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Trump Just Secured His Re-Election! Mexico Caved!

Trump had a 5 of clubs, 3 of diamonds, 7 of spades, and 9 of hearts and Mexico had 4 aces and still lost to Trump.
Technically, we would only know what was in Mexico's hand if Trump called it.
You cannot use a claim that they folded with a claim that you can evaluate their hand. You're just making shit up, which would be the actual Trump Derangement Syndrome .

If Trump won, and didn't just grab face-saving opportunity, how will you show that?
Trump had a 5 of clubs, 3 of diamonds, 7 of spades, and 9 of hearts and Mexico had 4 aces and still lost to Trump.
Technically, we would only know what was in Mexico's hand if Trump called it.
You cannot use a claim that they folded with a claim that you can evaluate their hand. You're just making shit up, which would be the actual Trump Derangement Syndrome .

If Trump won, and didn't just grab face-saving opportunity, how will you show that?

Mexico had the upper hand! Had they not caved, it would be up to Trump if he was really gonna pull the trigger on the tariffs. The experts were scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off screaming to the Heavens that Mexico is never gonna make the deal. Trump just sat back and smiled.
WASHINGTON — The deal to avert tariffs that President Trump announced with great fanfare on Friday night consists largely of actions that Mexico had already promised to take in prior discussions with the United States over the past several months, according to officials from both countries who are familiar with the negotiations.

Friday’s joint declaration says Mexico agreed to the “deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.” But the Mexican government had already pledged to do that in March during secret talks in Miami between Kirstjen Nielsen, then the secretary of homeland security, and Olga Sanchez, the Mexican secretary of the interior, the officials said.
Trump had a 5 of clubs, 3 of diamonds, 7 of spades, and 9 of hearts and Mexico had 4 aces and still lost to Trump.
Technically, we would only know what was in Mexico's hand if Trump called it.
You cannot use a claim that they folded with a claim that you can evaluate their hand. You're just making shit up, which would be the actual Trump Derangement Syndrome .

If Trump won, and didn't just grab face-saving opportunity, how will you show that?

Mexico had the upper hand! Had they not caved,
Trump made a deal. For something Mexico already said they would do.
That isn't 'caved.'
it would be up to Trump if he was really gonna pull the trigger on the tariffs.
Right, right. It's not like anyone in Congress threatened to put their foot down, and not only stop him, but embarrass him in the process.
experts were scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off screaming to the Heavens that Mexico is never gonna make the deal. Trump just sat back and smiled.
Uh huh... sure. He got.... i think the technical term is bupkes.
When you buy something, and then talk the salesman into giving you what you just agreed to buy, thatnot fantastic skill at dealing, just in packaging it for the Trumptards....
This kind of "shock" must be equivalent to the shock liberals feel when they find out black people owned other blacks as slaves, too.
Not too many arrows in your quiver, are there?

If one arrow lands right in the heart, you don't need more than one.
But even if it does, people get less and less impressed when the jackass only knows that one trick. When the violinist only plays that one note. When the harpsi can only sound one chord.
Now that the problem has been solved, I'm sure we won't be hearing about it anymore.

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Typical lefty. No one said that "it is now over and solved." Only that this is a big step in getting Mexico to finally step up and do something for God's sake. Trump had a 5 of clubs, 3 of diamonds, 7 of spades, and 9 of hearts and Mexico had 4 aces and still lost to Trump.
No, he said he pretty much eliminated the problem this morning. But no worries, we know he’s full of crap.
If one arrow lands right in the heart, you don't need more than one.
But even if it does, people get less and less impressed when the jackass only knows that one trick. When the violinist only plays that one note. When the harpsi can only sound one chord.

There are more arrows in the quiver, though.

Remember when Jim Acosta (a lefty) went to the border wall and made a fool out of himself? He said "there's no crisis!" while unironically standing in front of THE WALL! He proved that walls do work!

