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The Race For 2024

My signature apparently enrages him to the point where he wants to rally people against me.
Not rage. Pity.
Rage. It rustles your jimmies. That's why you are trying to "expose" my sig to everyone.
Last time I checked, a sig on this forum exists only because the cunt who made it does so for a reason. Why are you being such a coward about yours?
My sig is in every single post I make, and you call that cowardly?


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My signature apparently enrages him to the point where he wants to rally people against me.
Not rage. Pity.
Rage. It rustles your jimmies. That's why you are trying to "expose" my sig to everyone.
Last time I checked, a sig on this forum exists only because the cunt who made it does so for a reason. Why are you being such a coward about yours?
My sig is in every single post I make, and you call that cowardly?
You, me and Swammi all know we are talking about "the first K in..." signature. If you want to pretend otherwise that's your business. Remember when it used to say "The first K in knock is silent"? I mean, I didn't even know such a function existed in this forum for years but you went ahead and made to effort to signify something that few people even give a shit about.

So you did that for a reason and no, it doesn't show up in every post you make in case you were wondering.

EDIT: Just to provide context for everyone else, Jason Harvestdancer's signature currently says "No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA If you like socialism and hate fascism you are inconsistent." So totally not MAGA

EDIT 2: Found some context! Yay!

Jill Biden thinks I'm a breakfast taco.
No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA
The word "know" has one silent k.
The word "knuckle" has two silent k's.
The word "Democrat" has three silent k's.
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My signature apparently enrages him to the point where he wants to rally people against me.
Not rage. Pity.
Rage. It rustles your jimmies. That's why you are trying to "expose" my sig to everyone.
Last time I checked, a sig on this forum exists only because the cunt who made it does so for a reason. Why are you being such a coward about yours?
My sig is in every single post I make, and you call that cowardly?
You, me and Swammi all know we are talking about "the first K in..." signature. If you want to pretend otherwise that's your business. Remember when it used to say "The first K in knock is silent"? I mean, I didn't even know such a function existed in this forum for years but you went ahead and made to effort to signify something that few people even give a shit about.

I went to edit my signature one time, and found the rules had changed to the point where I had to make my signature shorter. That's is surely a sign of cowardice.

EDIT: Just to provide context for everyone else, Jason Harvestdancer's signature currently says "No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA If you like socialism and hate fascism you are inconsistent." So totally not MAGA

You think MAGA is fascism, I have a sign that is explicitly anti-fascist, you say my sig is MAGA. Good for you.

EDIT 2: Found some context! Yay!

Jill Biden thinks I'm a breakfast taco.
No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA
The word "know" has one silent k.
The word "knuckle" has two silent k's.
The word "Democrat" has three silent k's.

Yep. That is what I posted before I was made to shorten my sig. It is so cowardly to shorted a sig that can't be that long anymore.
First, let me apologize to Jason, and to other Infidels whom I offend much too frequently. I have no good excuse; I am immature; overly invested in some arguments; have very poor social skills; and often behave like an asshole.

Jill Biden thinks I'm a breakfast taco.
No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA
The word "know" has one silent k.
The word "knuckle" has two silent k's.
The word "Democrat" has three silent k's.

Yep. That is what I posted before I was made to shorten my sig. It is so cowardly to shorted a sig that can't be that long anymore.
I just tested a five-line .sig. It worked OK.

Occasionally I feel Jason's viewpoint is as valid and as sensical as that of his detractors.
But not always. The equation between socialism and fascism seems weird. Some countries in Western Europe are more socialist than the U.S. would be even if the Progressive Caucus's agenda was enacted. Jason, do you consider the countries in Scandinavia "fascist"? If so, how do you even define that term?

Also, I'm curious how you would respond to the following
YOU are what we used to call a "One-Issue Obsessionist." I'm not sure if you even care whether it is Trump or Biden who wins the November Election; you just want the "LP" to get 2% of the vote instead of 1%.

- - - - - - -

I hope someone starts the thread for me, but I'd like to see a thread titled something like "How good are you at judging character?"

Despite being asocial and autistic I think I am a better judge of character than many people. Certainly I can often recognize miscreants, buffoons, and con-men like Donald Trump or Sarah Palin easily. Biden may be well past his prime age-wise, but to lump him with Trump as "same-same" strikes me as absurd beyond words.

Republican "stars" like Rubio and Cruz are well aware of Trump's character, and denounced him strongly in 2016. That they embrace him now is evidence of how repugnant the GOP has become.

So: Will someone start such a thread for us?
Occasionally I feel Jason's viewpoint is as valid and as sensical as that of his detractors.
But not always. The equation between socialism and fascism seems weird. Some countries in Western Europe are more socialist than the U.S. would be even if the Progressive Caucus's agenda was enacted. Jason, do you consider the countries in Scandinavia "fascist"? If so, how do you even define that term?

According to the textbook actually. Americans should look in to that, and also the opinions of the Scandinavians as well.

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs

Socialism is collective ownership of the means of production. It is not Welfarism, a strong social safety net. The two are different.

When someone from a more capitalist point of view mistakenly uses the word "socialism" to describe a strong social safety net", they are told "oh no you can't do that, socialism means collective ownership of the means of production." When someone from a more command economy point of view mistakenly uses the word "socialism" to describe a strong social safety net" others from the command economy point of view are quick to agree. It shows that even those who think "socialism" is a good thing agree that it is not the same as a safety net. They just use it inconsistently and situationally. It is the right word to use if you mean it as a good thing and the wrong word to use if you mean it as a bad thing. I'm having none of that.

Socialism is collective ownership of the means of production. In theory it is collectively owned by the masses, in practice it is collectively owned through the government. In practice it has never worked.

