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Trump Allegedly "Can't Remember What He's Said or Been Told"


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump Regularly 'Can't Remember What He's Said or Been Told,' White House Insider Says

This official claims that "normal people who spend any time with Donald Trump are uncomfortable by what they witness." "He stumbles, slurs, gets confused, is easily irritated, and has trouble synthesizing information, not occasionally but with regularity," and "the president also can't remember what he's said or been told."

While that is sometimes a way of trying to escape responsibility, it often seems to be genuine. Like not knowing what a Category 5 hurricane is after being briefed on four of them over his presidency.

He(she?) has often "seen the president fall flat on his face when trying to speak intelligently" on several things that he has claimed to be expert on. "You can see why behind closed doors his own top officials deride him as an 'idiot' and a 'moron' with the understanding of a 'fifth or sixth grader,'" he claims. Also, the President shows shows "astounding" level of "intellectual laziness." Some other officials have claimed that he does not like to read, and that he likes briefings with lots of pictures and not much text. This one agrees, and he is "bewildered how anyone could have run a private company on the empty mental tank President Trump relies upon every day to run the government." "On television, a CEO-turned-showman can sit around a desk and bark orders at subordinates and then go to commercial. In real life, a successful CEO has to absorb a lot of information, about the economic climate, about his or her competitors, about product and consumer trends." "How can you manage a sprawling organization if you won't read anything? Not very well, it turns out."

Other people have claimed that he yells at his staffers a lot, and that Mitch McConnell stands apart from them by yelling back.

Seems like he deserves the 25th Amendment used on him. Why this hasn't happened seems to me to be political cowardice. Consider how long it has taken to start impeachment proceedings.
He seems to be able to keep his focus at his rallies.

I recall when he said "oranges" instead of "origins" a couple of times before he found the correct word. A doctor said that was a symptom of pre-dementia. Many people have said he can't focus, even Roger Ailes.

Much as I dislike Trump, I'd like to see more public displays of his disability before coming to a conclusion.
Much as I dislike Trump, I'd like to see more public displays of his disability before coming to a conclusion.

Likewise, as long as that doesn't involve nuking Denmark or something...
I'd prefer that he be removed ASAP, but that ain't happening as long a treasonous tools like Nunes and Jordan are around.
He seems to be able to keep his focus at his rallies.

I recall when he said "oranges" instead of "origins" a couple of times before he found the correct word. A doctor said that was a symptom of pre-dementia. Many people have said he can't focus, even Roger Ailes.

Much as I dislike Trump, I'd like to see more public displays of his disability before coming to a conclusion.
I don’t need to see more and I don’t think it’s ‘pre-dementia.’

I detest Trump and have never thought much of his intellectual prowess, his base of knowledge, his intellectual curiosity or depth of understanding. He has always seemed to be intellectually lazy as well as being extremely self assured and confident that actually knowing something was important or even useful. As a private businessman, it didn’t matter much to me. He was not particularly successful at anything other than convincing others that he was rich and successful and had ‘insight.’

To me, he’s always been the venal and corrupt version of Ronald Reagan who had a certain amount of charm and who certainly believed whatever he said. Reagan’s dementia was obvious to me by the end of his first term. Because of my family circumstances, I’ve spent a lot of time with a variety of individuals with some degree of brain damage and dementia, beginning early in the disease. It was no surprise to me at all that Reagan’s dementia was publicly announced after he completed his second term.

Trump’s mental condition(s) are much more obvious and pronounced than Reagan’s were when he left office. Trump has never been eloquent or a moving speaker which does not mean that he’s not intelligent and informed. His own words have always displayed the limits of his base of knowledge and understanding—but now, he’s publicly confused not infrequently. Everyone misspeaks or slurs a word or drifts a little from time to time. Sometimes, his speech seems impeded by poorly fitting dentures which indicates to me, not great judgment but not dementia. So I’m not referencing speech glitches. I’m saying that frequently he sees to not know what he’s talking about, loses his way in the middle of speeches and should never be put in the position of having to speak extemporaneously. He has dentist. I believe he also has multiple psychiatric disorders and some learning disabilities which don’t make him a bad person, necessarily, but do make him unfit to be POTUS.

For the record, I like Joe Biden but I do not want him to be POTUS because he is also showing some degree of age related mental decline. Sure I could offer up other reasons I don’t want him as POTUS but to me: age related decline and health concerns are immediately disqualifying as they are for Sanders and for Trump.
I detest Trump and have never thought much of his intellectual prowess, his base of knowledge, his intellectual curiosity or depth of understanding.

