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Trump calls Warren "Pocahontas" at an event honoring native American veterans

Trump acting like a bully or a boor is not news. It is newsworthy when Trump does not act like a bully or a boor.
It isn't supposed to be demeaning.
Of course it's meant to be demeaning.

It'd be like Warren calling Trump, 'The University Dean'.
Actually, it's exactly like Trump's other name-calling, 'Crooked Hillary' or 'Lyin' Cruz,' 'Little Rubio.' He questions the credibility of her claim of Native American heritage by turning a popular Native American name into a pejorative. And he probably expected actual NA's to bond with him over the false claim.

He has stated that her adopting a false heritage makes her a racist, so it would have been in character for him to call her 'Racist Warren,' but I assume Bannon told him that was a branch that wouldn't support much of Trump's weight...
It isn't supposed to be demeaning.
Of course it's meant to be demeaning.
In the sense of her having Native American roots. He is mocking her for her claiming it, but not being able to defend. That is the demeaning part, not the actual Native American roots being demeaning.

It'd be like Warren calling Trump, 'The University Dean'.
Actually, it's exactly like Trump's other name-calling, 'Crooked Hillary' or 'Lyin' Cruz,' 'Little Rubio.' He questions the credibility of her claim of Native American heritage by turning a popular Native American name into a pejorative. And he probably expected actual NA's to bond with him over the false claim.
He doesn't give a fuck what Native Americans anyone thinks unless it is praise for him.

He has stated that her adopting a false heritage makes her a racist, so it would have been in character for him to call her 'Racist Warren,' but I assume Bannon told him that was a branch that wouldn't support much of Trump's weight...
At least he doesn't call her Tonto.
My family has been told forever that we are Cherokee ancestry but I've never done a DNA test to prove or disprove it. However, before the recent available tests, I would have sworn on my life that we were part Cherokee. I suspect it is the same for Warren. I seriously doubt she "lied to further her career"

Likewise. In my family it was Sioux. The family had spent several generations in Iowa and the Dakotas, and one of my aunts determined that the reason she and all her sisters were all dark haired, dark eyed, and frumpy was that there was a squaw in the past. It was a romantic obession with which she nagged her mother, my grandmother, in to reconstructing non-existent names for her grandmothers (Many Waters...aka Minnie Waters), just so my aunt could claim she had Sioux heritage (and she claimed Ogalalla, too). This was all debunked by the aunt's sister, who did the entire family geneology all over again and double checked all the claims with the proper reservation authorities and records sources. No link to the Sioux, or any other mid-western native American tribes. The names and claims had been invented to get my aunt off my grandmother's back, wholly fabricated.
In the sense of her having Native American roots. He is mocking her for her claiming it, but not being able to defend. That is the demeaning part, not the actual Native American roots being demeaning.

He probably could have gone with Fauxcahontas to make that clearer.

Not that that fits any better in the context.

And in any case I think he actually prefers to see the left lose its shit.
Who cares what he calls HER?
The insult is to the very people that Fragilego was supposed to be honoring. Those First Nations People who helped win WWII were quite obviously insulted, but the extent of their disgust was beyond the perception of a douche like Cheato, as they exhibit self control and a sense of decorum that is totally alien to the orange turd.

^^^^ that 100%
Trump is Cocahontas, I think of him as the cokehead from Diehard if he lived to old age.

So I start to think to myself, Oh, I think this guy is trying to let people know I’m a Jew. And I think to myself, doesn’t my face do that? Honestly, like, where have you seen this face other than a poster for Yentl? In what world are people like, Stewart, that’s a Scottish name, but there’s something about that fella that looks a little schmeary. It would be funny if it wasn’t so toxically fucking crude and horrible, but. So I decide to tweet back at him, “Many people don’t know this, but Donald Trump’s real name is Fuckface Von Clownstick. I wish you would embrace the Von Clownstick heritage.”

- Jon Stewart
John Norwood, general secretary of the Alliance of Colonial Era Tribes, told NBC News Trump's use of the name to mock Sen. Elizabeth Warren "smacks of racism."

“The reference is using a historic American Indian figure as a derogatory insult and that’s insulting to all American Indians,” Norwood told the network, adding that Trump should "stop using our historical people of significance as a racial slur against one of his opponents.”
And in any case I think he actually prefers to see the left lose its shit.

I think that is the point of most of what he does publicly. "Look at this outrageous comment here, while I do something over there."
He did it in front of War Veterans. Native American War Veterans. Jebus you folks have no values.
Surprised he didn't refer to the vets standing next to him as "Chief".

Trump is the champion of all those racist uncles you have to suffer through at Thanksgiving.
Trump's so pleased by his wit, it never occurs to him that people around might not think it as witty as he does. So he would never consider it offensive, because to him, it was inclusive, he thought he was honoring them by being relaxed and fun loving, giving 'em the warm and fuzzy Donald.
Trump's so pleased by his wit, it never occurs to him that people around might not think it as witty as he does. So he would never consider it offensive, because to him, it was inclusive, he thought he was honoring them by being relaxed and fun loving, giving 'em the warm and fuzzy Donald.

I think it occurs to him.

It's a neat trick to say something crude followed by the word "but" followed by a nice sentiment, and he does it quite a lot. Saying "Pocahontas" even after he's been told before that it's offensive, and then very immediately following it up with "but I like YOU!" is a great example of his trick. He does it so, when people point out he said something mean, he can say "No! didn't you hear that I said something nice!"

However much or little conscious awareness goes into it, the "get out of jail free" card that he always includes just in case his wit hurts someone shows he's got some awareness that his "wit" is offensive.
Meh - is anyone REALLY surprised?
Pandering to racists, Nazis and his puppetmaster... just another stupid day in Drumpfville.
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