• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

The Race For 2024

Who is Sean Fein?
I misspelled the name of the UAW new boss. It should have been Shawn Fain.
I'm going to guess that you might mean Sinn Féin, the Irish political party.
You mean front for the IRA terrorists?
Joe Biden has been a supporter of Irish Republicanism for a very long time, and hasn't made a secret of it, so it would be rather strange if he didn't side with Sinn Féin.
Every day I find more reasons to dislike him.
Going out and saying I support your right to make money by working for an American company is not very controversial at all.
Auto workers are already making very good money (as do Hollywood writers and actors). UAW/Shawn Fain want a >40% raise while working 20% less. And to keep paying workers after their factories are shut down due to EV transition. Those are unreasonable demands.

Detroit auto workers won't be making any money at all if the domestic auto industry fails and we all import cars from abroad in 20 years. Or at least from foreign companies (plus Tesla) manufacturing in southern "right to work" states.
Going out and saying I support your right to make money by working for an American company is not very controversial at all.
Auto workers are already making very good money (as do Hollywood writers and actors). UAW/Shawn Fain want a >40% raise while working 20% less. And to keep paying workers after their factories are shut down due to EV transition. Those are unreasonable demands.
. It’s called bargaining. Contracts are compromises, so I’d wait to see the outcome.

BTW, “ making good money” is the American way. The employers in the auto industry and Hollywood are also good money.
Derec said:
Detroit auto workers won't be making any money at all if the domestic auto industry fails and we all import cars from abroad in 20 years. Or at least from foreign companies (plus Tesla) manufacturing in southern "right to work" states.
You repeat the very scare tactics from conservative networks and from Mr Trump.
DeSantis and Newsom are going to debate? So weird.

Newsom sure is enjoying it.

The trouble is, the right-wing are believing all their lies at this point. They forget that these people that they target and ridicule aren't quite as dumb and helpless as they are projecting them to be.
DeSantis and Newsom are going to debate? So weird.

Both of them lack enthusiastic support in their parties and need the public exposure to advance their political careers. They are helping each other to get needed public exposure, just in case the front runners in their parties get sidelined.
It’s unclear how many union workers, or even autoworkers, attended Trump’s speech. One person held a sign that said “union members for Trump” but told reporter Craig Mauger she wasn’t in the union. Another person held a sign that said “auto workers for Trump” but admitted he wasn’t an autoworker.
Robert Kennedy Jr to run for president as independent in 2024 – report | Robert F Kennedy Jr | The Guardian - "Scion of US political dynasty, who had been challenging Joe Biden for Democratic nomination, expected to announce on Sunday"
His campaign has also been roiled by an antisemitism scandal after Kennedy told reporters at a press dinner that Covid-19 was “ethnically targeted” at Caucasians and Black people, while Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people had greater immunity. The false claim was embraced by neo-Nazi groups and condemned by scientists and Jewish organizations.

Kennedy’s remarks echoed antisemitic tropes that circulated widely during the pandemic which portrayed the coronavirus as a global Jewish plot and caused members of his own family to denounce him for “deplorable and untruthful” comments.
Given his extreme love for Israel, his credulity about that conspiracy theory is bizarre.
Rightwing figures – prominent among them Steve Bannon, formerly Trump’s White House strategist – have encouraged Kennedy to run against Biden or as an independent.

That article notes
EXCLUSIVE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Planning Independent Run
Kennedy’s campaign machine is now planning “attack ads” against the Democratic National Committee in order to “pave the way” for his announcement in Philadelphia about running as an independent, according to a text reviewed by Mediaite.

“Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” a Kennedy campaign insider told Mediaite.
Will he be a spoiler who helps the Republican candidate?
Indeed, polls show Republicans have a far more favorable view of Kennedy than Democrats. As the National Review’s Jim Geraghty pointed out in July, when a survey asked New Hampshire Democrats to describe Kennedy in one word, the top responses were “crazy,” “dangerous,” “insane,” “conspiracy,” and “unknown".
Will he instead be a spoiler who helps the Democratic candidate?
Conservative media has been far more supportive of Kennedy’s campaign as well. Fox News host Greg Gutfeld proposed that the political scion run as third party in July.

“I think he should run as a third party candidate because I do think he should, he would win, is because his party’s radical elements, what we call the woke, have embraced this fascist clampdown on language,” Gutfeld said.
Going out and saying I support your right to make money by working for an American company is not very controversial at all.
Auto workers are already making very good money (as do Hollywood writers and actors). UAW/Shawn Fain want a >40% raise while working 20% less. And to keep paying workers after their factories are shut down due to EV transition. Those are unreasonable demands.
. It’s called bargaining. Contracts are compromises, so I’d wait to see the outcome.

BTW, “ making good money” is the American way. The employers in the auto industry and Hollywood are also good money.
Derec said:
Detroit auto workers won't be making any money at all if the domestic auto industry fails and we all import cars from abroad in 20 years. Or at least from foreign companies (plus Tesla) manufacturing in southern "right to work" states.
You repeat the very scare tactics from conservative networks and from Mr Trump.
The UAW has already made US cars not very competitive.
It is the car companies that are the problem. Massive pickup trucks and SUVs that are very expensive. That is their bread and butter. Cheaper cars though, do not sell well. So it is a bind. It is economics. Very well to do don't care if that new pickup is $75.000. The young worker struggling with low pay and hire rent and paying off a student loan, will buy a used car, not a new $35.000 sedan.
The UAW has already made US cars not very competitive.

Ya sure, ya betcha.

