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The Race For 2024

Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.

Oh look everybody. Another TSwizzle Fizzle

Boy this bearded man is also slipping.
The video was not cropped, maybe on tiktok it was for some aesthetic reasons.
Yes, there is a whole man there collecting his parachute, not paying attention to Biden who is thumb-uping somebody, maybe the guy himself.
But the guy does not even look in his direction. The first rule of thumb-uping is to make sure that person who is being thumb-upped sees you and paying attention to what you do. Otherwise you will be thumb-upping empty space.
Symptoms of dementia are weird, mechanical posture, very preprogrammed/rigid behaviour which does not account for changed environment. Early on, they might realize that they have problems with memory and develop weird solutions which makes little sense to normal people. For example, my relative (who insisted on living alone) in order to not forget going to a bank to get his pension created a system where he used a paper calendar. He would wake up (around 5 or 6), turn the calendar, look at the date, if date is the first day of month he would immediately go to the bank and wait until it opens.
If he missed the date then it's wait till next month or until he runs out of money. The first time I encountered this behaviour I tried to tell him we can go to the bank tomorrow. I got a physical fight because he was not able to explain why he wants to go immediately, he would simply insist on going.
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Where is the video showing Biden thumb-upping an actual person?!
The guy in the video DOES NOT count, second one is not in the frame, we don't know what he is doing.
Where is uncropped video?!
The horror! The horror!

First Joe Biden teams up with the pedophile ring run by George Soros, the Clintons and Taylor Swift; and then helps organize the Massacre at Benghazi which killed more Americans than died on 9/11. Now he gives a thumbs-up to some unidentified (but probably antifa) parachutist. Have we issued a subpoena for the parachutist yet? Will he plead the Fifth?

Compared with this master criminal, the ex-Pres with the 91 felony indictments is practically law-abiding. The Orange Messiah should just be slapped gently on the wrist and made Dictator for Life.
(I don't see the .signatures when I browse this site with my phone. Some may miss the .sigs even on their laptop. I've pasted in Jason's .signatures so everyone can enjoy them.)
And not everyone has them turned on.
My signature apparently enrages him to the point where he wants to rally people against me.
Here's a video show-casing Trump's alleged rationality.

My signature apparently enrages him to the point where he wants to rally people against me.

Not rage. Pity.

Trump has an issue in that he isn't particularly funny, nor good at making references. I think that is the case here, not an issue of senility, but rather, he is trying to reference something and make a connection / being humorous, and no one is catching it because he isn't good at it.

I think the senility issue is that he continues to bring up passing a competency test... and seems to lie about what was in it. It is bizarre because that is something he can / should just let go. Which is a warning sign. The guy is a clinical narcissist, which generally means he can only view the world through his own lens / experiences. That he keeps trying to attack Biden on senility and being drugged up means he, himself, is suffering or doing this stuff.
More educational material for Swiz. Now that we have learned about how trees explode, let’s study WIND!


I defy @TSwizzle to find anything of similar value offered by demented Joe!
The more entertaining video of Biden this week is from the Juneteenth celebration, not the G7 parachuting incident:

Seriously? He was VP to a black president for 8 years and he's had a black VP for almost 4 years, and this is the best he can do? Has he not learned to be at least a little hip in 12 years? I haven't seen white people be that awkward at a black music event since Animal House.

You can't get more official than that

The video WAS NOT cropped. Democrat Media lied about right wing media. And Biden appears to wander off and to thumb-up noone. it's possible that the second guy which was outside of the frame was looking at Biden but I highly doubt that.
Biden simply wandered off, then thumb-upped the guy who was not paying attention to him. Meloni acts as if Biden is a 3-year old.
To me the most telling and persistent sign of dementia here is his facial expression - most of the time when he is not talking and just kinda rests, the expression he gets is an obvious sign.
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More educational material for Swiz. Now that we have learned about how trees explode, let’s study WIND!

View attachment 46434

I defy @TSwizzle to find anything of similar value offered by demented Joe!
Aw Jeez, not this shit again!.jpg

Dude, we already went over this one just a few months ago! You need new material!!

Trump and windmills

And trees can explode too. Though for scientific accuracy it would be extremely unwise to quote Trump's rambling explanation about exploding trees. You will definitely get a big fat D- on your forestry exam if you follow his lead. :giggle:
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You can't get more official than that

The video WAS NOT cropped. Democrat Media lied about right wing media. And Biden appears to wander off and to thumb-up noone. it's possible that the second guy which was outside of the frame was looking at Biden but I highly doubt that.
Biden simply wandered off, then thumb-upped the guy who was not paying attention to him. Meloni acts as if Biden is a 3-year old.
To me the most telling and persistent sign of dementia here is his facial expression - most of the time when he is not talking and just kinda rests, the expression he gets is an obvious sign.
At least his "dementia" does not make him imagine that NATO is a threat so he has to invade Ukraine.
Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.

President Joe Biden was seen motioning to skydivers at a G7 event in Italy on video posted to social media after critics seized on another clip, which did not clearly show that additional detail, to say he appeared to wander off from a group of world leaders.

Footage broadcast by MSNBC and shared on X by White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates shows Biden giving a thumbs up as he motioned over to a group of skydivers. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni then got his attention and the group of world leaders reconvened around him.

Other clips posted to social media had not shown the full group of skydivers in view and were used by critics of Biden to reiterate a conservative theme in an election year of questioning the president's mental fitness.
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