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Trump Just Secured His Re-Election! Mexico Caved!

But, to claim that these are "concentration camps" seems like a fear mongering tactic intent to get the left all riled up against the right.
To me, it seems more like hyperbole to get decent and well-meaning people of all political stripes riled up against the inhumane policies of this administration.

To me it seems like an accurate description of what these facilities are. They are central sites intended for the temporary but indefinite detaining of non-criminals, established to prevent those persons from dispersing around the nation, so that their activities can be supervised by the authorities. That's what a concentration camp IS.

Detainees are placed in concentration camps on the basis of ethnicity, point of origin, or other group characteristics, rather than as the result of (or pending) individual legal proceedings to establish their guilt for a specific charge (or multiple charges).

The first concentration camps were established by the British Imperial government in South Africa, to house the Boer families who were suspected of giving shelter and comfort to guerrilla forces. They were not intended to be particularly unpleasant, much less deadly; But neglect and disinterest turned them into hell holes.

The Nazis adopted a similar approach a few decades later, but later developed the concept to include deliberate death camps, as well as camps used to supply slave labour to the nation and her industries.

As a result, the association between concentration camps and Naziism is well established in popular culture - but the Nazi camps were only the most extreme variant on a well established theme. And even the Nazis started out with simple detention camps for persons deemed inferior to, or politically dangerous to, the Nazi ideal. Whch is exactly what the current US government is worried about - THEY are in our country, making things worse for, (or at least threatening to make things worse for) US. THEY are rounded up and put in camps, because WE are scared of what THEY will do if allowed to roam free. Not what they will do as individuals; But what they, as a group, will do to our national identity, to our precious self-image.

That's what concentration camps ARE; And that's what the US (and for that matter Australia) has set up. It's an unfortunately common 'solution' when governments stop treating certain groups as though they were real people.

You are either a person; Or you are an 'illegal', a 'queue jumper', an 'enemy of the state', a 'traitor', a 'Jew', or a 'communist'. Once you have established who isn't really a person, rounding up the sub-humans and putting them in camps is the obvious solution. You wouldn't do that to people; Even criminals deserve due process before being locked up. But when you lock up unpersons, that's perfectly fine, reasonable, even patriotic and noble.

It's a very easy mindset to get into. The VAST majority of Nazis considered themselves decent, honest, god-fearing, and patriotic. They weren't monsters - the scariest thing about them was that they weren't monsters. They were just regular Joes (or Johanns), trying to earn an honest crust, and intent on keeping society orderly, clean, and decent.

That this desperate defence of national identity and self-image, as strong, morally upstanding, virtuous paragons of all that is best in humanity, leads in fact to being reviled as evil sadists, is a tragedy not only for the victims, but also for the perpetrators.

It's not yet too late for America. But the edge of the precipice is perilously close, so it's a good idea to take off the blinkers, and watch where you are heading.

Pretending that your concentration camps are not real concentration camps, is a bad, bad, bad idea.
No defending Donna Tramp, empty suit, bigot and narcissist, for anything at all.

There's nothing to defend. Fact is that Trump has been a miserable failure at border security. Each of the last 3 months have seen record numbers of people crossing the border. Record numbers of apprehensions. The highest since 2007, by some reckonings. If you believed the administration's line, Trump's tough talk and get tough policies would scare the scary brown people away from coming here. "oh, si senor, I have heard that the US is run by a tough hombre, so we will not cross the desert to pick the vegetables this year."

Nope. The problem is worse under Trump. Even actual news outlets are referring to it as a "crisis" at the border. We're two and a half years into the "Make America Great Again" project, and not only is the "big beautiful wall" not built, the Trump administration is actually attracting more migrants than ever before.

... and your post clarifies my post ,,, how?

I'm just pointing out for our resident Trump troll that Fragilego Mussolini is, in fact, a miserable failure when it comes to securing the border.

Some comments on the video:

"Nancy Pelosi has a HUGE wall around her multimillion dollar mansion in San Francisco... she had the wall built AFTER she purchased the property. But Nancy... I thought walls don't work??! Oh... you put the wall up to keep people off your property until you've have a chance to meet them and understand what their intentions are before allowing them in? Oooookay...."

"People are so brainwashed that they ate up the lie that walls don't work. No one, throughout human history, has EVER doubted the effectiveness of a wall, until the liberal media put out the talking point. Its really scary and sad how easily people can be manipulated to think a certain way. Common sense is dead."

"Exactly! I can’t believe we’re actually debating this. The NPC meme is so accurate. “Orange man bad!”, “walls don’t work!”. “Racist!”, “Fascist!” “Homophobe!”... ������ Good grief! Our country is full of easily programmed idiots."