I too have thought very little about non-existent things.
Well, out of the 867 different reasons of why Trump isn't guilty that the GOP has thrown against the wall and then abandoned over the past few months, this does seem to be the one with the most staying power. He's just too fucking stupid to be criminally responsible.

It's not a quality defense, to be sure, but all of the potential quality defenses have already been tried and have failed.
Well, out of the 867 different reasons of why Trump isn't guilty that the GOP has thrown against the wall and then abandoned over the past few months, this does seem to be the one with the most staying power. He's just too fucking stupid to be criminally responsible.

It's not a quality defense, to be sure, but all of the potential quality defenses have already been tried and have failed.

Not guilty by reason of mental defect.

That would stick, so long as Trump were removed.

My reasons for believing that the Republicans haven't launched their own efforts to dislodge Trump are: 1. Pence and if Pence goes down, Pelosi. and 2. Too many are making too much money. These hearings are vital but they are distracting us from real and terrible damage the GOP and their donors are doing to our nation's resources and people. And the rest of the world, although I think the profit motive is a little more restricted to a few rather than many there.
If Trump's mental faculties are deteriorating rapidly, that will probably become apparent during to election as the pressure grows and the election starts getting intense. People will start watching him carefully to look for signs of impairment. And there will be questions such as can Trump last another four years even if elected? It may very well be the case that Trump's mental deficiencies, real or fancied will be a major election issue.
If Trump's mental faculties are deteriorating rapidly, that will probably become apparent during to election as the pressure grows and the election starts getting intense. People will start watching him carefully to look for signs of impairment. And there will be questions such as can Trump last another four years even if elected? It may very well be the case that Trump's mental deficiencies, real or fancied will be a major election issue.

I’m not sure running for re-election is more stressful than the impeachment inquiry and neither are more stressful than actually serving as POTUS for anyone who takes the duties and obligations of the office seriously.

I think a lot of people have been forced to acknowledge that he’s not physically or mentally fit to run or to run the country. There’s a lot of talk about replacing Pence for just that reason. Nikki Haley has been auditioning for the job pretty hard but I don’t think she’s got enough backing.
If Trump's mental faculties are deteriorating rapidly, that will probably become apparent during to election as the pressure grows and the election starts getting intense. People will start watching him carefully to look for signs of impairment. And there will be questions such as can Trump last another four years even if elected? It may very well be the case that Trump's mental deficiencies, real or fancied will be a major election issue.
The problem is, it's not deteriorating rapidly, it was pretty deteriorated 15-20 years ago when I heard about him for the first time. His base does not mind him being bumbling idiot.
If Trump's mental faculties are deteriorating rapidly, that will probably become apparent during to election as the pressure grows and the election starts getting intense. People will start watching him carefully to look for signs of impairment. And there will be questions such as can Trump last another four years even if elected? It may very well be the case that Trump's mental deficiencies, real or fancied will be a major election issue.
The problem is, it's not deteriorating rapidly, it was pretty deteriorated 15-20 years ago when I heard about him for the first time. His base does not mind him being bumbling idiot.

No, he was just never very smart or able to look at anything except through the lens of how it benefited him.

A couple of years ago, the actual deterioration from when he might have been in his prime, in his 40's or 50's, became jaw droppingly obvious to me when I heard a recording of him on some talk show or another. He was always a despicable narcissist but he wasn't actually stupid or unintelligent. HUGE contrast with today which is actually a pretty noticeable contrast with how he was when elected.
If Trump's mental faculties are deteriorating rapidly, that will probably become apparent during to election as the pressure grows and the election starts getting intense. People will start watching him carefully to look for signs of impairment. And there will be questions such as can Trump last another four years even if elected? It may very well be the case that Trump's mental deficiencies, real or fancied will be a major election issue.

I’m not sure running for re-election is more stressful than the impeachment inquiry and neither are more stressful than actually serving as POTUS for anyone who takes the duties and obligations of the office seriously.

Does he even know the impeachment is happening? Fox News reports on it after a fashion, but gives the strong impression that it's some sort of show trial that is turning out to be humiliating for the Democratic conspirators who demanded it. Trump might not realize he's in any personal danger.
I think that he knows. ‘Can we work something out?’ Trump desperately pleaded with Nancy Pelosi to avoid impeachment — and was stunned to find out he failed - New York Daily News (2019 Sep 25)
CNN reported that Trump thought he had successfully convinced Pelosi to hold off on impeachment and was “stunned” to see her dramatic press conference when he returned to Trump Tower after a day at the United Nations.

