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The Race For 2024

Suppose one of the people on Harris' VP list were a black female. Would it matter that she was a PhD in political science, and elected to state legislature four times, because she's brilliant? No. She'd be a drag on the ticket and everyone knows it.
State legislature? I think a running mate should be more seasoned than that. A governor, a senator or a similar level of qualification.
And sure, if the best person happened to be another black woman, why not? Do you have anybody concrete in mind?

And are you, like Toni, convinced that Kamala Harris was the "best person for the job"? Was Whatsherface Butler the best candidate for US Senate from California? Or do you agree that they were they picked because Biden and Newsom pledged to restrict those eligible by race and gender?
Walz was a DEI hire. Harris needed a white male to "balance" the ticket. Harris is smart enough to realize that. So she did hire the middle aged, Midwestern, white dude.
Walz was chosen because he came up with the "weird" quip and because the by far the best choice for the bottom of the ticket was unacceptable to the Dearborn Muslims and other "Uncommitted" loons.
Biden ran as a moderate and then swerved hard left when elected. His shift went well beyond compromise.
The Republicans portrayed him as hard left. Doesn't make it so.
Some Republicans would portray any Democrat as hard left. But with Biden, there is more to it. Even lefties acknowledge that he moved to the left in office.
There Are Some Damned Good Reasons Why Joe Biden Moved to the Left
Biden’s Democratic Party is to the left of Obama’s. Thank a progressive.
Although some of them do not think he moved too far enough:
How Biden ‘erased’ progress he made and alienated the left
Grauniad said:
“Progressives in the movement were pleasantly surprised to see President Biden push on a lot of domestic progressive priorities that we have been calling for,” said Usamah Andrabi, communications director of the progressive group Justice Democrats. “But without question he has erased much of that progress with his continued support for a genocide that’s happening at the hands of a far-right Israeli government.”
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What a dipshit...
Too bad SJL is dead. Those two gun experts could have formed the Dunning-Kruger Gun Club together.

From the same speech:

That magenta light on his hair is *chef's kiss*, but apologies for the vertical video format.
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The second time because he waited too long to quit and so Dems could not have a primary and were pretty much stuck with the crown princess.
If true, that's a loosing strategy. Admitting defeat. No, he stepped down and picked someone (Harris) he thought had a better chance to beat Rump. You might pick a VP for PC reasons. But you never pick a Pres candidate that way. Nobody votes that way.
There was no reason to continue expanded unemployment benefits well into 2021 for example.
I disagree. Covid lockdown continued into 2022 where I'm at. As did high unemployment. You MAGGAots don't even recognize that Covid was a problem.
If true, that's a loosing strategy. Admitting defeat. No, he stepped down and picked someone (Harris) he thought had a better chance to beat Rump. You might pick a VP for PC reasons. But you never pick a Pres candidate that way. Nobody votes that way.
I do not think he had much choice. By the time he finally agreed to step down as a candidate, it was already late July. DNC virtual roll call to nominate the Democratic candidate was scheduled for August 6th. I for one do not think Kamala Harris is anywhere close to being the best candidate. That's why Biden should have withdrawn last year so that a proper primary could be conducted.
I disagree. Covid lockdown continued into 2022 where I'm at. As did high unemployment.
[citation needed]
You MAGGAots don't even recognize that Covid was a problem.
I am not a MAGGAot[sic]. Just because I am critical of the modern Democratic Party does not mean I am cheering for Trump.
And I definitely thought COVID was a problem. I masked with a N95, I consolidated shopping trips, I got the vaccine as soon as I could. I avoided people early in the pandemic and would later e.g. meet at restaurants with outdoor seating.
What does taking COVID seriously have to do with acknowledging that Biden let Pandemic largess go on way too long and that this influx of government money into the economy exacerbated the inflation?
I just heard this morning that the Saudis will be increasing oil production, giving up their goal of $100 per bbl oil price. No reason why given.
It should be interesting to see what happens next.
Can they even increase production in a sustained way anymore? Saudi production relies mostly on several geriatric megafields. Ghawar, the largest of them, is almost as old as Donald Trump.
Let’s face it: by explicitly saying that he would be looking for a VP who was black and female, he actually soared the fragile feelings of white men everywhere who cannot deal with the fact that the best person for the job was black and female.
Why do you think she was the "best person for the job"? What makes her better than other people he might have selected in 2020? And you are not even saying that this is your opinion, you are claiming that it's a fact. Again, why? And please, use reasoning and arguments, and not your usual condescension like "fragile feelings of white men") just because we dare disagree with you.
I’m not happy he gave bigots something to try to hang their hats on,
Quite the contrary, it is bigoted to say that only black women should be considered for vice president, SCOTUS justice and US Senator from California.
My opinion does not matter. She was selected to be Joe Biden’s running mate—by Joe Biden, no doubt with a lot of input from a lot of people. Because that’s how VP candidates are chosen: for their qualifications ( prior experience, education), their character, and for what they bring to the ticket.

