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Trump meets with Kim Kardashian to discuss prison reform

I'm glad Kim is using her influence as a celebrity to bring attention to this issue, however, I'm not sold she is that involved in the prison reform issue. Sounds like she saw a story, got connected to it, and went with it. And I'm pretty certain Trump wanted another celebrity to visit him.
If she can use her celebrity for something positive and help do something about your country's fucked up prison system, then great.
We'll never know for sure, because if there is one person who will never, ever leak a sex tape to the public it's Kim Kardashian.
Trump isn't going to pardon an older, poor black female who has been in prison for over 20 years for a non violent drug crime, but he's happy to pardon all kinds of white collar criminals and assholes who he can easily relate to. Some think he's trying to send a message to those who might turn on him and talk to Mueller. Tell a lie and I'll pardon you. Just don't talk about the things I've done.

He just pardoned another asshole yesterday, while he never said a word about the woman that Kim was trying to convince him to pardon.
Trump isn't going to pardon an older, poor black female who has been in prison for over 20 years for a non violent drug crime, but he's happy to pardon all kinds of white collar criminals and assholes who he can easily relate to. Some think he's trying to send a message to those who might turn on him and talk to Mueller. Tell a lie and I'll pardon you. Just don't talk about the things I've done.

He just pardoned another asshole yesterday, while he never said a word about the woman that Kim was trying to convince him to pardon.

Cheato is systematically pardoning people convicted of crimes of which he and his cabal are themselves guilty, and who were prosecuted by district attorneys or appeared before judges appointed by Obama (Bush will do in a pinch).
It's normally difficult to prove intent, but Cheato has already provided enough evidence to place his intent beyond any reasonable doubt.
Trump isn't going to pardon an older, poor black female who has been in prison for over 20 years for a non violent drug crime, but he's happy to pardon all kinds of white collar criminals and assholes who he can easily relate to. Some think he's trying to send a message to those who might turn on him and talk to Mueller. Tell a lie and I'll pardon you. Just don't talk about the things I've done.

He just pardoned another asshole yesterday, while he never said a word about the woman that Kim was trying to convince him to pardon.

I don't know, he may do it, not that I think it's because of any altruism on his part. He's more like a kid with a new toy that is enjoying trying it out. If he can get some press out of it, some adoration (especially from celebrities), money or power he will do it.
Trump pardons woman Kardashian wanted pardoned


article said:
President Donald Trump has commuted the sentence of Alice Marie Johnson, a first-time nonviolent drug offender, a week after Kim Kardashian West pleaded her case during an Oval Office meeting with Trump.

Johnson has already served 21 years of a life sentence after she was convicted on charges of conspiracy to possess cocaine and attempted possession of cocaine, according to the nonprofit Can-Do, which advocates for clemency for non-violent drug offenders.
It appears this woman was a victim of the system and has served a long time already.

So now we are wondering how many celebrities are lining up personal causes to bring to the White House.
It's weird that nobody's figured out before this that the best way to get Trump to do something is to have a Kardashian ask him for it.

In retrospect, it's the most obvious thing ever and your country could have avoided a whole lot of problems by getting her into the White House advocating for stuff earlier.
It's weird that nobody's figured out before this that the best way to get Trump to do something is to have a Kardashian ask him for it.
So, now's the time for Playboy Centerfolds to run for and take over Congress, in order to get something accomplished?

If nothing else, he probably won't mind as much if they all turn their backsides to him during a speech...
Trump isn't going to pardon an older, poor black female who has been in prison for over 20 years for a non violent drug crime, but he's happy to pardon all kinds of white collar criminals and assholes who he can easily relate to. Some think he's trying to send a message to those who might turn on him and talk to Mueller. Tell a lie and I'll pardon you. Just don't talk about the things I've done.

He just pardoned another asshole yesterday, while he never said a word about the woman that Kim was trying to convince him to pardon.

He's pardoned her:


Why did she get life? I was under the impression it was for smuggling coke and working with drug cartels, but I haven't looked into it deeply.
Trump isn't going to pardon an older, poor black female who has been in prison for over 20 years for a non violent drug crime, but he's happy to pardon all kinds of white collar criminals and assholes who he can easily relate to. Some think he's trying to send a message to those who might turn on him and talk to Mueller. Tell a lie and I'll pardon you. Just don't talk about the things I've done.

He just pardoned another asshole yesterday, while he never said a word about the woman that Kim was trying to convince him to pardon.

He's pardoned her:


Why did she get life? I was under the impression it was for smuggling coke and working with drug cartels, but I haven't looked into it deeply.
I'm not certain.
AP said:
The White House has announced that the President has pardoned Alice Marie Johnson. Johnson was sentenced to life after only her first conviction of drug smuggling and conspiracy. The White House statement indicated that Johnson had served over twenty years of her sentence and was a model prisoner.

In a hastily put together press conference, the prison warden introduced Johnson as the "one person who knew the pulse of the prison". Alice "Big Mama" Johnson, wearing a lot of elaborate and apparently authentic jewelry, stated that she was glad to hear she was pardoned and stated she had learned from her mistakes and she'd never "make the same mistakes again". She also noted that she didn't let this time in prison go to waste, instead took advantage of the opportunities provided to her such as "learning new skills, making connections, establishing distribution networks."

The warden stated "Big Mama's release would be as soon as a few formalities related the pardon were completed."
It really sounds odd to me.
Big Mama's life story sounds like a Tyler Perry movie.
It really sounds odd to me.
it's an important step in Trump's war on drugs.
Before we get to establishing the death penalty for drug dealers, we need to reinforce the fact that Trump can pardon people for shit. Remind those NO COLLUSION conspirators that they just have to not-finger Trump in their testimony and he'll take care of them.
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