Fascism is collective control of the means of production, exercised through the government in both theory and practice. This leaves the appearance of private ownership, because there are names on paper that say who owns what. But the person who "owns" said means of production has no control over the property they have deed to. From a free market point of view, it is almost the same as socialism. In one system the government owns the means of production, in the other the government controls the means of production. The only difference is pretense.

Also, I'm curious how you would respond to the following
YOU are what we used to call a "One-Issue Obsessionist." I'm not sure if you even care whether it is Trump or Biden who wins the November Election; you just want the "LP" to get 2% of the vote instead of 1%.

With a yawn. I recognize that unless you live in a battleground state it is assured your vote won't make any difference. Not when I vote for Chase Oliver and not when you vote for Joseph Biden. It really won't make any difference and nothing I can do would make it make any difference. The further rigging of the election to keep out even the illusion of choice is something that I would hope others notice, but it is always greeted with "they just get 1%" when I point out all the ways third parties are excluded.
Good grief;

President Joe Biden appeared to freeze on stage after giving remarks at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night before his old boss took him by the arm and pulled the president away.

Daily Mail

Brandon is out of it. He is not going to last until November.
At least Joe didn’t launch into an unhinged rant about electric sharks. If he degrades to that level by November it will be amazing. However we don’t know what Trump’s state might be by then. He could very well be just like any other street corner preacher, screaming idiocies nonstop until he is carted away to a rubber room. There may come a point where the teleprompter can’t help him.

If they’re both vegetables by November I will still vote for Biden. Even if Trump makes a miraculous recovery from his current accelerated spiral into demented insanity, and Biden becomes a vegetable, I will vote for the vegetable, as the lesser threat to democracy.
Republican "stars" like Rubio and Cruz are well aware of Trump's character, and denounced him strongly in 2016. That they embrace him now is evidence of how repugnant the GOP has become.
Unfortunately the GOP has become a party of racists and fascists because lots of people want another Hitler, a modern day one, and GOP supporters are lined up at the door. Anyone who wants to stay in office as a Repub has to support the current Fuhrer. That's just life for GOP political whores.
If they’re both vegetables by November I will still vote for Biden. Even if Trump makes a miraculous recovery from his current accelerated spiral into demented insanity, and Biden becomes a vegetable, I will vote for the vegetable, as the lesser threat to democracy.
Reminds me of the old joke about Putin and Medvedev...
Good grief;

President Joe Biden appeared to freeze on stage after giving remarks at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night before his old boss took him by the arm and pulled the president away.

Daily Mail
Your epic gullibility has led you to accept another one of NY Post's deep fakes.
Look up the full unedited video. Biden pauses for audience reaction, then walks off with Obama. But it's really REALLY easy to fool the fools who so desperately want to be fooled.
Brandon is out of it. He is not going to last until November.
Gawd I wish they allowed betting here!! :hysterical:
Good grief;

President Joe Biden appeared to freeze on stage after giving remarks at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night before his old boss took him by the arm and pulled the president away.

Daily Mail

Brandon is out of it. He is not going to last until November.
Curious how many bridges you think you own.
Former President Donald Trump’s political operation has routed more than $3 million so far this year through a Delaware limited liability company whose owners are not publicly disclosed, according to campaign finance records — a strategy that mirrors past efforts to mask exactly how his campaign is spending donor cash.

The money has been paid to Launchpad Strategies LLC, a company that appears to have been incorporated in Delaware in November, according to state business records and lists a Raleigh, North Carolina, post office box as its address in campaign finance filings. Since it was formally incorporated, the company has received $3.1 million in payments from the Trump campaign and an affiliated joint fundraising committee.

The payments add up to make the company the second-largest vendor used this year by the Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, which is a financial hub for Trump fundraising efforts, with contributions then divided between it and other committees based on a formula. In this case, the contributions are shared with the formal campaign and Save America, a committee that has helped pay millions of dollars in Trump legal bills.
Uh-oh, this is not a good sign for Brandon;

Joe Biden is on course to suffer the most catastrophic loss by a Democrat in the state of Iowa in 100 years, a devastating new poll reveals. Former President Donald Trump holds a 50 to 32 percent lead over Biden in the state, according to an authoritative new survey by the Des Moines Register/Mediacom. If Biden receives the same meager 32 percent of the vote in the November election, it would be the worst Democratic showing in Iowa since the 1924 general election - exactly one century ago. His approval rating in Iowa is just 28 percent, with 67 percent disapproval.

Daily Mail
Uh-oh, this is not a good sign for Brandon;

Joe Biden is on course to suffer the most catastrophic loss by a Democrat in the state of Iowa in 100 years, a devastating new poll reveals. Former President Donald Trump holds a 50 to 32 percent lead over Biden in the state, according to an authoritative new survey by the Des Moines Register/Mediacom. If Biden receives the same meager 32 percent of the vote in the November election, it would be the worst Democratic showing in Iowa since the 1924 general election - exactly one century ago. His approval rating in Iowa is just 28 percent, with 67 percent disapproval.

Daily Mail
Iowa has been trending red for a while. Was purple between 2000 and 2012. Now, like Ohio, it is getting redder. I'm not losing sleep over how much Biden loses Iowa by. Minnesota, Virginia, Nevada, New Hampshire are better canaries.
‘Cheapfake’ Biden videos enrapture right-wing media, but deeply mislead

“What is Biden doing?”
— Republican National Committee social media post, 1:01 p.m., June 13

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“Biden wanders away at G-7 summit before being pulled back by Italian PM”
— headline of New York Post article, posted less than two hours later
“Meander in Chief: Biden embarrasses U.S. with confused wanderings at world conference.”

— front page of New York Post, posted June 14
The real video posted in the link above.
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