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The Race For 2024

Netenyahu, who has had extensive dealings with Biden was asked
by a reporter what he thought of Biden's mental acuity. Netenyahu
stated he always for Biden to be sharp, well informed, and quite
rational.so much for claims Biden is senile.
Quite a lot of people though wouldn't take Netanyahu words seriously.
If I was advising the Biden campaign, I would go after the Veteran vote. Pound on the fact that tRump has a long history of disparaging the Military. Remember what he said about McCain.
If I was advising the Biden campaign, I would go after the Veteran vote. Pound on the fact that tRump has a long history of disparaging the Military. Remember what he said about McCain.
And the dead American suckers and losers buried in the cemeteries of Normandy - where Trump wouldn't go for fear of messing up his 17 hairs.
And now, Trump has made it clear that he'd be happy if Russia invaded the rest of Europe on his watch.
No, seriously. He said he'd encourage it.
That is crazy. And that's the problem with Trump vs. Biden. Trump will say stuff like this, but will say it with an air of authority. And many voters prefer that to somebody who sounds like a very old man with his halting and slow speech, regardless of what is said.

Also, I thought Daily Fail was no good as a source. What gives?
And now, Trump has made it clear that he'd be happy if Russia invaded the rest of Europe on his watch.

No, seriously. He said he'd encourage it.

Donald Trump has claimed he would encourage Russia to attack NATO members who don't pay their share of the alliance's budget.
The ex-president made the alarming promise to rile up a cheering crowd, that spilled on to the streets outside his rally in Conway, South Carolina, on Saturday.

'The president of a big country stood up and said "if we don't pay, and we're attacked by Russia, will you protect us?" I said you didn't pay, you're delinquent? He said, "yes, let's say that happened".
'No, I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want, you gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills.'
A traitor to more than just his own nation, but to democracy in general. Any American who votes for this man is likewise selling us out to Putin's regime. Your stupid "culture wars" were worth more to you in gold than your patriotism, and the sight of our flag should fill you with shame.
I must say that looking afar from down under I am pleased that thus far we have not seen the torrent of words, images emanating from you septics like in 2016 & 2020. Praise God for small mercies.

Am aware though that the silly , sorry the campaigning, season has not yet begun.
It makes more sense the other way.
It really doesn't.

No, it does and we can observe why. You referenced opinions not based on evidence and the way you worded it made it sound like those opinion(s) were yours. Now see below:

Even Swammerdami couldn't come up with any evidence other than claims by EJC's friends that she told them about it at the time.

You are giving some evidence right now, but said there was no evidence. Some evidence is more than zero. I am sure I don't know about all these things like you do so I can't even pretend there is zero evidence, but apparently you know there is not zero evidence. So why would someone think you were referencing someone who has evidence when that is illogical? Plus, it grammatically comes across as referencing you. So both context and logic point to you. So, yeah, it made sense the other way.

What is some of the evidence? I mean, there's EJC herself. She's the victim. So that's evidence. Of course, it's evidence in a similar fashion to Trump saying he didn't do it. But then you also have Trump himself who said he used to grab women by the pussy. He said "they let you do it." And in a sense he was right because women out of fear mostly did not report Trump in those days. More than two dozen women have come forward publicly to talk about sexual misconduct by Trump. We won't even count them since most of them were not in court, except to say that evidence for Trump is contradicted by Trump himself. That's evidence of his character that is consistent with her claim but inconsistent with his claim. Of course, that certainly isn't enough to be convincing unless those accusers take the stand to be cross-examined as Constitutionally required, but those are two bits of evidence there--EJC's testimony and Trump's public comments. Then, you have Lisa Birnbach who testified she got a phone call from EJC minutes after it happened. So, so far we have 3 bits of evidence. Then, you also have Carol Martin who says EJC told her about this a day or two after it happened. So, now that is 4 bits of evidence. You have an employee who said that the lingerie dept was often not staffed in those times, another bit of evidence--that's 5. You have another employee who said there were no security cameras there--that's 6. Then, you DO actually have another woman testifying to Trump's character of criminal sexual misconduct. Jesica Leeds--that's 7. Natasha Stoynoff--that's 8. A psychologist who testified EJC has psychological symptoms of being raped--that's 9 pieces of evidence.

You may not LIKE the evidence, but that does not mean it doesn't exist.
Have you already forgotten they took an oath on penalty of perjury? :confused2:
I am the one who is confused. Can you really be that naïve as to think people do not lie under oath all the time? Or do you just think people of your ilk are so pure that they would not?
People lie. It's a universal fact about the human condition. They lie too protect friends. They lie to advance what they believe to be a righteous position. They are not disinterested witnesses who would have no reason to lie.

Your rejecting the findings of a New York jury is par for the course for your Ilk. You are so very very proud of the American Justice System,
Can you drop this "ilk" ad hominem already? It never was clever. It's no longer even amusing. it's just old and annoying.
I have criticized the American justice system before, especially the tort system.
so fascinated by the Second, Fifth, Second, Sixth, and Second Amendments to the Constitution,
so certain that justice is served when one of your Ilk is acquitted;
As are you, when one of "your ilk" is acquitted. Or when one of your ilk gets a sweetheart deal. Both happened many times with 2020 rioters.
when the cowardly teeny-bopper who gets an assault rifle on his birthday is acquitted of killing (with the jury not even allowed to rule on illegal gun possession).
Ritt had a civilian rifle, not an  assault rifle (which by definition are selective fire rifles). He acted in self defense because he was attacked by three men of your ilk. As to the gun possession charge, the Wisconsin law had a loophole and the jury could not legally find him guilty on that charge.
Yet when a jury unanimously finds your Orange Messiah guilty of assault and defamation, you whinge and whine.
He is not my "messiah". I did not vote for him. I will not vote for him now.
That's your problem. You are hyperpartisan. The verdict was correct in your mind because you hate Trump. I think the jury was thinking in the same hyperpartisan way, since there is no real evidence in this case, and a lot of reasons to disbelieve EJC.
I, unlike you, can separate these two things. I think everybody deserves a fair trial, whether I agree with them politically or not.

