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Trump Just Secured His Re-Election! Mexico Caved!

Half Wit said:
FREE healthcare and FREE education

"FREE" healthcare (and "FREE" education) would benefit every single American and can't be easily defeated by a fucking airplane or just doing what any of the actual criminals already do; just go straight through the actual checkpoints.

You are defending a traitorous buffoon who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire in a Moscow hotel room.

You will die in disgrace. :hallo:

Do you know how Bernie the Magic Man plans to pay for all this free stuff? He wants to raise your taxes! So much for "free." Libs are always about raising taxes.
What a despicable comment about The President Of The United States Of America.
To be fair to Keith, the preliminary designs for the Trump memorial generally look like urinal troughs.

A President who gets tough on immigration and Mexico and tries to make peace with North Kora is not someone deserving of mocking. At least he's doing something instead of just thinking about doing something.
What a despicable comment about The President Of The United States Of America.
To be fair to Keith, the preliminary designs for the Trump memorial generally look like urinal troughs.
Funny, but let's be real, here. This administration's 'preliminary design' process is to find someone else's design and tell the artist "Make this."

As to despicable, I already have a pretty low opinion of a draft-dodging war hawk who salutes the Marines that guard him, but had to be forced to give the military the pay raise the law sets forth, who shits on the record and families of combat veterans (McCain,Khan,Johnson), wants a military parade in his honor, but won't risk rain to visit a military graveyard...

IF there is a way to be MORE despicable, in thought, word or deed, to express my utter contempt for His Flatulence, please let me know. Is there a line? I'll stand in it. Pay the fee, register the name, purchase the ticket.
What a despicable comment about The President Of The United States Of America.
To be fair to Keith, the preliminary designs for the Trump memorial generally look like urinal troughs.
A President who gets tough on immigration and Mexico and tries to make peace with North Kora is not someone deserving of mocking. At least he's doing something instead of just thinking about doing something.
Indeed. Tweeting up a storm is definitely action!
He's not getting tough on Immigration, though, he's trying to build a wall. That's not going to have much of an effect on immigration. So it's grandstanding. Therefore, it's worth mockery.

But more to the point, whether or not he DESERVES mockery, it's my constitutional right to mock. Something Trump forgets every time Baldwin is on SNL. Certainly something Trump took for granted every time he tweeted about President Obama. This hypocrisy would be just one more reason to piss on the ignorant two-faced fucker.
A President who gets tough on immigration and Mexico and tries to make peace with North Kora is not someone deserving of mocking. At least he's doing something instead of just thinking about doing something.
Indeed. Tweeting up a storm is definitely action!

You must have missed when he went to North Korea and had a sit down with Kim Jong.

Wow...just wow.
You must have missed when he went to North Korea and had a sit down with Kim Jong.
Yeah, missed that...
I DID see when he went to Singapore. Is that what you're talking about with a misplaced air of smug superiority?

Point still stands.
Yeah, your point. It really stands up to scrutiny, doesn't it?
He went to meet with Kim.
Accomplished pretty close to sweet Fanny Adams.
Lied about what he did accomplish. That whole bit about how the NK Nuclear Threat was over? How's that working out for Japan, Hawaii, South Korea...?

That's the point you wanted to brag about? Trump's ability to not do much of anything useful despite the costs of the trip? That point? Let me know when you want to make another one. I'm sure it'll be just dazzling.
Point still stands.
Yeah, your point. It really stands up to scrutiny, doesn't it?
He went to meet with Kim.
Accomplished pretty close to sweet Fanny Adams.
Lied about what he did accomplish. That whole bit about how the NK Nuclear Threat was over? How's that working out for Japan, Hawaii, South Korea...?

That's the point you wanted to brag about? Trump's ability to not do much of anything useful despite the costs of the trip? That point? Let me know when you want to make another one. I'm sure it'll be just dazzling.

You guys slay me! You always go on about the minuscule costs of Trump's trips while shouting for free healthcare and free education. Did you ever look up the cost of those gems? Woah, boy!
You guys slay me! You always go on about the minuscule costs of Trump's trips while shouting for free healthcare and free education. Did you ever look up the cost of those gems? Woah, boy!
And you cycle back around to interpreting single payer as free.

