Intelligent design is creationism. As we state-the-obvious _ Yes of course it is! Points all around people, theists and atheists...yay.
Sure Christians use the term. It doesn't have to be according to Christianity does it, especially if people are pondering on the hypothesis of ID? Ah but then that gives license to the theists to insert their God in the mix, I get it now. Keep the Christians out of the dialogue then I say, and let the investigations for the curious minded commence (further).
Whether Christians are in the dialogue or not, there is zero evidence for intelligent design and tons of evidence for unguided evolution.
Responding to posts in no particular order, cos I'm a busy man)
What type of dialogue do you mean? If its a philosophical view, or that someone has a genuine interest; pondering on a possibility hypothesis, I think some people would be put off with Christians Biblical input.
So you do think it's not possible then?
When you say there's tons of evidence for unguided evolution? What should evidence for 'guided' look like?
You know, I wouldn't be surprised, sometime there will be a clear division between the 'conventional religious belief of creation' versus a newer (off-shoot) 'Intelligent Design' concept (humans spawned from very advanced beings, sort of thing etc.) rejecting the biblical creation, and who may even be Secular.
You can put creationists or Jesus or whatever into the mix anytime you like, provided you bring some scientifi
c evidence to the table.
What's the science behind 'Alexander the Great' and 'Ghengis Khan?' What ever the "science is behind it", we believe Jesus in the same way existed too.
There is history,philosophy, mythology, and rligion. Then there is science.
A few kines in an ancient text written by unknown authors interpreted to mean a god created the Earth, the first two humans and all other life is mythology and religion.
The OT is a mix of or ancient Jewish history, mythology, religion, and philosophy.
Archeology and records of other civilizations show ancient Jew existed and some of other biblical history may be true. There is no evidence of recordings of Egyptian captivity as slaves and an Exodus lasting 40 years in desert.
We know Aristotle existed because he left books, was recorded by others in Greece, and was recorded in Persia as Alexander's teacher. That is what historians and archeologists do. Archeology supported by modern science like carbon dating.
Not put off by bib cal input, it is that the bible is neither validated history or science. The bible is mythology, religion, and philosophy.
There is scientific analysis of observation and experiment. Philosophical interpretation of science can be as subjective as religion.
If evolution was guided than whoever is doing the guiing is not very god at it.
Tell me, archolgocal evidence and fossils show dinosaurs did not coexist with humans.
If god creted rthe Earth in one effort why no humans with dinosaurs?
Therer are secies of plants today that did not exist at the time of the dinosaurs, how is that?
If giod sted with Adam and Eve in a blical tine scale how did all the civilaztions with getc diovesity apear in such a short time?
Give me some of that biblcal input, merng from the bible not speculation. Why dies the OT not mention dinosaurs?