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Trump administration plans to stoke racist fear by sending 800 troops to the border


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
The stupid orange wanker truly is pathetic....

Talk about a pathetic attempt to pull the focus back to the imminent threat of people walking. The Trump administration is planning to send more troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, the AP reports. The order will come from Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, but:

Mattis is responding to a request from President Donald Trump, who says he’s “bringing out the military” to address what he’s calling a national emergency at the border.

There are already around 2,000 National Guard troops at the border, and neither they nor the next 800 are allowed to participate in law enforcement—they’re there ostensibly to provide logistical support but mostly to make Donald Trump feel like a big man and convince his supporters that things must be really scary at the border if federal troops are needed. (“Needed.”)

The mob of people smashed through one country's border already. Why shouldn't reinforcements be sent to the place they are going to protect us from what they have already done in another country?

I get that this may be a group of mostly good people (MOSTLY, not all)... but there is no such thing as a mostly good mob of people. mobs are dangerous... any kind of mob.

I know that the (genius) Rep line is that Dems want "to open the boarders and let anyone in without vetting"... I know that is not true for most Dems... but not everyone understands... and enough people fall for it. Personally, I don't think we need any more non-English speaking people here... but there is a legal way to come to America... and smashing through borders is not that way.

I think both Reps and Dems want sane laws regarding migration. The Reps will get to choose what those laws are because the Dems let the Reps take the "law and order" appearance for themselves and never seem to do more than laugh and roll their eyes with zero effect.
What exactly are these troops supposed to do? Illegally intervene? Get some good cell phone videos of the mob as they pass by?
What's this "allowed to participate" bullshit? Who is going to do the disallowing?
One of them might throw a rock or something and get all 7000 of them mowed down in a hail of lead.
The mob of people smashed through one country's border already. Why shouldn't reinforcements be sent to the place they are going to protect us from what they have already done in another country?

I get that this may be a group of mostly good people (MOSTLY, not all)... but there is no such thing as a mostly good mob of people. mobs are dangerous... any kind of mob.

I know that the (genius) Rep line is that Dems want "to open the boarders and let anyone in without vetting"... I know that is not true for most Dems... but not everyone understands... and enough people fall for it. Personally, I don't think we need any more non-English speaking people here... but there is a legal way to come to America... and smashing through borders is not that way.

I think both Reps and Dems want sane laws regarding migration. The Reps will get to choose what those laws are because the Dems let the Reps take the "law and order" appearance for themselves and never seem to do more than laugh and roll their eyes with zero effect.

What do you define as a 'mob?' It's important. According to Trump, Democrats are a mob. According to the media, there is a caravan of people hoping to find refuge in the USA.

Some of my great grandparents immigrated and not speak English.

My husband's grandfather immigrated and he spoke about 10 different languages. Fluently.

Some of my co-workers immigrated and spoke a variety of languages other than English. Also English.

Do you mean them? Because some of them are/were exceptionally well educated, highly skilled people.

Do you mean: not well educated? Because that's about half of my family. All born in midwestern USA. Most of our ancestors have been here at least a hundred years. Some--maybe up to half but I confess I'm not that into genealogy so I'm not sure-- since well before the American Revolution.
The mob of people smashed through one country's border already. Why shouldn't reinforcements be sent to the place they are going to protect us from what they have already done in another country?

I get that this may be a group of mostly good people (MOSTLY, not all)... but there is no such thing as a mostly good mob of people. mobs are dangerous... any kind of mob.

I know that the (genius) Rep line is that Dems want "to open the boarders and let anyone in without vetting"... I know that is not true for most Dems... but not everyone understands... and enough people fall for it. Personally, I don't think we need any more non-English speaking people here... but there is a legal way to come to America... and smashing through borders is not that way.

I think both Reps and Dems want sane laws regarding migration. The Reps will get to choose what those laws are because the Dems let the Reps take the "law and order" appearance for themselves and never seem to do more than laugh and roll their eyes with zero effect.

What do you define as a 'mob?' It's important. According to Trump, Democrats are a mob. According to the media, there is a caravan of people hoping to find refuge in the USA.

Some of my great grandparents immigrated and not speak English.

My husband's grandfather immigrated and he spoke about 10 different languages. Fluently.

