• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

The Virus - Are You Affected?

"We just want you to cooperate and help everyone out by staying home and taking all precautions. We don't know yet how bad this might get, so let's err on the side of caution, on the side of not overwhelming health care workers, and on the side of care and concern for your fellow human beings."

"yOuR nOt tEh bOsS oF mEEEE!!!11!!!!11"
Clearly not everyone will die.

I know this. But this is what the MSM (and some on here) obsess about. It is never mentioned that the vast, VAST majority of people that contract the virus show little to no symptoms and even for those that do, the vast majority recover with treatment.

That is exactly why shelter in place and social distancing is still a requirement. That you acknowledge this and still think opening back up is a good idea is why people think you're crazy.
It's something we are going to have to live with in the long term, like flu season which also kills tens of thousands of people every year and yet we don't shut the country down for that.

You should know that Flu kills 10s of thousands over the course of a year, without a shutdown, while COVID-19 kills 10s of thousands in 100 days, WITH a shutdown.
You should probably see by the math that they are not equivalent. At all.
And on the original topic. Second personal impact this week.
First was a person that works in my building back in March.
Now I learn that my aunt in a nursing home has tested positive. :(

The fact that she tests positive now, in late April, means that the people not locked down are still spreading. It means that someone gave it to a nurse or caregiver while they were out trying to commute or get groceries. Maybe that transmission happened when that nurse had to share a subway ride with someone who went to the beach.
Florida seems to be governed by a cult.

Florida officials are no longer publishing the state's coronavirus death data

Florida's Department of Health has stopped publishing the state's coronavirus death toll data after medical examiners found that their count was around 10% higher than the state's official tally, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

The health department has withheld the medical examiner data for more than a week, according to the Times.

I think Alabama is now doing the same.
And on the original topic. Second personal impact this week.
First was a person that works in my building back in March.
Now I learn that my aunt in a nursing home has tested positive. :(

The fact that she tests positive now, in late April, means that the people not locked down are still spreading. It means that someone gave it to a nurse or caregiver while they were out trying to commute or get groceries. Maybe that transmission happened when that nurse had to share a subway ride with someone who went to the beach.

I'm worried about my aunt, who is almost 90 and has Alzheimer's. She lives with my cousin and her husband and son, and both the husband and son have tested positive. My cousin has a compromised immune system, a condition she's had all her life. The son has been self quarantined in the basement apartment and remains there, but the husband is a world class ignorant dick and doesn't care or know anything. If his recklessness and stupidity bring harm to my aunt or cousin, I'll rip his balls off through his fucking eye sockets.
Florida seems to be governed by a cult.

Florida officials are no longer publishing the state's coronavirus death data

Florida's Department of Health has stopped publishing the state's coronavirus death toll data after medical examiners found that their count was around 10% higher than the state's official tally, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

The health department has withheld the medical examiner data for more than a week, according to the Times.

I think Alabama is now doing the same.

I think we can expect more of that cultish, deceptive behavior from more red states. But we know their voters like being lied to.
Stimulus Proposal: $2,000 Payment Plus $1,000 Per Month Until 1 Year After Crisis Ends

The CARES Act provided many Americans with financial relief in the form of a $1,200 stimulus check. But as that program rolls out, it has become apparent to lawmakers that more financial assistance is needed. There are currently several proposals from various lawmakers that would provide Americans with ongoing financial support. You can learn more about current proposals here.

Now you can add the Automatic BOOST to Communities (ABC) Act proposal, which was introduced by Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Pramila Jayapal (D-WA).

If approved, the ABC Act would provide every American with a BOOST debit card that is preloaded with $2,000. The card would be reloaded with $1,000 each month until one year after the end of the COVID-19 crisis.

The bill calls for the use of pre-paid debit cards to assist those who are unbanked or do not have access to check cashing services.
Florida seems to be governed by a cult.