Profits at the “Big 3” auto companies—Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis— skyrocketed 92% from 2013 to 2022, totaling $250 billion. Forecasts for 2023 expect more than $32 billion in additional profits.

Who gives a flying fuck about RW whining about being "competitive", when you're profiting in the hundreds of billions?

Seven candidates took to the GOP debate stage to stand out from Trump : NPR

Doug Burgum, Chris Christie, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tim Scott debated last Wednesday. Asa Hutchinson dropped out from not meeting the somewhat stricter requirements for this debate.
That made for a debate that was at times unruly, with the three moderators struggling to control the conversation as candidates talked and shouted over each other.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, at the bottom of the pack in current polls and the last to qualify to appear in the debate, tried to elbow his way into more airtime, jumping in to answer a question about child care out of turn before moderator Dana Perino of Fox News cut him off.

The debate wrapped up with a surprising moment of decorum, when the candidates refused to answer a question posed by Perino, who asked each candidate to single out one rival: "Who should be voted off the island?"

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis balked, saying, "I think that's disrespectful to my fellow competitors."

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie visibly indicated his agreement.

Christie eventually said that he would "vote Donald Trump off the island right now."

"Every person on this stage has shown respect for Republican voters" by showing up, Christie said, adding that Trump has divided the country, and divided families.
Voting off the island? That's from  Survivor (American TV series)
Survivor places a group of strangers in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves. The contestants compete in challenges including testing the contestants' physical abilities like running and swimming or their mental abilities like puzzles and endurance challenges for rewards and immunity from elimination. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants until only one remains and is given the title of "Sole Survivor" and is awarded the grand prize of US$1,000,000 ($2,000,000 in Winners at War).
During a heated exchange about how to regulate social media use by teens, Haley told entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy what will perhaps be the single most memorable line: "Every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber."

Ramaswamy responded by complaining about the fruitlessness of "personal attacks" as the discussion descended into yet another shouting match between the moderators and candidates.
Pretty much my own sentiment about VR. He's annoyingly glib, talking and talking and talking without much content. He seems like he could have a great career selling used cars.
The debate was held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., and the event opened with iconic images and speeches from the 40th president. Several questions referred to Reagan, who has taken on a near-mythical status among some in the party. Candidates including Sen. Scott and former Vice President Mike Pence have invoked his name on the campaign trail, with Pence seeking to differentiate the party of Reagan from the party of Trump.
The President who inaugurated Gilded Age II.
During a conversation about the power of teachers unions, Christie attacked President Biden by saying, "When you have the president of the United States sleeping with a member of the teachers union, there is no chance that you could take the stranglehold away." First Lady Jill Biden has spent her career as an educator, including teaching English at a community college in Virginia.

Several minutes later, Pence followed up by joking that he has been "sleeping with a teacher for 38 years." But he did make the distinction that his wife, former Second Lady Karen Pence, is not a union educator.
Takeaways from the second Republican presidential debate | CNN Politics
Two candidates criticized Trump’s absence, as well. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he was “missing in action.” Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called the former president “Donald Duck” and said he “hides behind his golf clubs” rather than defending his record on stage.

The GOP field also took early shots at President Joe Biden. South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott said Biden, rather than joining the striking auto workers’ union on the picket line Tuesday in Michigan, should be on the southern border. Former Vice President Mike Pence said Biden should be “on the unemployment line.” North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum said Biden was interfering with “free markets.”
Some takeaways:
Trump’s safe approach appears to pay off

Trump might have played it safe by skipping the debates and taking a running-as-an-incumbent approach to the 2024 GOP primary.
As if he was only temporarily deposed.
“This guy has not only divided our party – he’s divided families all over this country. He’s divided friends all over this country,” the former governor said. “He needs to be voted off the island and he needs to be taken out of this process.”

A messy two hours

The second GOP primary debate was beset by interruptions, crosstalk and protracted squabbles between the candidates and moderators over speaking time.

Ramaswamy fared somewhat better, speaking louder – and faster – than most of his rivals. But he was bogged down repeatedly when caught between his own talking points and cross-volleys of criticisms from frustrated candidates like Scott.
More from CNN on that debate.
Palmetto pummeling

All night, Scott seemed like he was looking for a fight with somebody and he finally got that when he set his sights on fellow South Carolinian Haley.

He began his line of attack – which Haley interjected with a “Bring it” – by accusing her of spending $50,000 on curtains in a $15 million subsidized location during her time as the US ambassador to the United Nations.

An uneven performance for DeSantis

DeSantis equated Trump’s absence in California to Biden, who DeSantis said was “completely missing in action for leadership” on the economy, blaming him for inflation and the autoworkers strike.

“And you know who else is missing in action? Donald Trump is missing in action,” DeSantis said. “He should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record.”

Tough questions on immigration, Latino voters

The candidates – and moderators – shy away from abortion talk

Candidates pile on Ramaswamy

Early in Wednesday’s debate, Scott went after the tech entrepreneur, saying his business record included ties to the Chinese Communist Party and money going to Hunter Biden. The visibly annoyed Ramaswamy shifted gears from praising all the other candidates onstage to defending his business record. But Scott and Ramaswamy ended up talking over each other.

A little later on, Pence began an answer with a knock on Ramaswamy, saying, “I’m glad Vivek pulled out of his business deal in China.” At another point, after Ramaswamy had responded to a question about his use of TikTok, Haley jumped in, saying, “Every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber from what you say” and then going on to say, “We can’t trust you. We can’t trust you.”

DeSantis, Pence duck health care questions while Haley pounces
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