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The Scandals begin

The actual attendance of the inauguration wasn't great. Trump didn't inspire many to show up to his revolution.

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Last time a new President was inaugurated vs this time - both taken at 11am:

But in W's alt-reality, it's just a "few less" people.
Pic on right was taken around 10 AM.

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Major Fake News Operation Tracked Back to Republican Operative

What Harris failed to mention to The Times, however, is that during the entire time that he was spreading lies about the Democratic presidential candidate, he was employed as a legislative aide and campaign manager for a Republican member of the Maryland state legislature, David Vogt III.

Harris also concealed from The Times that when he sat down to create his anti-Clinton fiction “at the kitchen table in his apartment,” he was living in Vogt’s basement in Brunswick, Maryland. As Maryland’s Frederick News-Post reported on Wednesday, an FEC filing related to Vogt’s failed race for Congress earlier this year listed the same home address for both the state lawmaker and his young campaign manager, Harris.

Vogt fired Harris Wednesday afternoon, after the Times story went online

These assholes have no ethics, no guiding principle outside of grabbing money and power. Lies are their only stock in trade.
White House website now illegally promoting Melania Trump’s QVC line of jewelry

For those wondering how long it would take Donald Trump to use his occupancy of the White House to illegally promote his business interests, the answer is less than three hours. Trump and his team have already taken over the official White House website, removing all references to health care, climate change, and civil rights, because it appears those things won’t exist in Trump’s America. In its place, whitehouse.gov is now instead promoting Melania Trump’s jewelry collection. We wish we were making this up:

On the official bio posted for “First Lady Melania Trump” the text reads, among other things: “Melania is also a successful entrepreneur. In April 2010, Melania Trump launched her own jewelry collection, “Melania™ Timepieces & Jewelry”, on QVC.” That’s right, the White House website is telling Americans to go buy Melania’s jewelry, and it’s telling you which retailer to buy it from.

In case anyone was wondering if Trump's mendacity and greed were a "thing".
Next week?

Try "already"

Even before he takes the oath of office Friday, President-elect Donald Trump already is facing legal action.

The American Civil Liberties Union said it filed a Freedom of Information Act request late Thursday seeking information on conflicts of interest related to Mr. Trump’s and his family’s business interests. The organization, which established a new “Constitution Defense Fund” immediately after Mr. Trump’s election and has vowed to be a leader in the legal fight against the Trump White House, said the action will be the first of many.

“We are bringing this first legal action using the Freedom of Information Act to underscore the fact that President Trump is not above the law. Trump took the oath, but he didn’t take the steps necessary to ensure that he and his family’s business interests comply with the Constitution and other federal statutes,” said Anthony D. Romero, the ACLU’s executive director. “Freedom of information requests are our democracy’s X-ray, and they will be vitally important to expose and curb the abuses of a president who believes the rules don’t apply to him and his family.


Not quite a lawsuit, but a nice appetizer in preparation. But certainly the show has begun...
Good. He needs to realize that being the president is serious business and not his personal playground. No, just because the president does it does not make it legal.
And oddly enough, the Executive Branch really doesn't have much force behind it, other than the military and setting some policies.

If it comes down to it, expect the military to either be in the streets or to revolt against the orange buffoon. Trump has always used every means at his disposal to enrich himself and his clique of stupid billionaires - no reason to expect that to change.
You've never been in the military I take it?
If it comes down to it, expect the military to either be in the streets or to revolt against the orange buffoon. Trump has always used every means at his disposal to enrich himself and his clique of stupid billionaires - no reason to expect that to change.
You've never been in the military I take it?

Uh... where do you "take it"? I am from a dyed-in-the wool Navy family. Even my mother (a WAVE in WWII).
Yeah, I know - the NAVY isn't going to be in the streets. :)
(except some of the NSW folks perhaps)
White House website now illegally promoting Melania Trump’s QVC line of jewelry

For those wondering how long it would take Donald Trump to use his occupancy of the White House to illegally promote his business interests, the answer is less than three hours. Trump and his team have already taken over the official White House website, removing all references to health care, climate change, and civil rights, because it appears those things won’t exist in Trump’s America. In its place, whitehouse.gov is now instead promoting Melania Trump’s jewelry collection. We wish we were making this up:

On the official bio posted for “First Lady Melania Trump” the text reads, among other things: “Melania is also a successful entrepreneur. In April 2010, Melania Trump launched her own jewelry collection, “Melania™ Timepieces & Jewelry”, on QVC.” That’s right, the White House website is telling Americans to go buy Melania’s jewelry, and it’s telling you which retailer to buy it from.

In case anyone was wondering if Trump's mendacity and greed were a "thing".
That's a bit of a stretch.
You've never been in the military I take it?

Uh... where do you "take it"? I am from a dyed-in-the wool Navy family. Even my mother (a WAVE in WWII).
Yeah, I know - the NAVY isn't going to be in the streets. :)
(except some of the NSW folks perhaps)
The military is not going to be in the streets against Trump or any president. That is a fantasy.
So it's nothing to get excited about.
That they are looking into financial transactions would indicate that yes, there is something to get excited about.

Granted, the worst that can happen in that Pence becomes President (well that and some treason charges). So this isn't exactly much of a win for the plurality that voted for the other candidate.

Finding something is something to get excited about, not conspiracy theorising about it.
Uh... where do you "take it"? I am from a dyed-in-the wool Navy family. Even my mother (a WAVE in WWII).
Yeah, I know - the NAVY isn't going to be in the streets. :)
(except some of the NSW folks perhaps)
The military is not going to be in the streets against Trump or any president. That is a fantasy.

Oh I know that. If the military is in the streets it will be to "put down the uprising".
You've never been in the military I take it?

Uh... where do you "take it"? I am from a dyed-in-the wool Navy family. Even my mother (a WAVE in WWII).
Yeah, I know - the NAVY isn't going to be in the streets. :)
(except some of the NSW folks perhaps)

If the GOP has their way the Navy will be able to parade down the street in front of the Capitol building.

(Admittedly, it will take quite a while before that's true.)

American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.

The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.

It is not clear whether the intercepted communications had anything to do with Mr. Trump’s campaign, or Mr. Trump himself. It is also unclear whether the inquiry has anything to do with an investigation into the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computers and other attempts to disrupt the elections in November. The American government has concluded that the Russian government was responsible for a broad computer hacking campaign, including the operation against the D.N.C.

Anybody like to predict if this will go anywhere or will Trump and company try to stop them before they get very far?

My prediction is a small group will not stop investigating while most others do after being so ordered. After 2 presidential years and plenty of bad press, dems will take a house of congress. This is the pendulum that swings back and forth. After such time, there will be some hearings on the subject but it wont go far, much like Iran Contra.
And oddly enough, the Executive Branch really doesn't have much force behind it, other than the military and setting some policies.

Not much force, other than the most powerful armed forces in the history of the world, with the power to destroy the 4,500 largest cities on the planet at a few hours notice; the ability to project power into every ocean in the world simultaneously without being out gunned by any of the other forces in any of those oceans; and with 1.3 million active duty personnel in the US alone (plus a further 130,000 deployed overseas, and 800,000 reservists).

Well, that's a relief. I would be quite concerned if I thought he had much more force behind him than that piddling amount.
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