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Trump proclaims May 1 as 'Loyalty Day'

Loyalty Day was a non-event, obscure and unknown by most. But under Trump it takes on a more sinister implication because his most ardent fans are fueled by hate. They're the weasely informant types, who, if given the power to rat out disloyal citizens, would do so in a heartbeat. They're the types who are so weak that they greatly desire a strongman to right the world for them. In other words, they're dangerous fucking goons who would take a loyalty oath for Trump.

I don't want to admit that I'm still in shock that so many Americans could be so authoritarian, but I am.

Most Americans of all nationalities are loyal, work hard or would like to work hard if unemployed but what you say could happen: i.e. North Korea etc which is an extreme.

I think it's a good idea for the US to promote this to include all Americans of different view.
Loyalty Day was a non-event, obscure and unknown by most. But under Trump it takes on a more sinister implication because his most ardent fans are fueled by hate. They're the weasely informant types, who, if given the power to rat out disloyal citizens, would do so in a heartbeat. They're the types who are so weak that they greatly desire a strongman to right the world for them. In other words, they're dangerous fucking goons who would take a loyalty oath for Trump.

I don't want to admit that I'm still in shock that so many Americans could be so authoritarian, but I am.

Most Americans of all nationalities are loyal, work hard or would like to work hard if unemployed but what you say could happen: i.e. North Korea etc which is an extreme.

I think it's a good idea for the US to promote this to include all Americans of different view.

What about the US, besides our families and friends which live here and if we were born somewhere else would be there, is worthy of being loyal to?

Aggressive immoral invasions? Constant threats of other people?

An unfair and insane economic system?

A thoroughly corrupted political system? Which means a corrupted criminal justice system.

What are we supposed to be loyal to?

Or is this just sick despicable politicians trying to exploit our natural loyalties to family and friends?
Most Americans of all nationalities are loyal, work hard or would like to work hard if unemployed but what you say could happen: i.e. North Korea etc which is an extreme.

I think it's a good idea for the US to promote this to include all Americans of different view.

What about the US, besides our families and friends which live here and if we were born somewhere else would be there, is worthy of being loyal to?

Aggressive immoral invasions? Constant threats of other people?

An unfair and insane economic system?

A thoroughly corrupted political system? Which means a corrupted criminal justice system.

What are we supposed to be loyal to?

Or is this just sick despicable politicians trying to exploit our natural loyalties to family and friends?

This is the problem. We cannot be loyal to genocide.

I think all politicians use the Loyalty card. Loyalty has to allow diversity of views. Humans are more technologically advanced than our chimp cousins, but hardly less barbaric when it comes to wiping out other tribes. Given another 2 million years of evolution perhaps we could be a little rational and even an equal society that works all the time.
I don't want to admit that I'm still in shock that so many Americans could be so authoritarian, but I am.

Me too. Not to Godwin the thread, but now I truly understand how Hitler's Germany happened.

This is not Germany.

And Trump is not Hitler. Hitler had plans and got things done.

Trump is over his head and clueless.

He can't even get a fucking wall built.
Me too. Not to Godwin the thread, but now I truly understand how Hitler's Germany happened.

This is not Germany.

And Trump is not Hitler. Hitler had plans and got things done.

Trump is over his head and clueless.

He can't even get a fucking wall built.

I absolutely agree that Trump is not Hitler. Trump is far too self-absorbed and hedonistic to ever be a Hitler.

But the authoritarian supporters that would be necessary for a Hitler / Ferdinand Marcos type to gain/retain power
So Trump didn't proclaim anything, just reminded people about an obscure and useless flag banner reminder.
Reading wiki on it. It seems Loyalty Day was invented as an attempt to shutdown Worker's day which US is responsible for in the first place.
Yup, the big business in the US was extremely forceful in trying to stop these things. It is how the Christian Right movement began (which is commonly mistaken as being a reaction to the Cold War).

- - - Updated - - -

Me too. Not to Godwin the thread, but now I truly understand how Hitler's Germany happened.

This is not Germany.

And Trump is not Hitler. Hitler had plans and got things done.

Trump is over his head and clueless.

He can't even get a fucking wall built.
Yeah, that is why I always refer to him as a Mussolini clone.
This is not Germany.

And Trump is not Hitler. Hitler had plans and got things done.

Trump is over his head and clueless.

He can't even get a fucking wall built.

I absolutely agree that Trump is not Hitler. Trump is far too self-absorbed and hedonistic to ever be a Hitler.

But the authoritarian supporters that would be necessary for a Hitler / Ferdinand Marcos type to gain/retain power

Exactly. Only Trump's sheer lack of awareness, ignorance, and defined purpose are preventing authoritarianism from truly taking hold in the U.S. We have a Congress who would go right along with it too. Governing isn't and hasn't been about the citizenry for the GOP since probably the 1970s. Nixon, for all his failings, at least had the good grace to resign from office when his wrongdoings finally caught up with him. He was derided by both parties and neither made excuses for him (in large part).

Today, Trump may be a compromised individual with respect to Russia. The GOP holds their own voters in contempt as is evident by their policies and actions. The outrages and shameless hypocrisy of the last 16 years are so numerous that listing them is pointless. It's been a coup in slow motion.

