• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

The Race For 2024

I see you've chosen your candidate.

You make it sound like Joe Biden is a dementia-riddled racist pedophile, or did I misinterpret your intention?

You interpreted my intention correctly.

It is a bad thing, which makes your support of Trump quite horrifying.,

Zipr is the one who gave a cheer for MAGA, not me. Look at my quote of him in this post.

Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.

The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
Holy cow! So now you are Q follower? Please tell me that this isn't true? I'd like to try to engage you in a professional manner, but it's hard to not think of any q follower as a total loon and deserving of zero reflection.
Somebody linked a redstate article to the local surfing forum that claimed that the whole left woke agenda is nothing more than cover for a worldwide pedophile genital mutilation ring. Article was by a Jennifer Oliver O'Connell quoting Tim Ballard and some others. Conservative response on the forum is
ts not a right wing subject or a Q inspired subject, if you are a ped or sex trafficker then you will think it has any agenda except against trafficking especially in the very young minors!
. So it isn't a right wing subject except that if you are not right wing then you are automatically supporting pedophilic sex trafficking. Oh, and someone posted "Gays aren't the enemy" and the person that posted the redstate article all caps replied
Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.
The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
It is odd that the Q-Anon folk would pretty much ignore the upper-upper class abuse of power... and concentrate on a pizzeria.

It was also nice how a US Attorney under the holy George W. Bush Administration managed to let Epstein get a sweetheart of a deal. I mean it was no Hunter Biden level deal, but still. I can't imagine George W. Bush supporting such a deal, but I can't imagine it wasn't floating somewhere in DC.
article said:
In 2007, Epstein was accused of recruiting dozens of girls, some as young as 13, for massages and sex at his mansion in Palm Beach, Fla. Under the terms of the 2008 deal, Epstein pleaded guilty to two counts of solicitation of prostitution (one with a minor under age 18) and was required to register as a sex offender. He was given immunity from federal prosecution, served 13 months in county jail and was allowed to spend his days on work release at his Palm Beach office.

Many victims have complained that they were not informed of the government's deal and were unhappy with it. In February, U.S. District Judge Kenneth Marra ruled that the failure by prosecutors to inform victims about the agreement violated the Crime Victims' Rights Act.
It would be the "liberal media" that wouldn't let its teeth off of Epstein, which would ultimately lead to federal investigators under the Obama Administration investigating, arresting, and his subsequent suicide.

Clearly, you don't find yourself to be a GOP or Democrat supporter, but oddly, you seem to think your Libertarian Utopia would have stopped an Epstein, which is hilarious. In Libertarian Utopia, there would probably be dozens of Epsteins, because in Libertarian Utopia, the wealthy would have even more power than they have now.
I'd say, the Democrats best chance at saving the Senate (and I don't think it is a great chance) is Donald Trump. The guy has picked so many winning Primary candidates that lose in the general election. Nevada is going to be razor thin, the GOP have their guy who can win, but there is the loon candidate that if Trump selects him... he can win the primary and then will be edged in the general election.

The GOP's issue with Trump is his instance they don't lose. So when they actually do lose, the base doesn't get that they are losing because they keep selecting radicals, but they think the system is rigged... so they continue voting for radicals. The GOP base has been doing it for 20 or so years now, but Trump is helping to power it on.

I see you've chosen your candidate.

You make it sound like Joe Biden is a dementia-riddled racist pedophile, or did I misinterpret your intention?

You interpreted my intention correctly.

It is a bad thing, which makes your support of Trump quite horrifying.,

Zipr is the one who gave a cheer for MAGA, not me. Look at my quote of him in this post.

Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.

The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
Holy cow! So now you are Q follower? Please tell me that this isn't true? I'd like to try to engage you in a professional manner, but it's hard to not think of any q follower as a total loon and deserving of zero reflection.

My preferred interpretation is to treat his remark as a gibe intended to get a rise out of people, but I've been wrong before. There are people out there who actually infected by the delusional rightwing conspiracy. Nothing should really surprise us in the Trump era.
Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.
The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
Holy cow! So now you are Q follower? Please tell me that this isn't true? I'd like to try to engage you in a professional manner, but it's hard to not think of any q follower as a total loon and deserving of zero reflection.
Q followers think it was a Pizza restaurant. I saw actual news stories talking about Jeffrey Epstein and his private island. If that makes me a Q follower then the entire mainstream media are also Q followers.
No Labels Is Chasing A Fantasy | FiveThirtyEight - "What the group misunderstands about American politics."

No Labels: An Insurance Policy for 2024 claiming to support an "independent unity ticket" and arguing that this ticket's candidates may get enough electoral votes to win.

