Veteran Member
Excellent. I think this is the crucial point that untermensche fails to understand...
What specifically do you think I am missing?
Are you able to explain exactly what you are talking about here?
Why are you making tangential comments like this and not dealing with anything directly? My points have no relation to any paradox especially Achilles and the tortoise.
Can you traverse an infinite line? This is not talking about a race of any kind. It is just asking about what can be done physically with infinities that allegedly stretch an infinite length.
Is it possible for infinity to be expressed in any way?
Is it possible for infinity to exist in the real world?
It can't even exist in the conceptual world of mathematics. It is only defined. It is never expressed in any sense. It can never be expressed?
What the hell are you talking about?
Well, I guess it must be the other way round -- the world possibly exists IN infinity. I mean the world, the universe, the cosmos, that whole trinity could all end and infinity could just go on and on and on and.....etc ..... a whole lot of nothing in infinite progression. But I grant you that whole lot of nothing should have had a beginning, according to our poor human logic applied in our poor human way, by our poor human brains, that created our poor human minds.