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The Religion Of Libertarianism


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.

"American libertarians are less a political party and more like a fundamentalist religious group who believe that the free market is their lord and savior. Here's why their platform might sound charmingly weird in theory, but in practice it's harmful."
Please.....Learn to use capitalization. In the case, it counts.

For the uninitiated, libertarianism is more an attitude about civil rights...a supportive attitude. This is reflected in the civil libertarianism of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is a private, non-profit organization which works to protect, preserve, and extend civil rights in the United States.

On the other hand, Libertarianism is a shitty grab-bag of half-baked and half-assed ideas passing itself off as a political movement glorifying individualism. This one associates with Ayn Rand and other whackadoodle dingbats and regularly demonstrates the oxymoronic value of the adopted name.

I consider myself a libertarian, but a civil one.
The "free market" is shorthand for millions of people making billions of transactions and trillions of decisions every day without being told what to do. Not exactly a deity really. Faith in the free market is actually faith in people.

It is as much a deity as Evolution is a religion and Darwin a prophet. The free market is the atheism of economics.
The "free market" is shorthand for millions of people making billions of transactions and trillions of decisions every day without being told what to do. Not exactly a deity really. Faith in the free market is actually faith in people.

It is as much a deity as Evolution is a religion and Darwin a prophet. The free market is the atheism of economics.

Cheeses crepes, talk about pulling out the Wallenstein MX130 and loading it to the gunnels....

"Free Market" is a delusional lie.
Untrammeled Libertarianism is Laissez Faire economics. it results in monopolies, speculators run hog wild, corruption, crony capitalism, kleptocracy, and economic inequality. You end up with Libertarian utopias like Louisiana or Kansas. "Leaving people alone" sounds good in theory. But Laissez faire in the end results in disaster and people being anything but left alone.
"In All Fairness -

I Was Left Unsupervised."

That is your opinion of the free market. I happen to disagree with it. Crony Capitalism is the government getting directly involved in the economy, quite the opposite of the free market.

Sorry, crony capitalism is those with influence seeking to prevent the preconditions for a 'free market'....and usually succeeding. The 'free market' never exists because each and every actor has it in their benefit to hinder the conditions of the market to bring them a windfall beyond all reasonable expectation. There is no perfect knowledge of market conditions. It is delusional. Ceteris paribus and all that shit.
Cheeses crepes, talk about pulling out the Wallenstein MX130 and loading it to the gunnels....

"Free Market" is a delusional lie.

Yup - one held dearly by a lot of well-intended folks who fancy themselves "making billions of transactions and trillions of decisions every day without being told what to do" and profiting quite a bit in the process. Also attractive to perennial fuckups who want to blame "the system" for their failures. Delusional either way.
The "free market" is shorthand for millions of people making billions of transactions and trillions of decisions every day without being told what to do. Not exactly a deity really. Faith in the free market is actually faith in people.

People dd not decide to design US society as it was designed.

It was designed to maximize oil consumption.

People did not decide to allow fracking.

People just do it.

People did not decide to poison the food supply with sugar and fat and preservatives and other foreign chemicals.

That was a corporate decision.

What you don't seem to care one bit about are the daily corporate decisions that make all our lives worse.

They are free decisions to care more about profits than people.
The "free market" is shorthand for millions of people making billions of transactions and trillions of decisions every day without being told what to do. Not exactly a deity really. Faith in the free market is actually faith in people.

People dd not decide to design US society as it was designed.

It was designed to maximize oil consumption.

People did not decide to allow fracking.

People just do it.

People did not decide to poison the food supply with sugar and fat and preservatives and other foreign chemicals.

That was a corporate decision.

What you don't seem to care one bit about are the daily corporate decisions that make all our lives worse.

They are free decisions to care more about profits than people.

I never claimed our mixed economy was a free economy. Check your premises.
Please.....Learn to use capitalization. In the case, it counts.

For the uninitiated, libertarianism is more an attitude about civil rights...a supportive attitude. This is reflected in the civil libertarianism of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is a private, non-profit organization which works to protect, preserve, and extend civil rights in the United States.