How many people have walls in their houses to keep out the uninvited? And these people have the AUDACITY to say tear down the border wall. Nobody believes we should live without walls. Otherwise, leftists would be tearing down the walls of their homes.
I use elephant powder, to prevent elephants trampling my garden.

Some say that we don't have a problem with elephants in Australia; But they are making fools of themselves - they just proved that elephant powder does work!
I use elephant powder, to prevent elephants trampling my garden.

Some say that we don't have a problem with elephants in Australia; But they are making fools of themselves - they just proved that elephant powder does work!

Did you know if in an illegal immigrant was driving and smashed into my car, nothing happens to them? Cops will show up, I'll ask them, "Are you gonna arrest them or make them pay my damages?," the cop would laugh in my face.

Far cry from imaginary elephants.
I use elephant powder, to prevent elephants trampling my garden.

Some say that we don't have a problem with elephants in Australia; But they are making fools of themselves - they just proved that elephant powder does work!

Did you know if in an illegal immigrant was driving and smashed into my car, nothing happens to them? Cops will show up, I'll ask them, "Are you gonna arrest them or make them pay my damages?," the cop would laugh in my face.

Far cry from imaginary elephants.

I did not know that.

For that matter, nor do you.

Because it's total bollocks.

He didn't win anything. He did his usual nonsense. He created a crisis by threatening to put tariffs on Mexican imports. These tariffs would mostly hurt American consumers as the costs would be passed along to the rest of us. His advisers and many Republicans kept telling him that tariffs are a tax on Americans, and they even told him they would block the tariffs with legislation. Mexico made some small promises, like putting more of their own National Guard on their southern borders. So, as usually Trump screams that he's gotten what he wants. In other words, he creates a potential crisis, then backs down and claims that he won. The crisis is over and some people think he's accomplished something great. Most of us are smarter than that.

The point was that he BLUFFED Mexico and it worked brilliantly. They are cracking down on illegal immigration and helping us now instead of not giving 2 craps.

If Obama did this, you guys would be dancing in the streets saying how Obama is so tough and stood up to Mexico bullying us.

Oh no he didn't!


WASHINGTON — The deal to avert tariffs that President Trump announced with great fanfare on Friday night consists largely of actions that Mexico had already promised to take in prior discussions with the United States over the past several months, according to officials from both countries who are familiar with the negotiations.

Friday’s joint declaration says Mexico agreed to the “deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.” But the Mexican government had already pledged to do that in March during secret talks in Miami between Kirstjen Nielsen, then the secretary of homeland security, and Olga Sanchez, the Mexican secretary of the interior, the officials said.

The centerpiece of Mr. Trump’s deal was an expansion of a program to allow asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while their legal cases proceed. But that arrangement was first reached in December in a pair of painstakingly negotiated diplomatic notes that the two countries exchanged. Ms. Nielsen announced the Migrant Protection Protocols during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee five days before Christmas.

And over the past week, negotiators failed to persuade Mexico to accept a “safe third country” treaty that would have given the United States the legal ability to reject asylum seekers if they had not sought refuge in Mexico first.

He didn't do shit. He just made suckers think that he accomplished something.

But, there is no invasion at the border. There are many desperate people, many of who have been hurt by American policies and practices. The war on drugs, our past support of dictators, our being the second biggest producers of carbon output, which has already had a negative impact on parts of Central America, resulting in drought and consequently crop failure.

We need to allow more of these hard working deserving people into our country. We owe them something for the negative impact our actions have caused their countries. And we need more young people in our country, especially those who are willing to locate in areas where farm workers and other jobs that poor immigrants are wiling to take. It would be a win/win situation.

Ofcourse, Trump supporters are xenophobic, especially those who claim they are true Christians but somehow are able to ignore the instructions of Jesus to welcome the stranger and help the poor. Jesus would be so proud of today's nasty Republicans. /s

And, I personally didn't agree with Obama on all things. My stance on immigration is a lot different from that of Obama. Do you think that Democrats are as nutty as Republicans? We aren't sheep who simply support and agree with everything that our elected leaders do? I might personally think that Obama was a damned good president, but there are many things that he did that I disagree with and there are things that I wish he had tried harder to accomplish. I also realize he was limited by Republican obstructionism.

