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Trump meeting with Kim Jong-Un

I don't think this is a bad thing. Phew. There, I said it. I didn't even laugh while writing it.

Each narcissistic side has in its best interest to prove to its people that they won the meeting. Un wants some kind of assurance his regime won't be attacked. If he has it in writing, he will be giddy. Trump wants to bring corporations into NK but it's a longer term desire. Right now, he would settle for eliminating the nuclear threat...which would mean the GOP would declare him the Solutionator. Both sides will clearly use propaganda to declare victory, but something tangibly beneficial may come out of it.
Yes, and Dennis Rodman going to NK was a great idea too.

The trouble here is that the US machine likely can't allow a meeting with the North Korean leader. Trump did this out of whimsy, because he thought he'd be the first to do what no President had done before... but no President has done it before not because they couldn't but because of the context. North Korea isn't giving up their nukes and the Trump Admin seems to be missing the non-proliferation issue with North Korea now that they have the bomb and can sell how to make one to Iran and other nations.

So a meeting for meeting sakes isn't going to achieve anything, other than fuck up diplomatic protocol for the last few decades.

And this is ignoring the whole, you don't have the top leaders start negotiations. That is done at lower diplomatic levels. And let's be fair, Obama was Obama, Trump is not Obama. Trump is an awful negotiator. Trump doesn't understand shit about North Korea and shows no interest in learning it. Had Obama talked to the leader of North Korea, he would have at least been prepped.
I don't think this is a bad thing. Phew. There, I said it. I didn't even laugh while writing it.

Each narcissistic side has in its best interest to prove to its people that they won the meeting. Un wants some kind of assurance his regime won't be attacked. If he has it in writing, he will be giddy. Trump wants to bring corporations into NK but it's a longer term desire. Right now, he would settle for eliminating the nuclear threat...which would mean the GOP would declare him the Solutionator. Both sides will clearly use propaganda to declare victory, but something tangibly beneficial may come out of it.
Yes, and Dennis Rodman going to NK was a great idea too.

The trouble here is that the US machine likely can't allow a meeting with the North Korean leader. Trump did this out of whimsy, because he thought he'd be the first to do what no President had done before... but no President has done it before not because they couldn't but because of the context. North Korea isn't giving up their nukes and the Trump Admin seems to be missing the non-proliferation issue with North Korea now that they have the bomb and can sell how to make one to Iran and other nations.

So a meeting for meeting sakes isn't going to achieve anything, other than fuck up diplomatic protocol for the last few decades.

And this is ignoring the whole, you don't have the top leaders start negotiations. That is done at lower diplomatic levels. And let's be fair, Obama was Obama, Trump is not Obama. Trump is an awful negotiator. Trump doesn't understand shit about North Korea and shows no interest in learning it. Had Obama talked to the leader of North Korea, he would have at least been prepped.

It will probably go like this:

Trump: "Good to meet you!"
Kim: "Good to meet you!"
Trump: "I admire your strong leadership"
Kim "I admire your strong economy"
Trump: "I will help you make a lot of money, if you'll help me become a dictator like yourself"
Kim: "That's exactly what i was gong to suggest!"

Fox News: "Bright new era of co-operation achieved by President Trump, ending decades of hostility!"
Chamberlain met with Hitler ......

Yes but the problem is we don't know which one is Hitler and which is Chamberlain in this scenario.

Chamberlain met with Hitler because he needed to. Trump doesn't need to meet with "Little Rocket Man." The US has more warheads sitting in just one ballistic missile boat than North Korea will ever have. Kim Jong Un has maybe one or two warheads that can maybe be put on a rocket that maybe could reach the US and maybe might detonate on arrival. POTUS has at his disposal an arsenal that can plant a nuke in Kim's living room guaranteed. There's no "maybe" about it.

And if that doesn't work there's that whole "most powerful conventional military on the planet" as a next step. There's no need for Trump or any other US President to capitulate to North Korea's request for talks. But Trump did.
There's no need for Trump or any other US President to capitulate to North Korea's request for talks. But Trump did.

But why is that a bad thing? The fact is that you have a psycho with nuclear weapons and you need to deal with him ... somehow.

How is giving him more respect than he deserves by sitting down and talking with him one of the worse of the available options?
But why is that a bad thing? The fact is that you have a psycho with nuclear weapons and you need to deal with him ... somehow.

I have an idea - let's send him another psycho with nuclear weapons. What could possibly go wrong?
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