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The Race For 2024

I apologize for misdiagnosing your anti-intellectualism as misogyny, though I cannot say I find either trait particularly charming.
It's not anti-intellectualism to decry the proliferation of second-rate doctorates like EdDs (compared with PhDs) or DNPs (compared with MDs).
But US tertiary education system is a matter for another thread I guess, so I won't belabor the point.

But these personal attacks are all that you side has to go with, since Biden's performance in office has actually been quite impressive. The economy is better than ever. Post-COVID inflation was bad for a while, but much worse in most other countries than the US. It is now down to almost 3%. And we have now reached historic lows in unemployment--essentially full employment for US households. Much of the damage that Trump did to our national reputation has now been repaired, and reported violent crimes in the US have dropped since 2020. The country is basically energy-independent. The government has not yet suffered a shutdown or defaulted on its debts, despite the best efforts of Republicans. So there isn't a lot there to work with, but you still have a powerful propaganda machine to spread lies and disinformation with. It can churn out blather and nonsense like this 24/7.
But these personal attacks are all that you side has to go with, since Biden's performance in office has actually been quite impressive.
Surely you jest. His approval ratings are in the shitter. Nothing has been built, nothing is back and nothing is better.
But these personal attacks are all that you side has to go with, since Biden's performance in office has actually been quite impressive.
It's not "my side". I voted for Biden, and actually agree with a lot of what Biden has accomplished. That does not mean I can't criticize him where appropriate (the $3.5T Spendapalooza, or his timidity on the Houthis).
The economy is better than ever.
Is it though? The stock market is doing well, sure, and the unemployment is low. Those are positives. But on the negative side, consumers are still reeling from the consequences of inflation. To bring inflation down, interest rates had to be hiked. That affects the housing market. Homeowners locked into low mortgage rates from a few years ago are disinclined to sell where they otherwise would be because they do not want to give up their 3% mortgages.
Post-COVID inflation was bad for a while, but much worse in most other countries than the US. It is now down to almost 3%.
Due to aggressive actions by the Fed, that have their own negative consequences, as I pointed out above. And but for the heroic actions by Senators Sinema and Machin, inflation would have been much worse due to injection of $3.5T into an already overheated economy. That would have been like turning up the burner just as the pot is about to boil over. It was a dumb plan, and Biden was stupid for supporting it and making it part of the "Biden Agenda".

And we have now reached historic lows in unemployment--essentially full employment for US households. Much of the damage that Trump did to our national reputation has now been repaired, and reported violent crimes in the US have dropped since 2020. I
[Emphasis added]
To his credit, Biden was always opposed to insane things like defunding police. That said, many in his party are enamored of the idea and also of not locking up even violent criminals. Including "progressive" DAs that are not fans of prosecuting criminals. Like when Alvin Bragg wanted to prosecute most armed robberies as petty thefts. It echoes what Prez said in The Wire about "juking the stats" and "making robberies into larcenies". That particular plan did not go through, but "alternatives to incarceration" where even violent crimes can be expunged (and so do not appear in stats) did. It is the reason why Jordan Neely was not in prison but on that subway.
Finding Jordan Neely
New Yorker Magazine|Intelligencer said:
On February 9, 2023, Neely stood before Judge Ellen Biben on the 11th floor at 100 Centre Street. He had taken a plea in the 2021 felony assault, and his case was being heard in the novel “Alternative to Incarceration” court. Established in 2017, the ATI court has a “problem-solving” mission, connecting eligible defendants who have knotty issues related to drug use, mental health, or criminal history with a wide range of individualized therapeutic or supportive programs — housing, residential detox, anger management, outpatient therapy, medication compliance — in exchange for a guilty plea. The deal, Judge Biben reminds each defendant, is this: Adhere to the mandated program and the felony is erased from the record; ditch, rebel, or fail to follow its rules and the defendant will be sent upstate to serve their sentence.
He beat up a woman, and still was not locked up, even as a repeat offender (he had assaulted two other women before). And even though Neely ditched the program almost immediately, he was never sent up the river.
Note, this court was established by Bill deBlowjob's administration. Surely one of the worst mayors NYC had to endure.

The country is basically energy-independent.
Due mostly to private industry and not government programs. And much to the chagrin of the left-wing of the Party, including the vice president who wanted to ban fracking during the primaries.
Fracking is done by private companies, and moved by privately funded and built pipelines. Note that the Obama administration blocked the Dakota Access Pipeline at the last moment, after it had been previously approved and was already mostly built, just to appease the extremists in their party. Trump administration promptly reversed that misguided decision.