When we look to how authoritarianism has taken hold in the past, it's impossible not to look to 1930s Germany. As untermensche said, Trump is not Hitler and this is not Germany. However, to ignore the parallels is to potentially allow some new dictatorial regime to happen. If it isn't Trump, it could be the next guy. Our elections were tampered with, a minority have elected our representatives in the federal government, and the social and economic policies they would implement have been provably disastrous for all but a few.

I may be paranoid, but I think the current Republican party is all too capable of arresting opponents and silencing them. I believe that if they thought they could get away with it, they would.

Trump administration has looked into changing the First Amendment so that Trump can sue the media. That fuckface milquetoast whore Rance Priebus stated it.

It would take 38 states voting in the affirmative to amend the Constitution. We've all seen the election maps of the U.S.

If the First Amendment is altered, the rest of the Constitution is rendered utterly limp. So is this how the United States goes down?

Trump administration has looked into changing the First Amendment so that Trump can sue the media. That fuckface milquetoast whore Rance Priebus stated it.

It would take 38 states voting in the affirmative to amend the Constitution. We've all seen the election maps of the U.S.

If the First Amendment is altered, the rest of the Constitution is rendered utterly limp. So is this how the United States goes down?

It would take either a 2/3 vote by both houses of Congress or a 2/3 vote by a constitutional convention called by the state legislatures to get it to the ratifying stage. The latter has never happened and the former will never get by the Senate. A formal change in the Bill of Rights is something I'm not worried about. A government that simply ignores it is a more likely problem.
So, the proclamation starts out pretty good.

“The United States stands as the world's leader in upholding the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. Together, and with these fundamental concepts enshrined in our Constitution, our Nation perseveres in the face of those who would seek to harm it,"

Sounds to be like a call for more protests against Trump, since he is currently the greatest threat in the world to these principles.
"We humbly thank our brave service members and veterans who have worn our Nation's uniform from the American Revolution to the present day. Their unwavering loyalty and fidelity has made the world a safer, more free, and more just place. We are inspired by their pride in our country's principles, their devotion to our freedom, and their solemn pledge to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

The proclamation goes on to say that in order to express our country's loyalty to "individual liberties, to limited government, and to the inherent dignity of every human being," May 1 will be known as 'Loyalty Day.'

We have too many days honoring soldiers already and that's how all these things get implemented. We ought to keep this one as a worker day and we ought to make some other day for Peace and still another for Freedom not by military. Let's not forget how abolitionists and the suffrage movement also helped to shape freedom in the US.
Oh the irony. Didn't Trump just say something the other day about our government being archaic, about the judicial branch having too much power etc. Trump is the current domestic enemy that we need to protect ourselves from as he seems to want to ignore or change the constitution for his own benefit. So how about a loyalty day just for Trump? A day for Trump to start acting like a president who respects the constitution instead of a dictator wannabe who wants to destroy it?

Trump administration has looked into changing the First Amendment so that Trump can sue the media. That fuckface milquetoast whore Rance Priebus stated it.

It would take 38 states voting in the affirmative to amend the Constitution. We've all seen the election maps of the U.S.

If the First Amendment is altered, the rest of the Constitution is rendered utterly limp. So is this how the United States goes down?

It would take either a 2/3 vote by both houses of Congress or a 2/3 vote by a constitutional convention called by the state legislatures to get it to the ratifying stage. The latter has never happened and the former will never get by the Senate. A formal change in the Bill of Rights is something I'm not worried about. A government that simply ignores it is a more likely problem.

Yeah, they can have their goons on the Supreme Court declare the constitution says whatever they want it to so as to neuter the rights of the public. Look at how for a long time there were rights for black people (passed and put in the constitution after the civil war) on paper but the rights were simply ignored or the Supreme Court would "interpret" the constitution in such a way as to make the rights non-existent. Bertrand Russell was right when he said our Supreme Court and "judicial review" was a sham.
This is not Germany.

And Trump is not Hitler. Hitler had plans and got things done.

Trump is over his head and clueless.

He can't even get a fucking wall built.

I absolutely agree that Trump is not Hitler. Trump is far too self-absorbed and hedonistic to ever be a Hitler.

But the authoritarian supporters that would be necessary for a Hitler / Ferdinand Marcos type to gain/retain power

Yeah, the fact that Trump is so clearly incompetent at actually accomplishing anything beyond promoting authoritarian, bigoted, xenophobic, and nationalistic tendencies reflects all the worse on how much his supporters resonate with such sentiments even if they do nothing to improve their own situation.
I absolutely agree that Trump is not Hitler. Trump is far too self-absorbed and hedonistic to ever be a Hitler.

But the authoritarian supporters that would be necessary for a Hitler / Ferdinand Marcos type to gain/retain power

Yeah, the fact that Trump is so clearly incompetent at actually accomplishing anything beyond promoting authoritarian, bigoted, xenophobic, and nationalistic tendencies reflects all the worse on how much his supporters resonate with such sentiments even if they do nothing to improve their own situation.

Why should they try to improve their own situation?

a) Their situation is only bad because of immigrants and Democrats.
b) A huge orange turd promised them he'd fix it for them with no effort on their part.

All they have to do is keep voting for billionaire scumbags and all their problems will magically disappear.
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