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Trump Just Secured His Re-Election! Mexico Caved!

Some comments on the video:

"Nancy Pelosi has a HUGE wall around her multimillion dollar mansion in San Francisco... she had the wall built AFTER she purchased the property. But Nancy... I thought walls don't work??! Oh... you put the wall up to keep people off your property until you've have a chance to meet them and understand what their intentions are before allowing them in? Oooookay...."

"People are so brainwashed that they ate up the lie that walls don't work. No one, throughout human history, has EVER doubted the effectiveness of a wall, until the liberal media put out the talking point. Its really scary and sad how easily people can be manipulated to think a certain way. Common sense is dead."

"Exactly! I can’t believe we’re actually debating this. The NPC meme is so accurate. “Orange man bad!”, “walls don’t work!”. “Racist!”, “Fascist!” “Homophobe!”... ������ Good grief! Our country is full of easily programmed idiots."

Talk about easily programmed idiots. No one is saying that "walls don't work", at least not without the obvious context of the wall in question being one along the entire span of the US/Mexico border. Mr. Knowles either knows this, and is easily programming the idiots who listen to him, or he is an easily programmed idiot himself.

Sure, walls work. In certain configurations they are great for holding up a roof. In certain configurations walls are great for keeping weather out, and in similar configurations, they are also great for keeping plants, animals, and even people in or out. Unfortunately for the easily programmed idiots, those last couple of uses work best when those walls are also holding up a roof, and are built upon a solid foundation with solid flooring underneath, or require continual monitoring. The nearly 2,000 mile long border between Mexico and US does not allow for that optimal configuration, even if it were possible to build a roof over, and solid flooring under, the entirety of either Mexico or the US. Maintaining and monitoring a wall when it is 2,000 miles long is the big problem when it comes to keeping people out, given that people are also great a figuring out ways to bypass or dismantle walls.

Did you watch the Knowles video? It's weird how whenever I post a Knowles video, there are no refutations except attacking him as ad hominems.

I did not watch the video, which is why I snipped the video from my response. On the other hand, you provided 3 paragraphs of commentary, and my reply was directed at that commentary not the video. My argument was not ad hominem. I provided sound reasoning about the usefulness of walls that was directed at your comments, not your person. I did make use of your "easily programmed idiots" insult, however, much like the way you offered it up, it was used in a manner that does not directly address a forum poster or their argument.

As you did not provide any response to my actual argument, I will take it that you agree with it entirely.
Did you watch the Knowles video? It's weird how whenever I post a Knowles video, there are no refutations except attacking him as ad hominems.

I did not watch the video, which is why I snipped the video from my response. On the other hand, you provided 3 paragraphs of commentary, and my reply was directed at that commentary not the video. My argument was not ad hominem. I provided sound reasoning about the usefulness of walls that was directed at your comments, not your person. I did make use of your "easily programmed idiots" insult, however, much like the way you offered it up, it was used in a manner that does not directly address a forum poster or their argument.

As you did not provide any response to my actual argument, I will take it that you agree with it entirely.

Do you believe we should have open borders like the looney left?
Did you watch the Knowles video? It's weird how whenever I post a Knowles video, there are no refutations except attacking him as ad hominems.

I did not watch the video, which is why I snipped the video from my response. On the other hand, you provided 3 paragraphs of commentary, and my reply was directed at that commentary not the video. My argument was not ad hominem. I provided sound reasoning about the usefulness of walls that was directed at your comments, not your person. I did make use of your "easily programmed idiots" insult, however, much like the way you offered it up, it was used in a manner that does not directly address a forum poster or their argument.

As you did not provide any response to my actual argument, I will take it that you agree with it entirely.

Do you believe we should have open borders like the looney left?

I haven’t heard anyone call for open borders. Once again, I am curious about your news sources. Care to divulge?
Did you watch the Knowles video? It's weird how whenever I post a Knowles video, there are no refutations except attacking him as ad hominems.

I did not watch the video, which is why I snipped the video from my response. On the other hand, you provided 3 paragraphs of commentary, and my reply was directed at that commentary not the video. My argument was not ad hominem. I provided sound reasoning about the usefulness of walls that was directed at your comments, not your person. I did make use of your "easily programmed idiots" insult, however, much like the way you offered it up, it was used in a manner that does not directly address a forum poster or their argument.

As you did not provide any response to my actual argument, I will take it that you agree with it entirely.

Do you believe we should have open borders like the looney left?

Have you stopped beating your wife?
C'mon! It's hard to pin down a leftist position because they always beat around the bush and flip-flop as opposed to conservatives.

So, if you aren't for open borders, then what should we do to migrants at the border? It's sad I have to ask these questions instead of you guys just saying what you believe.

Plenty of youtube leftists are also calling for open borders. This is why they get accused by the right of hating white people and wanting them to die out by allowing other races to come here with open borders.
Calling for open borders does not logically or even reasonably imply that anyone hates white people or that someone wants white people to die out. At best, your claim is ludicrous.
This blatant and idiotic trolling just needs to end.