Lastly, finding a candidate who could maximize No Labels’s appeal won’t be easy because there’s nobody named “moderate independent” who embodies the varied preferences held by voters disenchanted by the idea of another Biden-Trump matchup.
Then noting that "The independent, moderate middle isn’t that big".

"It’s true that Americans seem — to put it mildly — uninspired by a Biden-Trump rematch."

"But Biden and Trump are relatively well-liked by members of their own party, even independents who lean that way, making it far from guaranteed that No Labels can draw support from more partisan voters."

So NL is not likely to get many votes from such people.

"Additionally, one of the other problems for No Labels is that independent voters — whether we’re talking those who lean or those who don’t — are less likely to vote than more partisan voters."

How does NL plan to recruit such voters? "I'm neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump" is not much of a sales pitch.

Finally, "There's no clear candidate for the campaign".

"No Labels is essentially a movement-based organization trying to run a ticket in a candidate-centered political system."
Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.
The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
Holy cow! So now you are Q follower? Please tell me that this isn't true? I'd like to try to engage you in a professional manner, but it's hard to not think of any q follower as a total loon and deserving of zero reflection.
Q followers think it was a Pizza restaurant. I saw actual news stories talking about Jeffrey Epstein and his private island. If that makes me a Q follower then the entire mainstream media are also Q followers.
Who’s A Serious Candidate For The Republican Nomination, And Who’s Just Dreaming? | FiveThirtyEight

Here is the Republican National Committee's criteria:
  1. Be a constitutionally eligible, declared candidate who has filed both a statement of organization and a statement of candidacy with the FEC.
  2. Poll at a minimum of 1 percent in three national polls or two national polls and one poll of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada or South Carolina. The polls must meet certain methodological criteria that you can read more about here.
  3. Have at least 40,000 unique donors, with at least 200 each from at least 20 states or territories.
  4. Sign a pledge not to participate in any non-RNC-sanctioned debate, to support the eventual GOP nominee and to share their data with the RNC.
Here are 538's criteria. A candidate must be a declared candidate and not just one with an exploratory committee, and must satisfy at least 5 of these 9 criteria:
  1. They are running to win. As opposed to running just to draw attention to their pet issue. We’ll take the candidate’s word on this, so this is a very easy threshold to meet: Just saying “I’m running to win” or “when I’m president …” is sufficient.
  2. They have hired at least three full-time paid staffers. Or equivalents, such as consultants.
  3. They are routinely campaigning outside their home state. We define “routinely campaigning” as holding more than one public campaign event in the past 30 days, with the oldest and most recent events at least one week apart. In other words, it wouldn’t count if a candidate holds two campaign events on one weekend in Iowa. But it would count if a candidate holds eight campaign events on eight consecutive days, or if they hold one event on July 1 and one event on July 29.
  4. They are included as a named option by at least half of pollsters. This includes any FiveThirtyEight-sanctioned pollster that has conducted a national or state poll of the Republican primary in the past 30 days. A candidate need only be included in one of a pollster’s polls over that time frame.
  5. They get at least half as much media coverage as the median candidate who has met the RNC standards for the first debate. This is based on the number of online news stories in Media Cloud’s “United States – National” and “United States – State and Local” collections that mentioned each candidate over the past 30 days.
  6. They get at least half as much search traffic as the median candidate who has met the RNC standards for the first debate.4 This is based on the number of Google searches for each candidate’s “topic” — not their verbatim search term — in the U.S. over the past 30 days, according to Google Trends.
  7. They receive at least one noteworthy endorsement. We define a “noteworthy” endorser as someone we’re tracking on our 2024 endorsement tracker.
  8. They have held any public office. This can include either elected or appointed office.
  9. They have held a major public office. By this we mean president, vice president, U.S. senator, U.S. representative, governor, mayor of a city of at least 300,000 people or member of a presidential Cabinet.
538 developed those criteria for the Democratic Presidential candidates of 2020; it would be interesting to compare 538's scores to the candidates' actual performance.

  • 9: Trump, DeSantis, Pence, Haley, Scott
  • 8: Christie
  • 7: Hutchinson
  • 6: Ramaswamy
  • 5: Burgum, Suarez
  • 3 (possible >=5 soon): Hurd
  • 3: Johnson, Binkley
  • 2: Laffey, Elder, Stapleton
Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.
The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
Holy cow! So now you are Q follower? Please tell me that this isn't true? I'd like to try to engage you in a professional manner, but it's hard to not think of any q follower as a total loon and deserving of zero reflection.
Q followers think it was a Pizza restaurant. I saw actual news stories talking about Jeffrey Epstein and his private island. If that makes me a Q follower then the entire mainstream media are also Q followers.
Yes, Epstein had a private island where he committed all kinds of atrocities on young girls. Could you explain what this has to do with Joe Biden?
Marianne Williamson keeps bleeding staff: 6 more depart in internal feud - POLITICO - "The staffers left through a round of firings and resignations."
Hours after Marianne Williamson announced the hiring of her third campaign manager in five months, six staffers left her team through a round of firings and resignations.