US also has a major migration problem at the southern border. But Dems do not really want to deal with the issue.

The government has not yet suffered a shutdown or defaulted on its debts, despite the best efforts of Republicans. So there isn't a lot there to work with, but you still have a powerful propaganda machine to spread lies and disinformation with.
Much of the stuff Biden has done (or wanted to do) was good, but by no means all.
I am annoyed by partisans. If you offer any criticism of their guy, they accuse you of shilling for the other guy. It's immature. Not everything Biden does is good. Not everything Trump did was bad.
But on the negative side, consumers are still reeling from the consequences of inflation. To bring inflation down, interest rates had to be hiked.
Inflation is down to 3.1% compared 7.1% last year. What are you talking about. Yes, since there has been no deflation, prices are higher but incones on average rose more than inflation.

So what are going on about?
So what are going on about?
Inflation is rate of change in the value of a currency. Rate of change decreasing does not erase the effects of recent high inflation on prices. Neither does it negate the negative consequences of high interest rates that were necessary to bring the inflation down to 3%.
So what are going on about?
Inflation is rate of change in the value of a currency. Rate of change decreasing does not erase the effects of recent high inflation on prices. Neither does it negate the negative consequences of high interest rates that were necessary to bring the inflation down to 3%.
No shit Sherlock. Real incomes are higher. That means the effects of high inflation has been more than erased on average.

Overall, as Copernicus pointed out, the economy is in better shape than it was last year or the year before. There is never a macroeconomic utopia, so what are you going on about?
Much of the damage that Trump did to our national reputation has now been repaired,
I dunno. I think that's going to need rather more serious repercussions for his attempted coup than he has yet faced.

If you want to restore America's international reputation, you need to put him up against a wall, with a blindfold and a cigarette.

Or at least get him breaking rocks at Leavenworth.
Much of the damage that Trump did to our national reputation has now been repaired,
I dunno. I think that's going to need rather more serious repercussions for his attempted coup than he has yet faced.

If you want to restore America's international reputation, you need to put him up against a wall, with a blindfold and a cigarette.

Or at least get him breaking rocks at Leavenworth.
I dunno. I expect breaking rocks would be a death sentence for Trump.
But these personal attacks are all that you side has to go with, since Biden's performance in office has actually been quite impressive.
Surely you jest. His approval ratings are in the shitter. Nothing has been built, nothing is back and nothing is better.
I just got gas today for $2.72.
So what are going on about?
Inflation is rate of change in the value of a currency. Rate of change decreasing does not erase the effects of recent high inflation on prices. Neither does it negate the negative consequences of high interest rates that were necessary to bring the inflation down to 3%.
I seem to remember you defending those high prices.
Much of the stuff Biden has done (or wanted to do) was good, but by no means all.
I am annoyed by partisans. If you offer any criticism of their guy, they accuse you of shilling for the other guy. It's immature. Not everything Biden does is good. Not everything Trump did was bad.

I am annoyed by your consistent use of Republican partisan tropes and baseless smears to attack Biden, but nothing even close to it for Republicans, including Donald Trump. That is shilling for the guy you claim to oppose. Nobody is arguing that everything Biden does is good, or anything Trump does is bad, but the two men are hardly comparable, if you are actually keeping scores. It's one thing to criticize Biden. Most of us who support his presidential bid oppose some of his policies and have actually criticized his behavior.

I have not been shy about saying that I don't think he should be the Democratic nominee and that I think he is too old, but I also think that Trump is too old to be running the country. Nevertheless, given the choice between Biden and just about any Republican, I would vote for Biden purely on the basis of his overall policies, his experience, and his competence. Donald Trump would never get my vote, so it pains me a lot more that he is going to be the likely Republican nominee. He represents an existential threat to our democracy and our rule of law.
Much of the damage that Trump did to our national reputation has now been repaired,
I dunno. I think that's going to need rather more serious repercussions for his attempted coup than he has yet faced.

If you want to restore America's international reputation, you need to put him up against a wall, with a blindfold and a cigarette.

Or at least get him breaking rocks at Leavenworth.
I dunno. I expect breaking rocks would be a death sentence for Trump.
Na und?

