
You are going to have to give them actual science to force them to change their minds, MrID. Predict, formulate experiments to test that, perform them, evaluate the results, and provide enough information that others can make the same observations you did.

Or, you're not in the arena, you're jerking off in the parking lot.
People change their minds either by doing them by themselves or by losing their jobs or losing funds in science.
Stupid. The answer is clearly and certainly 'stupid'.

Hope that clears up any confusion for you.

Laughing at your imaginary future victories isn't an indication that they will come to pass. It could however be a symptom of psychiatric problems; Have you consulted a mental health professional?
Lol!!! When Galileo claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, people like you said "STUPID!"... lol!!!
Stupid. The answer is clearly and certainly 'stupid'.

Hope that clears up any confusion for you.

Laughing at your imaginary future victories isn't an indication that they will come to pass. It could however be a symptom of psychiatric problems; Have you consulted a mental health professional?
Lol!!! When Galileo claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, people like you said "STUPID!"... lol!!!
They laughed at Galileo.

They also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

That people see you as ridiculous is not evidence that you are correct.

That people see you as ridiculous is not evidence that you are correct.
I do not even care! Who are they? Are they intellectually better than me? Did they discover something in science? If not, then, they are trashes to me.
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