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Trump imposes tariffs on the EU, Mexico and Canada

I just want for once to have some other world leader stand up in front of Bone Spurs and tell him what an idiot he is while calling him every name in the book, in public on international tv.

The only one I could see doing that would be Joe Biden.

What does it matter? We live in a post-fact society. Even if the heads of state mocked Trump to his face in front of cameras, FOX News would tell their audience that this is evidence of Trumps genius and brilliant leadership, and they would get on their knees, open their mouths, and swallow whatever nonsense they are fed.

It doesn't matter that America now has a president who defends Nazis.

It doesn't matter that America has a president who uses the office to enrich himself.

It doesn't matter that America has a president who boasted about serial sexual assault.

It doesn't matter that America has a president who probably committed treason of some sort with a hostile foreign power.

It doesn't matter because America is already a failed state. All that remains is for some Republican politician(s) to drive America into a ditch while the Republican voters cheer him/them on. It'll turn out fine because Republican politicians will just blame "foreynurs an' them thar dark peeepul" and rich people will manage to move their wealth to stock markets in other countries before this economy collapses, so no one who matters will be harmed by any of this.

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Actually, I would save Trump. It's better that Trudeau get martyred than Trump because Trump would do far more damage as an untouchable admired symbol than he would as a living person still generating bad news. I don't know why people fail to understand how that works.
Remember: Obama was subjected to a major controversy over his choice of mustard, but Trump can start trade wars with allies, including the only nation we have a trade surplus is, and it'll all be forgotten by tomorrow.

Only by the USA, that's the real problem you are facing. There is still a ton of resentment and distrust around the globe from Shrub Bush's regime. Trump will take decades for the world to forgive you for. We are already creating new and better ties to alternative countries for trade, and that won't switch back once you get a new President in there. Those new ties will be strong and we wont' want to give them up. And also keep in mind that while you Americans generalize other nations, we generalize you too, so its not easy to get over with a simple regime change.

If the Russians are to blame, is this president really USA's fault?
If the Russians are to blame, is this president really USA's fault?

Yes. They had their hands on the scales but you still had almost half of your country vote for the guy and almost half of your country supports him. Trump is your fucking fault.
I just want for once to have some other world leader stand up in front of Bone Spurs and tell him what an idiot he is while calling him every name in the book, in public on international tv.

The only one I could see doing that would be Joe Biden.

What does it matter? We live in a post-fact society. Even if the heads of state mocked Trump to his face in front of cameras, FOX News would tell their audience that this is evidence of Trumps genius and brilliant leadership, and they would get on their knees, open their mouths, and swallow whatever nonsense they are fed.

It doesn't matter that America now has a president who defends Nazis.

It doesn't matter that America has a president who uses the office to enrich himself.

It doesn't matter that America has a president who boasted about serial sexual assault.

It doesn't matter that America has a president who probably committed treason of some sort with a hostile foreign power.

It doesn't matter because America is already a failed state. All that remains is for some Republican politician(s) to drive America into a ditch while the Republican voters cheer him/them on. It'll turn out fine because Republican politicians will just blame "foreynurs an' them thar dark peeepul" and rich people will manage to move their wealth to stock markets in other countries before this economy collapses, so no one who matters will be harmed by any of this.

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Actually, I would save Trump. It's better that Trudeau get martyred than Trump because Trump would do far more damage as an untouchable admired symbol than he would as a living person still generating bad news. I don't know why people fail to understand how that works.
I'll get Justin, but someone needs to stop Underseer.

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Remember: Obama was subjected to a major controversy over his choice of mustard, but Trump can start trade wars with allies, including the only nation we have a trade surplus is, and it'll all be forgotten by tomorrow.

Only by the USA, that's the real problem you are facing. There is still a ton of resentment and distrust around the globe from Shrub Bush's regime. Trump will take decades for the world to forgive you for. We are already creating new and better ties to alternative countries for trade, and that won't switch back once you get a new President in there. Those new ties will be strong and we wont' want to give them up. And also keep in mind that while you Americans generalize other nations, we generalize you too, so its not easy to get over with a simple regime change.

If the Russians are to blame, is this president really USA's fault?
Very much the Americans who allowed themselves to be seduced by this blithering sociopath.
If the Russians are to blame, is this president really USA's fault?

Yes. They had their hands on the scales but you still had almost half of your country vote for the guy and almost half of your country supports him. Trump is your fucking fault.

So why the big deal about Russia then if he is a legit president?
If the Russians are to blame, is this president really USA's fault?

Yes. They had their hands on the scales but you still had almost half of your country vote for the guy and almost half of your country supports him. Trump is your fucking fault.

So why the big deal about Russia then if he is a legit president?

B ... be ... because a hostile foreign country illegally interfered in your election to help give you a leader who wouldn't be there absent their interference? :confused:

I'm going to assume that you're not an idiot, so let me offer my congratulations on your waking up from the coma you've been in for the past two years, since those are the only two options which would make that a legitimate question as opposed to your just trolling the thread in order to derail it.
If the Russians are to blame, is this president really USA's fault?

Yes. They had their hands on the scales but you still had almost half of your country vote for the guy and almost half of your country supports him. Trump is your fucking fault.

So why the big deal about Russia then if he is a legit president?
Seriously, you are asking why is it a big deal that Russia is trolling the Western Hemisphere to try and help instigate isolationist governments into power?
If the Russians are to blame, is this president really USA's fault?
You know how sometimes, a jury makes an emotional judgment, not really supported by the law or the facts, and the judge sets the verdict aside? "The jury is dismissed and may God have mercy on your souls."

Ideally, the Electoral College was supposed to serve that function, setting the election aside when they're stupid.

And we have the whole impeachment process written down, for when Congress realizes, 'no, that's stupid. This man shouldn't be president.'

So no matter how much of the election was a Russian effect, we're still all standing around, not stopping him from all the stupid, nor the illegal, nor the corrupt, the childish, the narcissistic, the incompetent...
we're still all standing around, not stopping him from all the stupid, nor the illegal, nor the corrupt, the childish, the narcissistic, the incompetent...

"We", kemosabe?
I never would have pegged you for a Republican...
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