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The Race For 2024

My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
Where did you predict that?

You make it sound like opposing racist pedophiles is a bad thing.
MAGA! :cheer:
My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
Where did you predict that?

You make it sound like opposing racist pedophiles is a bad thing.

You make it sound like Joe Biden is a dementia-riddled racist pedophile, or did I misinterpret your intention?
You make it sound like Joe Biden is a dementia-riddled racist pedophile, or did I misinterpret your intention?
IME, when people sound like that it’s usually about being butthurt by people failing to support an authoritarian career criminal sex abusing mob boss.
My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
How about that DeSantis? So called libertarians like him too for some reason.
A new candidate. Republican Ryan Binkley. A Texas business man and church pastor. Lots of vague glittering generalities. Claims Trump's indictments are politically motivated. No thanks. He is barnstorming Iowa presently.
My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
How about that DeSantis? So called libertarians like him too for some reason.

There are currently 3 candidates running for the Libertarian party nomination. There were 4, including Joe Exotic. Who is currentky in prison. Who has decided despite that to run as a Democrat.
My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
How about that DeSantis? So called libertarians like him too for some reason.

There are currently 3 candidates running for the Libertarian party nomination. There were 4, including Joe Exotic. Who is currentky in prison. Who has decided despite that to run as a Democrat.
Wow. By 11/24 prisons will be overflowing with presidential candidates.
How about that DeSantis? So called libertarians like him too for some reason.
I think it's about all those freedumbs. Libberpublicans love freedumb.
Like reproductive freedumb, reading freedumb etc..
Ronda talks about that shit all the time.
My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
Where did you predict that?

You make it sound like opposing racist pedophiles is a bad thing.
It is a bad thing, which makes your support of Trump quite horrifying.,
My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
Where did you predict that?

You make it sound like opposing racist pedophiles is a bad thing.
This was a Qanon thing a few years ago - to call your enemies pedophiles, the most loathed scum of society. Before that, it was a tactic used by Russian disinformation agents to tag to their political enemies.

It made its way here during the early Trump presidency, probably via Russian dissinfo (just a theory but seems very likely as it was a common thing to do in Russia)


It's now pretty mainstream in right wing US politics - calling people groomers or pedophiles and such.
The Biden Bump (with AOC!) | Crooked Media - AOC endorsed Joe Biden, though she said about Cornel West that he raises important issues that mainstream Democrats ignore. She didn't discuss either Marianne Williamson or RFK Jr. I wouldn't be surprised if she likes CW and MW, since they are ideologically kindred spirits, but I can't imagine her liking RFK Jr.
The Biden Bump (with AOC!) | Crooked Media - AOC endorsed Joe Biden, though she said about Cornel West that he raises important issues that mainstream Democrats ignore. She didn't discuss either Marianne Williamson or RFK Jr. I wouldn't be surprised if she likes CW and MW, since they are ideologically kindred spirits, but I can't imagine her liking RFK Jr.
I'd be surprised if she liked MW. Too much woo going on there.
My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
Where did you predict that?

You make it sound like opposing racist pedophiles is a bad thing.
This was a Qanon thing a few years ago - to call your enemies pedophiles, the most loathed scum of society. Before that, it was a tactic used by Russian disinformation agents to tag to their political enemies.

It made its way here during the early Trump presidency, probably via Russian dissinfo (just a theory but seems very likely as it was a common thing to do in Russia)


It's now pretty mainstream in right wing US politics - calling people groomers or pedophiles and such.
Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members. Meanwhile, criminal Trump gets aways with multiple crimes his entire life.
My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
Where did you predict that?

You make it sound like opposing racist pedophiles is a bad thing.
This was a Qanon thing a few years ago - to call your enemies pedophiles, the most loathed scum of society. Before that, it was a tactic used by Russian disinformation agents to tag to their political enemies.

It made its way here during the early Trump presidency, probably via Russian dissinfo (just a theory but seems very likely as it was a common thing to do in Russia)


It's now pretty mainstream in right wing US politics - calling people groomers or pedophiles and such.
It's deeper than that! If you spend some time in their crazy world, they actually believe that the mainstream dems are conspiring with an alien space ship orbiting mars to help them harvest glands from earth children. Crazy stuff...
My take: there are too many non-Trumps. There are too many "I'm like Trump without the baggage" for those who liked Trump but are weary of him to unify behind. There are too many "I'm completely unlike Trump, I'm a real Republican" for the never-Trumpers to unify behind. Without extraordinary action Trump's nomination is mathematically certain.