On the other hand, Libertarianism is a shitty grab-bag of half-baked and half-assed ideas passing itself off as a political movement glorifying individualism. This one associates with Ayn Rand and other whackadoodle dingbats and regularly demonstrates the oxymoronic value of the adopted name.

I consider myself a libertarian, but a civil one.

It was a quote from the YT posting. Their capitalisation, not mine. Personally, I would have capitalized it.

ETA: Hey look, I'm a capitalist! :p
Please.....Learn to use capitalization. In the case, it counts.

For the uninitiated, libertarianism is more an attitude about civil rights...a supportive attitude. This is reflected in the civil libertarianism of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is a private, non-profit organization which works to protect, preserve, and extend civil rights in the United States.

On the other hand, Libertarianism is a shitty grab-bag of half-baked and half-assed ideas passing itself off as a political movement glorifying individualism. This one associates with Ayn Rand and other whackadoodle dingbats and regularly demonstrates the oxymoronic value of the adopted name.

I consider myself a libertarian, but a civil one.

It was a quote from the YT posting. Their capitalisation, not mine. Personally, I would have capitalized it.

ETA: Hey look, I'm a capitalist! :p

Two, Four, Six, Eight...I guess it's time to exploit the state!
The gov't is directly involved in the economy. For example, there are laws against murder for hire - and there is a market for murder. There are laws against slavery, against lead in paint, and all other types of market transactions - all of which are generally viewed by rational people as regulations that improve the general welfare.

The real issue is the extent to which markets sufficiently regulate themselves to generate benefits. Some markets are fine with much or any regulation, some are not.
Please.....Learn to use capitalization. In the case, it counts.

For the uninitiated, libertarianism is more an attitude about civil rights...a supportive attitude. This is reflected in the civil libertarianism of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is a private, non-profit organization which works to protect, preserve, and extend civil rights in the United States.

On the other hand, Libertarianism is a shitty grab-bag of half-baked and half-assed ideas passing itself off as a political movement glorifying individualism. This one associates with Ayn Rand and other whackadoodle dingbats and regularly demonstrates the oxymoronic value of the adopted name.

I consider myself a libertarian, but a civil one.

What conservatives and libertarians promote is not capitalism, but neo-feudalism. If anything, it's somewhat anti-capitalist.
Please.....Learn to use capitalization. In the case, it counts.

For the uninitiated, libertarianism is more an attitude about civil rights...a supportive attitude. This is reflected in the civil libertarianism of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is a private, non-profit organization which works to protect, preserve, and extend civil rights in the United States.

On the other hand, Libertarianism is a shitty grab-bag of half-baked and half-assed ideas passing itself off as a political movement glorifying individualism. This one associates with Ayn Rand and other whackadoodle dingbats and regularly demonstrates the oxymoronic value of the adopted name.

I consider myself a libertarian, but a civil one.

What conservatives and libertarians promote is not capitalism, but neo-feudalism. If anything, it's somewhat anti-capitalist.

What libertarians promote is civil rights. What you are talking about is Libertarians.
On the other hand, Libertarianism is a <expletive deleted> grab-bag of half-baked and half-assed ideas passing itself off as a political movement glorifying individualism. This one associates with Ayn Rand and other whackadoodle dingbats and regularly demonstrates the oxymoronic value of the adopted name.

I consider myself a libertarian, but a civil one.
Technically, calling people who disagree with you "whackadoodle dingbats" doesn't count as civil. ;)
On the other hand, Libertarianism is a <expletive deleted> grab-bag of half-baked and half-assed ideas passing itself off as a political movement glorifying individualism. This one associates with Ayn Rand and other whackadoodle dingbats and regularly demonstrates the oxymoronic value of the adopted name.

I consider myself a libertarian, but a civil one.
Technically, calling people who disagree with you "whackadoodle dingbats" doesn't count as civil. ;)

It does if it is an accurate description.

An aside here...I find it curious that somebody edits emphatic language from my post in a freethought board. Are you a censor?
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