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This looks very, very bad. U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

Why don't they just sign a treay and get the damn war ended?

Hard to sign a treaty when the only way one side will sign a treaty is if the other side capitulates to their rule.
Taepodong 2 can already hit East Germany and Canada - pretty soon the civilized world will even be reachable.
Meanwhile, back again in weird ass Trump land, things continue to move backward.


I would say it must be disappointing to his fans, but they'll just cite it as an act of brilliance.
His fans, like trumpty, don't know where Korea is anyway. So anything moving is headed where they want it to be, even if it's headed in the opposite direction.

How do you say A S S C L O W N ?
Kim Jong Un is a bad Person. Very bad. He crossed so many lines. Sad.

Meanwhile, back again in weird ass Trump land, things continue to move backward.

Well, you see after the baby was born they had to take a detour to visit the temple before heading off to live in Egypt. Also, they took summer vacations in Nazareth for the first few years before fully moving back.

Oh, sorry wrong topic. Well you see CVN-70 really is headed towards NK as a show of force, it just needed to take an emergency detour to Australia for some training exercises. It was just all a minor communication snafu by the Pentagon.
Exactly by what authority does the US get to tell other nations what they can test?

Authority that comes from might.

Is North Korea (or any other country) entitled to have nuclear weapons? If it's OK for the U.S. to have nuclear weapons, then is it "only fair" to let all countries have them?
Well, Trump continues to talk tough and play up to his base, and bitch little hawks like Lindsey Graham are cheerleading him with a boner all the way.
No sign of this situation cooling down as NK tests another missile system:


The two missile tests in a week complicate plans by South Korea's new President Moon Jae-in to seek ways to reduce tension on the peninsula. Moon took office eleven days ago after winning an election on a platform of a more moderate approach to the North, with which the South is still technically at war since no peace treaty was signed at the end of their 1950-1953 conflict.

South Korea's foreign ministry said the tests were "reckless and irresponsible actions throwing cold water over the hopes and desires of this new government and the international community for denuclearization and peace on the Korean peninsula".

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the latest missile test by the reclusive North was "a snub and a challenge to international efforts for a peaceful resolution".

Abe told reporters after a meeting of Japan's National Security Council that he wanted to raise the issue of North Korean missile launches at the Group of Seven leaders' summit in Italy this month. China had no immediate comment.
Meanwhile, back again in weird ass Trump land, things continue to move backward.


What a shit show... it boggles the mind that anyone still believes ANYTHING coming from the ultra-White House.

The problem is no one did anything and the US and China did nothing about this, except back down each time. Now it seems a little late at least for his short range missiles

I was under the impression that the US fleet is still near North Korea but Kim is still pushing the envelope.


If the Navy has a plan I don't think it should be updating everyone every 5 minutes
What a shit show... it boggles the mind that anyone still believes ANYTHING coming from the ultra-White House.

The problem is no one did anything and the US and China did nothing about this, except back down each time. Now it seems a little late at least for his short range missiles

I was under the impression that the US fleet is still near North Korea but Kim is still pushing the envelope.
How do you stay so poorly informed? The fleet was never near North Korea, nor even headed towards it.
The problem is no one did anything and the US and China did nothing about this, except back down each time. Now it seems a little late at least for his short range missiles

I was under the impression that the US fleet is still near North Korea but Kim is still pushing the envelope.
How do you stay so poorly informed? ...
One of life's great unanswered questions.
The problem is no one did anything and the US and China did nothing about this, except back down each time. Now it seems a little late at least for his short range missiles

I was under the impression that the US fleet is still near North Korea but Kim is still pushing the envelope.
How do you stay so poorly informed? The fleet was never near North Korea, nor even headed towards it.

850 km is very close

There is very little news on this. However up to 04 May 2017 the fleet was on military exercises.
Sasebo Naval Base in Kyosho Island (Japan) is 850 km from each other. This is in very easy striking distance.
Facing off is rare. What happens is one or both of the opposing sides will conduct military exercises and reconnaissance. There is nothing to say that these exercises have ceased.

It can be a breach of security to constantly report exact locations of own vessels and troops.

See article 04 May 2017.


Amid the US military escalation and growing nuclear war tensions in the Korean peninsula, the French Socialist Party (PS) government has sent a Mistral-class warship to join exercises led by the US military alongside the Japanese Navy.


On Saturday, the ship reached the Sasebo naval base in Japan’s western island of Kyushu to join with US armada threatening North Korea and China. It will participate in joint military exercise from the second to the third week of this month, alongside the US, Japanese and British navies near islands including Guam and Tinian in the western Pacific, around 2.400 km from Japan.
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