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The Race For 2024

She’s being evasive regarding the border wall and Israel. However she’s crystal clear on the issues that matter to me: the economy, Ukraine, nato, women’s rights, democracy, the environment, ssn, trade (no new sales taxes), Obama care, crime, and etc.

Really, you think so? The only thing I have heard her be clear about is "women's rights" which really means abortion, right?

Most other stuff you mention she is not exactly fully committed, ambiguous or ambivalent e.g. fracking.
Women's rights is about a lot more than abortion, but abortion is the most obvious symbol of what's happening.

Look at the Republican panic over passing the SAFE act--an act that would have stripped an awful lot of women of the ability to vote because they wouldn't be able to document their citizenship.
The Daily Mail is designed for easily duped dopes, especially since it pretends that her opponent provides clear answers, does not meander off topic, and subjects himself to hostile interviews.

lol, TRUMP!! TRUMP!!1!! TRUMP!!1!!1111

I will still take my chances with four years of Trump over cackling Harris.
lol. all the characteristics you criticize Harris for, Trump is demonstrably worse, yet you prefer him. Odd logic.

Cackling Harris offers nothing. The Brandon administration is a shit show. Why the fuck would I vote for four more years of that?
Your defense of voting for a shit show is that you don't to vote for another shit show.

I am not going to reward the useless bunch in the Whitehouse another four years to fuck things up even more than they have done. I’ll take my chances with Trump.
That isn't in question. What is in question is why you think voting for a shit show because you refuse to vote for a shit show is remotely logical?
If you want me to vote for a democratic president, find a better candidate than cackling Harris. She offers NOTHING.
Oh look, more pettiness.
The Daily Mail is designed for easily duped dopes, especially since it pretends that her opponent provides clear answers, does not meander off topic, and subjects himself to hostile interviews.

lol, TRUMP!! TRUMP!!1!! TRUMP!!1!!1111

I will still take my chances with four years of Trump over cackling Harris.
lol. all the characteristics you criticize Harris for, Trump is demonstrably worse, yet you prefer him. Odd logic.

Cackling Harris offers nothing. The Brandon administration is a shit show. Why the fuck would I vote for four more years of that?
Your defense of voting for a shit show is that you don't to vote for another shit show.

I am not going to reward the useless bunch in the Whitehouse another four years to fuck things up even more than they have done. I’ll take my chances with Trump.
That isn't in question. What is in question is why you think voting for a shit show because you refuse to vote for a shit show is remotely logical?

Nothing wrong with my logic.

If you want me to vote for a democratic president, find a better candidate than cackling Harris. She offers NOTHING.
Oh look, more pettiness.

The faithful don't like their leader to be disparaged. Too bad.
The Daily Mail is designed for easily duped dopes, especially since it pretends that her opponent provides clear answers, does not meander off topic, and subjects himself to hostile interviews.

lol, TRUMP!! TRUMP!!1!! TRUMP!!1!!1111

I will still take my chances with four years of Trump over cackling Harris.

And it looks a distinct possibility Trump will win. 😲

What a sad state of affairs.
Yeah, what a sad state of affairs that The Felon has managed to dupe so many people into thinking he's a remotely sane choice.
The Daily Mail is designed for easily duped dopes, especially since it pretends that her opponent provides clear answers, does not meander off topic, and subjects himself to hostile interviews.

lol, TRUMP!! TRUMP!!1!! TRUMP!!1!!1111

I will still take my chances with four years of Trump over cackling Harris.
lol. all the characteristics you criticize Harris for, Trump is demonstrably worse, yet you prefer him. Odd logic.

Cackling Harris offers nothing. The Brandon administration is a shit show. Why the fuck would I vote for four more years of that? That would definitely be odd logic.
Even if it were a shitshow it's better than theocratic dictatorship.
The Daily Mail is designed for easily duped dopes, especially since it pretends that her opponent provides clear answers, does not meander off topic, and subjects himself to hostile interviews.

lol, TRUMP!! TRUMP!!1!! TRUMP!!1!!1111

I will still take my chances with four years of Trump over cackling Harris.
lol. all the characteristics you criticize Harris for, Trump is demonstrably worse, yet you prefer him. Odd logic.

Cackling Harris offers nothing. The Brandon administration is a shit show. Why the fuck would I vote for four more years of that? That would definitely be odd logic.
"I don't like getting flicked behind the ears, so I choose jamming a nail file into my urethra instead".