Feds seize more than 16 tons of cocaine at Philadelphia terminal

Thank goodness for that wall.
While your link says open borders, I didn't see one person mentioned in the article that actually said they were for open borders.
But he KNOWS what the Left us saying! He's on his Period!

It's not my fault you guys don't know what people are saying.

Sorry, but thoughtful individuals laugh hysterically at the expression "people are saying".... ya, "people" say lots of things that are conveniently inline with what I would like "people" to say.

Ya know... people are sayin you are a troll... not me, oh dear no... I would never say that... "people" are. everywhere.

Some comments on the video:

"Nancy Pelosi has a HUGE wall around her multimillion dollar mansion in San Francisco... she had the wall built AFTER she purchased the property. But Nancy... I thought walls don't work??! Oh... you put the wall up to keep people off your property until you've have a chance to meet them and understand what their intentions are before allowing them in? Oooookay...."

"People are so brainwashed that they ate up the lie that walls don't work. No one, throughout human history, has EVER doubted the effectiveness of a wall, until the liberal media put out the talking point. Its really scary and sad how easily people can be manipulated to think a certain way. Common sense is dead."

"Exactly! I can’t believe we’re actually debating this. The NPC meme is so accurate. “Orange man bad!”, “walls don’t work!”. “Racist!”, “Fascist!” “Homophobe!”... ������ Good grief! Our country is full of easily programmed idiots."

Feds seize more than 16 tons of cocaine at Philadelphia terminal

Thank goodness for that wall.
One illegal immigrant can easily carry 16 tons of coke over the border. It might take two or three trips, but they will get 16 tons into the US easy because our wall is so not wallish. #wallstostopdrugs
One illegal immigrant can easily carry 16 tons of coke over the border.
"You hump 16 tons and
Whaddaya get?
Another day older and
You get to vote Democrat."

If I could move 16 tons over a border on foot, I'd probably be smuggling guns to Central American countries... Gotta be a much higher profit margin. And you don't have to cut the bullets with rat poison.
It's not my fault you guys don't know what people are saying.

Sorry, but thoughtful individuals laugh hysterically at the expression "people are saying".... ya, "people" say lots of things that are conveniently inline with what I would like "people" to say.

Ya know... people are sayin you are a troll... not me, oh dear no... I would never say that... "people" are. everywhere.

There was a post on a leftist video on youtube that said, "Immigrants please come here any color any race and vote Democrat so we can get rid of the Republicans for good!"

Do you agree with that post?
Or do you think it's stupid?

What some people fail to realize is that a border crossing is not a one-way road. Yes, people are crossing the border to enter the United States. But the net traffic is near zero or below. More people are leaving than are coming in.

Perhaps some people are coming in to work for a season--AgBusiness welcomes them with open arms--then they take their earnings back home. Perhaps they're visiting family who live in the US, then go back home when their family is sick of them. Whatever--net zero migration is not a crisis.

When the number of undocumented workers in the US has been declining for a decade, it's not something to get panicky over. And anyone who is obsessed with "fairness" and "skipping to the front of the line" should be screaming for E-Verify, not a wall. E-Verify would curb illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the Southern Border, and would be effective for people who overstay their visas, something an expensive wall wouldn't stop.

That was the point of my "a moat won't stop identity theft" analogy earlier. A moat is an effective deterrent against a medieval army. A router firewall is an effective deterrent against identity theft. Building a moat around your house to defend against identity theft is a pointless waste of money.

The Big Businesses that run the Republican Party love the cheap labor that Mexicans bring, but they also encourage Donald Trump to rant and rage about "invading hordes," because it gets gullible voters to keep the Republicans in power so that they can continue with their mission of pushing through tax and regulation cuts.
View attachment 22027

What some people fail to realize is that a border crossing is not a one-way road. Yes, people are crossing the border to enter the United States. But the net traffic is near zero or below. More people are leaving than are coming in.

Perhaps some people are coming in to work for a season--AgBusiness welcomes them with open arms--then they take their earnings back home. Perhaps they're visiting family who live in the US, then go back home when their family is sick of them. Whatever--net zero migration is not a crisis.

When the number of undocumented workers in the US has been declining for a decade, it's not something to get panicky over. And anyone who is obsessed with "fairness" and "skipping to the front of the line" should be screaming for E-Verify, not a wall. E-Verify would curb illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the Southern Border, and would be effective for people who overstay their visas, something an expensive wall wouldn't stop.

That was the point of my "a moat won't stop identity theft" analogy earlier. A moat is an effective deterrent against a medieval army. A router firewall is an effective deterrent against identity theft. Building a moat around your house to defend against identity theft is a pointless waste of money.