My take: the dementia-riddled pedophile racist is going to be the Democrat nominee.

My prediction that you would describe Biden in an exceptionally nasty and biased way, but Trump in a neutral way, turned out to be true!
Where did you predict that?

You make it sound like opposing racist pedophiles is a bad thing.
This was a Qanon thing a few years ago - to call your enemies pedophiles, the most loathed scum of society. Before that, it was a tactic used by Russian disinformation agents to tag to their political enemies.

It made its way here during the early Trump presidency, probably via Russian dissinfo (just a theory but seems very likely as it was a common thing to do in Russia)


It's now pretty mainstream in right wing US politics - calling people groomers or pedophiles and such.
Yeah, that is called projection...
AOC endorses Joe Biden ahead of 2024 election - quotes her
... Ms Ocasio-Cortez said she would support Mr Biden given his competitors in the Democratic primary are vaccine conspiracy theorists Robert F Kennedy Jr and author Marianne Williamson.

“I believe given that field, yeah,” she said. “I think he's done quite well. Given the limitations that we have. I do think that there are ebbs and flows as there are in any president in any presidency.”

Ms Ocasio-Cortez said Mr Biden made some strong policies moves “right out of the gate” such as the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act, which she praised for its investments to combat climate change.
Some online left-wingers are outraged at her and Bernie Sanders for endorsing Joe Biden, but I think that it's a pragmatic move. Presidents who get sizable primary challenges tend to lose, though one has to be careful about the direction of causality. Was it being challenged that made them lose? Or was it lack of confidence that led to both the challenge and the loss?
  • 1972 R: Richard Nixon (inc): 86.9% -- he won
  • 1976 R: Gerald Ford (inc): 53.3%, Ronald Reagan: 45.9% -- he lost
  • 1980 D: Jimmy Carter (inc): 51.13%, Ted Kennedy: 37.58% -- he lost
  • 1984 R: Ronald Reagan (inc): 98.8% -- he won
  • 1992 R: George Bush I (inc): 72.84%, Pat Buchanan: 22.96% -- he lost
  • 1996 D: Bill Clinton (inc): 89.0% -- he won
  • 2004 R: George Bush II (inc): 98.01% -- he won
  • 2012 D: Barack Obama (inc): 88.9% -- he won
  • 2020 R: Donald Trump (inc): 96.08%, Bill Weld: 2.40% -- he lost
RealClearPolitics - Election 2024 - 2024 Democratic Presidential Nomination
Joe Biden continues to lead by a sizable margin, with RFK Jr about 14% and MW about 6%.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2024 - 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination
Donald Trump still leads at 53%, after a trough of 43% earlier this year, with Ron DeSantis at 21%, after a peak of 30% earlier this year.

Mike Pence has been steady at 6% after some earlier slumps, and Nikki Haley at 4% after a bump earlier this year. Rick Scott, Chris Christie, and Vivek Ramaswamy are at 3%, rising from 1% earlier this year. Other candidates, like Asa Hutchinson and Doug Burgum, barely show up.
2024 Presidential Predictions | 2024 Democratic Nominee?

Joe Biden has been holding steady, and he's now at 68c. Gavin Newsom has risen from 10c to 20c, and RFK Jr at 12c. Kamala Harris has declined a bit to 6c, Pete Buttigieg and Hillary Clinton are at 2c. The others are AOC, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Stacey Abrams, Amy Klobuchar, and JB Pritzker at 1c. No mention of Marianne Williamson.

Who will be the 2024 Republican nominee? | Political Betting Odds

Donald Trump has recovered from a dip early last month and is now at 59c. Ron DeSantis has declined since early last month, to 22c. Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy are at 7c, Chris Christie is at 5c, and Glenn Youngkin at 4c, along with Nikki Haley. Mike Pence is at 3c, and Mike Pompeo, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, Tucker Carlson, Tom Cotton, Donald Trump Jr., Marco Rubio, Josh Hawley, Rick Scott, Larry Hogan, and Kristi Noem are at 1c.

I see you've chosen your candidate.

You make it sound like Joe Biden is a dementia-riddled racist pedophile, or did I misinterpret your intention?

You interpreted my intention correctly.

It is a bad thing, which makes your support of Trump quite horrifying.,

Zipr is the one who gave a cheer for MAGA, not me. Look at my quote of him in this post.

Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.

The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.

The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.

True, but it was an island owned by Republicans.
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