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Trump said the radical left should be handled by the national guard and, if necessary, the military

How quickly will Vance and the cabinet 25th amendment Trump and boot him out? It’s not like it’d be hard to make the case he’s mentally unfit it they chose to go all in.
That raises the question: how deeply psychotic would Trump's statements have to be, to trigger the 25th? He's telling his rally crowds this week that American kids come home from school having been put through gender reassignment surgery -- without the parents' consent. This is barking mad, but he's still their boy. (And he's already in diapers, remember.)
I can't think of many scenarios that would convince his base that he's lost it. Maybe if he came out on stage and said, "What the hell is wrong with this country? We've got to get back to the pre-Reagan marginal tax rates, folks. Otherwise we'll never climb out of debt. And we've got to reinstate all the sections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, because, as many people are saying, we need everyone to have a voice. And it's madness to sell combat weapons as collector's items, folks. Madness."
That, I think, would get him institutionalized.

The 25th Amendment was poorly conceived and written, probably because those who created it were so badly conflicted on what to do about a rogue president like Trump who could not control himself. It would require the cooperation of Vance and of Trump's handpicked cabinet, but Trump would easily be able to dispute, and possibly block it, from removing him. I can see the possibility of that happening, especially if the cabal to Silicon Valley billionaires backing Vance want to remove Trump in order to get Vance installed in his place. They are basically funding Trump's reelection campaign and legal expenses now, because they see him as a solid investment that can be reasonably managed by stroking his ego and appealing to his greed. However, if they feel their control slipping, they might look for a 25th Amendment solution that would install someone they trust better. Vance is Peter Thiel's creature, not Musk's, but these guys can put aside their past differences to ensure that their own fortunes are kept secure.

Elon Musk has given $75 million, so far, to put Donald Trump back in the White House

Opinion: Elon Musk and Peter Thiel backed Trump and Vance. What would their ticket do for tech?

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Trump's legal team could simply put together a portfolio of his "extreme" (code for delusional) notions from the past 8 years, and note that his party fully supported him as he made each and every extreme assertion -- Muslims rejoicing in Jersey City, Obama born in Kenya, Mexico pays for the wall, the undocumented = a crime wave, climate change = hoax, size of inauguration crowd, windmills cause cancer, raking stops forest fires, murderous skinheads = very fine people, covid will go away like a dream, phone call to Zelensky was perfect, phone call to Raffensperger was perfect, 1/6 rioters are unbelievable patriots, sex change operations during the school day, covfefe is a word..."Plaintiff represents to the Majority Leader and Speaker that, if he was mentally competent to serve subsequent to these statements, and fiercely celebrated as his party's standard bearer, what makes him a nutburger now?"
They wouldn't 25th Amendment him. They'd just let him be who he is, end voting, and that'll be that. Fundies in positions of power don't care who Trump is. It's not about consistency or upholding their interpretation of their holy book. Trump is their catalyst to install a religious theocracy or least as close as they can get to it, which is more possible than most people understand.

It takes only a relatively small portion of any population to effectively carry out authoritarian polices. History shows this time and time again.
They wouldn't 25th Amendment him. They'd just let him be who he is, end voting, and that'll be that.
by what mechanism would they “end voting”?
The usual method is not to end voting, but to instead permit only approved candidates on the ballot.

Once voting is thus rendered meaningless it will wither away on its own.
They wouldn't 25th Amendment him. They'd just let him be who he is, end voting, and that'll be that.
by what mechanism would they “end voting”?
The usual method is not to end voting, but to instead permit only approved candidates on the ballot.

Once voting is thus rendered meaningless it will wither away on its own.
sure, but how exactly would that be done? within the system that the US currently has, by what means would they exclude candidates. There's a lot of hypothetical talk about this, but the US still has a legal system that doesn't change quickly, so I am curious by what actual means this would happen.

If they wanted only Republican candidates to win all elections, how would they keep Democrats and members of other parties off the various State ballots?

If there's no real mechanism possible here, then all this talk is simply a scare tactic.
They wouldn't 25th Amendment him. They'd just let him be who he is, end voting, and that'll be that.
by what mechanism would they “end voting”?
Simply don't count the ballots.
And how would Trump convince all the state governments to not count the ballots?

If there are only stupid answers to this question then I’m not particularly worried about this coming to pass.
It's not that far fetched. There are a few scenarios. He can declare voter fraud. Say the radical leftists are plotting against him and send in the FBI to investigate and make arrests of election officials for supposed fraud. He could also invoke the insurrection act and quell any protests with the national guard or even the military. Create maximum confusion and uncertainty and claim indefinite "investigations". Every possible conspiracy theory he can spin up will be believed by at least 40% of the country, and that 40% will have control of all branches of government: the Supreme Court, the presidency, the senate (almost guaranteed republician majority or split with JD tie break), and high probability house goes to him as well.

MAGA diehards will embrace a dictator Trump with great ecstacy comparable to the second coming of Jesus, and willingly give up their life for him that would put a Hamas suicide bomber or a Jonestown koolaid drinker to shame. That is how committed the cult members are to him.
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They wouldn't 25th Amendment him. They'd just let him be who he is, end voting, and that'll be that.
by what mechanism would they “end voting”?
Simply don't count the ballots.
And how would Trump convince all the state governments to not count the ballots?

If there are only stupid answers to this question then I’m not particularly worried about this coming to pass.
It's not that far fetched. There are a few scenarios. He can declare voter fraud. Say the radical leftists are plotting against him and send in the FBI to investigate and make arrests of election officials for supposed fraud. He could also invoke the insurrection act and quell any protests with the national guard or even the military. Create maximum confusion and uncertainty and claim indefinite "investigations". Every possible conspiracy theory he can spin up will be believed by at least 40% of the country, and that 40% will have control of all branches of government: the Supreme Court, the presidency, the senate (almost guaranteed republician majority or split with JD tie break), and high probability house goes to him as well.
Or, he could employ the same tactic he tried with Georgia's Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, only this time with a credible threat of having the person in charge of a state's election arrested by the military police as a "dangerous Leftist" if s/he doesn't "find" the votes Trump wants included in the official tally. Granted, it's not convincing states to not count ballots at all, but it is a deliberate miscount with the same end result.

Once Trump has the power to take official actions as President, nothing is off limits for him.
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