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The Virus - Are You Affected?

A disease so lethal that you have to test for it to see if you have it.
Ischemic Heart Disease.
Most cancers.

If the world were suddenly free of diseases that are frequently symptomless until after it is too late to really do anything to save you, the world would be a utopia. But it is not.
A disease so lethal that you have to test for it to see if you have it.
Ischemic Heart Disease.
Most cancers.

If the world were suddenly free of diseases that are frequently symptomless until after it is too late to really do anything to save you, the world would be a utopia. But it is not.

You missed Rabies! Sometimes months long incubation, and as soon as symptoms show up, you are already dead.
If the world were suddenly free of diseases that are frequently symptomless until after it is too late to really do anything to save you, the world would be a utopia. But it is not.

The vast, VAST majority of people who contract Covid-19 recover unscathed. Most people never even knew they had it. Your silly comparisons are just that, silly and a waste of time. But it's your own time to waste I guess.

Now be off with you. I have to eat my lunch and wear my mask between bites because....science. It's going to take a while to eat lunch.
I shouldn't be saying this, because it may be premature and tempting fate, but it looks like Donald trump and I have something in common. We tested positive on the same day. Both doing well so far. On behalf of both of us I'd like to thank all the well-wishers.
I shouldn't be saying this, because it may be premature and tempting fate, but it looks like Donald trump and I have something in common. We tested positive on the same day. Both doing well so far. On behalf of both of us I'd like to thank all the well-wishers.
What are your symptoms so far?
If the world were suddenly free of diseases that are frequently symptomless until after it is too late to really do anything to save you, the world would be a utopia. But it is not.

The vast, VAST majority of people who contract Covid-19 recover unscathed. Most people never even knew they had it. Your silly comparisons are just that, silly and a waste of time. But it's your own time to waste I guess.

Now be off with you. I have to eat my lunch and wear my mask between bites because....science. It's going to take a while to eat lunch.
Again, you show how very little you know about infectious disease. This is true of literally all of them, that most people will never show symptoms. The leap from that to "and therefore we should do nothing about those diseases which are dangerous enough to kill millions" is... an incredible leap. Yes, your individual odds of surviving are pretty high. Your odds of surviving influenza or cholera or tuberculosis or Hansen's disease, etc, etc, are also pretty high, especially if you have money. But that doesn't make it reasonable to kill vast swaths of the human population because your fucking bravado doesn't allow you to admit you might get sick, or get others sick.
If the world were suddenly free of diseases that are frequently symptomless until after it is too late to really do anything to save you, the world would be a utopia. But it is not.

The vast, VAST majority of people who contract Covid-19 recover unscathed. ...

The difference being that COVID19 is vastly more contagious than any of those diseases.
Again, you show how very little you know about infectious disease.
I know enough about Covid-19 to know that the vast, VAST majority of people that get it recover unscathed and most people never even knew they had it.

This is true of literally all of them, that most people will never show symptoms. The leap from that to "and therefore we should do nothing about those diseases which are dangerous enough to kill millions" is... an incredible leap.

Behave yourself. First, I have never said "do nothing", second Covid-19 does not kill millions and millions of people. Fearmongering bullshit you parrot for some unknown reason.

Yes, your individual odds of surviving are pretty high. Your odds of surviving influenza or cholera or tuberculosis or Hansen's disease, etc, etc, are also pretty high, especially if you have money. But that doesn't make it reasonable to kill vast swaths of the human population because your fucking bravado doesn't allow you to admit you might get sick, or get others sick.

Blah, blah, blah. Same crap again. Change the record FFS.
I know enough about science and the infectious disease in that in the vast, VAST majority of cases it is pretty harmless.

Continuing to repeat this doesn't make it true.

A disease so lethal that you have to test for it to see if you have it. :rolleyes:

You test even for the highly lethal diseases. You have to know what it is to know the proper treatment. It's going to present as pneumonia until things get really bad.

This diktat has fuck all to do with geography (or science for that matter) and everything to do with virtue signaling nonsense. "Health equity" indeed.

The issue is that it's the smallest area to lock down.

Viral containment measures are not "punishments"; people who do understand science are trying earnestly to save your life, even though you hate them for it, much like a toddler throwing a tantrum because its mother didn't want it playing in the road.

They are not trying to save my life, my life is in no danger whatsoever from Covid-19.

Even the young and healthy sometimes die of it. This is especially true if they aren't being careful--a high enough dose can overwhelm anyone's defenses.

In any event, the buffoon Newsom's office actually tweeted that people eating out at restaurants should "wear their masks between bites".

This is science is it ? This is them saving my life ? Fuck off.

It depends on the interval between bites. Most of the time eating out is spent talking, not eating.
Continuing to repeat this doesn't make it true.

You test even for the highly lethal diseases. You have to know what it is to know the proper treatment. It's going to present as pneumonia until things get really bad.

This diktat has fuck all to do with geography (or science for that matter) and everything to do with virtue signaling nonsense. "Health equity" indeed.

The issue is that it's the smallest area to lock down.

Viral containment measures are not "punishments"; people who do understand science are trying earnestly to save your life, even though you hate them for it, much like a toddler throwing a tantrum because its mother didn't want it playing in the road.

They are not trying to save my life, my life is in no danger whatsoever from Covid-19.

Even the young and healthy sometimes die of it. This is especially true if they aren't being careful--a high enough dose can overwhelm anyone's defenses.