The departures came primarily over a fight about Williamson’s ballot access operations, or lack thereof.

The staffers said they were concerned that too much attention was being placed on social media and not enough on getting Williamson’s name on the ballot beyond New Hampshire and South Carolina. Each state has their own laws and requirements, and typically expert consultants are hired to handle the specifics to get a candidate on the ballot.

“During that meeting, there was just a vibe that she felt attacked, and an insinuation at the end of that call that some staff were not going to make it to the end of the week,” said one person with knowledge of the campaign’s deliberations.

After the staff meeting, Williamson told staffers that she felt “ambushed” by her own team, two of the four people (including another current staffer) told POLITICO, adding that she hasn’t acted on their concerns about ballot access.

“She didn’t listen to anything that was said,” one of those people said. “Clearly, because the people who expressed frustration were fired.”
Her campaign is imploding.
THOMAS on Twitter: "🚨BREAKING🚨 ..." / Twitter
🚨BREAKING🚨 As I have said for months, Marianne Williamson's campaign is a book tour grift. Just confirmed by her former National Field Director.

Marianne signed a book deal when she ran in 2020 as well, as I have said before. Fired all staff, stayed in race collecting donations w/o staff. That was her first book tour grift. This is #2.

Marianne has also hired a marketing person to her campaign from her business office (books). Paid for via donations.

You heard it here first. Please reshare.
Running for President just to sell a book?
Jeremy Ellwood

Marianne Williamson
Her campaign is not a campaign.
It is a book tour.
Here's how I know.
I was the National Field Director. I was fired... along with ANYONE who mentioned ballot access or field plan.
Her focus is ONLY on events and social media.
I was half joking a month ago that this is a book tour.
I found out on the day that I was fired that she has a book coming out in September.

When I brought up in a staff call that we still don't have ballot access in ANY state, she literally called ballot access "mythical stuff".

Myself (National Field Director) and my partner (Field Strategist) were let go after we toiled to make a solid national field plan and had to pivot to Political Director roles to fill gaps so we could finish the field plan. We weren't allowed to complete our roles because of 'mythical stuff".

Marianne has fired those who know how to make a campaign win and has kept (and promoted) those who are only event and social media aware (Book tour). Again, she has no ballot access and doesn't care... calls ballot access "mythical stuff".
She fired everyone who has any semblance of field.

She promoted NH State Director to Campaign Manager. His name is Carlos. He knows NOTHING about National Campaigns (btw... l've only worked on Nationals for the past 8 years) nor has he any experience in field (which is what it takes to reach the voters).

Marianne is a grifter. Do not support her. She is here to sell her book coming out in September and that is all she is here for. If she wanted to win, she would listen to the multitude of experts that were on her campaign before she fired them for giving advice and direction.

worked for her. And I am all the more sad for it because was duped. thought I was more aware than that.

Go ahead, Marianne... shoot me a cease and desist because I will do neither. Your "campaign" has no hold because you're a grifting fraud.
"Mythical stuff"??? One can't get elected unless one is on the ballot.

Jeremy Ellwood
PS: Still waiting for the $400 expense payout and the $6000 severance payout.

Jeremy Ellwood
NOTE: This is not me as a disgruntled employee. I was fired on June 30. I would have made this a lot sooner if it were just me being disgruntled. This is me being sickened by seeing that she's taking advantage of supporters while l know it has nothing to do with a campaign. She's using the money to sell a book. End of story.
How Vivek Ramaswamy Became A Major Presidential Candidate | FiveThirtyEight
The Ohio businessman and first-time candidate has managed to poll higher than three current or former governors and receive about as much Google search interest as a former vice president and a former U.N. ambassador.

"1. He’s rich" -- from being a successful businessman. Republican voters tend to admire business leaders, and Donald Trump successfully passed himself off as a super genius one.

"2. He’s really good at getting media" - from attacking corporate "wokeness" on right-wing media, complete with writing a book about that.

"3. He doesn’t look like other Republican politicians" - he carefully avoids talking about it, but he would be the first nonwhite Republican nominee and the first Hindu one. "Research suggests that some Republican voters are attracted to nonwhite candidates because they like having conservative beliefs validated by someone who isn’t white. Others may appreciate having a nonwhite candidate who can preempt attacks that the GOP is racist."