Although he has sometimes boasted that impeachment would help him win reelection, Trump admitted to friends that he does not want to be impeached, CNN reported.
NBC Correspondent: Trump Called Pelosi, Asked ‘Can We Work Something Out?’ on Whistleblower Complaint

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "There has been no President in the history of our Country who has been treated so badly as I have. The Democrats are frozen with hatred and fear. They get nothing done. This should never be allowed to happen to another President. Witch Hunt!" / Twitter
If Trump's mental faculties are deteriorating rapidly, that will probably become apparent during to election as the pressure grows and the election starts getting intense. People will start watching him carefully to look for signs of impairment. And there will be questions such as can Trump last another four years even if elected? It may very well be the case that Trump's mental deficiencies, real or fancied will be a major election issue.

I’m not sure running for re-election is more stressful than the impeachment inquiry and neither are more stressful than actually serving as POTUS for anyone who takes the duties and obligations of the office seriously.

Does he even know the impeachment is happening? Fox News reports on it after a fashion, but gives the strong impression that it's some sort of show trial that is turning out to be humiliating for the Democratic conspirators who demanded it. Trump might not realize he's in any personal danger.

Well, he made that little side trip to Walter Reed.
Does he even know the impeachment is happening? Fox News reports on it after a fashion, but gives the strong impression that it's some sort of show trial that is turning out to be humiliating for the Democratic conspirators who demanded it. Trump might not realize he's in any personal danger.

Well, he made that little side trip to Walter Reed.

His narcissism presently prevents him from embracing the martyr complex. But we may yet see the martyred leader/suffering servant pitch offered up for public consumption.
Does he even know the impeachment is happening? Fox News reports on it after a fashion, but gives the strong impression that it's some sort of show trial that is turning out to be humiliating for the Democratic conspirators who demanded it. Trump might not realize he's in any personal danger.

Well, he made that little side trip to Walter Reed.

His narcissism presently prevents him from embracing the martyr complex. But we may yet see the martyred leader/suffering servant pitch offered up for public consumption.

Indeed, very little of his defense has been championed by him of late; not only is his party trying desperately to shield him, he keeps doing and saying things that conflict with the counter-narratives they keep inventing. I don't think he meaningfully understands the arguments currently being made on his behalf, and that would definitely be true of some sort of insanity defense.
He seems to be able to keep his focus at his rallies.

I recall when he said "oranges" instead of "origins" a couple of times before he found the correct word. A doctor said that was a symptom of pre-dementia. Many people have said he can't focus, even Roger Ailes.

Much as I dislike Trump, I'd like to see more public displays of his disability before coming to a conclusion.
I don’t need to see more and I don’t think it’s ‘pre-dementia.’

I detest Trump and have never thought much of his intellectual prowess, his base of knowledge, his intellectual curiosity or depth of understanding. He has always seemed to be intellectually lazy as well as being extremely self assured and confident that actually knowing something was important or even useful. As a private businessman, it didn’t matter much to me. He was not particularly successful at anything other than convincing others that he was rich and successful and had ‘insight.’

To me, he’s always been the venal and corrupt version of Ronald Reagan who had a certain amount of charm and who certainly believed whatever he said. Reagan’s dementia was obvious to me by the end of his first term. Because of my family circumstances, I’ve spent a lot of time with a variety of individuals with some degree of brain damage and dementia, beginning early in the disease. It was no surprise to me at all that Reagan’s dementia was publicly announced after he completed his second term.

Trump’s mental condition(s) are much more obvious and pronounced than Reagan’s were when he left office. Trump has never been eloquent or a moving speaker which does not mean that he’s not intelligent and informed. His own words have always displayed the limits of his base of knowledge and understanding—but now, he’s publicly confused not infrequently. Everyone misspeaks or slurs a word or drifts a little from time to time. Sometimes, his speech seems impeded by poorly fitting dentures which indicates to me, not great judgment but not dementia. So I’m not referencing speech glitches. I’m saying that frequently he sees to not know what he’s talking about, loses his way in the middle of speeches and should never be put in the position of having to speak extemporaneously. He has dentist. I believe he also has multiple psychiatric disorders and some learning disabilities which don’t make him a bad person, necessarily, but do make him unfit to be POTUS.

For the record, I like Joe Biden but I do not want him to be POTUS because he is also showing some degree of age related mental decline. Sure I could offer up other reasons I don’t want him as POTUS but to me: age related decline and health concerns are immediately disqualifying as they are for Sanders and for Trump.

Got any clips? If it's that obvious, perhaps you can point it out.

The OP concerns his cognitive ability. Not his morality, his business acumen, or his psychological profile. I agree with you on all those points, but those aren't the issue here.
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