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Trump proclaims May 1 as 'Loyalty Day'

I absolutely agree that Trump is not Hitler. Trump is far too self-absorbed and hedonistic to ever be a Hitler.

But the authoritarian supporters that would be necessary for a Hitler / Ferdinand Marcos type to gain/retain power

Yeah, the fact that Trump is so clearly incompetent at actually accomplishing anything beyond promoting authoritarian, bigoted, xenophobic, and nationalistic tendencies reflects all the worse on how much his supporters resonate with such sentiments even if they do nothing to improve their own situation.
The real problem is they'll defend any claim by him, regardless what it is. They don't care what he thinks, they just love his persona. He's the Stone Cold Steve Austin of politics, fandom wise (not strength wise, Trump is a wuss).

Trump administration has looked into changing the First Amendment so that Trump can sue the media. That fuckface milquetoast whore Rance Priebus stated it.

It would take 38 states voting in the affirmative to amend the Constitution. We've all seen the election maps of the U.S.

If the First Amendment is altered, the rest of the Constitution is rendered utterly limp. So is this how the United States goes down?

It would take either a 2/3 vote by both houses of Congress or a 2/3 vote by a constitutional convention called by the state legislatures to get it to the ratifying stage. The latter has never happened and the former will never get by the Senate. A formal change in the Bill of Rights is something I'm not worried about. A government that simply ignores it is a more likely problem.

Indeed. Any law - including any element of the constitution - is only as valuable as its level of enforcement. Sure, you could go the hard route and try to change the letter of the law by constitutional amendment, after persuading 290 Representatives, 67 Senators, and 38 State legislatures; But why bother when you can get the Supreme Court to uphold your preferred interpretation of the law by persuading (and/or appointing) just 5 Justices?

It doesn't matter what the Bill of Rights says; The law is based on what it means. And the arbiters of what it means are the Supreme Court.

When attacking the freedoms of the American people, only a fool would try to repeal the First Amendment, when he could just get SCOTUS to rule that it doesn't apply to the specific injustices that POTUS wants to inflict.

POTUS is toothless while both the Legislature and the Judiciary uphold the fundamental principles of the republic. But if he can get the full support of one or both, then all bets are off.

It wouldn't be unimaginable for a future SCOTUS, heavy with Trump appointees, to declare that 'freedom of the press' does not include the freedom to say things that are damaging to the nation (as personified by its glorious leader).


I mistyped POTUS as 'POUTS' at one point while drafting the above; And I think that it is an excellent acronym for the current President. :D
Yes, a few days after Loyalty day the Republicans show their loyalty to the nation by trying to take the health insurance from millions.
I am loyalty to the ideals of my country, not to the men and women who ruin it.

Trump needs to go away.
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