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Trump Admire Hitler

Trumps followers are primarily people afflicted with worship syndrome. The only thing Don Trump worships, however, is money, however he can get it and whatever he has to do to get it. Legal or not, just whatever he can get away with doing is fair game. Most of his followers think similarly and think of themselves as robbed and cheated out of their just wealth. Psychotic conspiracy theorists to the last.

And Hitler was a very, very wealthy person, much like Orange.
The scarier question is why. As is clear from the interview, it's not even based on any real history, or analysis of Hitler's governmental policy. No, it's just the imaginary Hitler in Trump's mind, an all powerful autocrat whom no one was allowed to say no to. JoJo Rabbit's invisible friend Hitler, not the actual guy from Austria who founded a brutal regime that lasted a scant few years before collapsing. Darth Vader the myth, not Anakin Skywalker the man. Donald John Trump is socially impaired on a fundamental level.
Donald John Trump is socially impaired on a fundamental level.
Depending on what you suppose humans ought to be thinking maybe he is. He is certainly intellectually limited to maybe a fifth grade level. As such the only way he can compete is to cheat, lie, steal, kill, etc. That's pretty human. Everything is an object to be exploited in the pursuit of wealth. He has no vision of the future other than that. Again, that's pretty human and representative of the majority of his following. It's why evangelicals worship him. It's the same thing they want for themselves. They just wrap it up in woo.
Excellent commentary by the Bulwark crew regarding this latest news about John Kelly calling Trump a fascist:

We have two decorated generals/patriots that worked closely with Trump calling him a danger and a fascist.

We have many cabinet members calling him a danger to the country including Bill Barr, Mike Pence, John Bolton, Mark Esper.

The people who worked closely with him and know best.

These aren't liberals and, in the case of at least Bill Barr and John Kelly, not RINOs. They were mostly on board with the MAGA agenda.

What more would it take to break through to the people who don't like Trump very much but are voting for him anyway?
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Trump admires Hitler's management style.

Hitler's management style led to destruction and failure, much like Trump's style led to his business failures.
Excellent commentary by the Bulwark crew regarding this latest news about John Kelly calling Trump a fascist:

We have two decorated generals/patriots that worked closely with Trump calling him a danger and a fascist.

We have many cabinet members calling him a danger to the country including Bill Barr, Mike Pence, John Bolton, Mark Esper.

The people who worked closely with him and know best.

These aren't liberals and, in the case of at least Bill Barr and John Kelly, not RINOs. They were mostly on board with the MAGA agenda.

What more would it take to break through to the people who don't like Trump very much but are voting for him anyway?

Fascism is fine as long as you are on the right side of it. At least for a while. The non-MAGA Trump supporters probably think it is exaggeration and there are enough firewalls to protect their interests. And of course, plenty of other Trump voters think returning the Government to the days of Bank Panics and state sanctioned *insert Civil Right abuse*.

What we saw in 2012 was a GOP base that was tired of being led about by the AM Radio about how great the right-wing was, how evil the left-wing was and then in politics, it was somewhat of a status quo. They wanted the GOP to reflect the vision of Fox News and AM radio. Trump, as they see it, is that man that is willing to break it all up, because it should be broken up because they've been told the system is against them for 40 years now.

This is what happens when the Hitler Youth grow up. January 6th wasn't a bunch of backyard yokels. It was a bunch of white collar managers who sucked at Limbaugh's teets and had had enough and weren't going to take it anymore.
It was hilarious to watch Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends deal with Trump's comments:
"I can absolutely see him go, you know what, it would be great to have German generals that actually do what we ask them to do, knowing that's a third -- maybe not being fully cognizant of the third rail of German generals who were Nazis or whatever."
Right, Nazis or 'whatever', and never mind that Trump asked them things like firing on demonstrators outside the White House and speculated on missile attacks on Mexico. If there's a next time with Trump, we will see unimaginable things perpetrated in the name of the U.S.
Two unrelated daydreams:
1- Kilmeade responds to some report that Trump wished to have Satan's powers:
"I can absolutely see him go, y'know what, it would be great to have Satanic minions who would go about the country and strike where I wanted them to strike, maybe not being cognizant of the third rail that he was actually talking about the Devil or whatever."
2- Hitler was famously a bibliophile and all-night reader, and the book Hitler's Private Library by Timothy Ryback is a study of hundreds of his books that ended up in a storage room at the Library of Congress after the war. (Read this book for an unforgettable story of a tiny object the author found wedged into the page crease of one of Hitler's books.) Just imagine after Trump has left this earthly life -- the book Trump's Private Library -- which I guess would be a small volume indeed, being an analysis of a shelf of give-away copies of Art of the Deal, bound volumes of Penthouse, and behind the row of Penthouse, a private edition of Arnold Palmer: The Beefcake Years.
What more would it take to break through to the people who don't like Trump very much but are voting for him anyway?
Donald has broken through to those people by vilifying Harris. At this point those people are generally full of the Kool Ade.
They call Kami “dopey” but don’t bother to wonder why, other than the RW propaganda machine says so. The obvious fact that she is at least 30 IQ points above the apricot, doesn’t register with them. They’re in a trance, craving a dictator.
Such is the power of repetition.
The scarier question is why. As is clear from the interview, it's not even based on any real history, or analysis of Hitler's governmental policy. No, it's just the imaginary Hitler in Trump's mind, an all powerful autocrat whom no one was allowed to say no to. JoJo Rabbit's invisible friend Hitler, not the actual guy from Austria who founded a brutal regime that lasted a scant few years before collapsing. Darth Vader the myth, not Anakin Skywalker the man. Donald John Trump is socially impaired on a fundamental level.

If that’s true then Trump needs to read a little history. The British Empire, Soviet Union, and the Untied States all said no to Hitler by kicking his goose stepping ass so hard that he relieved himself of his chancellorship with a bullet.
The scarier question is why. As is clear from the interview, it's not even based on any real history, or analysis of Hitler's governmental policy. No, it's just the imaginary Hitler in Trump's mind, an all powerful autocrat whom no one was allowed to say no to. JoJo Rabbit's invisible friend Hitler, not the actual guy from Austria who founded a brutal regime that lasted a scant few years before collapsing. Darth Vader the myth, not Anakin Skywalker the man. Donald John Trump is socially impaired on a fundamental level.

If that’s true then Trump needs to read a little history. The British Empire, Soviet Union, and the Untied States all said no to Hitler by kicking his goose stepping ass so hard that he relieved himself of his chancellorship with a bullet.
I recall! One of the better calls the "international community" has ever made.
Stalin made a non agrees pact with Hitler in exchange for part of Poland and Finland as well I think.

Hitler and Russia simultaneously attacked Poland to kick off WWII.

IMO Russia got what it deserved when Germany attacked.

Trump shows how one can get a college degree ab still be ignorant as a rock.Trump has probably never cracked a book after college.

He may be ignorant of what Nazism was and how Hitler's style as Trump put it led to the destruction of Germany and Hitler;s suicide rather than being captured.

Hitler suicide, Mussolini killed by the people and he and his wife's bodies hung upside down in public, Tojo executed.

I could be wrong in the long run, I do not think Trump can corrupt the mil tray or the courts enough for him to take a Hitler path.
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