The Big Businesses that run the Republican Party love the cheap labor that Mexicans bring, but they also encourage Donald Trump to rant and rage about "invading hordes," because it gets gullible voters to keep the Republicans in power so that they can continue with their mission of pushing through tax and regulation cuts.

Interesting. I don't remember George Bush ranting and raving about "invading hordes." Maybe he wasn't on the payroll of the "Big Businesses?"
View attachment 22027

What some people fail to realize is that a border crossing is not a one-way road. Yes, people are crossing the border to enter the United States. But the net traffic is near zero or below. More people are leaving than are coming in.

Perhaps some people are coming in to work for a season--AgBusiness welcomes them with open arms--then they take their earnings back home. Perhaps they're visiting family who live in the US, then go back home when their family is sick of them. Whatever--net zero migration is not a crisis.

When the number of undocumented workers in the US has been declining for a decade, it's not something to get panicky over. And anyone who is obsessed with "fairness" and "skipping to the front of the line" should be screaming for E-Verify, not a wall. E-Verify would curb illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the Southern Border, and would be effective for people who overstay their visas, something an expensive wall wouldn't stop.

That was the point of my "a moat won't stop identity theft" analogy earlier. A moat is an effective deterrent against a medieval army. A router firewall is an effective deterrent against identity theft. Building a moat around your house to defend against identity theft is a pointless waste of money.

The Big Businesses that run the Republican Party love the cheap labor that Mexicans bring, but they also encourage Donald Trump to rant and rage about "invading hordes," because it gets gullible voters to keep the Republicans in power so that they can continue with their mission of pushing through tax and regulation cuts.

Interesting. I don't remember George Bush ranting and raving about "invading hordes." Maybe he wasn't on the payroll of the "Big Businesses?"

There was a conservative on youtube who proved it.
The Big Businesses that run the Republican Party love the cheap labor that Mexicans bring, but they also encourage Donald Trump to rant and rage about "invading hordes," because it gets gullible voters to keep the Republicans in power so that they can continue with their mission of pushing through tax and regulation cuts.

I've been saying this for years. The GOP talks border security all day long, but when push comes to shove - and the pushing and the shoving comes from business - they don't do a thing to solve the problem. Because they don't see it as a problem.

Case in point: Here in Arizona we had SB1070 passed into law. The famous "papers please" legislation. It ran into some trouble in the courts regarding the racial profiling aspects, but it also contained an employer sanctions provision. Companies that knowingly hired illegal immigrants faced harsh penalties.

Companies that were actually prosecuted under the law? Near as it counts to zero.

We also had this famous Sheriff in Maricopa County who made a show of making raids on businesses and parading illegal immigrants in zip-ties in front of the cameras to show how he was "tough" on illegal immigration. Number of business owners put into zip-ties and arrested? Zero.

It just might have something to do with the fact that businesses have more political influence than an immigrant will ever possess, but I'm sure our resident troll will find an excuse for why illegal hiring isn't the real problem.
C'mon! It's hard to pin down a leftist position because they always beat around the bush and flip-flop as opposed to conservatives.

So, if you aren't for open borders, then what should we do to migrants at the border? It's sad I have to ask these questions instead of you guys just saying what you believe.

Migrants, or immigrants? Which are you asking about? Do you even realize the difference?

Regardless, we shouldn't treat everyone who approaches our border like they are a criminal. What we should do will depend on individual circumstances. A wall cannot differentiate based on who is approaching it. We need personnel on the border who are willing and able to sort out who is who. That does not mean troops on the border, troops are trained to evaluate everyone as a threat, and then to employ violence to stop that threat. That does not mean we do not need security on the border, but that security should be trained in the specific needs of securing a border which allows for the flow of people to and from the neighboring country.
This blatant and idiotic trolling just needs to end.

It could mean that I am more knowledgeable of the current state of the U.S. than you are. I read right-wing comments on right-wing videos on youtube. I read left-wing comments on left-wing videos on youtube. I know what each side is saying. Period.

You are an expert because you read the comments section on YouTube? That is pretty much the septic tank of the internet, so that make you an expert on shit.
I don't remember George Bush ranting and raving about "invading hordes."

That's because "Muslim terrorists" was the trigger phrase in W's day, as he was trying to drum up gullible voter support for an Iraqi invasion based on the slimmest of connections to 9/11.

Plenty of youtube leftists are also calling for open borders. This is why they get accused by the right of hating white people and wanting them to die out by allowing other races to come here with open borders.

Except that article doesn't actually make it's case.

We are opposed to ICE not because we want open borders, but because the organization has become so corrupted by the Republicans that we would do better to nuke it from orbit and build something new instead. Ship the old leaders off to Nuremburg.
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