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The Virus - Are You Affected?

Is the "science" and "data" for theme parks oh so different from that which allows Tesla, Costco, Amazon, Lowe's and many other sectors of commerce to operate ? .

I think the most obvious data-driven answer to that is the necessity factor.

If we have x people gathering in y-sized groups for the purpose of getting food and other daily living supplies, we are weighing extra deaths from covid against extra deaths from malnutrition.
Conversely, if we have x people gathering in y-sized groups for the purpose of riding a roller coaster, we are weighing extra deaths from covid against... ummm... having to read a book instead?

I feel like the data, the science, is pretty easy to understand.
For example, in my mother's nursing home, 21 people are DEAD because a local church felt that without group validation, their god wouldn't hear them.

Some people might look at that and say, 21 people dead is an acceptable price to pay for a church service.

I look at those people and consider them monsters.
For example, in my mother's nursing home, 21 people are DEAD because a local church felt that without group validation, their god wouldn't hear them.

Some people might look at that and say, 21 people dead is an acceptable price to pay for a church service.

I look at those people and consider them monsters.

Agree completely with you on this. That is why my former church and I parted ways....not so amicably.

The governor's office did, in fact, propose a re-opening plan about two weeks ago, but the theme parks association themselves shot it down because they refuse to decline guests from out of the state/country as per the proposed guidelines. So it's back to the planning and research table.

You can read an update about the situation here. It is, of course, not much like what tswizzle is claiming. In addition to the above; it's not true that all of the state's parks have been shut down, many are open in a partial capacity. Just not Disneyland yet, and it's partly their own fault for trying to play hardball with a governor that is not easily cowed by such tactics.
Agree completely with you on this. That is why my former church and I parted ways....not so amicably.

I assume you would not visit a theme park either. Nothing wrong with that, stay home if you are so afraid of catching a virus where the vast, VAST majority of people recover unscathed. In fact, most people never even knew they had it. But your irrational fears should not prevent regular people living their lives, going to school, earning a living, you know, important stuff.
Agree completely with you on this. That is why my former church and I parted ways....not so amicably.

I assume you would not visit a theme park either. Nothing wrong with that, stay home if you are so afraid of catching a virus where the vast, VAST majority of people recover unscathed. In fact, most people never even knew they had it. But your irrational fears should not prevent regular people living their lives.

Well, TSwizzle, the elderly people in the nursing home TRIED to stay home. But the asshole ratlickers from the church insisted on leaving their Sunday infection party and going to restaurants, grocery stores, schools, a local jail AND visiting their dear parents, who are now fucking dead, along with a score of others. Do you honestly think the ratlickers who will go to amusement parks will behave any less dangerously?

I don't get why this is such a difficult concept for you. You seem like a smart person who can do math. But you are completely blind to the effect of the ratlickers once they leave their infection zones and mingle with all the people who were trying to stay safe.

The fact that you have consistently ignored the deaths caused from these exact people, not a single word of empathy from you, just continued whining and prancing your privilege around, is a strong statement about you.
Well, TSwizzle, the elderly people in the nursing home TRIED to stay home. But the asshole ratlickers from the church insisted on leaving their Sunday infection party and going to restaurants, grocery stores, schools, a local jail AND visiting their dear parents, who are now fucking dead, along with a score of others.

There is nothing unusual about elderly people dying in nursing homes, that's where they go (or are put) to die in a lot of cases. They don't come out again and start running marathons ffs. Whether Covid 19 ACTUALLY killed them is never stated. It is unfortunate of course but people with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana skin are vulnerable to all sorts of things that may shorten their life. Speak to the nursing home about tighter restrictions. This virus has been on the go for 10 months, we have been very aware of it for the past six/seven months. Sounds to me the problem lies with the nursing home, not theme parks or churches. (or the barbers, or the supermarket or has a job etc, etc, etc.)

Do you honestly think the ratlickers who will go to amusement parks will behave any less dangerously?

There is nothing dangerous about visiting a theme park. Keep nana in the nursing home away from people (ratlickers?) that go to church and theme parks would be my suggestion. (or the barbers, or the supermarket or has a job etc, etc, etc.)

I don't get why this is such a difficult concept for you. You seem like a smart person who can do math.

I don't even need to do math to understand that the vast, VAST majority of people who catch this virus recover unscathed. Something that is never disputed but simply brushed aside as if that is of no consequence or shouldn't be considered.

But you are completely blind to the effect of the ratlickers once they leave their infection zones and mingle with all the people who were trying to stay safe.
If you truly want to be safe, stay home forever and ever and ever until you run out of things to watch on Netflix and die.

The fact that you have consistently ignored the deaths caused from these exact people, not a single word of empathy from you, just continued whining and prancing your privilege around, is a strong statement about you.

Bullshit. I've been banging on for months about the scandal that more than 50% of deaths in California have occurred in long time care facilities due to incompetent supervisors and officials who put infected people (ratlickers as you call them) into the general community.
I don't get why this is such a difficult concept for you. You seem like a smart person who can do math.

I don't even need to do math to understand that the vast, VAST majority of people who catch this virus recover unscathed. Something that is never disputed but simply brushed aside as if that is of no consequence or shouldn't be considered.