Who is Vivek Ramaswamy, the entrepreneur and GOP presidential hopeful : NPR
He says as a practicing Hindu, he shares a set of Judeo-Christian values with evangelical voters.

I'm not here to convince you that I'm a Christian because I'm not. But what I am here to convince you of is the truth that we still share those same Judeo-Christian values in common. And I live my life accordingly.

I was raised in a two-parent household with the focus on education, with a focus on God, with a nuclear family, as the unit of governance that mattered most to us. That showed us that the love of family opens you, opens your heart up to the love of God. And we raise our two children, my wife and I do, in the same way. We live our lives according to Christian values.

And I'm not running to be somebody's pastor. I'm running to be the president. But I'm running to be a president who recognizes that we are one nation under God, that recognizes the Judeo-Christian values on which this country was founded. Values that I also deeply share.

I can stand up for those values without anybody accusing me of being a Christian nationalist or whatever labels one might use. I think that that actually puts me in a better position to represent the values that undergird this country, including Judeo-Christian values that we share in common better than someone who's shy about it or feels pressure to apologize for it, because it's not popular in our culture to be a Christian.

What I tell people is that actually I think I can make it cool to revive those values, those Christian values, family values in our culture again, because even as a religious Hindu, we grew up subscribing to those same values grounded in what it means to be a member of a family, a father and a household.
Does that make sense to anyone? Hinduism is NOT an Abrahamic religion.

If the Founders wanted a state religion, they would have set one up -- and it would have been some mainline Protestant sect rather than some generic Church of God the American. They also were not known for waving the Bible whenever they could. The Federalist Papers don't discuss the Bible on government, and neither does John Adams's Defense of the Constitutions of the United States. In fact, JA, in his preface to that book, says that the US represents a departure from a long-standing and widespread tradition of governments claiming to get their authority from deities -- lots of different ones.

As to "we all worship the same God", the Bible nowhere states that. Nowhere. It doesn't say that Baal or Marduk or Zeus are the Biblical God in disguise. Apuleius's "The Golden Ass" contains a clear statement of that theory, where the Egyptian deity Isis appears in a vision to the hero of the story and states that she is worshipped under numerous names.

Back to the article.
More important, though, may be Ramaswamy’s age. He is just 37 years old, making him, in his words, “the first millennial ever to run for U.S. president as a Republican.” That has helped him stand out in a year when age is especially salient thanks to the advanced years of both the Democratic and Republican front-runners; according to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, even 28 percent of Republicans think Trump is too old to serve another term as president.
Christian family values

Mark 10
29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,
30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.
31 But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.
Yes, Jesus Christ was very antifamily.

Matthew 8:21-22, Luke 9:59-62 -- he tells someone who wanted to bury his father "Let the dead bury the dead." Is that supposed to be a joke?

Matthew 10:34-37, Luke 12:51-53, Luke 14:26 -- he announces that he's going to break up everybody's families, and that anyone who prefers their families to him are unworthy of him.

Matthew 12:46-48, Mark 3:31-34, Luke 8:20-21 -- his real family is not his biological family but his followers.

Matthew 19:29, Luke 18:29-30 -- he insists that his followers desert their biological families.

Matthew 23:9 -- don't call your human father your real father.

Luke 2:42-51 -- he was very snotty to his parents. As a boy, he and his parents used to visit the Jerusalem Temple, and one time, he studied with the scholars there and forgot about his parents. And when they find him, he was not the least bit apologetic. "Didn't you know that I had to be in my Father's house?" and he demonstrated how super-learned he was.

More at Jesus Christ's Sins | Internet Infidels Discussion Board
Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.
The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
Holy cow! So now you are Q follower? Please tell me that this isn't true? I'd like to try to engage you in a professional manner, but it's hard to not think of any q follower as a total loon and deserving of zero reflection.
Q followers think it was a Pizza restaurant. I saw actual news stories talking about Jeffrey Epstein and his private island. If that makes me a Q follower then the entire mainstream media are also Q followers.
 Jeffrey Epstein
Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.
The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
Holy cow! So now you are Q follower? Please tell me that this isn't true? I'd like to try to engage you in a professional manner, but it's hard to not think of any q follower as a total loon and deserving of zero reflection.
Q followers think it was a Pizza restaurant. I saw actual news stories talking about Jeffrey Epstein and his private island. If that makes me a Q follower then the entire mainstream media are also Q followers.
 Jeffrey Epstein
So you don't have any evidence or links? Do you really believe that these sex parties are for the aliens. And that JFK is their go-between? Why should any sane person believe in this?
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