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The So-Called President is ILLITERATE.


Neuropsychological profile of adult dyslexics

I don't have full access to the article but someone else may qualify for free.



He doesn't have any trouble reading numbers, apparently. OTOH, maybe that's why he thinks he's a billionaire?

ETA: First line from your link:
"Appears bright, highly intelligent, and articulate"
ETA: First line from your link:
"Appears bright, highly intelligent, and articulate"

Yes. To anyone who actually is bright, highly intelligent, and articulate, it is obvious that Trump is none of these.
Could an illiterate compose tweets at the volume and pace that President Trump does? Sure, he misspells some words, but so do most of us.
Could an illiterate compose tweets at the volume and pace that President Trump does? Sure, he misspells some words, but so do most of us.


He doesn't "compose" tweets - he dictates them to someone who can actually spell most of the little words he uses. Says "time is money, y'know? Art of the Deal."
Cheato doesn't even know that his ghost writer didn't make that up...
There's one bright side to this Trump thing.

It's the idea that you can be an utter imbecile and still become the leader of the free-world. This is a real confidence booster for people who actually know what they're doing.
There's one bright side to this Trump thing.

It's the idea that you can be an utter imbecile and still become the leader of the free-world.

Yup. Any moron with enough money can be president, QED.

This is a real confidence booster for people who actually know what they're doing.

I wasn't surprised, but was still shocked at the depth of Cheato's illiteracy. Doesn't make me feel great about the fact that I can read, and eviscerates any confidence I ever had in our current administration. I suppose it could give a boost of confidence to the semi-literates...
Yup. Any moron with enough money can be president, QED.

This is a real confidence booster for people who actually know what they're doing.

I wasn't surprised, but was still shocked at the depth of Cheato's illiteracy. Doesn't make me feel great about the fact that I can read, and eviscerates any confidence I ever had in our current administration. I suppose it could give a boost of confidence to the semi-literates...

If even idiots can get by, smart/confident people are golden. I recall a quote by Vonnegut:

"If you can do a half ass job of anything you're a one eyed man in a kingdom of the blind"
Yup. Any moron with enough money can be president, QED.

I wasn't surprised, but was still shocked at the depth of Cheato's illiteracy. Doesn't make me feel great about the fact that I can read, and eviscerates any confidence I ever had in our current administration. I suppose it could give a boost of confidence to the semi-literates...

If even idiots can get by, smart/confident people are golden. I recall a quote by Vonnegut:

"If you can do a half ass job of anything you're a one eyed man in a kingdom of the blind"

Thank you for the effort, rousseau. I really do appreciate it. But it's not working. I am still shell-shocked that we have a guy in the oval office who CAN'T FUCKING READ!! Is it any wonder that he knows nothing of Russia's history of oppression and aggression? That he is ignorant of the basic principles of America's foundation? That the rest of the world is laughing at us? There should definitely be a literacy test...
At least Khizr Khan has the answer to his question: "Have you even read the constitution?" But his generous offer "I'll gladly lend you my copy" was a fruitless gesture. Khan should have volunteered to read it to him!
If even idiots can get by, smart/confident people are golden. I recall a quote by Vonnegut:

"If you can do a half ass job of anything you're a one eyed man in a kingdom of the blind"

Thank you for the effort, rousseau. I really do appreciate it. But it's not working. I am still shell-shocked that we have a guy in the oval office who CAN'T FUCKING READ!! Is it any wonder that he knows nothing of Russia's history of oppression and aggression? That he is ignorant of the basic principles of America's foundation? That the rest of the world is laughing at us? There should definitely be a literacy test...
At least Khizr Khan has the answer to his question: "Have you even read the constitution?" But his generous offer "I'll gladly lend you my copy" was a fruitless gesture. Khan should have volunteered to read it to him!

Yea it's beyond logic.

I think I've gone through most of the phases and am at acceptance with a sprinkle of 'hopefully he hangs himself'.
I think he *can* read, though it may be with some difficulty or at least aversion. If you've ever seen him recite a written statement, you'll see that his intonation is clearly one of someone reading and not talking off the cuff *and* you'll find that what he says is in complete sentences with proper grammatical structure -- that he doesn't do when he's speaking.
I think he *can* read, though it may be with some difficulty or at least aversion. If you've ever seen him recite a written statement, you'll see that his intonation is clearly one of someone reading and not talking off the cuff *and* you'll find that what he says is in complete sentences with proper grammatical structure -- that he doesn't do when he's speaking.

It is obvious to me that when he has to stick to what is written, he has to practice it with the help of a reading coach until it is fairly rote memorization, marginally aided by the teleprompter (which, for all we know, may just show him pictures). Check out the inaugural speech. Complete lack of feeling, straight staring at the screen, never at the people in front of him...
Apparently, he doesn't read the executive orders he signs.

Trump and Staff Rethink Tactics After Stumbles - NYTimes.com

But for the moment, Mr. Bannon remains the president’s dominant adviser, despite Mr. Trump’s anger that he was not fully briefed on details of the executive order he signed giving his chief strategist a seat on the National Security Council, a greater source of frustration to the president than the fallout from the travel ban.
Apparently, he doesn't read the executive orders he signs.

Trump and Staff Rethink Tactics After Stumbles - NYTimes.com

But for the moment, Mr. Bannon remains the president’s dominant adviser, despite Mr. Trump’s anger that he was not fully briefed on details of the executive order he signed giving his chief strategist a seat on the National Security Council, a greater source of frustration to the president than the fallout from the travel ban.

And speaking of the NSC, is it actually illegal for Bannon to be on it? See https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/3021 for a definition of who can be on it and it has to be a secretary or undersecretary. Am I reading this law correctly?
He clearly can read numbers very well.

So words are hard for him.

Billionaires have people who can read for them.
Yup. Any moron with enough money can be president, QED.
Well not any moron with enough money obviously.
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