The US electorate voted for that ticket.

It is very very very customary to replace a retiring or ill or deceased politician with someone very similar, presumably someone similar to the person the people had elected. Oftentimes, it is the spouse of the person no longer able to hold the office. This person serves in that capacity until the next election, in which they may or may not choose to run. Sometimes they do run and are elected. Sometimes not.

Trump pledged to replace RBG with another woman and he did—albeit a woman who by many measures, is not qualified given that she had rarely tried any case in a court of law. Unfortunately she was confirmed for that position.

I did not say that in my opinion, she was the best person for the job. In my opinion, there exists no single best person for that or any other job or office.

Every candidate for POTUS selects ( in conjunction with the party who nominates them) selects as their running mate someone who fulfills whatever demographic needs and whatever personal characteristics ( ie: is this someone I can work with effectively fir the next 4-8 years) and who I can trust. I should say almost every candidate—I am pretty certain that Pence was chosen specially because he seemed to have a more steady, conservative disposition and lacked a personality that would compete with Trump. In a very different way, I think that’s how Vance was chosen as well. Trump agreed to it but I doubt he had much more of a hand in selecting a running mate. Given his desperation, he likely acquiesced to whomever Peter Thiel told him to chose.

I feel extremely confident that had Biden not explicitly stated his intentions and still chose Kamala Harris from among all of the candidates who were qualified, the same people would still be harping on Harris as a DEI hire.
Yesterday, Trump said that Harris was mentally unstable. I've never heard anyone project like Trump does. He is the most mentally unstable, compulsive liar that has ever run for president and his VP nominee is as well. It's hard to understand how people don't see that.

We are bombarded with ads here in Georgia. Every Trump ad does nothing but call Harris names, while every Harris ad expresses a plan that she hopes to accomplish. There are also lots of ads from organizations that support the right of women to have control over their own bodies. Since I record most of the things I watch, I'm not subjected to many of these ads, as I fast forward them whenever possible.
And I say that’s why she will lose. Sorry. She needs to attack him
She needs to turn out the women vote as high as possible to win.
Of Course she does, but while I am. hoping the poll that was. mentioned on the news last night was wrong, it said that Harris was losing some support from women. WTF! 26 women have claimed they were sexually assaulted by Trump and Trump helped overturn Roe v. Wade. Women have been arrested for having abortions, despite in many if not most cases, they simply had a spontaneous abortion, aka a miscarriage. I don't understand Trump supporters, especially the female and Black ones, when he man is so obviously a threat to them, as well a threat do our country.
What a dipshit...
Too bad SJL is dead. Those two gun experts could have formed the Dunning-Kruger Gun Club together.

From the same speech:

That magenta light on his hair is *chef's kiss*, but apologies for the vertical video format.

This is probably one of the worst issues with Trump. He lies about things that don't even need to be lied about. One could say he was joking, but the delivery was not that of a joke. It easily could have been framed into a good joke, and no one is expecting a guy near 80 to look good on the beach. But he has to say it. He has to promote himself as positively as possible, whenever possible. One of his worst weaknesses, especially in light of trying be President is he is compulsively trying to purify his image for the sake of capitalization of his image.
Walz was a DEI hire. Harris needed a white male to "balance" the ticket. Harris is smart enough to realize that. So she did hire the middle aged, Midwestern, white dude.
Walz was chosen because he came up with the "weird" quip and because the by far the best choice for the bottom of the ticket was unacceptable to the Dearborn Muslims and other "Uncommitted" loons.
You know, your blatantly baseless claims of anti-Semitism are boring as all heck.