It could mean that I am more knowledgeable of the current state of the U.S. than you are. I read right-wing comments on right-wing videos on youtube. I read left-wing comments on left-wing videos on youtube. I know what each side is saying. Period.

You do have to be educated, though. A lot of people on right-wing video comments say stuff like, "Wow the left is so brainwashed. They need to get educated." Then, on left-wing videos they say stuff like, "Wow the right is so brainwashed. They need to get educated."

But overall, most thoughtful talking gets posted on right-wing videos overall.
This blatant and idiotic trolling just needs to end.

It could mean that I am more knowledgeable of the current state of the U.S. than you are. I read right-wing comments on right-wing videos on youtube. I read left-wing comments on left-wing videos on youtube. I know what each side is saying. Period.

You get your information from youtube. That means my next door neighbour's cat is more knowledgeable than you. Mitzi had been dead for six years, by the way.

Plenty of youtube leftists are also calling for open borders. This is why they get accused by the right of hating white people and wanting them to die out by allowing other races to come here with open borders.
Calling for open borders does not logically or even reasonably imply that anyone hates white people or that someone wants white people to die out. At best, your claim is ludicrous.

He's right that neo-Nazis claim this.

Plenty of youtube leftists are also calling for open borders. This is why they get accused by the right of hating white people and wanting them to die out by allowing other races to come here with open borders.
Calling for open borders does not logically or even reasonably imply that anyone hates white people or that someone wants white people to die out. At best, your claim is ludicrous.

Very odd that you ignored the 2nd part of my post:

So, if you aren't for open borders, then what should we do to migrants at the border? It's sad I have to ask these questions instead of you guys just saying what you believe.

I know your answer to that question: "Do nothing." But, you can not say this because this would show you are for open borders. Looking forward to the next dodge!
While your link says open borders, I didn't see one person mentioned in the article that actually said they were for open borders.
But he KNOWS what the Left us saying! He's on his Period!

It's not my fault you guys don't know what people are saying.


"To top it off, San Francisco started registering illegal immigrants this week, so they can vote in the November city school board election.

"We want to give immigrants the right to vote," Norman Yee, a county supervisor, said.

So, let's add all this up.

Democrats want to neuter the one agency responsible for enforcing border security. They want to make it easy for illegals who cross to stay in the country. And they want to give them the right to vote. Leading Democrats also adamantly oppose building a secure border wall. They support "sanctuary cities" that actively protect illegals from deportation. And they want to grant every illegal in the country amnesty."

But, "No open borders!" they screamed with a wink and a smile.

Plenty of youtube leftists are also calling for open borders. This is why they get accused by the right of hating white people and wanting them to die out by allowing other races to come here with open borders.
Calling for open borders does not logically or even reasonably imply that anyone hates white people or that someone wants white people to die out. At best, your claim is ludicrous.

Very odd that you ignored the 2nd part of my post:

So, if you aren't for open borders, then what should we do to migrants at the border? It's sad I have to ask these questions instead of you guys just saying what you believe.

I know your answer to that question: "Do nothing." But, you can not say this because this would show you are for open borders. Looking forward to the next dodge!
It is not a dodge to point out the lack of reasoning in your posts. However, it is a dodge on your part (and I notice it is your MO) to try to change the subject whenever someone shows your comments are poorly reasoned or idiotic.

To be blunt, you don't know squat. I am embarrassed for you every time I read one of your illogical or moronic responses. It is people like you who help destroy any validity to the policies or positions of this administration.
There is clear difference between treating asylum seekers and migrants as less than human and opening the borders to everyone. We need to responsibly and fairly verify as much as possible any asylum seekers request. If their request is valid, we should grant the asylum. If not, we should not. During the interim, we should treat those seeking asylum with dignity and respect not only because their are people but because it reflects on our values and our society and us as a nation.
Very odd that you ignored the 2nd part of my post:

So, if you aren't for open borders, then what should we do to migrants at the border? It's sad I have to ask these questions instead of you guys just saying what you believe.

I know your answer to that question: "Do nothing." But, you can not say this because this would show you are for open borders. Looking forward to the next dodge!
It is not a dodge to point out the lack of reasoning in your posts. However, it is a dodge on your part (and I notice it is your MO) to try to change the subject whenever someone shows your comments are poorly reasoned or idiotic.

To be blunt, you don't know squat. I am embarrassed for you every time I read one of your illogical or moronic responses. It is people like you who help destroy any validity to the policies or positions of this administration.
There is clear difference between treating asylum seekers and migrants as less than human and opening the borders to everyone. We need to responsibly and fairly verify as much as possible any asylum seekers request. If their request is valid, we should grant the asylum. If not, we should not. During the interim, we should treat those seeking asylum with dignity and respect not only because their are people but because it reflects on our values and our society and us as a nation.

But, to claim that these are "concentration camps" seems like a fear mongering tactic intent to get the left all riled up against the right.
But, to claim that these are "concentration camps" seems like a fear mongering tactic intent to get the left all riled up against the right.
To me, it seems more like hyperbole to get decent and well-meaning people of all political stripes riled up against the inhumane policies of this administration.
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