You tell us over and over that you're not a fan of Donald Trump, and under the rules we must pretend to believe you.
I am not, whether you believe me or not.

It does become amusing and informative to listen to you! What do you think of the 91 criminal counts against your boy? All the charges are Trumped up? It was Hunter Biden that really did the deeds?? :cool:
It depends on the case. The documents case is really strong, as is the Georgia case - too bad Fanni Willis is jeopardizing it by canoodling with the case prosecutor. The Bragg case is bullshit however. That's why the feds and the previous NY DA did not want to bring it.
I'm not sure there's going to be a "campaign season" in the usual sense, Tigers. Neither candidate seems super interested in arguing their case to the American public at large, let alone the global communuty. Neither had to fight very hard for their party's endorsement, and neither party expects to steal an abundance of swing votes from "the other side". While their differing policies are very important to the welfare of nations abroad, two doddering old men muttering vague promises to carefully selected friendy crowds may not make for very salacious international news.
Donald J. Trump


Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on a great game, and a fantastic comeback, under immense pressure. You represented the Great State of Kansas and, in fact, the entire USA, so very well. Our Country is PROUD OF YOU!
I'm not sure there's going to be a "campaign season" in the usual sense, Tigers. Neither candidate seems super interested in arguing their case to the American public at large, let alone the global communuty. Neither had to fight very hard for their party's endorsement, and neither party expects to steal an abundance of swing votes from "the other side". While their differing policies are very important to the welfare of nations abroad, two doddering old men muttering vague promises to carefully selected friendy crowds won't make for very salacious international news.

Trump won't debate in any setting that enforces fairness, and Biden isn't going to go stand somewhere just to watch Cheato try to work out his logorrhea problem. There's not going to be much more to "campaign season" than ads on TV, social media, yard signs etc...
I would have no problem with a younger person running for president, if such a person had challenged Biden and if that person was well qualified.
It is nearly impossible to challenge an incumbent president in the primary. Reagan and Ted Kennedy tried and failed. That's why there are no "big guns" challenging Biden. Biden really should have decided not to run again a year ago - that way there'd be time for others to organize proper campaigns.
I just haven't seen anyone interested in the position and people have been throwing out names of people who are obviously not even interested in the job.
Like who? Those people are probably interested in the job and would be more than willing to run if the incumbent had decided not to run.

I am deeply concerned that Trump will win, partly because the media can't seem to stop talking about Biden's age. I read another article yesterday that said, despite Biden being in better condition than Trump, both physically and mentally, Trump is good at getting a crowd all worked up, and he's a big man with a loud voice died hair and makeup, that gives some people the impression he can do the job, while Biden is slender, with a raspy voice, making him seem older.
That has a lot to do with it. If you watch some recent clips of Biden, he seems like an old man - he speaks slowly and haltingly, he often sways and does not seem steady. In campaigns, perception matters a lot.

That is something I find very concerning. But, Biden isn't senile, while I'm not so sure about Trump, who is totally unfit in so many ways to be president again.
I do not think he is senile per se. But he is showing his age.

And the polls are not looking good either. Most national polls show him at least a point behind Trump. A recent Pennsylvania poll has him 8 points behind Trump and the same poll shows Sen. Casey ahead by 1. Pennsylvania will be a very important state come November. Last two elections in the state were very close, with Trump beating out Hillary, and Biden prevailing against Trump.

Biden's stupid decision to halt LNG leases is certainly not helping.
Biden pauses LNG export approvals after pressure from climate activists
That is one of my objections to Biden's handling of the presidency - he is too susceptible to being pulled to the Left.
Note that if natural gas displaces coal that is a net win for the climate and for environment in general as coal is not just more carbin intensive, but also much more dirty burning than gas.

People are still saying that Biden should stop down or his wife should talk him into stepping down. Apparently she thinks he's perfectly capable of doing the job and she knows him better than we do. So, who is this younger person who you think should come out and challenge Biden?
As it is, nobody as Biden is still in. And if he decides to drop out now, it's too late for the primaries. It would be vape-filled rooms at the Convention.

Yesterday, I heard that there was a group urging Michele Obama to run. WTF! The woman has no interest in running for president. In fact, based on everything I've read, she wasn't all that happy when her husband took on the position. You can't force someone to run for president and considering all the hatred and division in the country, I can fully understand why other than Biden, only a few loonies want the job.

Douglas Adams said:
The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
I'm not sure there's going to be a "campaign season" in the usual sense, Tigers. Neither candidate seems super interested in arguing their case to the American public at large, let alone the global communuty. Neither had to fight very hard for their party's endorsement, and neither party expects to steal an abundance of swing votes from "the other side". While their differing policies are very important to the welfare of nations abroad, two doddering old men muttering vague promises to carefully selected friendy crowds won't make for very salacious international news.

Trump won't debate in any setting that enforces fairness, and Biden isn't going to go stand somewhere just to watch Cheato try to work out his logorrhea problem. There's not going to be much more to "campaign season" than ads on TV, social media, yard signs etc...
Exactly. Those things will happen, and I'm sure neither Biden or Trump have made their last "public gaffe that makes everyone doubt their mental competency", but aside from the ongoing Trump legal news, I think it's going to be sort of a dull election for the international tabloids unless one or both of them has an actual stroke/heart attack while on camera.

Now once Trump takes office.... hoo boy, will there ever be news then. But it will be too late to help.
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