Gov. Shapiro and Gov. Walz were recent up and comers. Gov. Shapiro with the shooting at Trump and Gov. Walz when he kind of came out of no where. Gov. Shapiro is a 'NE liberal elite'. While PA is critical to winning, so is Wisconsin and Michigan, which are midwestern states. Gov. Walz provides a path to WI and MI. Shapiro a path to PA. Add in that PA is trending purple, which puts the Governorship in risk, where as there is much less risk in losing the Governorship in Minnesota.

This idea that anti-Semitism was the reason for not taking Shapiro is utterly ridiculous, especially when one considers the small portion of voters such a decision would even impact.
I feel extremely confident that had Biden not explicitly stated his intentions and still chose Kamala Harris from among all of the candidates who were qualified, the same people would still be harping on Harris as a DEI hire.
Since all VP picks are DEI hires, one wonders why the silence on all other VP picks if those people have the obsession with pointing out the obvious.
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The vast majority of people on those boards got there because of friendly connections. Kamala wasn't special in this in any way.
How many had sex for them?

Evidence that she traded sex for a rather inconsequential appointment that probably had nothing to do with her overall success in life?

Oh, that’s right, NONE. It’s just a sexist claim you WANT to believe, and in your magical-thinking simulation of reality, what you WANT to believe, is therefore TRUE.

I feel extremely confident that had Biden not explicitly stated his intentions and still chose Kamala Harris from among all of the candidates who were qualified, the same people would still be harping on Harris as a DEI hire.

Side note here...

A "DEI hire" is the new right wing term for "Affirmative Action hire." Are they the same thing in a political situation? Hmm...

For quite a long while, there were policies and laws in place that said to certain institutions "you have to hire/admit minorities." This (as we all know) was designed to give people previously discriminated against a chance at things previously denied to them purely on the basis of race. The previous paradigm was "we won't hire this guy because while he's eminently qualified, he's black."

That was okay to quite a lot of the people who are now screaming "DEI hire!" but I digress from my own side note....

In the political realm, these laws and policies were not in effect. The only thing legally stopping or assisting a person of color with regards to elected office is the "will of the voters." So picking Harris was not a question of law. You could argue it was pandering to people of color (and I'm guessing a lot of the above mentioned people would agree), but IMO it is something else.

The Democratic Party has long appealed to minority voters, and when they pick someone like this for a high level position, it is more about giving them a seat at the table. That's the Equity and Inclusion part. People of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ community have long been denied a seat at the table to varying degrees. What is wrong if an organization (like the Democrats) are proactive in undoing that provided the person is otherwise qualified?

Because it seems like people who scream "DEI hire!" are saying "we don't care if she's qualified. She's a black woman, and you can't pick her because of that."
I feel extremely confident that had Biden not explicitly stated his intentions and still chose Kamala Harris from among all of the candidates who were qualified, the same people would still be harping on Harris as a DEI hire.
Since all VP picks are DEI hires, one wonders why the silence on all other VP picks if those people have the obsession with pointing out the obvious.
Dan Quayle (1988) and Mike Pence (2016) were specifically brought on to quell the white Evangelical vote.
Cheney and Biden were brought on to quell the 'does the person running know what they are doing' vote.
HW Bush was to balance the ticket with an establishment player.
Harris was selected to help carry the state of California's electoral votes. :D But seriously, her demographics, generalized ambition, and encourage higher turnout.
Walz was added to provide gender balance and a Midwestern charm element and an attempt to manage the Midwest part of the "the wall".

I wanted Whitmer. Solidify the Midwest with a popular midwestern Governor. Harris et al went with the other side of the midwest to fulfill that need. When it looked like Shapiro was going to be the person, it seemed like a good pick, but in hindsight, I think another thing Walz brings is contrast. Gov. Walz comes across in such an organically folksy way, where as Shapiro would have been more of what Harris was already providing in establishment candidate.
How many had sex for them?
ALL of them, Derec.
Do you think they need to report to you every time they sleep with someone?
What’s with this pervo fixation?
Derek’s particular world view seems to see most relationships in transactional terms, including sexual relationships.
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