Florida officials are no longer publishing the state's coronavirus death data

Florida's Department of Health has stopped publishing the state's coronavirus death toll data after medical examiners found that their count was around 10% higher than the state's official tally, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

The health department has withheld the medical examiner data for more than a week, according to the Times.

I think Alabama is now doing the same.

Wow. This is insane and totally unacceptable. Nothing like keeping citizens in the dark. So how is this different than China, as Trump complains, withholding information?

Of course people will be able to estimate it. Anything above Florida's average historical monthly death rate can be assumed to be C19.

It will end up in court for sure. But the politician who ordered this needs to face the music. I wonder how many people in Florida and Alabama, know that their government is doing this.
Florida seems to be governed by a cult.

Florida officials are no longer publishing the state's coronavirus death data

Florida's Department of Health has stopped publishing the state's coronavirus death toll data after medical examiners found that their count was around 10% higher than the state's official tally, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

The health department has withheld the medical examiner data for more than a week, according to the Times.

I think Alabama is now doing the same.

You know, IFF the numbers were inflated for the purpose of harassingbTrump, the thing to do would be investigate the coroners, and publish the real numbers. And that's not what they're doing, they're not showing that 'the real numbers help Trump.'

But if the numbers are as accurate as people can make them, then purposefully depressing the count will backfire when it's shown they did that. So if they're not publishing ANY numbers, the only conclusion is that the numbers make Trump, and the states, look bad.

This SHOULD be just as damning as actual numbers...
Clearly not everyone will die.

I know this. But this is what the MSM (and some on here) obsess about. It is never mentioned that the vast, VAST majority of people that contract the virus show little to no symptoms and even for those that do, the vast majority recover with treatment.

That is exactly why shelter in place and social distancing is still a requirement. That you acknowledge this and still think opening back up is a good idea is why people think you're crazy.

You misrepresent my position. But you knew that.
It's something we are going to have to live with in the long term, like flu season which also kills tens of thousands of people every year and yet we don't shut the country down for that.

You should know that Flu kills 10s of thousands over the course of a year, without a shutdown, while COVID-19 kills 10s of thousands in 100 days, WITH a shutdown.
You should probably see by the math that they are not equivalent. At all.

Yeah, and I’m a wee bit skeptical of the numbers and you should be too. But again, and probably not for the last time, the lockdown has served it’s purpose I.e prevent the healthcare services from being overwhelmed. Time to ease up on the lockdown. It has served its purpose. Time to protect the vulnerable not young fit people.
That is exactly why shelter in place and social distancing is still a requirement. That you acknowledge this and still think opening back up is a good idea is why people think you're crazy.

You misrepresent my position. But you knew that.

I thought he captured it - what's wrong? Isn't your position that we know that the vast majority of spreaders are asymptomatic? And it's through that vector that those who die get the virus?

Or were you still thinking that asymptomatic people weren't spreaders?
I mean, that was found to be untrue more than a month ago. You didn't know that?
This is a public health emergency, and it is YOU he doesn't want spreading this disease on the beaches and elsewhere.

So when does this public health emergency and lockdown end ? Two weeks, four weeks, some other arbitrarily assigned point in time, when a vaccine is found that will protect us all, when immortality has been achieved, when ? You're another one that doesn't get it. The lockdown was introduced not to save everyone from catching the virus, it was to stop the health services from being overwhelmed. That has been achieved. The people most severely impact by this virus are the very elderly in care homes and nursing homes, people with underlying health problems etc, NOT families and young, fit people at the beach. If Newsom was genuinely concerned for the welfare of people he'd do something about the absolute slaughter going on at these places. In Long Beach alone it is estimated that 70% of the deaths from covid19 have occurred in care facilities. Yeah, but keeping the beaches closed is where it's at.

