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The Resistance™ Blocks Traffic, Fails

Of course, this will irritate people, but only those with political power, the kind of power that tells politicians to see that this kind of thing doesn't happen again. Since we've already proved they can't stop it from happening, their only path is to address the problems that inspired the protest.

Do you really think only those with power will get irritated by you stopping them from getting to work that day? You don't think the guy working a minimum wage job and who gets fired for being late is going to be a little irritated as well?

Probably, but what are you going to do about it?

Not be an asshole blocking traffic so the man loses his job?
Do you really think only those with power will get irritated by you stopping them from getting to work that day? You don't think the guy working a minimum wage job and who gets fired for being late is going to be a little irritated as well?

Probably, but what are you going to do about it?

Not be an asshole blocking traffic so the man loses his job?
And what if by not blocking traffice, some other person loses his or her job? Would that make you an an asshole for not protesting?
Do you really think only those with power will get irritated by you stopping them from getting to work that day? You don't think the guy working a minimum wage job and who gets fired for being late is going to be a little irritated as well?

Probably, but what are you going to do about it?

Not be an asshole blocking traffic so the man loses his job?

I'm sorry, but who the fuck loses their job because they came to work late once due to a protest rally?
"I'm sorry Jerry, you've done some fine work for us over the last five years, but because you started at 9.15 this morning we have to let you go"
"But I told you why I was late! It was on the news on the TV in the break room!"
"Yeah, but that's how it is, mate"

Doesn't sound so plausible when it's layed out like that does it?
Do you really think only those with power will get irritated by you stopping them from getting to work that day? You don't think the guy working a minimum wage job and who gets fired for being late is going to be a little irritated as well?

Probably, but what are you going to do about it?

Not be an asshole blocking traffic so the man loses his job?

That's your choice, but you seem to have a problem grasping the concept.

The protesters are not trying to gain your favor. They aren't thinking, "Gee, maybe if that Penguin guy would listen to our position, he would do something about police shooting black men." Your prescription, to be meek and not inconvenience other people, is just not in their playbook. Calling then assholes doesn't hurt their feeling. They are past caring what you think.

Their playbook is about demonstrating(that's why it's called a demonstration) where the real limits of power are. If a couple thousand people want to block the street, government does not have the resources to stop them. They could start arresting people and locking them up, but who's going to pay for all that overtime, and then there's no room in the jails or the courtrooms. Some other solution will have to be found.

If this kind of protest is a problem for you, go do something about police shooting black men, or whatever the protest was about. Telling them to play nice, isn't going to get you to work any faster.
Of course, this will irritate people, but only those with political power, the kind of power that tells politicians to see that this kind of thing doesn't happen again. Since we've already proved they can't stop it from happening, their only path is to address the problems that inspired the protest.

Do you really think only those with power will get irritated by you stopping them from getting to work that day? You don't think the guy working a minimum wage job and who gets fired for being late is going to be a little irritated as well?

Probably, but what are you going to do about it?

Hate to say it.. but I might accidently run you over with my car. I've done it before. Not on purpose. But a homeless person was wandering around on the highway, and I hit the shit out of him because it was late, dark, and there is no reasonable way I should have seen him, nor any reason to think that a pedestrian would be in the middle of the highway (just outside an airport, no less). Cops had no questions for me, let me drive home, and I never heard anything about it since (over 15 years ago). He no doubt died on the way or at the hospital. He was hit by a tank of a Dodge at about 45-50 mph. I don't feel bad, like, at all. The guy was mentally ill wandering around on the highway. I was the unlucky person that ended up damaging my car on him.

So, no permit to protest, placing yourself in immediate danger.. getting yourself killed.... I hope your family enjoys your Darwin Award.
Do you really think only those with power will get irritated by you stopping them from getting to work that day? You don't think the guy working a minimum wage job and who gets fired for being late is going to be a little irritated as well?

Probably, but what are you going to do about it?

