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The Race For 2024

They are moving into adulthood form the point of view of physical, mental and, yes, social development. A teenager is distinct from actual children in all three aspects.
Every child from the moment of birth is moving toward adulthood.10 yr olds is distinct from 4 yr olds in all 3 categories. That shouldn’t mean 10 yr olds are not actual children. Your argument is fallacious.

You wish to redefine the “ term” child to fit a perverse need for retribution. No one is required to accept it.
You wish to redefine the “ term” child to fit a perverse need for retribution. No one is required to accept it.
I am not redefining anything. The meaning of "child" is equivocal. You are the one who clings to "everyone under 18", presumably to defend things like lack of accountability for 17 year old gang murderers and terrorists.
You wish to redefine the “ term” child to fit a perverse need for retribution. No one is required to accept it.
I am not redefining anything. The meaning of "child" is equivocal. You are the one who clings to "everyone under 18", presumably to defend things like lack of accountability for 17 year old gang murderers and terrorists.
It is true that I do not share your rage boner for punishment but not treating children/minors as adults is not promoting a lack of accountability. It is recognizing that childten/ minors are not adults. It is sign of sccepting reality.
Everyone's goal is to get their way. And they are allowed to protest when they don't.
They are allowed to protest. They are not allowed to burn down buildings or cars, take over city blocks with barricades and armed patrols, and other tactics used by Antifas and #BLMers in 2020.
But they are not allowed to overthrow the government. Nor to attempt to do so.
Nobody said they are. But neither are your Ilk allowed to riot, commit arson, or take over police stations and city blocks.
Threatening public order is a crime; But it is NOT, in law, as severe or as serious a crime as attempting to overthrow the government.
I do not disagree that those who tried to overthrow the orderly transfer of government deserve significant penalties. What I disagree with is the continuous downplaying of the severity of the 2020 riots by both people on here and also by prosecutors who either refused to prosecute or gave rioters sweetheart deals - like one short year for torching a NYPD vehicle with a Molotov.
Not even when it's being done by people you disagree with or dislike.
The problem is that the 2020 rioters were given lighter sentences because prosecutors from Garland's DOJ agreed with their politics.
It is true that I do not share your rage boner for punishment but not treating children/minors as adults is not promoting a lack of accountability.
The juvenile system is not adequate for dealing with serious crimes, and amounts to a de facto lack of accountability. It is not a "rage boner" to recognize that fact.
It is recognizing that childten/ minors are not adults. It is sign of sccepting reality.
Minors are not adults. Their age should be taken into account. At the same time, the juvenile justice system is not adequate to deal with serious crimes committed by minors. That's why being able to charge minors as adults for serious crimes is necessary.
Note that a judge needs to sign off on transfer to adult court and that even in adult court age can be taken into account for sentencing. But maximum of a few years in juvenile detention is completely inadequate for teenage murderers, especially hardened gang hitters.
It is true that I do not share your rage boner for punishment but not treating children/minors as adults is not promoting a lack of accountability.

It is recognizing that childten/ minors are not adults. It is sign of sccepting reality.
Minors are not adults. Their age should be taken into account. At the same time, the juvenile justice system is not adequate to deal with serious crimes committed by minors. That's why being able to charge minors as adults for serious crimes is necessary.
Note that a judge needs to sign off on transfer to adult court and that even in adult court age can be taken into account for sentencing. But maximum of a few years in juvenile detention is completely inadequate for teenage murderers, especially hardened gang hitters.
None of that means treating like adults. It means improving the system.
In other words: fuck regular people and their livelihoods. The overlords in the Congress are the only ones who matter.
That's been the position taken by lawmakers everywhere since forever. Is this your first day?
Doesn't mean that it is the correct position. Why are you defending it?
Because it's the correct position. The alternative is anarchy.
None of that means treating like adults. It means improving the system.
As long as you get serious consequences for 17 year old near adults committing serious crimes it is secondary what system it goes through.
As it is designed right now, adult court system is the only venue capable of handling these crimes adequately. Take it up with those who designed the justice system, not me.
Because it's the correct position. The alternative is anarchy.
No it is not. When you say that violence outside of the US Congress is not a big deal, that's anarchy. Like we had in 2020.
No, it is not anarchy under the normal sense of the word because the violence in 2020 was not predicated on overthrowing the elected hovt.
When you say that violence outside of the US Congress is not a big deal
I didn't say that.

I am merely pointing out that it's not the same as, or lesser than, violence inside the US Congress, with the clear and plausibly achievable objective of overthrowing the elected government.
No, it is not anarchy under the normal sense of the word because the violence in 2020 was not predicated on overthrowing the elected hovt.
It was de facto anarchy when extremist groups were able to take over entire city blocks for weeks with feckless mayors like Jenny Durkan refusing to do anything.
I am merely pointing out that it's not the same as, or lesser than, violence inside the US Congress, with the clear and plausibly achievable objective of overthrowing the elected government.
What is your opinion of leftists detonating a bomb in the US Senate? And a Democratic president commuting their senteces?

Or are you going to find a way to argue that it really wasn't that bad because reasons?
As it is designed right now, adult court system is the only venue capable of handling these crimes adequately.
As it is designed right now, no US system is even vaguely capable of handling crime adequately.

You need to stop doing what feels good to those hungry for revenge, or sounds good to those raised on Old Testament stories; and start doing what actually works to reduce crime and protect the public.

I shalln't be holding my breath.

The least you could do is to stop clamouring for more of (and broader application of) what has been demonstrated not to work.

Incarcerating adults in hellish prisons is completely ineffective. Why would doing the same to children teenagers be a good idea?
No, it is not anarchy under the normal sense of the word because the violence in 2020 was not predicated on overthrowing the elected hovt.
It was de facto anarchy when extremist groups were able to take over entire city blocks for weeks with feckless mayors like Jenny Durkan refusing to do anything.
“De facto anarchy” means an rldctrd ofgicial answerable to her constituents ( happy coincidence?) didn’t do what you wanted.
None of that means treating like adults. It means improving the system.
As long as you get serious consequences for 17 year old near adults committing serious crimes it is secondary what system it goes through.
As it is designed right now, adult court system is the only venue capable of handling these crimes adequately. Take it up with those who designed the justice system, not me.
You’re the one advocating for more ineffective and harmful incarceration of minors.
What is your opinion of leftists detonating a bomb in the US Senate?
That it sounds like a terrible crime, but happened before I was old enough to care about such things, so I don't have any real interest in it nor any strong opinions, other than that it is completely independent of, and irrelevant to, the events of 2020.

It seems unlikely that any of these "leftists" will do anything like it again. Can we say the same with regards to Trump's supporters?
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