The conditions for stopping the lockdowns are defined by medical experts and planned by state governments on the basis of that advice. One goal of the lockdown is to "flatten the curve" that threatens medical facilities. That has been working precisely because of the lockdowns. Epidemiologists have warned in no uncertain terms that it is TOO SOON to reopen, because a second surge of the virus is likely to come back with even worse consequence than the first. You simply aren't paying attention. Dr. Fauci, for example, is quite clear about that, and even Donald Trump has disagreed publicly with the Georgia governor that he can reopen the state. What is needed is adequate testing and contact tracing, not just a vaccine. The fact is that we simply do not know how widespread the virus is now, because we have not been able to test adequate numbers of people. What we do know is that a surge in the virus can grow exponentially and overwhelm medical facilities within days. We have seen it happen, and epidemiologists have seen it happen in past epidemics. You talk about "fit people" as if the lack of symptoms means that they aren't sick and contagious, when we have known for weeks now that asymptomatic people can still be very ill and also be highly contagious. So it is just stupid to allow crowds in public spaces like beaches. That is why the California governor has shut those places down.

People like you need to be blocked from endangering the rest of the community unnecessarily.

You're another one that should stay home.

I agree with you there, and I have the sense to do it. It is too bad that there are so many covidiots out there who will not listen to what scientists are telling us, but this is a public health issue.
Dr. Fauci, for example, is quite clear about that, and even Donald Trump has disagreed publicly with the Georgia governor that he can reopen the state.

I don't reagard experts as being infallible, Fauci has been wrong before and I almost spit my coffee out at the part in bold. Yeah, Trump is an expert in this stuff.

So it is just stupid to allow crowds in public spaces like beaches. That is why the California governor has shut those places down.

Bullshit. Newsom has been rather selective about this now, demanding OC shut their beaches down while others are allowed to open. It's a punishment.

It is too bad that there are so many covidiots out there who will not listen to what scientists are telling us, but this is a public health issue.

LOL, have you been reading the Daily Mail ?

Stay home fella and fight the good fight from the safety of your home. Me ? It's going to be a beautiful weekend in SoCal, me and the family are heading to the beach with the rest of the "covidiots".

And with that, I'm tapping out.
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California is recording record new daily cases. This isn't a resurgence... that would require this to be under the first peak. This is their peak.

Very odd considering that CA was one of the first states to go into lockdown. *sniff* *sniff* Is that bullshit I can smell ?

No, it means California is doing a good job. Lockdowns are supposed to delay and flatten the peak.

Newsom is wrong about closing beaches, because people can practice safe distancing in outdoor spaces like that, but it doesn't make him a dictator.

While they can practice safe distancing that doesn't mean they do. I keep reading reports from people who have gone hiking here and if you can reasonably get to it (this morning's e-mail included somebody who had to park a mile from the trailhead--and they observed a lot of traffic on the other trail from the trailhead) and it's not class 3 or heavy snow it's swamped. Note that many of these trails simply do not permit maintaining distancing from an oncoming hiker in many places.
No, it means California is doing a good job. Lockdowns are supposed to delay and flatten the peak.

As I have said numerous times, the lockdown has done its job. When is this lockdown supposed to end anyway ? When immortality has been achieved or something, because the goalposts keep moving. The emphasis now should be on protecting the people that are actually at risk, i.e. the hundreds of people that are in care homes that have been in lockdown and are being decimated. Not families enjoying a day at the beach.

It has not done it's job yet. We need to drive the case counts lower, then we need to keep them low with legally enforced masks and social distancing.

Newsom is wrong about closing beaches, because people can practice safe distancing in outdoor spaces like that, but it doesn't make him a dictator.

Newsom is an idiot altogether. His attitude is we have disobeyed his decree and he is going to punish us. He's a dictator alright.

It's not about punishment. It's about people showing they can't handle it responsibly, so the government needs to enforce it.
Clearly not everyone will die.

I know this. But this is what the MSM (and some on here) obsess about. It is never mentioned that the vast, VAST majority of people that contract the virus show little to no symptoms and even for those that do, the vast majority recover with treatment.

Parts of Italy have suffered more than 1% population mortality. Want to see 3 million dead Americans?
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