In any event, the buffoon Newsom's office actually tweeted that people eating out at restaurants should "wear their masks between bites".

This is science is it ? This is them saving my life ? Fuck off.

It depends on the interval between bites. Most of the time eating out is spent talking, not eating.

Nick Cordero, Broadway star, young and fit. Lost first his leg, then his life to covid.
I know enough about Covid-19 to know that the vast, VAST majority of people that get it recover unscathed and most people never even knew they had it.

Behave yourself. First, I have never said "do nothing", second Covid-19 does not kill millions and millions of people. Fearmongering bullshit you parrot for some unknown reason.

Yes, your individual odds of surviving are pretty high. Your odds of surviving influenza or cholera or tuberculosis or Hansen's disease, etc, etc, are also pretty high, especially if you have money. But that doesn't make it reasonable to kill vast swaths of the human population because your fucking bravado doesn't allow you to admit you might get sick, or get others sick.

Blah, blah, blah. Same crap again. Change the record FFS.

Of course I'm saying the same thing over again. Yes, I think diseases should be treated, and epidemics contained. Why you would expect my position on that to change, I have no idea. And no, I don't think "blah blah blah" is a very mature or meaningful response to the question of "why should we allow people to die of preventable diseases?" Nor denying a death toll because facts disagree with your politics.
Yes, I think diseases should be treated, and epidemics contained.

FFS, of course diseases should be treated, but there is no reason to treat this "epidemic" with draconian, arbitrary and dumb lockdown measures.

Nor denying a death toll because facts disagree with your politics.

So when should the lockdowns be taken off, when can the kids go back to school etc ? When there are NO deaths, NO cases, when immortality has been achieved ? When there are no deaths ever from flu ? If you're that scared, you stay home fella. Your irrational fears should not be my problem.
I shouldn't be saying this, because it may be premature and tempting fate, but it looks like Donald trump and I have something in common. We tested positive on the same day. Both doing well so far. On behalf of both of us I'd like to thank all the well-wishers.
What are your symptoms so far?

Started off (exactly a week ago) with severe headache, achey limbs, etc. At first I didn't notice the loss of smell and taste but there was that too. Then a bit of a cough. That's when I had the test (last Thursday) which turned out positive (last Friday). Since then, headache dwindled, as did cough, but there was a tightness in my chest for a few days. Now that has eased a lot.

I just self-isolated at home alone, took lots of vitamin D, vitamin C & zinc tablets, drank loads of water, and rested. I know I'm not necessarily out of the woods yet, but at least I'm currently getting better not worse. I'm to stay self-isolated until Saturday. I'm 60, so not exactly outside a risk group.

I have no idea where I caught it. I don't know anyone else who has it and I had a very quiet, indoors week prior, as regards mixing with other people. My best guess is that I got it while out shopping, by touching something someone else had touched.
Yes, I think diseases should be treated, and epidemics contained.

FFS, of course diseases should be treated, but there is no reason to treat this "epidemic" with draconian, arbitrary and dumb lockdown measures.

Nor denying a death toll because facts disagree with your politics.

So when should the lockdowns be taken off, when can the kids go back to school etc ? When there are NO deaths, NO cases, when immortality has been achieved ? When there are no deaths ever from flu ? If you're that scared, you stay home fella. Your irrational fears should not be my problem.

You sure seem to have a high bar for something that many countries have successfully accomplished (local eradication).
So when should the lockdowns be taken off, when can the kids go back to school etc ? When there are NO deaths, NO cases, when immortality has been achieved ? When there are no deaths ever from flu ? If you're that scared, you stay home fella. Your irrational fears should not be my problem.
Let's stick with eradicating COVID-19, a manageable feat which several other less stupid nations have already achieved. Your fucking machismo is not my problem.
draconian, arbitrary and dumb lockdown measures.
By which you mean... the only known way to contain an epidemic? :confused: The lockdown would be over by now if we hadn't started violating it before the virus was contained.

You're one of those morons who refuses to evacuate ahead of a hurricane, aren't you?
draconian, arbitrary and dumb lockdown measures.
By which you mean... the only known way to contain an epidemic? :confused: The lockdown would be over by now if we hadn't started violating it before the virus was contained.

You're one of those morons who refuses to evacuate ahead of a hurricane, aren't you?
Pffft! 'Hurricane' is just a Weather Channel scare tactic to sell raincoats and sandbags. Real men aren't afraid of fucking weather!
draconian, arbitrary and dumb lockdown measures.
By which you mean... the only known way to contain an epidemic? :confused: The lockdown would be over by now if we hadn't started violating it before the virus was contained.

Bullshit. The lockdown was implemented to make sure the hospitals and health services were not overwhelmed and to “flatten the curve”. This was achieved months ago but the authoritarians and control freaks that you so admire have become drunk on power and are so ideologically driven, continue issuing silly diktats that have nothing to do with science or data. Further, these fuckwits are responsible for tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths due to their reckless decision to put Covid positive patients back in to nursing homes. Anywhere between 40 to 50% of deaths have occurred in long term care facilities. Not college campus, nursing homes.

You're one of those morons who refuses to evacuate ahead of a hurricane, aren't you?

You’re such a tool.
Anywhere between 40 to 50% of deaths have occurred in long term care facilities. Not college campus, nursing homes.
Uh yeah. Because those have been closed down. Sensibly.

Yeah, that’s the important part. The needless close down of education institutions, not the sacrificial slaughter of tens of thousands of the elderly in nursing homes.
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