What sort iif notor do you have in your goalpost? And us it automatic or manual transmission.
Seriously, no defense of FFvC's worthless trip to North Korea? No actual accomplishments made in denuclearization of North Korea?
Or anything in response to Free Speech, which Cheato enjoys but would restrict?
Or a single word that challenges anything i find despicable about the fuckhead?

Don't get me wrong, though. I was in uniform Carter thru Clinton. There was a time i would have taken a bullet for the president, any president, simply because of my respect for the office.
I do not, however, have any respect for this man.
It appears to me that he has no respect for the office.
And apparently, neither do you. You just support the idea of the man, come hell or high water, as you see the opportunity. But you cannot actually explain your support, or convince others to join you.

Why are you here?
Half Wit said:
FREE healthcare and FREE education

"FREE" healthcare (and "FREE" education) would benefit every single American and can't be easily defeated by a fucking airplane or just doing what any of the actual criminals already do; just go straight through the actual checkpoints.

You are defending a traitorous buffoon who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire in a Moscow hotel room.

You will die in disgrace. :hallo:

Do you know how Bernie the Magic Man plans to pay for all this free stuff? He wants to raise your taxes! So much for "free." Libs are always about raising taxes.

I already posted a link that paying for medicare-for-all with taxes would actually cost less than what we are paying now and have everyone covered too. Of course that was another post you failed to address so then you get burned when you spout the BS you did above.
Point still stands.
Yeah, your point. It really stands up to scrutiny, doesn't it?
He went to meet with Kim.
Accomplished pretty close to sweet Fanny Adams.
Lied about what he did accomplish. That whole bit about how the NK Nuclear Threat was over? How's that working out for Japan, Hawaii, South Korea...?

That's the point you wanted to brag about? Trump's ability to not do much of anything useful despite the costs of the trip? That point? Let me know when you want to make another one. I'm sure it'll be just dazzling.

You guys slay me! You always go on about the minuscule costs of Trump's trips while shouting for free healthcare and free education. Did you ever look up the cost of those gems? Woah, boy!

benefits of the best health care available to all, versus a piece of shit getting to roll down a grass field... which is better to spend money on? I just can't decide!

I have not been acquainted with anyone who says, "x dollars is too much money to spend on anything"

Would you rather spend 1 Trillion dollars on a Big Mac, or World Peace? If you can't see the difference (because your brain halted at 1 Trillion dollars), then that might be the reason you suck at prosperity.

Let's try a thought experiment.

Your son just came home very excited. He tells you that he spent $5.

Now, you have to tell us if that was smart of him, or if it was dumb of him. Go on. $5. Smart or dumb?
A President who gets tough on immigration and Mexico and tries to make peace with North Kora is not someone deserving of mocking. At least he's doing something instead of just thinking about doing something.
Indeed. Tweeting up a storm is definitely action!

You must have missed when he went to North Korea and had a sit down with Kim Jong.

Wow...just wow.

Wow wow wow!
You must have missed when he went to North Korea and had a sit down with Kim Jong.
Yeah, missed that...
I DID see when he went to Singapore. Is that what you're talking about with a misplaced air of smug superiority?

Point still stands.

I absolutely agree. The point is you still don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about. And if you think Keith is despicable, I am extremely comfortable with Trump being part of a human centipede. Mohamed bin Salman at the front, Viktor Orban in the middle, Trump bringing up the rear.
Half Wit said:
FREE healthcare and FREE education

"FREE" healthcare (and "FREE" education) would benefit every single American and can't be easily defeated by a fucking airplane or just doing what any of the actual criminals already do; just go straight through the actual checkpoints.

You are defending a traitorous buffoon who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire in a Moscow hotel room.

You will die in disgrace. :hallo:

Do you know how Bernie the Magic Man plans to pay for all this free stuff? He wants to raise your taxes! So much for "free." Libs are always about raising taxes.

You realize the projected cost of his free health care is negative? Taxes would go up but by less than we currently spend for health insurance.
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