There you go again with you "vast, VAST majority of people" like it's supposed to have some significance. I guess you picked it up from Fox. It sounds like their style of exaggerated hype. What it glosses over is that so far only

Do the math my friend. So far 2.25% of the US population has been infected. 216,000 of those have died. The ICU's are filling up again and peak season for contagious diseases is just starting. How many VAST's do I need to add to that before you think we need to be more concerned? How many lives should we sacrifice this winter because you refuse to see the big picture? The vast, VAST, VAST majority of people who die from the coronavirus are infected by people who never show symptoms. I find it to be very strange that you find that in any way comforting.
Not just that. There are long term effects that are emerging that result in people who have had C19 and "recovered'


A whole new set of people will develop a preexisting condition caused by having been infected by C19. Oh, and Trump/Repubs are trying to remove preexisting conditions from the protections provided for by the ACA.
Well, TSwizzle, the elderly people in the nursing home TRIED to stay home.

Not that staying at home is any kind of guarantee. There were 7 deaths caused by a wedding that none of the people who died attended. One of the guests was a roommate of a person that worked at a rehabilitation and living center. Didn't matter that the elderly people stayed home, or that the guy who worked with them may have stayed home. He was in contact with someone who didn't take precautions, and now those people are dead.
NYT, LOL !! Are you having a laugh ?

Stay home fella.

I am. I had to retire 3 years earlier than expected due to COVID19, so my money is where my mouth is. Not funny at all, despite your attempts at looking ridiculous. So feel free to cite your source for all this wisdom you like to spew. But if you want others to do your work for you here's the source that Fox News likes to quote:

According to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, there are at least 215,549 reported COVID-19 deaths in the U.S.
Confirmed Cases
I am. I had to retire 3 years earlier than expected due to COVID19, so my money is where my mouth is.

That's good for you. Just leave the rest of us to get on with it. Your constant scolding and trying to shame does not work, it's a waste of time but it's your time to waste I suppose.
... Your constant scolding and trying to shame does not work, it's a waste of time but it's your time to waste I suppose.

I'm not worried about you. You never have anything to back up what you say. Just go on mindlessly ranting and the rest of us will try to repair the damage you might be inflicting on any innocent bystanders. It's just what you do, and I suppose in some ways it serves a purpose. But it is beginning to get a bit monotonous. Oh well. Back in the hole. :)
due to incompetent supervisors and officials who put infected people (ratlickers as you call them) into the general community.

Ratlickers are the ones who prance around without caution, going to bars and churches and crowded amusement parks.

Akin to licking rats during the time of the Black Plague; behaving in risky ways and blithely passing it on to others.

The ones who are careless with masks, insist on going to bars, insist on going to church services, insist that amusement parks must open. And then go shopping, send their kids to schools, and visit their elderly parents.
due to incompetent supervisors and officials who put infected people (ratlickers as you call them) into the general community.

Ratlickers are the ones who prance around without caution, going to bars and churches and crowded amusement parks.

Akin to licking rats during the time of the Black Plague; behaving in risky ways and blithely passing it on to others.

The ones who are careless with masks, insist on going to bars, insist on going to church services, insist that amusement parks must open. And then go shopping, send their kids to schools, and visit their elderly parents.

"ratlickers", LOL. Your attempt at shaming folks for being normal says a lot about you and doesn't work. Nobody pays any attention to the finger waggers. You're just another control freak with no power.
I'm still looking for work at home because of covid-19. I live with two elderly people, both susceptible to the virus. When I moved in, I figured it would be difficult to get a job at home, but I underestimated how difficult it would be. Since the pandemic, the gig economy has exploded, even for customer service at home jobs. I've had 4 requests for interviews. All were organizations like Arise. They even advertise on job boards not as the companies they actually are, but as the contracted, like Bath & Bodyworks, Disney, Cruise hip companies, AirB&B, Williams-Sonoma, Comcast, etc. It's all very misleading, they have no benefits, no overtime, no minimum wage, no guarantee of minimum hours, and outrageous fees for using the very platform necessary to service their customers. It's all very disheartening.
due to incompetent supervisors and officials who put infected people (ratlickers as you call them) into the general community.

Ratlickers are the ones who prance around without caution, going to bars and churches and crowded amusement parks.

Akin to licking rats during the time of the Black Plague; behaving in risky ways and blithely passing it on to others.

The ones who are careless with masks, insist on going to bars, insist on going to church services, insist that amusement parks must open. And then go shopping, send their kids to schools, and visit their elderly parents.

"ratlickers", LOL. Your attempt at shaming folks for being normal says a lot about you and doesn't work. Nobody pays any attention to the finger waggers. You're just another control freak with no power.

I'm not trying to shame them. They can't be shamed. They actually do not care if 25% of a nursing home dies within 3 weeks and they are the cause.
I just call them that because it clearly covers what they are doing, and I am disheartened by their cheerful willingness to (insist on their right to!) lick the rats. And labeling them so the rest of us can try to steer clear (when possible).
I'm very lucky that I've been doing my job from home since 2008. I didn't have to/could not have made my annual trip to Japan this month so I have been doing a not of late night webinars for clients in Japan. My company has essentially banned business travel and have said that no one will be asked to do any travel for the long foreseeable future.

As it is, not a whole lot has changed for me. I left the property about once a week to go shopping prior to the pandemic. I go once a week now.

It's mainly my 2 teenagers who are still home whose life has changed a lot. And my wife no longer goes to 3 different grocery stores in one day buying only sale items.

We behave as if we we're still in the height of lockdown and it's ok so far. Except to get my oldest son to actually do something useful around the house. His gap year between HS and college has had it's plans wrecked.
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