Hate to say it.. but I might accidently run you over with my car. I've done it before. Not on purpose. But a homeless person was wandering around on the highway, and I hit the shit out of him because it was late, dark, and there is no reasonable way I should have seen him, nor any reason to think that a pedestrian would be in the middle of the highway (just outside an airport, no less). Cops had no questions for me, let me drive home, and I never heard anything about it since (over 15 years ago). He no doubt died on the way or at the hospital. He was hit by a tank of a Dodge at about 45-50 mph. I don't feel bad, like, at all. The guy was mentally ill wandering around on the highway. I was the unlucky person that ended up damaging my car on him.

So, no permit to protest, placing yourself in immediate danger.. getting yourself killed.... I hope your family enjoys your Darwin Award.

Cool story, bro.

If killing people is your preferred way to protest protesters, knock yourself out. You'll be called to account for your actions. Maybe you'll get off with a warning, maybe you'll go to prison. That's your risk.

Beyond that, it's an empty threat, unless you are a sociopath who has no inhibition against killing people because they are in your way. As you said, you don't feel bad.
Probably, but what are you going to do about it?

Hate to say it.. but I might accidently run you over with my car. I've done it before. Not on purpose. But a homeless person was wandering around on the highway, and I hit the shit out of him because it was late, dark, and there is no reasonable way I should have seen him, nor any reason to think that a pedestrian would be in the middle of the highway (just outside an airport, no less). Cops had no questions for me, let me drive home, and I never heard anything about it since (over 15 years ago). He no doubt died on the way or at the hospital. He was hit by a tank of a Dodge at about 45-50 mph. I don't feel bad, like, at all. The guy was mentally ill wandering around on the highway. I was the unlucky person that ended up damaging my car on him.

So, no permit to protest, placing yourself in immediate danger.. getting yourself killed.... I hope your family enjoys your Darwin Award.

Cool story, bro.

If killing people is your preferred way to protest protesters, knock yourself out. You'll be called to account for your actions. Maybe you'll get off with a warning, maybe you'll go to prison. That's your risk.

Beyond that, it's an empty threat, unless you are a sociopath who has no inhibition against killing people because they are in your way. As you said, you don't feel bad.

Consider it a cautionary tale of following the laws that are designed to protect your safety... like not walking out onto the fucking highway.... and to those that choose to ignore such laws, I would have no regrets if involved in another accident of that sort.

Running people over on purpose is an entirely different story, obviously.
Hate to say it.. but I might accidently run you over with my car. I've done it before. Not on purpose. But a homeless person was wandering around on the highway, and I hit the shit out of him because it was late, dark, and there is no reasonable way I should have seen him, nor any reason to think that a pedestrian would be in the middle of the highway (just outside an airport, no less). Cops had no questions for me, let me drive home, and I never heard anything about it since (over 15 years ago). He no doubt died on the way or at the hospital. He was hit by a tank of a Dodge at about 45-50 mph. I don't feel bad, like, at all. The guy was mentally ill wandering around on the highway. I was the unlucky person that ended up damaging my car on him.

So, no permit to protest, placing yourself in immediate danger.. getting yourself killed.... I hope your family enjoys your Darwin Award.

Cool story, bro.

If killing people is your preferred way to protest protesters, knock yourself out. You'll be called to account for your actions. Maybe you'll get off with a warning, maybe you'll go to prison. That's your risk.

Beyond that, it's an empty threat, unless you are a sociopath who has no inhibition against killing people because they are in your way. As you said, you don't feel bad.

Consider it a cautionary tale of following the laws that are designed to protect your safety... like not walking out onto the fucking highway.... and to those that choose to ignore such laws, I would have no regrets if involved in another accident of that sort.

Running people over on purpose is an entirely different story, obviously.

If you threaten to run over people because they are in the road, and then you run over someone, that's enough to prove intent.

Like most cautionary tales, they contain a threat of what will happen if we violate some norm, and what course we should take, if we know what's good for us. These things only work on people who are scared of authority, or sociopaths. This lack of fear takes away your power to threaten, which is all you have. Once you carry out the threat, it's a new world of problems for you.

Seriously, if you aren't bothered by the prospect of killing someone who intends you no harm, whose only fault was walking into your path, there's something wrong with you.
Cool story, bro.