Some of my co-workers immigrated and spoke a variety of languages other than English. Also English.

Do you mean them? Because some of them are/were exceptionally well educated, highly skilled people.

Do you mean: not well educated? Because that's about half of my family. All born in midwestern USA. Most of our ancestors have been here at least a hundred years. Some--maybe up to half but I confess I'm not that into genealogy so I'm not sure-- since well before the American Revolution.

I'm thinking it might have more to do with not being able to listen in on the coversations of others, which is why I asked about whispering. Whispering has the same effect as speaking a foreign language. It's interesting, if one values privacy, speaking a foreign language (or whispering) would be appreciated.

Maybe they don't in fact actually value privacy.
Personally, I don't think we need any more non-English speaking people here...

Why is that? I serve customers who work their asses off each and every day, but perhaps know 80 or 100 words of English. I don't really care. Their kids went to school with my kids and are as American as he is.

My great-grandfather didn't know a lick of English when he got here, and by all accounts never picked it up even as his children learned it in school and life.

German was spoken in his house.
What exactly are these troops supposed to do? Illegally intervene? Get some good cell phone videos of the mob as they pass by?

It is against the law in America to use military troops to enforce the law unless a state of emergency is declared.

In all likelihood, they'll be spotting for sworn officers.

You're probably right that this is driven by PR and not operational needs.
This is an impossible example I am using, because it won't happen here, but I want to use it for pushing the scope of thought. It is not meant to characterize anything about who is in the caravan currently.

Imagine that there was a breakaway virulently violent white nationalist contingent (all of them carry The Turner Diaries, but no guns) in Canada that was having a caravan into the United States. Would their intense, violent ideology sort of classify them as a quasi-military force that would qualify the military to be engaged to keep them out as a backstop to border patrol?
I see no reason why this caravan won't be the same as the last one. By the time the last caravan got to the US/Mexico border, there were only a few hundred refugees, who promptly went into the proper centers and requested asylum. By Trump's direction, almost all were turned away. Problem over. The far right media is purposefully misreporting everything regarding the caravan, and the mainstream media never delves into the circumstances of these caravans too deeply, so most people have no clue what is going on, which only helps feed the right's narrative. Perhaps if the caravan settles down long enough, someone will send them a bomb too.

Or, we can use the fine gentleman's suggestion in this video.

Does Posse Comitatus apply to non citizens at the border of the US?

It applies to the operations of Federal troops on American soil. The citizenship of the subject is irrelevant so far as that law is concerned, so far as I know.

Federal troops will shoot you dead if you try to climb a fence into a high security facility, regardless of your citizenship or the fact that you're on or suspended over American soil.

It applies to the enforcement of domestic policy, which includes border enforcement. Since the people in the caravan are not state actors any border enforcement would have to be conducted by an agency that does not fall under the purview of the PC Act.

This is an impossible example I am using, because it won't happen here, but I want to use it for pushing the scope of thought. It is not meant to characterize anything about who is in the caravan currently.

Imagine that there was a breakaway virulently violent white nationalist contingent (all of them carry The Turner Diaries, but no guns) in Canada that was having a caravan into the United States. Would their intense, violent ideology sort of classify them as a quasi-military force that would qualify the military to be engaged to keep them out as a backstop to border patrol?

Is that really you, Alberto Gonzalez? The term 'quasi-military force' isn't recognized in the US Code
So if mass migrants are not allowed to just walk in into America, that's "racist"? Any country has to enforce their own borders, or they are not really a country.

DailyKos is partisan garbage, by the way.
So if mass migrants are not allowed to just walk in into America, that's "racist"? Any country has to enforce their own borders, or they are not really a country.

DailyKos is partisan garbage, by the way.

Refraining from fueling up B2 Spirits to deal with the caravan is not abdication of border enforcement.
So if mass migrants are not allowed to just walk in into America, that's "racist"? Any country has to enforce their own borders, or they are not really a country.

DailyKos is partisan garbage, by the way.

The purpose of borders is to let anyone who wants to walk over them. Duh.
Hey, don't most democratic republics simply shoot refugees? If that's what's in store, and we're not going to let them set foot on American soil where they could legally apply for sanctuary, why not just drop one of those cool MOABs on them right now and save all of us the angst of watching them draw closer and closer for the next two months?
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