She has a PhD in education leadership or whatever. Technically she can use the title “doctor” but I still get a chuckle out of it. She’s putting it to good use chaperoning her dementia addled husband.
Even worse. An EdD, not a PhD. Reminds me of this quote from "Stranger in a Strange Land".
Robert A Heinlein said:
- “Oh, I’m not offended. But when they began handing out doctorates for comparative folk dancing and advanced flyfishing, I became too stinkin’ proud to use the title. I won’t touch watered whiskey and take no pride in watered-down degrees. Call me Jubal.”
- “Oh. But the degree in medicine hasn’t been watered down.”
- “Time they called it something else, so as not to confuse it with playground supervisors.”
An EdD does sound a lot like a "playground supervisor".

It also reminds me of nurses who get a DNP degree and then call themselves "doctors", which is bound to confuse patients. Bad enough that there are two different legit physician degrees in the US.
A Woman? With a Degree? Pass me my smelling salts, those bracket-faced suffragettes have gone too far this time!
To people like Politesse it is always about race or gender. Very predictable.
I'll take a nurse with an MSN or a Phd over most MDs when it comes to primary care/internal medicine. They are usually much better at looking at the entire scope of what's going on with their patients compared to most MDs, who simply focus in on one or two symptoms without considering other factors. Nobody is confused as to whether one is an MD or a APRN with a Phd. People choose whether they want an APRN or an MD to give them care, based on their preferences.

Again, you seem to be insulting those who work in female dominated professions like nursing and or education, yet you claim not to be sexist. Sometimes people are not aware of their biases. I admit that based on my 42 years of working as an RN, I do have a strong bias in favor of APRNs and if necessary, female MDs.

Still, it might be good if we did away with all of these professional titles. I read that a lot of patients are starting to refer to their doctors by their first names and the docs don't like that. Poor, little babies. When they all come to terms with the fact that they aren't that special, maybe Dr. Jill will decide to drop her title too. it does seem a bit pretentious to me to demand everyone to refer to them as doctors. I think it may cause a barrier when it comes to communication. My best teachers in college wanted us to call them by their first names. Lawyers all have doctorate degrees, but I've yet to meet one yet that insists on being referred to as Dr.. I've always wondered why. Maybe they have the right idea. But, we are so far off topic now......
But these personal attacks are all that you side has to go with, since Biden's performance in office has actually been quite impressive.
Surely you jest. His approval ratings are in the shitter. Nothing has been built, nothing is back and nothing is better.
Trump's approval rating was 29% at the end of his term. Considering how divided the country has become, it's amazing that any politician has an approval rating over 35 or 40. Actually, I'm not sure if any of them do.

And, I don't understand how any atheist could support a Republican at this point in time, considering they are hoping and planning to have a theocratic form of government. Biden is a Christian, but he's a strong supporter of the SCS. Trump only worships himself, but he pretends to be a Christian and he caters to his crazy evangelical base, knowing how easy they are to manipulate. His White Christian Nationalist base want to refuse to allow anyone who isn't a Christian to enter the country. I guess you haven't been following their plans if Trump wins a second term.

Perhaps if you got your news from a legitimate source of news instead of the one that you frequently quote, you might have a better idea of what Biden has accomplished compared to the idiot Trump.
But these personal attacks are all that you side has to go with, since Biden's performance in office has actually been quite impressive.
Surely you jest. His approval ratings are in the shitter. Nothing has been built, nothing is back and nothing is better.
I'd ask if you are joking, but I know better. You are genuinely ignorant of all the Republican politicians taking credit for the things Brandon has accomplished.

But then maybe you do actually feel nostalgic for the good old days of Trump where hospitals had to plug in refrigeration trucks to preserve all the bodies from Orange Joffrey's policies. That for you is "better".
Checks thread title. Jill Biden still not in The Race for 2024.
America is weird. People care about candidate spouses for some reason.

But you can't complain about people talking about Jill if you were ok with people talking about Melania.
I read that a lot of patients are starting to refer to their doctors by their first names and the docs don't like that.
Our GP insists on it, but that's probably just because it is a family practice with his wife, so there are now two Doctors Malik, and you need to give the receptionist the first name, or they won't know which one you are talking about.
Checks thread title. Jill Biden still not in The Race for 2024.
America is weird. People care about candidate spouses for some reason.
I thought it was: “decry the proliferation of second-rate doctorates,,,“
But you can't complain about people talking about Jill if you were ok with people talking about Melania.
I don’t remember anyone mocking Melania about her educational accomplishments, or lack thereof. Most of the chatter about Melania was on the right commending her for her good looks.
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