If killing people is your preferred way to protest protesters, knock yourself out. You'll be called to account for your actions. Maybe you'll get off with a warning, maybe you'll go to prison. That's your risk.

Beyond that, it's an empty threat, unless you are a sociopath who has no inhibition against killing people because they are in your way. As you said, you don't feel bad.

Consider it a cautionary tale of following the laws that are designed to protect your safety... like not walking out onto the fucking highway.... and to those that choose to ignore such laws, I would have no regrets if involved in another accident of that sort.

Running people over on purpose is an entirely different story, obviously.

If you threaten to run over people because they are in the road, and then you run over someone, that's enough to prove intent.

Like most cautionary tales, they contain a threat of what will happen if we violate some norm, and what course we should take, if we know what's good for us. These things only work on people who are scared of authority, or sociopaths. This lack of fear takes away your power to threaten, which is all you have. Once you carry out the threat, it's a new world of problems for you.

Seriously, if you aren't bothered by the prospect of killing someone who intends you no harm, whose only fault was walking into your path, there's something wrong with you.

Perhaps... do you think I am alone? I am the only person in the world that would not be bothered by running someone over that jumped in front of my car while I was driving in a place where no pedestrians have any business being (other than to commit suicide by vehicle)? Highly doubtful. So, before you decide to become a vigilante "protester" and sacrifice yourself to highway traffic for your cause, maybe think about spreading your message in a legal manner. Get a permit and stand by the side of the road where pedestrians are protected.
If this kind of protest is a problem for you, go do something about police shooting black men, or whatever the protest was about. Telling them to play nice, isn't going to get you to work any faster.

That's true. But protesting in a way intended to annoy may turn people against their cause rather than towards it, and may brand them as crazies nobody should listen to. And they also may get run down as Malintent noted. They should also be held responsible for the economic damage that they do. Trucks, taxis, etc all getting held up because they want to feel self righteous. We should start holding them responsible for it and should stop encouraging them.

At the very least, they could target their protest against those who they feel are wronging them, instead of at the general population.
If I accidently hit a protester with my car on the highway, and they didn't die, I would be suing them for the damage on my vehicle that they caused.... speaking of economic damage...
Civil disobedience has probably always been a thing. Support the people, not The Man, all things being equal. What we probably need is more support of such persons and less fear of reprisal in this country...so we can be more like Europe with our economic and other rights. Certainly don't try to kill the protesters; that's just ridiculous and immoral.
yes. Definitely don't try and kill them. That would be immoral.
If one kills themselves on you, then try not to feel too bad about it. It's not your fault some people think it might ever be a good idea to walk out onto active highways.
Certainly don't swerve your car randomly to avoid such an actor... that might endanger others. Best to slam on the brakes as soon as you see the obstruction, and stay in your lane. Crashing into another person or vehicle to avoid another that is causing the accident is a far worse outcome, in my opinion.
If this kind of protest is a problem for you, go do something about police shooting black men, or whatever the protest was about. Telling them to play nice, isn't going to get you to work any faster.

That's true. But protesting in a way intended to annoy may turn people against their cause rather than towards it, and may brand them as crazies nobody should listen to. And they also may get run down as Malintent noted. They should also be held responsible for the economic damage that they do. Trucks, taxis, etc all getting held up because they want to feel self righteous. We should start holding them responsible for it and should stop encouraging them.

At the very least, they could target their protest against those who they feel are wronging them, instead of at the general population.

It would be nice if it were possible to hold protesters responsible for the economic damage they do, but like wanting to run them down, that's just another empty threat, and no is worried by it. If you can't keep them out of the street, how do you make them pay for your lost day of work, or dented hood and windshield, because you righteously ran one down.

As I said in an earlier post, the protesters have given up on changing your mind and have chosen instead to change your life, probably for the worse. Your opinion is of no value in this exchange. Deal with it.

- - - Updated - - -

If I accidently hit a protester with my car on the highway, and they didn't die, I would be suing them for the damage on my vehicle that they caused.... speaking of economic damage...

Did you sue the estate of the guy you say you killed?
If I accidently hit a protester with my car on the highway, and they didn't die, I would be suing them for the damage on my vehicle that they caused.... speaking of economic damage...