On the other hand, Trump followers praise Trump even when he accomplishes nothing, or lies, acts like a spoiled toddler, etc. In their eyes, Trump can do no wrong. He was right when he said his sycophants would still support him if he walked down 5th Ave. and shot someone. You've been had!
If one arrow lands right in the heart, you don't need more than one.
But even if it does, people get less and less impressed when the jackass only knows that one trick. When the violinist only plays that one note. When the harpsi can only sound one chord.

There are more arrows in the quiver, though.

Remember when Jim Acosta (a lefty) went to the border wall and made a fool out of himself? He said "there's no crisis!" while unironically standing in front of THE WALL! He proved that walls do work!

How many people have walls in their houses to keep out the uninvited? And these people have the AUDACITY to say tear down the border wall. Nobody believes we should live without walls. Otherwise, leftists would be tearing down the walls of their homes.
If walls stop the flow of drugs, then there are no illicit drugs in prisons, right?
He didn't do shit. He just made suckers think that he accomplished something.

He caved. Just not to Mexico. The truth is that Mexico didn't give concessions because of his public tough talk, but Trump made a face-saving "deal" because the business community collectively said "you'd better fucking not" and he had to listen.

What the suckers (and in this case, painfully obvious trolls) won't admit is that, for the businesses that rely on migrant labor, there is no illegal immigration problem.

The problem arises when some grand-standing politician tries to "get tough" on illegal immigration and starts to actually follow through. That's when the Chamber of Commerce and various lobbies come and have quiet but pointed conversations with said politicians and make it clear that they can talk all they want about the "problem" but had better not DO anything about it. Or else.

The deal is made, absolutely nothing is done to stop the labor supply chain, and the politician is able to announce their "accomplishment" for the suckers to celebrate. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Does anyone actually know what Mexico "agreed" to do? Trump has stated that, "details would be released soon by the State Department", but I have yet to see any public statement. At the moment, the agreement looks to be as substantial as my pledge of keeping my house free of penguins.
Does anyone actually know what Mexico "agreed" to do? Trump has stated that, "details would be released soon by the State Department", but I have yet to see any public statement. At the moment, the agreement looks to be as substantial as my pledge of keeping my house free of penguins.

The fake news NY Times sez

The deal to avert tariffs that President Trump announced with great fanfare on Friday night consists largely of actions that Mexico had already promised to take in prior discussions with the United States over the past several months, according to officials from both countries who are familiar with the negotiations.
He didn't do shit. He just made suckers think that he accomplished something.

He caved. Just not to Mexico. The truth is that Mexico didn't give concessions because of his public tough talk, but Trump made a face-saving "deal" because the business community collectively said "you'd better fucking not" and he had to listen.

What the suckers (and in this case, painfully obvious trolls) won't admit is that, for the businesses that rely on migrant labor, there is no illegal immigration problem.

The problem arises when some grand-standing politician tries to "get tough" on illegal immigration and starts to actually follow through. That's when the Chamber of Commerce and various lobbies come and have quiet but pointed conversations with said politicians and make it clear that they can talk all they want about the "problem" but had better not DO anything about it. Or else.

The deal is made, absolutely nothing is done to stop the labor supply chain, and the politician is able to announce their "accomplishment" for the suckers to celebrate. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Are you for or against the border wall?

If you are against it, can you please tell me how many immigrants you allow to stay with you in your home?
If walls stop the flow of drugs, then there are no illicit drugs in prisons, right?

Oh, you think you got me!

Of course not. Who said anything that walls stop the flow of drugs? Prison guards are corrupt, no doubt about it. Not all, obviously. But, they do smuggle the drugs in for the addicts. Everyone knows the stories that it's easier to get drugs in prison than on the streets.

What the wall will do is stop the flow of SOME DRUGS coming into our country. We should see a reduction, no doubt. With all the accomplishments by Trump so far, you can bet things will get better.
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