Sound logic there, bub.
It is logical for a masochist or a sadist, since if Trump wins, it will be like a nail in the urethra to about half the voters.
Your defense of voting for a shit show is that you don't to vote for another shit show.
I am not going to reward the useless bunch in the Whitehouse another four years to fuck things up even more than they have done. I’ll take my chances with Trump.
That isn't in question. What is in question is why you think voting for a shit show because you refuse to vote for a shit show is remotely logical?
Nothing wrong with my logic.
Except it is a failure of logic.

I) I refuse to vote for A because B.
II) Now I'm going to vote for B.
If you want me to vote for a democratic president, find a better candidate than cackling Harris. She offers NOTHING.
Oh look, more pettiness.
The faithful don't like their leader to be disparaged. Too bad.
Disparaging a person's value because of how they laugh is petty. I suppose it is better than you disparaging her for being black or being a woman. But it really isn't that much better.
Your defense of voting for a shit show is that you don't to vote for another shit show.
I am not going to reward the useless bunch in the Whitehouse another four years to fuck things up even more than they have done. I’ll take my chances with Trump.
That isn't in question. What is in question is why you think voting for a shit show because you refuse to vote for a shit show is remotely logical?
Nothing wrong with my logic.
Except it is a failure of logic.

I) I refuse to vote for A because B.
II) Now I'm going to vote for B.

lol, not even close.

If you want me to vote for a democratic president, find a better candidate than cackling Harris. She offers NOTHING.
Oh look, more pettiness.
The faithful don't like their leader to be disparaged. Too bad.
Disparaging a person's value because of how they laugh is petty. {snip}

Pettiness only irks you when it is aimed at your beloved leader.
The Daily Mail is designed for easily duped dopes, especially since it pretends that her opponent provides clear answers, does not meander off topic, and subjects himself to hostile interviews.

lol, TRUMP!! TRUMP!!1!! TRUMP!!1!!1111

I will still take my chances with four years of Trump over cackling Harris.
lol. all the characteristics you criticize Harris for, Trump is demonstrably worse, yet you prefer him. Odd logic.

Cackling Harris offers nothing. The Brandon administration is a shit show. Why the fuck would I vote for four more years of that?
Your defense of voting for a shit show is that you don't to vote for another shit show.

I am not going to reward the useless bunch in the Whitehouse another four years to fuck things up even more than they have done. I’ll take my chances with Trump.

If you want me to vote for a democratic president, find a better candidate than cackling Harris. She offers NOTHING.
If she offered nothing that would be better than The Felon. He wants to make things worse.
Your defense of voting for a shit show is that you don't to vote for another shit show.
I am not going to reward the useless bunch in the Whitehouse another four years to fuck things up even more than they have done. I’ll take my chances with Trump.
That isn't in question. What is in question is why you think voting for a shit show because you refuse to vote for a shit show is remotely logical?
Nothing wrong with my logic.
Except it is a failure of logic.

I) I refuse to vote for A because B.
II) Now I'm going to vote for B.

lol, not even close.
Tosses the word "logic" into the TSwizzle basket.
If you want me to vote for a democratic president, find a better candidate than cackling Harris. She offers NOTHING.
Oh look, more pettiness.
The faithful don't like their leader to be disparaged. Too bad.
Disparaging a person's value because of how they laugh is petty. {snip}
Pettiness only irks you when it is aimed at your beloved leader.
Pettiness is what you lead with, what you summarize with, and what you finish with. In just about every post on Harris.
Your defense of voting for a shit show is that you don't to vote for another shit show.
I am not going to reward the useless bunch in the Whitehouse another four years to fuck things up even more than they have done. I’ll take my chances with Trump.
That isn't in question. What is in question is why you think voting for a shit show because you refuse to vote for a shit show is remotely logical?
Nothing wrong with my logic.
Except it is a failure of logic.

I) I refuse to vote for A because B.
II) Now I'm going to vote for B.

lol, not even close.
Tosses the word "logic" into the TSwizzle basket.

lol, you make up a logic puzzle and ascribe to me. Give it a rest fella.