Did you sue the estate of the guy you say you killed?

He did, but the guy was homeless, so all he got out of it was a half empty bottle of Ripple, and one very used sock.
It would be nice if it were possible to hold protesters responsible for the economic damage they do, but like wanting to run them down, that's just another empty threat, and no is worried by it. If you can't keep them out of the street, how do you make them pay for your lost day of work, or dented hood and windshield, because you righteously ran one down.

As I said in an earlier post, the protesters have given up on changing your mind and have chosen instead to change your life, probably for the worse. Your opinion is of no value in this exchange. Deal with it.

- - - Updated - - -

If I accidently hit a protester with my car on the highway, and they didn't die, I would be suing them for the damage on my vehicle that they caused.... speaking of economic damage...

Did you sue the estate of the guy you say you killed?

No. never got his ID (he didn't have any) and he was apparently homeless... so no one to sue. I had a huge dent in the SIDE* of my car until the day I sold it for far less than it could have been worth (what with the dried blood still on the massive dent and all).

* I did attempt to swerve to not hit him... it was a dark and lonely road with no chance a car snuck up on me and was in the next lane... however, despite swerving radically, to the point the vehicle was traveling sideways, I still whacked him like a fastball straight down the pike with the rear left side of my 1970 Dodge Dart.
It took a few minutes to find him in the weeds at the side of the road. I totally remember his face to this day... just before, and... after.

Swerving did nothing to help him. It might have gotten me or one of my two passengers hurt... or if it was in the middle of the day or a busier road, multiple other people may have been killed.

In fact, if I was driving then what I am driving today, I would certainly have rolled.
I'd be bummed if it was say, a 1962 Dodge Dart 413... the 1970s were a POS anyhow.
It would be nice if it were possible to hold protesters responsible for the economic damage they do, but like wanting to run them down, that's just another empty threat, and no is worried by it. If you can't keep them out of the street, how do you make them pay for your lost day of work, or dented hood and windshield, because you righteously ran one down.

As I said in an earlier post, the protesters have given up on changing your mind and have chosen instead to change your life, probably for the worse. Your opinion is of no value in this exchange. Deal with it.

- - - Updated - - -

If I accidently hit a protester with my car on the highway, and they didn't die, I would be suing them for the damage on my vehicle that they caused.... speaking of economic damage...

Did you sue the estate of the guy you say you killed?

No. never got his ID (he didn't have any) and he was apparently homeless... so no one to sue. I had a huge dent in the SIDE* of my car until the day I sold it for far less than it could have been worth (what with the dried blood still on the massive dent and all).

* I did attempt to swerve to not hit him... it was a dark and lonely road with no chance a car snuck up on me and was in the next lane... however, despite swerving radically, to the point the vehicle was traveling sideways, I still whacked him like a fastball straight down the pike with the rear left side of my 1970 Dodge Dart.
It took a few minutes to find him in the weeds at the side of the road. I totally remember his face to this day... just before, and... after.

Swerving did nothing to help him. It might have gotten me or one of my two passengers hurt... or if it was in the middle of the day or a busier road, multiple other people may have been killed.

In fact, if I was driving then what I am driving today, I would certainly have rolled.

Well, there you go. Suing a homeless person yields you nothing, so why think a protester in the street would have a greater net worth? Except for the smug self satisfaction, you've really got no upside to running down protesters.

It's more likely you'll have to be rescued by the police when other protesters pull you from your car. Of course, the police will treat you like James Fields, the Charlottesville hit and run white supremacist. Suddenly, you'll become the story. I wouldn't be surprised if your posts on this forum become public. When this thread is revealed, boy, are you fucked. Even a sociopath would have to see this as a bad deal, all the way around.

I appreciate your description of your vehicular homicide, especially the part about the danger you faced while snuffing out his candle. It's almost as if you had suddenly developed empathy, or something like it. A little late, but still credit due for the effort.
If I accidently hit a protester with my car on the highway, and they didn't die, I would be suing them for the damage on my vehicle that they caused.... speaking of economic damage...
Good luck with that. I am sure that would knock off a few grand of their damage award from suing you.
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