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The Vice-Presidential Debate

My prediction for this debate.

Steve Harvey: Aight folks, lets remind everybody of Trump's answer.
[Crowd bursts into uncontrollable laughter]
Steve Harvey: [laughing] It makes sense trust me. Your partner did an incredible job and left you with zero points like nothing you've seen before.
Steve Harvey: You ready?
Steve Harvey: 5400 seconds on the clock please.
Mike: ?
Steve Harvey: Ok lets go. Name something a president can do that would make you declare that said president is unable to do his/her job?
Mike: Grab dear mother by the panty hamster!
Steve Harvey: Besides for dear mother, name a reason to invoke Section 4 of the 25th amendment?
Mike: Pass!
Steve Harvey: Name a reason you'd invoke Section 4 of the 25th amendment?
Mike: You already asked that question. Pass!
Steve Harvey: Name one reason you have not invoked Section 4 of the 25th amendment?
Mike: PASS!
Steve Harvey: Name one reason anyone would invoke Section 4 of the 25th amendment?
Mike: PASS!

So on and so on - queue closing music & credits.
The only way I’m watching this is if the attendees shout “What?” after every time Pence talks.
Pence claimed trump “banned all travel” in January. But he only banned non-citizens. Still had 30 flights a day into major west coast cities from China.
Pence: tired old dredging up every debunked accusation. Kitchen sink answer.
Neither one answers whether they’ve had “the talk” with the top of their ticket.
Harris has PERFECTED the, “oh honey, you are making a fool of yourself, and I’m so sorry for you,” face.
KInd of impressed with Harris bringing it back to the actual question after a full minute of contrast. Nice tie-in.
Neither one answers whether they’ve had “the talk” with the top of their ticket.

So, I'm confused at the meaning here?
(Inspired by Gospel...as never before in my life.)

Jimmy Kimmel: Okay, Mike, question one. When you grab a woman's breast, it feels like:
A, a bag of sand
B, a warm, pulsating puppy
C, Hostess Sno Ball
D, a man's balls

Pence: Give me a...give me...just a second.

Kimmel: When you grab a woman's breast.

Pence (grimaces): I need a...can I use a Phone In Friend?

Kimmel: Go for it.

Pence: Jared Kushner, the White House. Jared, can you hear me?

Kushner: I'm here. Go for the scrotum, Mike. Man's balls.

Kimmel: Are you good with a man's balls?

Pence (grimaces, looks like actual pain): I've gotta go with bag of sand, Jimmy. Bag of sand!

Kimmel: Final answer?

Pence: Final answer -- BAG OF SAND.

Kimmel: Let's show the answer -- Ohhhh. We were going for the warm and pulsating puppy, Mike. What you chose was old movie dialog.

Pence: But it seemed so real.
I love that a fly just landed on Pence’s white hair.
Pence scolds the moderator for asking about race. And pulls the “some of my best grandchildren are Jewish” defense.
SNL is going to have fun with this debate, I think.

I say that because there were a lot of dramatic faces going on.
It was a punk debate. Pence lied the usual lies, Harris didn't seem as good as I had hoped, she seems to lack the needed killer instinct you need to debate a liar like Pence. On the other hand, Pence didn't seem to appeal to anything outside the MAGA mouth breather base. handed a softball question about the supreme court nomination, she failed top point out how the GOP, Trump and McConnell cheated the Dems out of 2 nominations. She did mention the SC nomination should be held off til after the election, but that is going to fall on deaf ears.

Meanwhile, the fly knew a piece of shit when it smelled one.

Pence's continuing interrupting and mansplaining isn't going to go over with women watching this debate.
A waste of time. I didn't hear anything that hasn't been said over and over in the many campaign ads that have been aired.

Pence avoided the question of how "pre-existing conditions" would be covered and Harris avoided the question of if they plan on stacking the supreme court. Not even asked is the question of eliminating the filibuster rule in the Senate. It seems to me that these are the kind of positions the public should should know before deciding if they want to vote for (or against) someone.
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