If you want me to vote for a democratic president, find a better candidate than cackling Harris. She offers NOTHING.
Oh look, more pettiness.
The faithful don't like their leader to be disparaged. Too bad.
Disparaging a person's value because of how they laugh is petty. {snip}
Pettiness only irks you when it is aimed at your beloved leader.
Pettiness is what you lead with, what you summarize with, and what you finish with. In just about every post on Harris.

Put me on ignore if it triggers you so much.
I am not going to reward the useless bunch in the Whitehouse another four years to fuck things up even more than they have done.

You keep making these broad claims, but never offer specifics. What did they fuck up Swiz? The usual trumpsucker answer is “everything” because trupsuckers can’t identify anything that doesn’t trace immediately back to the disastrous Trump debacle. If you ask me for specific examples of Trump fuckups I can provide a loooong list. Can’t you offer ONE example of these supposedly myriad fuckups to which you refer?
C'mon, Swiz. Grow a pair and answer the question you've been dodging for two pages.
I have never understood why voting is done on a work day. Weekends are better.
I saw a video this week that answered that question.
When the US started voting property owners who didn't have to worry about missing work were the only voters.
Sunday was the sabbath, so they stayed home and went to church.
Monday they had all day to travel to the poll. Travel was slow and there were fewer polls, probably only in the city.
(Here in PA, Philadelpha was probably the only city at the time.)
Tuesday was the election. And Wednesday was for traveling home.
Thank you for your consideration for the rest of the world.
I think you spoke too soon. You will feel differently if Rump gets elected.
The Daily Mail is designed for easily duped dopes, especially since it pretends that her opponent provides clear answers, does not meander off topic, and subjects himself to hostile interviews.

lol, TRUMP!! TRUMP!!1!! TRUMP!!1!!1111

I will still take my chances with four years of Trump over cackling Harris.

And it looks a distinct possibility Trump will win. 😲

What a sad state of affairs.
The more he rants, the more I suspect TSwizzle is a MAGA troll. Was he spreading FUD like this when he joined, during Rump's first campaign?
Even if it were a shitshow it's better than theocratic dictatorship.
This ^ needs repeating.
Disparaging a person's value because of how they laugh is petty. I suppose it is better than you disparaging her for being black or being a woman. But it really isn't that much better.
It secretly IS disparaging her for being a black woman.
Pettiness only irks you when it is aimed at your beloved leader.
That's not it.
Rump is fuckin evil. He MUST be voted against.
When you promote Rump, I, for one, PANIC.
I did not vote for Biden because I liked him. I suspect few did.
I voted for Biden because he isn't Rump.
Harris/Walz is an improvement over both of them.
I will take Harris' laugh over Rump's lies any day. Nov 5 is that day.
I've just read that the Rump bible skips ammendments 11 through 17.
And this book is suposed to show kids the foundation of our country?
Shouldn't this omision make Rump's bible inelegible for OK's program?

13th - Abolishes slavery
14th - citizenship
15th - voteing rights
16th - income tax
17th - election of senators
Suspiciously stuff Rump would want to fuck with.
Fun fact: the 27th took 202 years to be ratified
Well, look at it this way. Twizzie lives in California, a bright blue state, so because of the stupid electoral college, his vote doesn't matter. I, on the other hand, live in one of the states that will determine the results of this election and I've already voted for Harris, this past Thursday, in person. I printed out my ballot from the machine, after double checking it, then put it into the machine that collects ballots, while one of our wonderful poll workers watched me do it. I told each poll worker I encountered how much I appreciated them. There was an armed police officer standing outside to guard the place. Things went so smoothly, that the cop told Mr. Sohy he was bored. Was he hoping for some drama or just being humorous when he said that?

Voting in Georgia is easy and so far going very smoothly, despite all the efforts the MAGA cult electors have tried to disenfranchise a huge number of voters. Over 2.5 million of us have already voted in Georgia and I'm not sure that includes all the mail in ballots that are streaming in. The postal service has been warning people to get those ballots in ASAP, so they will be delivered on time. The race in Ga is pretty much tied, according to the polls, but my hope is that a lot of Republican women will secretly vote for Harris, since they have a lot more sense than a lot of Republican men, who seem to think that Trump is a macho man, when then rest of us know he's more like an irrational toddler who always insists on getting his way, throws temper tantrums and tries to kick those who don't agree with him. A narcissistic toddler with symptoms of dementia is a dire threat to the country, so hopefully, not enough people think like our well known Trump supporter who posts in this thread.
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